light/_light * halflife: "r g b i", r/g/b 0-255, i is id "light" rgb: "r g b" id: "intensity" style * light style: 0-254 angle * spotlight cone angle in degrees. defaults to 20 wait light "falloff". defaults to 1.0 _lightradius size of light. interacts with falloff for distance clipping (?) defaults to 0 color/_color "r g b", r/g/b 0-1.0 _attenuation attenuation style: linear id style. level falls off linearly from "light" at 0 to 0 at distance "light". radius similar to linear, but the cutoff distance is at "radius" inverse 1/r attenuation realistic 1/(r*r) (inverse-square) attenuation none no attenuation, level is always "light" havoc like realistic, but with a cutoff. _radius the range of the light. _noise noise intensity (?) _noisetype noise type: random smooth perlin _persistence noise parameter _resolution noise parameter