/* glsl_bsp.c GLSL bsps Copyright (C) 2012 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2012/1/7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #define NH_DEFINE #include "namehack.h" #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include "qfalloca.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/image.h" #include "QF/render.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/vrect.h" #include "QF/GLSL/defines.h" #include "QF/GLSL/funcs.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_bsp.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_lightmap.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_textures.h" #include "QF/GLSL/qf_vid.h" #include "r_internal.h" typedef struct { GLushort count; GLushort indices[1]; } glslpoly_t; #define ALLOC_CHUNK 64 static instsurf_t *waterchain = NULL; static instsurf_t **waterchain_tail = &waterchain; static instsurf_t *sky_chain; static instsurf_t **sky_chain_tail = &sky_chain; static glsltex_t **r_texture_chains; static int r_num_texture_chains; static int max_texture_chains; // for world and non-instance models static instsurf_t *static_instsurfs; static instsurf_t **static_instsurfs_tail = &static_instsurfs; static instsurf_t *free_static_instsurfs; // for instance models static elechain_t *elechains; static elechain_t **elechains_tail = &elechains; static elechain_t *free_elechains; static elements_t *elementss; static elements_t **elementss_tail = &elementss; static elements_t *free_elementss; static instsurf_t *instsurfs; static instsurf_t **instsurfs_tail = &instsurfs; static instsurf_t *free_instsurfs; static GLuint bsp_vbo; static mat4_t bsp_vp; static GLuint skybox_tex; static qboolean skybox_loaded; static quat_t sky_rotation[2]; static quat_t sky_velocity; static quat_t sky_fix; static double sky_time; static quat_t default_color = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; static quat_t last_color; static const char *bsp_vert_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Vertex.bsp", 0 }; static const char *bsp_lit_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.env.warp.nop", "QuakeForge.Fragment.colormap", "QuakeForge.Fragment.bsp.lit", 0 }; static const char *bsp_turb_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Math.const", "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.Fragment.palette", "QuakeForge.env.warp.turb", "QuakeForge.Fragment.bsp.unlit", 0 }; static const char *bsp_sky_cube_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.env.sky.cube", "QuakeForge.Fragment.bsp.sky", 0 }; static const char *bsp_sky_id_effects[] = { "QuakeForge.Fragment.fog", "QuakeForge.Fragment.palette", "QuakeForge.env.sky.id", "QuakeForge.Fragment.bsp.sky", 0 }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t tlst; shaderparam_t vertex; shaderparam_t colormap; shaderparam_t texture; shaderparam_t lightmap; shaderparam_t color; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_bsp = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"tlst", 0}, {"vertex", 0}, {"colormap", 1}, {"texture", 1}, {"lightmap", 1}, {"vcolor", 0}, {"fog", 1}, }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t tlst; shaderparam_t vertex; shaderparam_t palette; shaderparam_t texture; shaderparam_t time; shaderparam_t color; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_turb = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"tlst", 0}, {"vertex", 0}, {"palette", 1}, {"texture", 1}, {"time", 1}, {"vcolor", 0}, {"fog", 1}, }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t sky_matrix; shaderparam_t vertex; shaderparam_t palette; shaderparam_t solid; shaderparam_t trans; shaderparam_t time; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_skyid = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"sky_mat", 1}, {"vertex", 0}, {"palette", 1}, {"solid", 1}, {"trans", 1}, {"time", 1}, {"fog", 1}, }; static struct { int program; shaderparam_t mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t sky_matrix; shaderparam_t vertex; shaderparam_t sky; shaderparam_t fog; } quake_skybox = { 0, {"mvp_mat", 1}, {"sky_mat", 1}, {"vertex", 0}, {"sky", 1}, {"fog", 1}, }; static struct { shaderparam_t *mvp_matrix; shaderparam_t *sky_matrix; shaderparam_t *vertex; shaderparam_t *fog; } sky_params; #define CHAIN_SURF_F2B(surf,chain) \ do { \ instsurf_t *inst = (surf)->instsurf; \ if (__builtin_expect(!inst, 1)) \ (surf)->tinst = inst = get_instsurf (); \ inst->surface = (surf); \ *(chain##_tail) = inst; \ (chain##_tail) = &inst->tex_chain; \ *(chain##_tail) = 