/* EXP equation evaluation routines Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Brian Koropoff This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, US */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "QF/qtypes.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "exp.h" #include "ops.h" exp_error_t EXP_ERROR; char *exp_error_msg = 0; optable_t optable[] = { {"~", OP_BitInv, 1}, {"!", OP_Not, 1}, {"&", OP_BitAnd, 2}, {"|", OP_BitOr, 2}, {"^", OP_BitXor, 2}, {"**", OP_Exp, 2}, {"/", OP_Div, 2}, {"neg", OP_Negate, 1}, {"*", OP_Mult, 2}, {"+", OP_Add, 2}, {"-", OP_Sub, 2}, {"==", OP_Eq, 2}, {"!=", OP_Neq, 2}, {">=", OP_GreaterThanEqual, 2}, {">", OP_GreaterThan, 2}, {"<=", OP_LessThanEqual, 2}, {"<", OP_LessThan, 2}, {"||", OP_Or, 2}, {"or", OP_Or, 2}, {"&&", OP_And, 2}, {"and", OP_And, 2}, {"", 0, 0} }; functable_t functable[] = { {"sqrt", Func_Sqrt, 1}, {"abs", Func_Abs, 1}, {"sin", Func_Sin, 1}, {"cos", Func_Cos, 1}, {"tan", Func_Tan, 1}, {"asin", Func_Asin, 1}, {"acos", Func_Acos, 1}, {"atan", Func_Atan, 1}, {"rand", Func_Rand, 2}, {"trunc", Func_Trunc, 1}, {"", 0, 0} }; // Error handling static exp_error_t EXP_Error (exp_error_t err, const char *msg) { EXP_ERROR = err; if (exp_error_msg) free (exp_error_msg); exp_error_msg = strdup (msg); return err; } const char * EXP_GetErrorMsg (void) { return exp_error_msg; } static token * EXP_NewToken (void) { token *new; new = malloc (sizeof (token)); if (!new) return 0; new->generic.type = TOKEN_GENERIC; return new; } /* int EXP_FindIndexByFunc (opfunc func) { int i; for (i = 0; optable[i].func; i++) if (func == optable[i].func) return i; return -1; } */ static optable_t * EXP_FindOpByStr (const char *str) { size_t i, len; int fi; for (i = 0, len = 0, fi = -1; optable[i].func; i++) if (!strncmp (str, optable[i].str, strlen (optable[i].str)) && strlen (optable[i].str) > len) { len = strlen (optable[i].str); fi = i; } if (fi >= 0) return optable + fi; else return 0; } static functable_t * EXP_FindFuncByStr (const char *str) { size_t i, len; int fi; for (i = 0, len = 0, fi = -1; functable[i].func; i++) if (!strncmp (str, functable[i].str, strlen (functable[i].str)) && strlen (functable[i].str) > len) { len = strlen (functable[i].str); fi = i; } if (fi >= 0) return functable + fi; else return 0; } static int EXP_ContainsCommas (token * chain) { token *cur; int paren = 0; for (cur = chain; cur; cur = cur->generic.next) { if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN) paren++; if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_CPAREN) paren--; if (!paren) return 0; if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_COMMA) return 1; } return -1; // We should never get here } static int EXP_DoFunction (token * chain) { token *cur, *temp; double *oplist = 0; double value; unsigned int numops = 0; for (cur = chain->generic.next; cur; cur = temp) { if (cur->generic.type != TOKEN_CPAREN) temp = cur->generic.next; else temp = 0; if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM) { numops++; oplist = realloc (oplist, sizeof (double) * numops); oplist[numops - 1] = cur->num.value; } EXP_RemoveToken (cur); } if (numops == chain->func.func->operands) { value = chain->func.func->func (oplist, numops); // Heh chain->generic.type = TOKEN_NUM; chain->num.value = value; if (oplist) free (oplist); return 0; } else { if (oplist) free (oplist); return -1; } return -2; // We shouldn't get here } static int EXP_DoUnary (token * chain) { if (chain->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_OP) EXP_DoUnary (chain->generic.next); if (chain->generic.next->generic.type != TOKEN_NUM) return -1; // In theory, this should never happen chain->generic.next->num.value = chain->op.op->func (chain->generic.next->num.value, 0); EXP_RemoveToken (chain); return 0; } token * EXP_ParseString (char *str) { char buf[256]; token *chain, *new, *cur; size_t i, m; optable_t *op; functable_t *func; cur = chain = EXP_NewToken (); chain->generic.type = TOKEN_OPAREN; chain->generic.prev = 0; chain->generic.next = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen (str); i++) { m = 0; while (isspace ((byte) str[i])) i++; if (!str[i]) break; if (isdigit ((byte) str[i]) || str[i] == '.') { while ((isdigit ((byte) str[i]) // A number || str[i] == '.' // A decimal point || str[i] == 'e' // An exponent || ((str[i] == '-' || str[i] == '+') && str[i - 1] == 'e')) // A + or - after an exponent && i < strlen (str) // We are within the string && m < 256) // And there is space in the buffer buf[m++] = str[i++]; buf[m] = 0; new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_NUM; new->num.value = atof (buf); new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; cur = new; i--; } else if (str[i] == ',') { new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_COMMA; new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; cur = new; } else if (str[i] == '(') { new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_OPAREN; new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; cur = new; } else if (str[i] == ')') { new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_CPAREN; new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; cur = new; } else { while (!(isdigit ((byte) str[i])) && !isspace ((byte) str[i]) && str[i] != '.' && str[i] != '(' && str[i] != ')' && str[i] != ',' && m < 256) { buf[m++] = str[i++]; } buf[m] = 0; if (m) { if ((op = EXP_FindOpByStr (buf))) { i -= (m - strlen (op->str) + 1); new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_OP; new->op.op = op; new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; cur = new; } else if ((func = EXP_FindFuncByStr (buf))) { i -= (m - strlen (func->str) + 1); new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_FUNC; new->func.func = func; new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; cur = new; } else { EXP_DestroyTokens (chain); EXP_Error (EXP_E_INVOP, va ("Unknown operator or function '%s'.", buf)); return 0; } } } } new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_CPAREN; new->generic.prev = cur; new->generic.next = 0; cur->generic.next = new; return chain; } exp_error_t EXP_SimplifyTokens (token * chain) { exp_error_t res; int i; token *cur; token *temp; /* First, get rid of parentheses */ for (cur = chain->generic.next; cur->generic.type != TOKEN_CPAREN; cur = cur->generic.next) { if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN) { res = EXP_SimplifyTokens (cur); /* Call ourself to simplify parentheses content */ if (res) return res; if (cur->generic.prev->generic.type == TOKEN_FUNC) { // These are arguments to a function cur = cur->generic.prev; if (EXP_DoFunction (cur)) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, va ("Invalid number of arguments to function '%s'.", cur->func.func->str)); } else { if (EXP_ContainsCommas (cur)) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, "Comma used outside of a function argument list."); temp = cur; cur = cur->generic.next; EXP_RemoveToken (temp); /* Remove parentheses, leaving value behind */ EXP_RemoveToken (cur->generic.next); } } } /* Next, evaluate all operators in order of operations */ for (i = 0; optable[i].func; i++) { for (cur = chain->generic.next; cur->generic.type != TOKEN_CPAREN; cur = cur->generic.next) { if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OP && cur->op.op == optable + i && cur->generic.next) { // If a unary operator is in our way, it gets evaluated early if (cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_OP) if (EXP_DoUnary (cur->generic.next)) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, va ("Unary operator '%s' not followed by a unary operator or numerical value.", cur->generic.next->op.op->str)); if (optable[i].operands == 1 && cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM) { cur->generic.next->num.value = optable[i].func (cur->generic.next->num.value, 0); temp = cur; cur = cur->generic.next; EXP_RemoveToken (temp); } else if (cur->generic.prev->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM && cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM) { cur->generic.prev->num.value = optable[i].func (cur->generic.prev->num.value, cur->generic.next->num.value); temp = cur; cur = cur->generic.prev; EXP_RemoveToken (temp->generic.next); EXP_RemoveToken (temp); } } } } return EXP_E_NORMAL; } void EXP_RemoveToken (token * tok) { tok->generic.prev->generic.next = tok->generic.next; tok->generic.next->generic.prev = tok->generic.prev; free (tok); } void EXP_DestroyTokens (token * chain) { token *temp; for (; chain; chain = temp) { temp = chain->generic.next; free (chain); } } double EXP_Evaluate (char *str) { token *chain; double res; EXP_ERROR = EXP_E_NORMAL; if (!