/* #FILENAME# #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2001 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: #DATE# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define RETURN_EDICT(p, e) ((p)->pr_globals[OFS_RETURN].integer_var = EDICT_TO_PROG(p, e)) #define RETURN_STRING(p, s) ((p)->pr_globals[OFS_RETURN].integer_var = PR_SetString((p), s)) int *read_result; //FIXME: eww static void bi_print (progs_t *pr) { char *str; str = G_STRING (pr, (OFS_PARM0)); fprintf (stdout, "%s", str); } static void bi_GarbageCollect (progs_t *pr) { PR_GarbageCollect (pr); } static void bi_errno (progs_t *pr) { G_INT (pr, OFS_RETURN) = errno; } static void bi_strerror (progs_t *pr) { int err = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM0); RETURN_STRING (pr, strerror (err)); } static void bi_open (progs_t *pr) { char *path = G_STRING (pr, OFS_PARM0); int flags = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM1); int mode = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM2); G_INT (pr, OFS_RETURN) = open (path, flags, mode); } static void bi_close (progs_t *pr) { int handle = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM0); G_INT (pr, OFS_RETURN) = close (handle); } static void bi_read (progs_t *pr) { int handle = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM0); int count = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM1); int res; char *buffer; buffer = Hunk_TempAlloc (count); if (!buffer) PR_Error (pr, "%s: couldn't allocate %d bytes", "bi_read", count); res = read (handle, buffer, count); if (res != -1) // FIXME: this just won't work :/ RETURN_STRING (pr, buffer); *read_result = res; } static void bi_write (progs_t *pr) { int handle = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM0); char *buffer = G_STRING (pr, OFS_PARM1); int count = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM2); G_INT (pr, OFS_RETURN) = write (handle, buffer, count); } static void bi_seek (progs_t *pr) { int handle = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM0); int pos = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM1); int whence = G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM2); G_INT (pr, OFS_RETURN) = lseek (handle, pos, whence); } static void bi_traceon (progs_t *pr) { pr->pr_trace = true; } static void bi_traceoff (progs_t *pr) { pr->pr_trace = false; } static void bi_printf (progs_t *pr) { const char *fmt = G_STRING (pr, OFS_PARM0); char c; int count = 0; float *v; while ((c = *fmt++)) { if (c == '%' && count < 7) { switch (c = *fmt++) { case 'i': fprintf (stdout, "%i", G_INT (pr, OFS_PARM1 + count++ * 3)); break; case 'f': fprintf (stdout, "%f", G_FLOAT (pr, OFS_PARM1 + count++ * 3)); break; case 's': fputs (G_STRING (pr, OFS_PARM1 + count++ * 3), stdout); break; case 'v': v = G_VECTOR (pr, OFS_PARM1 + count++ * 3); fprintf (stdout, "'%f %f %f'", v[0], v[1], v[2]); break; default: fputc ('%', stdout); fputc (c, stdout); count = 7; break; } } else { fputc (c, stdout); } } } void BI_Init (progs_t *progs) { progs->builtins = 0; progs->numbuiltins = 0; PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "print", bi_print, 1); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "GarbageCollect", bi_GarbageCollect, 2); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "errno", bi_errno, 3); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "strerror", bi_strerror, 4); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "open", bi_open, 5); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "close", bi_close, 6); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "read", bi_read, 7); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "write", bi_write, 8); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "seek", bi_seek, 9); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "traceon", bi_traceon, 10); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "traceoff", bi_traceoff, 11); PR_AddBuiltin (progs, "printf", bi_printf, 12); }