0; \ } while (0) #define CHAIN_SURF_B2F(surf,chain) \ do { \ instsurf_t *inst = (surf)->instsurf; \ if (__builtin_expect(!inst, 1)) \ (surf)->tinst = inst = get_instsurf (); \ inst->surface = (surf); \ inst->tex_chain = (chain); \ (chain) = inst; \ } while (0) #define GET_RELEASE(type,name) \ static inline type * \ get_##name (void) \ { \ type *ele; \ if (!free_##name##s) { \ int i; \ free_##name##s = calloc (ALLOC_CHUNK, sizeof (type)); \ for (i = 0; i < ALLOC_CHUNK - 1; i++) \ free_##name##s[i]._next = &free_##name##s[i + 1]; \ } \ ele = free_##name##s; \ free_##name##s = ele->_next; \ ele->_next = 0; \ *name##s_tail = ele; \ name##s_tail = &ele->_next; \ return ele; \ } \ static inline void \ release_##name##s (void) \ { \ if (name##s) { \ *name##s_tail = free_##name##s; \ free_##name##s = name##s; \ name##s = 0; \ name##s_tail = &name##s; \ } \ } GET_RELEASE (elechain_t, elechain) GET_RELEASE (elements_t, elements) GET_RELEASE (instsurf_t, static_instsurf) GET_RELEASE (instsurf_t, instsurf) void glsl_R_AddTexture (texture_t *tx) { int i; if (r_num_texture_chains == max_texture_chains) { max_texture_chains += 64; r_texture_chains = realloc (r_texture_chains, max_texture_chains * sizeof (glsltex_t *)); for (i = r_num_texture_chains; i < max_texture_chains; i++) r_texture_chains[i] = 0; } glsltex_t *tex = tx->render; r_texture_chains[r_num_texture_chains++] = tex; tex->tex_chain = 0; tex->tex_chain_tail = &tex->tex_chain; tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } static void glsl_R_InitSurfaceChains (mod_brush_t *brush) { int i; release_static_instsurfs (); release_instsurfs (); for (i = 0; i < brush->nummodelsurfaces; i++) { brush->surfaces[i].instsurf = get_static_instsurf (); brush->surfaces[i].instsurf->surface = &brush->surfaces[i]; } } static inline void clear_tex_chain (glsltex_t *tex) { tex->tex_chain = 0; tex->tex_chain_tail = &tex->tex_chain; tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } static void clear_texture_chains (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < r_num_texture_chains; i++) { if (!r_texture_chains[i]) continue; clear_tex_chain (r_texture_chains[i]); } clear_tex_chain (r_notexture_mip->render); release_elechains (); release_elementss (); release_instsurfs (); } void glsl_R_ClearElements (void) { release_elechains (); release_elementss (); } static void update_lightmap (mod_brush_t *brush, msurface_t *surf) { int maps; for (maps = 0; maps < MAXLIGHTMAPS && surf->styles[maps] != 255; maps++) if (d_lightstylevalue[surf->styles[maps]] != surf->cached_light[maps]) goto dynamic; if ((surf->dlightframe == r_framecount) || surf->cached_dlight) { dynamic: if (r_dynamic->int_val) glsl_R_BuildLightMap (brush, surf); } } static inline void chain_surface (mod_brush_t *brush, msurface_t *surf, vec_t *transform, float *color) { instsurf_t *is; if (surf->flags & SURF_DRAWSKY) { CHAIN_SURF_F2B (surf, sky_chain); } else if ((surf->flags & SURF_DRAWTURB) || (color && color[3] < 1.0)) { CHAIN_SURF_B2F (surf, waterchain); } else { texture_t *tx; glsltex_t *tex; if (!surf->texinfo->texture->anim_total) tx = surf->texinfo->texture; else tx = R_TextureAnimation (surf); tex = tx->render; CHAIN_SURF_F2B (surf, tex->tex_chain); update_lightmap (brush, surf); } if (!(is = surf->instsurf)) is = surf->tinst; is->transform = transform; is->color = color; } static void register_textures (mod_brush_t *brush) { int i; texture_t *tex; for (i = 0; i < brush->numtextures; i++) { tex = brush->textures[i]; if (!tex) continue; glsl_R_AddTexture (tex); } } void glsl_R_ClearTextures (void) { r_num_texture_chains = 0; } void glsl_R_RegisterTextures (model_t **models, int num_models) { int i; model_t *m; mod_brush_t *brush; glsl_R_ClearTextures (); glsl_R_InitSurfaceChains (&r_worldentity.model->brush); glsl_R_AddTexture (r_notexture_mip); register_textures (&r_worldentity.model->brush); for (i = 0; i < num_models; i++) { m = models[i]; if (!m) continue; // sub-models are done as part of the main model if (*m->path == '*') continue; // world has already been done, not interested in non-brush models if (m == r_worldentity.model || m->type != mod_brush) continue; brush = &m->brush; brush->numsubmodels = 1; // no support for submodels in non-world model register_textures (brush); } } static elechain_t * add_elechain (glsltex_t *tex, int ec_index) { elechain_t *ec; ec = get_elechain (); ec->elements = get_elements (); ec->index = ec_index; ec->transform = 0; ec->color = 0; *tex->elechain_tail = ec; tex->elechain_tail = &ec->next; return ec; } static