attribute vec4 last, current, next; attribute vec3 barycentric; attribute float texoff; uniform mat4 proj, view; uniform vec2 viewport; uniform float width; varying vec2 texcoord; varying vec3 vBC; vec4 transform (vec3 coord) { return proj * view * vec4 (coord, 1.0); } vec2 project (vec4 coord) { vec3 device = / coord.w; vec2 clip = (device * 0.5 + 0.5).xy; return clip * viewport; } vec4 unproject (vec2 screen, float z, float w) { vec2 clip = screen / viewport; vec2 device = clip * 2.0 - 1.0; return vec4 (device * w, z, w); } float estimateScale (vec3 position, vec2 sPosition) { vec4 view_pos = view * vec4 (position, 1.0); vec4 scale_pos = view_pos - vec4 (normalize (view_pos.xy) * width, 0.0, 0.0); vec2 screen_scale_pos = project (proj * scale_pos); return distance (sPosition, screen_scale_pos); } void main (void) { vec2 sLast = project (transform (; vec2 sNext = project (transform (; vec4 dCurrent = transform (; vec2 sCurrent = project (dCurrent); float off = current.w; texcoord = vec2 (texoff * 0.7, off * 0.5 + 0.5); vBC = barycentric; // FIXME either n1 or n2 could be zero vec2 n1 = normalize (sLast - sCurrent); vec2 n2 = normalize (sCurrent - sNext); // FIXME if n1 == -n2, the vector will be zero vec2 n = normalize (n1 + n2); // rotate the normal by 90 degrees and scale by the desired width vec2 dir = vec2 (n.y, -n.x) * off; float scale = estimateScale (, sCurrent); vec2 pos = sCurrent + dir * scale; gl_Position = unproject (pos, dCurrent.z, dCurrent.w); }