/* sv_phys.c @description@ Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "host.h" #include "server.h" #include "sv_progs.h" #include "world.h" #define sv_frametime host_frametime // CLIENT MOVEMENT ============================================================ /* SV_CheckStuck This is a big hack to try and fix the rare case of getting stuck in the world clipping hull. */ static void SV_CheckStuck (edict_t *ent) { int i, j, z; vec3_t org; if (!SV_TestEntityPosition (ent)) { VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, origin), SVvector (ent, oldorigin)); return; } VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, origin), org); VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, oldorigin), SVvector (ent, origin)); if (!SV_TestEntityPosition (ent)) { Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_DEV, "Unstuck.\n"); SV_LinkEdict (ent, true); return; } for (z = 0; z < 18; z++) for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) { SVvector (ent, origin)[0] = org[0] + i; SVvector (ent, origin)[1] = org[1] + j; SVvector (ent, origin)[2] = org[2] + z; if (!SV_TestEntityPosition (ent)) { Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_DEV, "Unstuck.\n"); SV_LinkEdict (ent, true); return; } } VectorCopy (org, SVvector (ent, origin)); Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_DEV, "player is stuck.\n"); } static qboolean SV_CheckWater (edict_t *ent) { int cont; vec3_t point; point[0] = SVvector (ent, origin)[0]; point[1] = SVvector (ent, origin)[1]; point[2] = SVvector (ent, origin)[2] + SVvector (ent, mins)[2] + 1; SVfloat (ent, waterlevel) = 0; SVfloat (ent, watertype) = CONTENTS_EMPTY; cont = SV_PointContents (point); if (cont <= CONTENTS_WATER) { SVfloat (ent, watertype) = cont; SVfloat (ent, waterlevel) = 1; point[2] = SVvector (ent, origin)[2] + (SVvector (ent, mins)[2] + SVvector (ent, maxs)[2]) * 0.5; cont = SV_PointContents (point); if (cont <= CONTENTS_WATER) { SVfloat (ent, waterlevel) = 2; point[2] = SVvector (ent, origin)[2] + SVvector (ent, view_ofs)[2]; cont = SV_PointContents (point); if (cont <= CONTENTS_WATER) SVfloat (ent, waterlevel) = 3; } } return SVfloat (ent, waterlevel) > 1; } static void SV_WallFriction (edict_t *ent, trace_t *trace) { float d, i; vec3_t forward, right, up, into, side; AngleVectors (SVvector (ent, v_angle), forward, right, up); d = DotProduct (trace->plane.normal, forward); d += 0.5; if (d >= 0) return; // cut the tangential velocity i = DotProduct (trace->plane.normal, SVvector (ent, velocity)); VectorScale (trace->plane.normal, i, into); VectorSubtract (SVvector (ent, velocity), into, side); SVvector (ent, velocity)[0] = side[0] * (1 + d); SVvector (ent, velocity)[1] = side[1] * (1 + d); } /* SV_TryUnstick Player has come to a dead stop, possibly due to the problem with limited float precision at some angle joins in the BSP hull. Try fixing by pushing one pixel in each direction. This is a hack, but in the interest of good gameplay... */ static int SV_TryUnstick (edict_t *ent, vec3_t oldvel) { int i, clip; vec3_t dir, oldorg; trace_t steptrace; VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, origin), oldorg); VectorZero (dir); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // try pushing a little in an axial direction switch (i) { case 0: dir[0] = 2; dir[1] = 0; break; case 1: dir[0] = 0; dir[1] = 2; break; case 2: dir[0] = -2; dir[1] = 0; break; case 3: dir[0] = 0; dir[1] = -2; break; case 4: dir[0] = 2; dir[1] = 2; break; case 5: dir[0] = -2; dir[1] = 2; break; case 6: dir[0] = 2; dir[1] = -2; break; case 7: dir[0] = -2; dir[1] = -2; break; } SV_PushEntity (ent, dir); // retry the original move SVvector (ent, velocity)[0] = oldvel[0]; SVvector (ent, velocity)[1] = oldvel[1]; SVvector (ent, velocity)[2] = 0; clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, 0.1, &steptrace); if (fabs (oldorg[1] - SVvector (ent, origin)[1]) > 4 || fabs (oldorg[0] - SVvector (ent, origin)[0]) > 4) { // Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_DEV, "unstuck!