void build_surf_displist (model_t **models, msurface_t *fa, int base, dstring_t *vert_list) { int numverts; int numtris; int numindices; int i; vec_t *vec; mvertex_t *vertices; medge_t *edges; int *surfedges; int index; bspvert_t *verts; glslpoly_t *poly; GLushort *ind; float s, t; mod_brush_t *brush; if (fa->ec_index < 0) { brush = &models[-fa->ec_index - 1]->brush; } else { brush = &r_worldentity.model->brush; } vertices = brush->vertexes; edges = brush->edges; surfedges = brush->surfedges; numverts = fa->numedges; numtris = numverts - 2; numindices = numtris * 3; verts = alloca (numverts * sizeof (bspvert_t)); poly = malloc (field_offset (glslpoly_t, indices[numindices])); poly->count = numindices; for (i = 0, ind = poly->indices; i < numtris; i++) { *ind++ = base; *ind++ = base + i + 1; *ind++ = base + i + 2; } fa->polys = (glpoly_t *) poly; for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) { index = surfedges[fa->firstedge + i]; if (index > 0) vec = vertices[edges[index].v[0]].position; else vec = vertices[edges[-index].v[1]].position; s = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[0]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[0][3]; t = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[1]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[1][3]; VectorCopy (vec, verts[i].vertex); verts[i].vertex[3] = 1; verts[i].tlst[0] = s / fa->texinfo->texture->width; verts[i].tlst[1] = t / fa->texinfo->texture->height; //lightmap texture coordinates if (!fa->lightpic) { // sky and water textures don't have lightmaps verts[i].tlst[2] = 0; verts[i].tlst[3] = 0; continue; } s = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[0]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[0][3]; t = DotProduct (vec, fa->texinfo->vecs[1]) + fa->texinfo->vecs[1][3]; s -= fa->texturemins[0]; t -= fa->texturemins[1]; s += fa->lightpic->rect->x * 16 + 8; t += fa->lightpic->rect->y * 16 + 8; s /= 16; t /= 16; verts[i].tlst[2] = s * fa->lightpic->size; verts[i].tlst[3] = t * fa->lightpic->size; } dstring_append (vert_list, (char *) verts, numverts * sizeof (bspvert_t)); } void glsl_R_BuildDisplayLists (model_t **models, int num_models) { int i, j; int vertex_index_base; model_t *m; dmodel_t *dm; msurface_t *surf; dstring_t *vertices; mod_brush_t *brush; QuatSet (0, 0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5), sky_fix); // proper skies QuatSet (0, 0, 0, 1, sky_rotation[0]); QuatCopy (sky_rotation[0], sky_rotation[1]); QuatSet (0, 0, 0, 0, sky_velocity); QuatExp (sky_velocity, sky_velocity); sky_time = vr_data.realtime; // now run through all surfaces, chaining them to their textures, thus // effectively sorting the surfaces by texture (without worrying about // surface order on the same texture chain). for (i = 0; i < num_models; i++) { m = models[i]; if (!m) continue; // sub-models are done as part of the main model if (*m->path == '*' || m->type != mod_brush) continue; brush = &m->brush; // non-bsp models don't have surfaces. dm = brush->submodels; for (j = 0; j < brush->numsurfaces; j++) { glsltex_t *tex; if (j == dm->firstface + dm->numfaces) { dm++; if (dm - brush->submodels == brush->numsubmodels) { // limit the surfaces // probably never hit Sys_Printf ("R_BuildDisplayLists: too many surfaces\n"); brush->numsurfaces = j; break; } } surf = brush->surfaces + j; surf->ec_index = dm - brush->submodels; if (!surf->ec_index && m != r_worldentity.model) surf->ec_index = -1 - i; // instanced model tex = surf->texinfo->texture->render; CHAIN_SURF_F2B (surf, tex->tex_chain); } } // All vertices from all brush models go into one giant vbo. vertices = dstring_new (); vertex_index_base = 0; // All usable surfaces have been chained to the (base) texture they use. // Run through the textures, using their chains to build display maps. // For animated textures, if a surface is on one texture of the group, it // will be on all. for (i = 0; i < r_num_texture_chains; i++) { glsltex_t *tex; instsurf_t *is; elechain_t *ec = 0; elements_t *el = 0; tex = r_texture_chains[i]; for (is = tex->tex_chain; is; is = is->tex_chain) { msurface_t *surf = is->surface; if (!tex->elechain) { ec = add_elechain (tex, surf->ec_index); el = ec->elements; el->base = (byte *) (intptr_t) vertices->size; vertex_index_base = 0; } if (surf->ec_index != ec->index) { // next sub-model ec = add_elechain (tex, surf->ec_index); el = ec->elements; el->base = (byte *) (intptr_t) vertices->size; vertex_index_base = 0; } if (vertex_index_base + surf->numedges > 65535) { // elements index