

	Copyright (C) 1996-1997  Id Software, Inc.

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

	See the GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to:

		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

static const char rcsid[] = 

# include "config.h"

#include "winquake.h"
#include <wsipx.h>

#include "QF/console.h"
#include "QF/cvar.h"
#include "QF/qargs.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"

#include "game.h"
#include "net_wins.h"
#include "net_wipx.h"


static int  net_acceptsocket = -1;		// socket for fielding new

										// connections
static int  net_controlsocket;
static struct qsockaddr broadcastaddr;

#define IPXSOCKETS 18
static int  ipxsocket[IPXSOCKETS];
static int  sequence[IPXSOCKETS];


WIPX_Init (void)
	int         i;
	char        buff[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
	struct qsockaddr addr;
	char       *p;
	int         r;
	WORD        wVersionRequested;

	if (COM_CheckParm ("-noipx"))
		return -1;

// make sure LoadLibrary has happened successfully
	if (!winsock_lib_initialized)
		return -1;

	if (winsock_initialized == 0) {
		wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD (1, 1);

		r = pWSAStartup (MAKEWORD (1, 1), &winsockdata);

		if (r) {
			Con_Printf ("Winsock initialization failed.\n");
			return -1;

	for (i = 0; i < IPXSOCKETS; i++)
		ipxsocket[i] = 0;

	// determine my name & address
	if (pgethostname (buff, MAXHOSTNAMELEN) == 0) {
		// if the quake hostname isn't set, set it to the machine name
		if (strcmp (hostname->string, "UNNAMED") == 0) {
			// see if it's a text IP address (well, close enough)
			for (p = buff; *p; p++)
				if ((*p < '0' || *p > '9') && *p != '.')

			// if it is a real name, strip off the domain; we only want the
			// host
			if (*p) {
				for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
					if (buff[i] == '.')
				buff[i] = 0;
			Cvar_Set (hostname, buff);

	if ((net_controlsocket = WIPX_OpenSocket (0)) == -1) {
		Con_Printf ("WIPX_Init: Unable to open control socket\n");
		if (--winsock_initialized == 0)
			pWSACleanup ();
		return -1;

	((struct sockaddr_ipx *) &broadcastaddr)->sa_family = AF_IPX;
	memset (((struct sockaddr_ipx *) &broadcastaddr)->sa_netnum, 0, 4);
	memset (((struct sockaddr_ipx *) &broadcastaddr)->sa_nodenum, 0xff, 6);

	((struct sockaddr_ipx *) &broadcastaddr)->sa_socket =
		htons ((unsigned short) net_hostport);

	WIPX_GetSocketAddr (net_controlsocket, &addr);
	strcpy (my_ipx_address, WIPX_AddrToString (&addr));
	p = strrchr (my_ipx_address, ':');
	if (p)
		*p = 0;

	Con_Printf ("Winsock IPX Initialized\n");
	ipxAvailable = true;

	return net_controlsocket;


WIPX_Shutdown (void)
	WIPX_Listen (false);
	WIPX_CloseSocket (net_controlsocket);
	if (--winsock_initialized == 0)
		pWSACleanup ();


WIPX_Listen (qboolean state)
	// enable listening
	if (state) {
		if (net_acceptsocket != -1)
		if ((net_acceptsocket = WIPX_OpenSocket (net_hostport)) == -1)
			Sys_Error ("WIPX_Listen: Unable to open accept socket");
	// disable listening
	if (net_acceptsocket == -1)
	WIPX_CloseSocket (net_acceptsocket);
	net_acceptsocket = -1;


WIPX_OpenSocket (int port)
	int         handle;
	int         newsocket;
	struct sockaddr_ipx address;
	u_long      _true = 1;

	for (handle = 0; handle < IPXSOCKETS; handle++)
		if (ipxsocket[handle] == 0)
	if (handle == IPXSOCKETS)
		return -1;

	if ((newsocket = psocket (AF_IPX, SOCK_DGRAM, NSPROTO_IPX)) ==
		INVALID_SOCKET) return -1;

	if (pioctlsocket (newsocket, FIONBIO, &_true) == -1)
		goto ErrorReturn;

	if (psetsockopt
		(newsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *) &_true,
		 sizeof (_true)) < 0) goto ErrorReturn;

	address.sa_family = AF_IPX;
	memset (address.sa_netnum, 0, 4);
	memset (address.sa_nodenum, 0, 6);;
	address.sa_socket = htons ((unsigned short) port);
	if (bind (newsocket, (void *) &address, sizeof (address)) == 0) {
		ipxsocket[handle] = newsocket;
		sequence[handle] = 0;
		return handle;

	Sys_Error ("Winsock IPX bind failed");
	pclosesocket (newsocket);
	return -1;


WIPX_CloseSocket (int handle)
	int         socket = ipxsocket[handle];
	int         ret;

	ret = pclosesocket (socket);
	ipxsocket[handle] = 0;
	return ret;


WIPX_Connect (int handle, struct qsockaddr *addr)
	return 0;