\n"); return clip; } // go back to the original pos and try again VectorCopy (oldorg, SVvector (ent, origin)); } VectorZero (SVvector (ent, velocity)); return 7; // still not moving } #define STEPSIZE 18 /* SV_WalkMove Used by only players */ static void SV_WalkMove (edict_t *ent) { int clip, oldonground; vec3_t upmove, downmove, nosteporg, nostepvel, oldorg, oldvel; trace_t steptrace, downtrace; // do a regular slide move unless it looks like you ran into a step oldonground = (int) SVfloat (ent, flags) & FL_ONGROUND; SVfloat (ent, flags) = (int) SVfloat (ent, flags) & ~FL_ONGROUND; VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, origin), oldorg); VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, velocity), oldvel); clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, sv_frametime, &steptrace); if (!(clip & 2)) return; // move didn't block on a step if (!oldonground && SVfloat (ent, waterlevel) == 0) return; // don't stair up while jumping if (SVfloat (ent, movetype) != MOVETYPE_WALK) return; // gibbed by a trigger if (sv_nostep->int_val) return; if ((int) SVfloat (sv_player, flags) & FL_WATERJUMP) return; VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, origin), nosteporg); VectorCopy (SVvector (ent, velocity), nostepvel); // try moving up and forward to go up a step VectorCopy (oldorg, SVvector (ent, origin)); // back to start pos VectorZero (upmove); VectorZero (downmove); upmove[2] = STEPSIZE; downmove[2] = -STEPSIZE + oldvel[2] * sv_frametime; // move up SV_PushEntity (ent, upmove); // FIXME: don't link? // move forward SVvector (ent, velocity)[0] = oldvel[0]; SVvector (ent, velocity)[1] = oldvel[1]; SVvector (ent, velocity)[2] = 0; clip = SV_FlyMove (ent, sv_frametime, &steptrace); // check for stuckness, possibly due to the limited precision of floats // in the clipping hulls if (clip) { if (fabs (oldorg[1] - SVvector (ent, origin)[1]) < 0.03125 && fabs (oldorg[0] - SVvector (ent, origin)[0]) < 0.03125) { // stepping up didn't make any progress clip = SV_TryUnstick (ent, oldvel); } } // extra friction based on view angle if (clip & 2) SV_WallFriction (ent, &steptrace); // move down downtrace = SV_PushEntity (ent, downmove); // FIXME: don't link? if (downtrace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7) { if (SVfloat (ent, solid) == SOLID_BSP) { SVfloat (ent, flags) = (int) SVfloat (ent, flags) | FL_ONGROUND; SVfloat (ent, groundentity) = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, downtrace.ent); } } else { // if the push down didn't end up on good ground, use the move without // the step up. This happens near wall / slope combinations, and can // cause the player to hop up higher on a slope too steep to climb VectorCopy (nosteporg, SVvector (ent, origin)); VectorCopy (nostepvel, SVvector (ent, velocity)); } } /* SV_Physics_Client Player character actions */ void SV_Physics_Client (edict_t *ent, int num) { if (!svs.clients[num - 1].active) return; // unconnected slot // call standard client pre-think *sv_globals.time = sv.time; *sv_globals.self = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, ent); PR_ExecuteProgram (&sv_pr_state, sv_funcs.PlayerPreThink); // do a move SV_CheckVelocity (ent); // decide which move function to call switch ((int) SVfloat (ent, movetype)) { case MOVETYPE_NONE: if (!SV_RunThink (ent)) return; break; case MOVETYPE_WALK: if (!SV_RunThink (ent)) return; if (!SV_CheckWater (ent) && !((int) SVfloat (ent, flags) & FL_WATERJUMP)) SV_AddGravity (ent); SV_CheckStuck (ent); SV_WalkMove (ent); break; case MOVETYPE_TOSS: case MOVETYPE_BOUNCE: SV_Physics_Toss (ent); break; case MOVETYPE_FLY: if (!SV_RunThink (ent)) return; SV_FlyMove (ent, sv_frametime, NULL); break; case MOVETYPE_NOCLIP: if (!SV_RunThink (ent)) return; VectorMultAdd (SVvector (ent, origin), sv_frametime, SVvector (ent, velocity), SVvector (ent, origin)); break; default: Sys_Error ("SV_Physics_client: bad movetype %i", (int) SVfloat (ent, movetype)); } SV_LinkEdict (ent, true); // call standard player post-think *sv_globals.time = sv.time; *sv_globals.self = EDICT_TO_PROG (&sv_pr_state, ent); PR_ExecuteProgram (&sv_pr_state, sv_funcs.PlayerPostThink); }