overflow el->next = get_elements (); el = el->next; el->base = (byte *) (intptr_t) vertices->size; vertex_index_base = 0; } // we don't use it now, but pre-initializing the list won't hurt if (!el->list) el->list = dstring_new (); dstring_clear (el->list); surf->base = el->base; build_surf_displist (models, surf, vertex_index_base, vertices); vertex_index_base += surf->numedges; } } clear_texture_chains (); Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_GLSL, "R_BuildDisplayLists: %ld verts total\n", (long) (vertices->size / sizeof (bspvert_t))); if (!bsp_vbo) qfeglGenBuffers (1, &bsp_vbo); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bsp_vbo); qfeglBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertices->size, vertices->str, GL_STATIC_DRAW); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); dstring_delete (vertices); } static void R_DrawBrushModel (entity_t *e) { float dot, radius; int i; unsigned k; model_t *model; plane_t *plane; msurface_t *surf; qboolean rotated; vec3_t mins, maxs, org; mod_brush_t *brush; model = e->model; brush = &model->brush; if (e->transform[0] != 1 || e->transform[5] != 1 || e->transform[10] != 1) { rotated = true; radius = model->radius; if (R_CullSphere (e->origin, radius)) return; } else { rotated = false; VectorAdd (e->origin, model->mins, mins); VectorAdd (e->origin, model->maxs, maxs); if (R_CullBox (mins, maxs)) return; } VectorSubtract (r_refdef.vieworg, e->origin, org); if (rotated) { vec3_t temp; VectorCopy (org, temp); org[0] = DotProduct (temp, e->transform + 0); org[1] = DotProduct (temp, e->transform + 4); org[2] = DotProduct (temp, e->transform + 8); } // calculate dynamic lighting for bmodel if it's not an instanced model if (brush->firstmodelsurface != 0 && r_dlight_lightmap->int_val) { vec3_t lightorigin; for (k = 0; k < r_maxdlights; k++) { if ((r_dlights[k].die < vr_data.realtime) || (!r_dlights[k].radius)) continue; VectorSubtract (r_dlights[k].origin, e->origin, lightorigin); R_RecursiveMarkLights (brush, lightorigin, &r_dlights[k], k, brush->nodes + brush->hulls[0].firstclipnode); } } surf = &brush->surfaces[brush->firstmodelsurface]; for (i = 0; i < brush->nummodelsurfaces; i++, surf++) { // find the node side on which we are plane = surf->plane; dot = PlaneDiff (org, plane); // enqueue the polygon if (((surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && (dot < -BACKFACE_EPSILON)) || (!(surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK) && (dot > BACKFACE_EPSILON))) { chain_surface (brush, surf, e->transform, e->colormod); } } } static inline void visit_leaf (mleaf_t *leaf) { // deal with model fragments in this leaf if (leaf->efrags) R_StoreEfrags (leaf->efrags); } static inline int get_side (mnode_t *node) { // find the node side on which we are plane_t *plane = node->plane; if (plane->type < 3) return (r_origin[plane->type] - plane->dist) < 0; return (DotProduct (r_origin, plane->normal) - plane->dist) < 0; } static inline void visit_node (mod_brush_t *brush, mnode_t *node, int side) { int c; msurface_t *surf; // sneaky hack for side = side ? SURF_PLANEBACK : 0; side = (~side + 1) & SURF_PLANEBACK; // draw stuff if ((c = node->numsurfaces)) { surf = brush->surfaces + node->firstsurface; for (; c; c--, surf++) { if (surf->visframe != r_visframecount) continue; // side is either 0 or SURF_PLANEBACK if (side ^ (surf->flags & SURF_PLANEBACK)) continue; // wrong side chain_surface (brush, surf, 0, 0); } } } static inline int test_node (mnode_t *node) { if (node->contents < 0) return 0; if (node->visframe != r_visframecount) return 0; if (R_CullBox (node->minmaxs, node->minmaxs + 3)) return 0; return 1; } static void R_VisitWorldNodes (mod_brush_t *brush) { typedef struct { mnode_t *node; int side; } rstack_t; rstack_t *node_ptr; rstack_t *node_stack; mnode_t *node; mnode_t *front; int side; node = brush->nodes; // +2 for paranoia node_stack = alloca ((brush->depth + 2) * sizeof (rstack_t)); node_ptr = node_stack; while (1) { while (test_node (node)) { side = get_side (node); front = node->children[side]; if (test_node (front)) { node_ptr->node = node; node_ptr->side = side; node_ptr++; node = front; continue; } if (front->contents < 0 && front->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID) visit_leaf ((mleaf_t *) front); visit_node (brush, node, side); node = node->children[!side]; } if (node->contents < 0 && node->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID) visit_leaf ((mleaf_t *) node); if (node_ptr != node_stack) { node_ptr--; node = node_ptr->node; side = node_ptr->side; visit_node (brush, node, side); node = node->children[!side]; continue; } break; } if (node->contents < 0 && node->contents != CONTENTS_SOLID) visit_leaf ((mleaf_t *) node); } static void draw_elechain (elechain_t *ec, int matloc, int vertloc, int tlstloc, int colloc) { mat4_t mat; elements_t *el; int count; float *color; if (colloc >= 0) { color = ec->color; if (!color) color = default_color; if (!QuatCompare (color, last_color)) { QuatCopy (color, last_color); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_bsp.color.location, color); } } if (ec->transform) { Mat4Mult (bsp_vp, ec->transform, mat); qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (matloc, 1, false, mat); } else { qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (matloc, 1, false, bsp_vp); } for (el = ec->elements; el; el = el->next) { if (!el->list->size) continue; count = el->list->size / sizeof (GLushort); qfeglVertexAttribPointer (vertloc, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof (bspvert_t), el->base + field_offset (bspvert_t, vertex)); if (tlstloc >= 0) qfeglVertexAttribPointer (tlstloc, 4, GL_FLOAT, 0, sizeof (bspvert_t), el->base + field_offset (bspvert_t,tlst)); qfeglDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, el->list->str); dstring_clear (el->list); } } static void bsp_begin (void) { quat_t fog; default_color[3] = 1; QuatCopy (default_color, last_color); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_bsp.color.location, default_color); Mat4Mult (glsl_projection, glsl_view, bsp_vp); qfeglUseProgram (quake_bsp.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_bsp.vertex.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_bsp.tlst.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_bsp.color.location); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_bsp.color.location, default_color); glsl_Fog_GetColor (fog); fog[3] = glsl_Fog_GetDensity () / 64.0; qfeglUniform4fv (quake_bsp.fog.location, 1, fog); qfeglUniform1i (quake_bsp.colormap.location, 2); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 2); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, glsl_colormap); qfeglUniform1i (quake_bsp.lightmap.location, 1); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, glsl_R_LightmapTexture ()); qfeglUniform1i (quake_bsp.texture.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bsp_vbo); } static void bsp_end (void) { qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_bsp.vertex.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_bsp.tlst.location); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 2); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } static void turb_begin (void) { quat_t fog; default_color[3] = bound (0, r_wateralpha->value, 1); QuatCopy (default_color, last_color); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_bsp.color.location, default_color); Mat4Mult (glsl_projection, glsl_view, bsp_vp); qfeglUseProgram (quake_turb.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_turb.vertex.location); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_turb.tlst.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_turb.color.location); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_turb.color.location, default_color); glsl_Fog_GetColor (fog); fog[3] = glsl_Fog_GetDensity () / 64.0; qfeglUniform4fv (quake_turb.fog.location, 1, fog); qfeglUniform1i (quake_turb.palette.location, 1); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, glsl_palette); qfeglUniform1f (quake_turb.time.location, vr_data.realtime); qfeglUniform1i (quake_turb.texture.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bsp_vbo); } static void turb_end (void) { qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_turb.vertex.location); qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (quake_turb.tlst.location); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } static void spin (mat4_t mat) { quat_t q; mat4_t m; float blend; while (vr_data.realtime - sky_time > 1) { QuatCopy (sky_rotation[1], sky_rotation[0]); QuatMult (sky_velocity, sky_rotation[0], sky_rotation[1]); sky_time += 1; } blend = bound (0, (vr_data.realtime - sky_time), 1); QuatBlend (sky_rotation[0], sky_rotation[1], blend, q); QuatMult (sky_fix, q, q); Mat4Identity (mat); VectorNegate (r_origin, mat + 12); QuatToMatrix (q, m, 1, 1); Mat4Mult (m, mat, mat); } static void sky_begin (void) { mat4_t mat; quat_t fog; default_color[3] = 1; QuatCopy (default_color, last_color); qfeglVertexAttrib4fv (quake_bsp.color.location, default_color); Mat4Mult (glsl_projection, glsl_view, bsp_vp); if (skybox_loaded) { sky_params.mvp_matrix = &quake_skybox.mvp_matrix; sky_params.vertex = &quake_skybox.vertex; sky_params.sky_matrix = &quake_skybox.sky_matrix; sky_params.fog = &quake_skybox.fog; qfeglUseProgram (quake_skybox.