(chain = EXP_ParseString (str))) return 0; if (EXP_Validate (chain)) { EXP_DestroyTokens (chain); return 0; } if (EXP_SimplifyTokens (chain)) { EXP_DestroyTokens (chain); return 0; } res = chain->generic.next->num.value; EXP_DestroyTokens (chain); return res; } void EXP_InsertTokenAfter (token * spot, token * new) { spot->generic.next->generic.prev = new; new->generic.next = spot->generic.next; new->generic.prev = spot; spot->generic.next = new; } exp_error_t EXP_Validate (token * chain) { token *cur, *new; int paren = 0; for (cur = chain; cur->generic.next; cur = cur->generic.next) { if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN) paren++; if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_CPAREN) paren--; /* Implied multiplication */ if ((cur->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM && (cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN || // 5(1+1) cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_FUNC || // 5 sin (1+1) (cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_OP && cur->generic.next->op.op->operands == 1))) || // 5!(1+1) (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_CPAREN && (cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM || // (1+1)5 cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN))) // (1+1)(1+1) { new = EXP_NewToken (); new->generic.type = TOKEN_OP; new->op.op = EXP_FindOpByStr ("*"); EXP_InsertTokenAfter (cur, new); } else if ((cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OP || cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN) && cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_OP) { if (cur->generic.next->op.op->func == OP_Sub) /* Stupid hack for negation */ cur->generic.next->op.op = EXP_FindOpByStr ("neg"); else if (cur->generic.next->op.op->operands == 2) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, va ("Operator '%s' does not follow a number or numerical value.", cur->generic.next->op.op->str)); } else if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_FUNC && cur->generic.next->generic.type != TOKEN_OPAREN) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, va ("Function '%s' called without an argument list.", cur->func.func->str)); else if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_COMMA && ((cur->generic.prev->generic.type != TOKEN_CPAREN && cur->generic.prev->generic.type != TOKEN_NUM) || paren <= 1)) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, "Comma used outside of a function or after a non-number."); else if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OP && cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_CPAREN) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, va ("Operator '%s' is missing an operand.", cur->op.op->str)); else if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM && cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_NUM) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_SYNTAX, "Double number error (two numbers next two each other without an operator)."); else if (cur->generic.type == TOKEN_OPAREN && cur->generic.next->generic.type == TOKEN_CPAREN) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_PAREN, "Empty parentheses found."); } paren--; if (paren) return EXP_Error (EXP_E_PAREN, "Parenthesis mismatch."); return 0; } void EXP_PrintTokens (token * chain) { for (; chain; chain = chain->generic.next) switch (chain->generic.type) { case TOKEN_OPAREN: printf ("("); break; case TOKEN_CPAREN: printf (")"); break; case TOKEN_COMMA: printf (","); break; case TOKEN_NUM: printf ("%f", chain->num.value); break; case TOKEN_OP: printf ("%s", chain->op.op->str); break; case TOKEN_FUNC: printf ("%s", chain->func.func->str); break; case TOKEN_GENERIC: break; } printf ("\n"); }