WIPX_CheckNewConnections (void)
	unsigned long available;

	if (net_acceptsocket == -1)
		return -1;

	if (pioctlsocket (ipxsocket[net_acceptsocket], FIONREAD, &available) == -1)
		Sys_Error ("WIPX: ioctlsocket (FIONREAD) failed");
	if (available)
		return net_acceptsocket;
	return -1;


static byte packetBuffer[NET_DATAGRAMSIZE + 4];

WIPX_Read (int handle, byte * buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr)
	int         addrlen = sizeof (struct qsockaddr);
	int         socket = ipxsocket[handle];
	int         ret;

	ret =
		precvfrom (socket, packetBuffer, len + 4, 0, (struct sockaddr *) addr,
	if (ret == -1) {
		int         errno = pWSAGetLastError ();

		if (errno == WSAEWOULDBLOCK || errno == WSAECONNREFUSED)
			return 0;


	if (ret < 4)
		return 0;

	// remove sequence number, it's only needed for DOS IPX
	ret -= 4;
	memcpy (buf, packetBuffer + 4, ret);

	return ret;


WIPX_Broadcast (int handle, byte * buf, int len)
	return WIPX_Write (handle, buf, len, &broadcastaddr);


WIPX_Write (int handle, byte * buf, int len, struct qsockaddr *addr)
	int         socket = ipxsocket[handle];
	int         ret;

	// build packet with sequence number
	*(int *) (&packetBuffer[0]) = sequence[handle];
	memcpy (&packetBuffer[4], buf, len);
	len += 4;

	ret =
		psendto (socket, packetBuffer, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) addr,

				 sizeof (struct qsockaddr));
	if (ret == -1)
		if (pWSAGetLastError () == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
			return 0;

	return ret;


char       *
WIPX_AddrToString (struct qsockaddr *addr)
	static char buf[28];

	snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%02x%02x%02x%02x:%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x:%u",
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_netnum[0] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_netnum[1] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_netnum[2] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_netnum[3] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_nodenum[0] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_nodenum[1] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_nodenum[2] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_nodenum[3] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_nodenum[4] & 0xff,
			  ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_nodenum[5] & 0xff,
			  ntohs (((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_socket)
	return buf;


WIPX_StringToAddr (char *string, struct qsockaddr *addr)
	int         val;
	char        buf[3];

	buf[2] = 0;
	memset (addr, 0, sizeof (struct qsockaddr));

	addr->sa_family = AF_IPX;

#define DO(src,dest)	\
	buf[0] = string[src];	\
	buf[1] = string[src + 1];	\
	if (sscanf (buf, "%x", &val) != 1)	\
		return -1;	\
	((struct sockaddr_ipx *)addr)->dest = val

	DO (0, sa_netnum[0]);
	DO (2, sa_netnum[1]);
	DO (4, sa_netnum[2]);
	DO (6, sa_netnum[3]);
	DO (9, sa_nodenum[0]);
	DO (11, sa_nodenum[1]);
	DO (13, sa_nodenum[2]);
	DO (15, sa_nodenum[3]);
	DO (17, sa_nodenum[4]);
	DO (19, sa_nodenum[5]);
#undef DO

	sscanf (&string[22], "%u", &val);
	((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_socket = htons ((unsigned short) val);

	return 0;


WIPX_GetSocketAddr (int handle, struct qsockaddr *addr)
	int         socket = ipxsocket[handle];
	int         addrlen = sizeof (struct qsockaddr);
	unsigned int a;

	memset (addr, 0, sizeof (struct qsockaddr));

	if (pgetsockname (socket, (struct sockaddr *) addr, &addrlen) != 0) {
		int         errno = pWSAGetLastError ();

	return 0;


WIPX_GetNameFromAddr (struct qsockaddr *addr, char *name)
	strcpy (name, WIPX_AddrToString (addr));
	return 0;


WIPX_GetAddrFromName (char *name, struct qsockaddr *addr)
	int         n;
	char        buf[32];

	n = strlen (name);

	if (n == 12) {
		snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "00000000:%s:%u", name, net_hostport);
		return WIPX_StringToAddr (buf, addr);
	if (n == 21) {
		snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s:%u", name, net_hostport);
		return WIPX_StringToAddr (buf, addr);
	if (n > 21 && n <= 27)
		return WIPX_StringToAddr (name, addr);

	return -1;


WIPX_AddrCompare (struct qsockaddr *addr1, struct qsockaddr *addr2)
	if (addr1->sa_family != addr2->sa_family)
		return -1;

	if (*((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr1)->sa_netnum
		&& *((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr2)->sa_netnum)
		if (memcmp
			(((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr1)->sa_netnum,
			 ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr2)->sa_netnum, 4) != 0)
			return -1;
	if (memcmp
		(((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr1)->sa_nodenum,
		 ((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr2)->sa_nodenum, 6) != 0)
		return -1;

	if (((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr1)->sa_socket !=
		((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr2)->sa_socket)
		return 1;

	return 0;


WIPX_GetSocketPort (struct qsockaddr *addr)
	return ntohs (((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_socket);

WIPX_SetSocketPort (struct qsockaddr *addr, int port)
	((struct sockaddr_ipx *) addr)->sa_socket = htons ((unsigned short) port);
	return 0;