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_skybox.vertex.location); qfeglUniform1i (quake_skybox.sky.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, skybox_tex); } else { sky_params.mvp_matrix = &quake_skyid.mvp_matrix; sky_params.sky_matrix = &quake_skyid.sky_matrix; sky_params.vertex = &quake_skyid.vertex; sky_params.fog = &quake_skyid.fog; qfeglUseProgram (quake_skyid.program); qfeglEnableVertexAttribArray (quake_skyid.vertex.location); qfeglUniform1i (quake_skyid.palette.location, 2); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 2); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, glsl_palette); qfeglUniform1f (quake_skyid.time.location, vr_data.realtime); qfeglUniform1i (quake_skyid.trans.location, 0); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglUniform1i (quake_skyid.solid.location, 1); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); } glsl_Fog_GetColor (fog); fog[3] = glsl_Fog_GetDensity () / 64.0; qfeglUniform4fv (sky_params.fog->location, 1, fog); spin (mat); qfeglUniformMatrix4fv (sky_params.sky_matrix->location, 1, false, mat); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bsp_vbo); } static void sky_end (void) { qfeglDisableVertexAttribArray (sky_params.vertex->location); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 2); qfeglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); qfeglBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); } static inline void add_surf_elements (glsltex_t *tex, instsurf_t *is, elechain_t **ec, elements_t **el) { msurface_t *surf = is->surface; glslpoly_t *poly = (glslpoly_t *) surf->polys; if (!tex->elechain) { (*ec) = add_elechain (tex, surf->ec_index); (*ec)->transform = is->transform; (*ec)->color = is->color; (*el) = (*ec)->elements; (*el)->base = surf->base; if (!(*el)->list) (*el)->list = dstring_new (); dstring_clear ((*el)->list); } if (is->transform != (*ec)->transform || is->color != (*ec)->color) { (*ec) = add_elechain (tex, surf->ec_index); (*ec)->transform = is->transform; (*ec)->color = is->color; (*el) = (*ec)->elements; (*el)->base = surf->base; if (!(*el)->list) (*el)->list = dstring_new (); dstring_clear ((*el)->list); } if (surf->base != (*el)->base) { (*el)->next = get_elements (); (*el) = (*el)->next; (*el)->base = surf->base; if (!(*el)->list) (*el)->list = dstring_new (); dstring_clear ((*el)->list); } dstring_append ((*el)->list, (char *) poly->indices, poly->count * sizeof (poly->indices[0])); } static void build_tex_elechain (glsltex_t *tex) { instsurf_t *is; elechain_t *ec = 0; elements_t *el = 0; for (is = tex->tex_chain; is; is = is->tex_chain) { add_surf_elements (tex, is, &ec, &el); } } void glsl_R_DrawWorld (void) { entity_t worldent; int i; clear_texture_chains (); // do this first for water and skys memset (&worldent, 0, sizeof (worldent)); worldent.model = r_worldentity.model; currententity = &worldent; R_VisitWorldNodes (&worldent.model->brush); if (r_drawentities->int_val) { entity_t *ent; for (ent = r_ent_queue; ent; ent = ent->next) { if (ent->model->type != mod_brush) continue; currententity = ent; R_DrawBrushModel (ent); } } glsl_R_FlushLightmaps (); bsp_begin (); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); for (i = 0; i < r_num_texture_chains; i++) { glsltex_t *tex; elechain_t *ec = 0; tex = r_texture_chains[i]; build_tex_elechain (tex); if (tex->elechain) qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->gl_texturenum); for (ec = tex->elechain; ec; ec = ec->next) { draw_elechain (ec, quake_bsp.mvp_matrix.location, quake_bsp.vertex.location, quake_bsp.tlst.location, quake_bsp.color.location); } tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } bsp_end (); } void glsl_R_DrawWaterSurfaces () { instsurf_t *is; msurface_t *surf; glsltex_t *tex = 0; elechain_t *ec = 0; elements_t *el = 0; if (!waterchain) return; turb_begin (); for (is = waterchain; is; is = is->tex_chain) { surf = is->surface; if (tex != surf->texinfo->texture->render) { if (tex) { qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->gl_texturenum); for (ec = tex->elechain; ec; ec = ec->next) draw_elechain (ec, quake_turb.mvp_matrix.location, quake_turb.vertex.location, quake_turb.tlst.location, quake_turb.color.location); tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } tex = surf->texinfo->texture->render; } add_surf_elements (tex, is, &ec, &el); } if (tex) { qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->gl_texturenum); for (ec = tex->elechain; ec; ec = ec->next) draw_elechain (ec, quake_turb.mvp_matrix.location, quake_turb.vertex.location, quake_turb.tlst.location, quake_turb.color.location); tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } turb_end (); waterchain = 0; waterchain_tail = &waterchain; } void glsl_R_DrawSky (void) { instsurf_t *is; msurface_t *surf; glsltex_t *tex = 0; elechain_t *ec = 0; elements_t *el = 0; if (!sky_chain) return; sky_begin (); for (is = sky_chain; is; is = is->tex_chain) { surf = is->surface; if (tex != surf->texinfo->texture->render) { if (tex) { if (!skybox_loaded) { qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->sky_tex[0]); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->sky_tex[1]); } for (ec = tex->elechain; ec; ec = ec->next) draw_elechain (ec, sky_params.mvp_matrix->location, sky_params.vertex->location, -1, -1); tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } tex = surf->texinfo->texture->render; } add_surf_elements (tex, is, &ec, &el); } if (tex) { if (!skybox_loaded) { qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 0); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->sky_tex[0]); qfeglActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0 + 1); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex->sky_tex[1]); } for (ec = tex->elechain; ec; ec = ec->next) draw_elechain (ec, sky_params.mvp_matrix->location, sky_params.vertex->location, -1, -1); tex->elechain = 0; tex->elechain_tail = &tex->elechain; } sky_end (); sky_chain = 0; sky_chain_tail = &sky_chain; } void glsl_R_InitBsp (void) { shader_t *vert_shader, *frag_shader; int vert; int frag; vert_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (bsp_vert_effects); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (bsp_lit_effects); vert = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakebsp.vert", vert_shader, GL_VERTEX_SHADER); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakebsp.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_bsp.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quakebsp", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.tlst); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.vertex); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.colormap); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.texture); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.lightmap); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.color); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_bsp.program, &quake_bsp.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (vert_shader); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (bsp_turb_effects); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quaketrb.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_turb.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quaketrb", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.tlst); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.vertex); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.palette); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.texture); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.time); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.color); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_turb.program, &quake_turb.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (bsp_sky_id_effects); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakeski.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_skyid.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quakeskyid", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.sky_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.vertex); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.palette); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.solid); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.trans); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.time); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skyid.program, &quake_skyid.