/* method.c QC method support code Copyright (C) 2002 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org> Date: 2002/5/7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include <string.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include <strings.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/pr_obj.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "qfcc.h" #include "expr.h" #include "class.h" #include "def.h" #include "defspace.h" #include "diagnostic.h" #include "emit.h" #include "method.h" #include "options.h" #include "reloc.h" #include "strpool.h" #include "struct.h" #include "symtab.h" #include "type.h" #include "value.h" static hashtab_t *known_methods; static const char * method_get_key (void *meth, void *unused) { return ((method_t *) meth)->name; } static void method_free (void *_meth, void *unused) { method_t *meth = (method_t *) meth; free (meth->name); free (meth->types); free (meth); } method_t * new_method (type_t *ret_type, param_t *selector, param_t *opt_params) { method_t *meth = malloc (sizeof (method_t)); param_t *cmd = new_param (0, &type_SEL, "_cmd"); param_t *self = new_param (0, &type_id, "self"); dstring_t *name = dstring_newstr (); dstring_t *types = dstring_newstr (); opt_params = reverse_params (opt_params); selector = _reverse_params (selector, opt_params); cmd->next = selector; self->next = cmd; meth->next = 0; meth->func = 0; meth->instance = 0; meth->selector = selector; meth->params = self; meth->type = parse_params (ret_type, meth->params); meth->type = find_type (meth->type); selector_name (name, (keywordarg_t *)selector); method_types (types, meth); meth->name = name->str; meth->types = types->str; free (name); free (types); //print_type (meth->type); puts (""); meth->def = 0; if (!known_methods) known_methods = Hash_NewTable (1021, method_get_key, method_free, 0); Hash_Add (known_methods, meth); return meth; } const char * method_name (method_t *method) { return nva ("%c%s", method->instance ? '-' : '+', method->name); } method_t * copy_method (method_t *method) { method_t *meth = calloc (sizeof (method_t), 1); param_t *self = copy_params (method->params); meth->next = 0; meth->instance = method->instance; meth->selector = self->next->next; meth->params = self; meth->type = method->type; meth->name = method->name; meth->types = method->types; return meth; } void add_method (methodlist_t *methodlist, method_t *method) { if (method->next) { error (0, "add_method: method loop detected"); abort (); } *methodlist->tail = method; methodlist->tail = &method->next; } symbol_t * method_symbol (class_type_t *class_type, method_t *method) { dstring_t *str = dstring_newstr (); symbol_t *sym; char *s; const char *class_name; class_name = get_class_name (class_type, 0); dsprintf (str, "_%c_%s_%s", method->instance ? 'i' : 'c', class_name, method->name); for (s = str->str; *s; s++) if (*s == ':') *s = '_'; //printf ("%s %s %s %ld\n", method->name, method->types, str->str, // str->size); sym = new_symbol_type (str->str, method->type); sym = function_symbol (sym, 0, 1); sym->params = method->params; dstring_delete (str); return sym; } void method_set_param_names (method_t *dst, method_t *src) { param_t *dp, *sp; for (dp = dst->params, sp = src->params; dp && sp; dp = dp->next, sp = sp->next) { dp->name = sp->name; } if (dp || sp) { error (0, "internal compiler error: missmatched method params"); abort (); } } methodlist_t * new_methodlist (void) { methodlist_t *l = malloc (sizeof (methodlist_t)); l->head = 0; l->tail = &l->head; return l; } void copy_methods (methodlist_t *dst, methodlist_t *src) { method_t *s, *d; for (s = src->head; s; s = s->next) { d = malloc (sizeof (method_t)); *d = *s; d->next = 0; add_method (dst, d); } } int method_compare (method_t *m1, method_t *m2) { if (m1->instance != m2->instance) return 0; return strcmp (m1->name, m2->name) == 0 && m1->type == m2->type; } keywordarg_t * new_keywordarg (const char *selector, struct expr_s *expr) { keywordarg_t *k = malloc (sizeof (keywordarg_t)); k->next = 0; k->selector = selector; k->expr = expr; return k; } keywordarg_t * copy_keywordargs (const keywordarg_t *kwargs) { keywordarg_t *n_kwargs = 0, **kw = &n_kwargs; while (kwargs) { *kw = new_keywordarg (kwargs->selector, kwargs->expr); kwargs = kwargs->next; kw = &(*kw)->next; } return n_kwargs; } expr_t * send_message (int super) { symbol_t *sym; const char *sm_name = "obj_msgSend"; type_t *sm_type = &type_IMP; if (super) { sm_name = "obj_msgSend_super"; sm_type = &type_supermsg; } sym = symtab_lookup (pr.symtab, sm_name); if (!sym) { symtab_t *save = current_symtab; current_symtab = pr.symtab; sym = new_symbol_type (sm_name, sm_type); sym = function_symbol (sym, 0, 1); make_function (sym, 0, sym->table->space, st_extern); current_symtab = save; } return new_symbol_expr (sym); } method_t * find_method (const char *sel_name) { if (!known_methods) return 0; return Hash_Find (known_methods, sel_name); } void selector_name (dstring_t *sel_id, keywordarg_t *selector) { dstring_clearstr (sel_id); while (selector && selector->selector) { dstring_appendstr (sel_id, selector->selector); if (selector->expr) dstring_appendstr (sel_id, ":"); selector = selector->next; } } void method_types (dstring_t *sel_types, method_t *method) { dstring_clearstr (sel_types); encode_type (sel_types, method->type); } static hashtab_t *sel_hash; static hashtab_t *sel_index_hash; static int sel_index; static uintptr_t sel_get_hash (void *_sel, void *unused) { selector_t *sel = (selector_t *) _sel; uintptr_t hash; hash = Hash_String (sel->name); return hash; } static int sel_compare (void *_s1, void *_s2, void *unused) { selector_t *s1 = (selector_t *) _s1; selector_t *s2 = (selector_t *) _s2; int cmp; cmp = strcmp (s1->name, s2->name) == 0; return cmp; } static uintptr_t sel_index_get_hash (void *_sel, void *unused) { selector_t *sel = (selector_t *) _sel; return sel->index; } static int sel_index_compare (void *_s1, void *_s2, void *unused) { selector_t *s1 = (selector_t *) _s1; selector_t *s2 = (selector_t *) _s2; return s1->index == s2->index; } int selector_index (const char *sel_id) { selector_t _sel = {save_string (sel_id), 0, 0}; selector_t *sel = &_sel; if (!sel_hash) { sel_hash = Hash_NewTable (1021, 0, 0, 0); Hash_SetHashCompare (sel_hash, sel_get_hash, sel_compare); sel_index_hash = Hash_NewTable (1021, 0, 0, 0); Hash_SetHashCompare (sel_index_hash, sel_index_get_hash, sel_index_compare); } sel = Hash_FindElement (sel_hash, sel); if (sel) return sel->index; sel = malloc (sizeof (selector_t)); sel->name = _sel.name; sel->types = _sel.types; sel->index = sel_index++; Hash_AddElement (sel_hash, sel); Hash_AddElement (sel_index_hash, sel); return sel->index; } selector_t * get_selector (expr_t *sel) { selector_t _sel = {0, 0, 0}; if (sel->type != ex_expr && sel->e.expr.op != '&' && sel->e.expr.type != &type_SEL) { error (sel, "not a selector"); return 0; } _sel.index = expr_short (sel->e.expr.e2); _sel.index /= type_size (type_SEL.t.fldptr.type); return (selector_t *) Hash_FindElement (sel_index_hash, &_sel); } def_t * emit_selectors (void) { symbol_t *sel_sym; def_t *sel_def; type_t *sel_type; pr_sel_t *sel; selector_t **selectors, **s; if (!sel_index) return 0; sel_type = array_type (type_SEL.t.fldptr.type, sel_index); sel_sym = make_symbol ("_OBJ_SELECTOR_TABLE", sel_type, pr.far_data, st_static); if (!sel_sym->table) symtab_addsymbol (pr.symtab, sel_sym); sel_def = sel_sym->s.def; sel_def->initialized = sel_def->constant = 1; sel_def->nosave = 1; sel = D_POINTER (pr_sel_t, sel_def); selectors = (selector_t **) Hash_GetList (sel_hash); for (s = selectors; *s; s++) { EMIT_STRING (sel_def->space, sel[(*s)->index].sel_id, (*s)->name); EMIT_STRING (sel_def->space, sel[(*s)->index].sel_types, (*s)->types); } free (selectors); return sel_def; } static void emit_methods_next (def_t *def, void *data, int index) { if (def->type != &type_pointer) internal_error (0, "%s: expected pointer def", __FUNCTION__); D_INT (def) = 0; } static void emit_methods_count (def_t *def, void *data, int index) { methodlist_t *methods = (methodlist_t *) data; if (def->type != &type_integer) internal_error (0, "%s: expected integer def", __FUNCTION__); D_INT (def) = methods->count; } static void emit_methods_list_item (def_t *def, void *data, int index) { methodlist_t *methods = (methodlist_t *) data; method_t *m; pr_method_t *meth; if (!is_array (def->type) || def->type->t.array.type != &type_Method) internal_error (0, "%s: expected array of method def", __FUNCTION__); if (index < 0 || index >= methods->count) internal_error (0, "%s: out of bounds index: %d %d", __FUNCTION__, index, methods->count); meth = D_POINTER (pr_method_t, def); for (m = methods->head; m; m = m->next) { if (!m->instance != !methods->instance || !m->def) continue; if (!index--) break; } EMIT_STRING (def->space, meth->method_name, m->name); EMIT_STRING (def->space, meth->method_types, m->types); meth->method_imp = D_FUNCTION (m->def); if (m->func) { def_t loc; loc.space = def->space; loc.offset = POINTER_OFS (def->space, &meth->method_imp); reloc_def_func (m->func, &loc); } } def_t * emit_methods (methodlist_t *methods, const char *name, int instance) { static struct_def_t methods_struct[] = { {"method_next", &type_pointer, emit_methods_next}, {"method_count", &type_integer, emit_methods_count}, {"method_list", 0, emit_methods_list_item}, {0, 0} }; const char *type = instance ? "INSTANCE" : "CLASS"; method_t *m; int count; if (!methods) return 0; for (count = 0, m = methods->head; m; m = m->next) if (!m->instance == !instance) { if (!m->def && options.warnings.unimplemented) { warning (0, "Method `%c%s' not implemented", m->instance ? '-' : '+', m->name); } if (m->def) count++; } if (!count) return 0; methods->count = count; methods->instance = instance; methods_struct[2].type = array_type (&type_Method, count); return emit_structure (va ("_OBJ_%s_METHODS_%s", type, name), 's', methods_struct, 0, methods, st_static); } static void emit_method_list_count (def_t *def, void *data, int index) { methodlist_t *methods = (methodlist_t *) data; if (def->type != &type_integer) internal_error (0, "%s: expected integer def", __FUNCTION__); D_INT (def) = methods->count; } static void emit_method_list_item (def_t *def, void *data, int index) { methodlist_t *methods = (methodlist_t *) data; method_t *m; pr_method_description_t *desc; if (def->type != &type_method_description) internal_error (0, "%s: expected method_descripting def", __FUNCTION__); if (index < 0 || index >= methods->count) internal_error (0, "%s: out of bounds index: %d %d", __FUNCTION__, index, methods->count); desc = D_POINTER (pr_method_description_t, def); for (m = methods->head; m; m = m->next) { if (!m->instance != !methods->instance || !m->def) continue; if (!index--) break; } EMIT_STRING (def->space, desc->name, m->name); EMIT_STRING (def->space, desc->types, m->types); } def_t * emit_method_descriptions (methodlist_t *methods, const char *name, int instance) { static struct_def_t method_list_struct[] = { {"count", &type_integer, emit_method_list_count}, {"method_list", 0, emit_method_list_item}, {0, 0} }; const char *type = instance ? "PROTOCOL_INSTANCE" : "PROTOCOL_CLASS"; method_t *m; int count; if (!methods) return 0; for (count = 0, m = methods->head; m; m = m->next) if (!m->instance == !instance && m->def) count++; if (!count) return 0; methods->count = count; methods->instance = instance; method_list_struct[1].type = array_type (&type_method_description, count); return emit_structure (va ("_OBJ_%s_METHODS_%s", type, name), 's', method_list_struct, 0, methods, st_static); } void clear_selectors (void) { if (sel_hash) { Hash_FlushTable (sel_hash); Hash_FlushTable (sel_index_hash); } sel_index = 0; if (known_methods) Hash_FlushTable (known_methods); } expr_t * method_check_params (method_t *method, expr_t *args) { int i, count, param_count; expr_t *a, **arg_list, *err = 0; type_t *mtype = method->type; if (mtype->t.func.num_params == -1) return 0; for (count = 0, a = args; a; a = a->next) count++; if (count > MAX_PARMS) return error (args, "more than %d parameters", MAX_PARMS); if (mtype->t.func.num_params >= 0) param_count = mtype->t.func.num_params; else param_count = -mtype->t.func.num_params - 1; if (count < param_count) return error (args, "too few arguments"); if (mtype->t.func.num_params >= 0 && count > mtype->t.func.num_params) return error (args, "too many arguments"); arg_list = malloc (count * sizeof (expr_t *)); for (i = count - 1, a = args; a; a = a->next) arg_list[i--] = a; for (i = 2; i < count; i++) { expr_t *e = arg_list[i]; type_t *t = get_type (e); if (!t) return e; if (i < param_count) { if (e->type != ex_nil) if (!type_assignable (mtype->t.func.param_types[i], t)) { err = param_mismatch (e, i - 1, method->name, mtype->t.func.param_types[i], t); } } else { if (is_integer_val (e) && options.warnings.vararg_integer) warning (e, "passing integer consant into ... function"); } } free (arg_list); return err; }