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); frag_shader = GLSL_BuildShader (bsp_sky_cube_effects); frag = GLSL_CompileShader ("quakeskb.frag", frag_shader, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); quake_skybox.program = GLSL_LinkProgram ("quakeskybox", vert, frag); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skybox.program, &quake_skybox.mvp_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skybox.program, &quake_skybox.sky_matrix); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skybox.program, &quake_skybox.vertex); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skybox.program, &quake_skybox.sky); GLSL_ResolveShaderParam (quake_skybox.program, &quake_skybox.fog); GLSL_FreeShader (frag_shader); } static inline __attribute__((const)) int is_pow2 (unsigned x) { int count; for (count = 0; x; x >>= 1) if (x & 1) count++; return count == 1; } // NOTE: this expects the destination tex_t to be set up: memory allocated // and dimentions/format etc already set. the size of the rect to be copied // is taken from dst. Also, dst->format and src->format must be the same, and // either 3 or 4, or bad things will happen. Also, no clipping is done, so if // x < 0 or y < 0 or x + dst->width > src->width // or y + dst->height > src->height, bad things will happen. static void copy_sub_tex (tex_t *src, int x, int y, tex_t *dst) { int dstbytes; int srcbytes; int i; srcbytes = src->width * src->format; dstbytes = dst->width * dst->format; x *= src->format; for (i = 0; i < dst->height; i++) memcpy (dst->data + i * dstbytes, src->data + (i + y) * srcbytes + x, dstbytes); } void glsl_R_LoadSkys (const char *sky) { const char *name; int i; tex_t *tex; // NOTE: quake's world and GL's world are rotated relative to each other // quake has x right, y in, z up. gl has x right, y up, z out // quake order: +x -x +z -z +y -y // gl order: +x -x +y -y +z -z // fizquake orger: -y +y +z -z +x -x // to get from quake order to fitzquake order, all that's needed is // a -90 degree rotation on the (quake) z-axis. This is taken care of in // the sky_matrix setup code. // However, from the player's perspective, skymaps have lf and rt // swapped, but everythink makes sense if looking at the cube from outside // along the positive y axis, with the front of the cube being the nearest // face. This matches nicely with Blender's default cube in front (num-1) // view. static const char *sky_suffix[] = { "ft", "bk", "up", "dn", "rt", "lf"}; static int sky_coords[][2] = { {2, 0}, // front {0, 0}, // back {1, 1}, // up {0, 1}, // down {2, 1}, // left {1, 0}, // right }; if (!sky || !*sky) sky = r_skyname->string; if (!*sky || !strcasecmp (sky, "none")) { skybox_loaded = false; return; } if (!skybox_tex) qfeglGenTextures (1, &skybox_tex); qfeglBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, skybox_tex); //blender envmap // bk rt ft // dn up lt tex = LoadImage (name = va (0, "env/%s_map", sky), 1); if (tex && tex->format >= 3 && tex->height * 3 == tex->width * 2 && is_pow2 (tex->height)) { tex_t *sub; int size = tex->height / 2; skybox_loaded = true; sub = malloc (sizeof (tex_t) + size * size * tex->format); sub->data = (byte *) (sub + 1); sub->width = size; sub->height = size; sub->format = tex->format; sub->palette = tex->palette; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int x, y; x = sky_coords[i][0] * size; y = sky_coords[i][1] * size; copy_sub_tex (tex, x, y, sub); qfeglTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, sub->format == 3 ? GL_RGB : GL_RGBA, sub->width, sub->height, 0, sub->format == 3 ? GL_RGB : GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sub->data); } free (sub); } else { skybox_loaded = true; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { tex = LoadImage (name = va (0, "env/%s%s", sky, sky_suffix[i]), 1); if (!tex || tex->format < 3) { // FIXME pcx support Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_GLSL, "Couldn't load %s\n", name); // also look in gfx/env, where Darkplaces looks for skies tex = LoadImage (name = va (0, "gfx/env/%s%s", sky, sky_suffix[i]), 1); if (!tex || tex->format < 3) { // FIXME pcx support Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_GLSL, "Couldn't load %s\n", name); skybox_loaded = false; continue; } } Sys_MaskPrintf (SYS_GLSL, "Loaded %s\n", name); qfeglTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, tex->format == 3 ? GL_RGB : GL_RGBA, tex->width, tex->height, 0, tex->format == 3 ? GL_RGB : GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tex->data); } } qfeglTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); qfeglTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); qfeglTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qfeglTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); qfeglGenerateMipmap (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); }