/* mouse_pick.c Vulkan frame mouse picking support Copyright (C) 2023 Bill Currie This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "QF/cexpr.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/command.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/device.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/image.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/instance.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/mouse_pick.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/render.h" #include "QF/Vulkan/resource.h" #include "QF/plugin/vid_render.h" #include "vid_vulkan.h" static void mousepick_initiate (const exprval_t **params, exprval_t *result, exprctx_t *ectx) { qfZoneNamed (zone, true); auto taskctx = (qfv_taskctx_t *) ectx; auto ctx = taskctx->ctx; auto mpctx = ctx->mousepick_context; auto frame = &mpctx->frames.a[ctx->curFrame]; if (!frame->callback) { return; } auto device = ctx->device; auto dfunc = device->funcs; auto cmd = QFV_GetCmdBuffer (ctx, false); dfunc->vkBeginCommandBuffer (cmd, &(VkCommandBufferBeginInfo) { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER_BEGIN_INFO, .flags = VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT, }); dfunc->vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer (cmd, frame->entid_image, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL, frame->entid_buffer, 1, &(VkBufferImageCopy) { .bufferOffset = 0, .bufferRowLength = 0, .bufferImageHeight = 0, .imageSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1 }, .imageOffset = frame->offset, .imageExtent = frame->extent, }); dfunc->vkEndCommandBuffer (cmd); QFV_AppendCmdBuffer (ctx, cmd); frame->initiated = true; } static void mousepick_finalize (const exprval_t **params, exprval_t *result, exprctx_t *ectx) { qfZoneNamed (zone, true); auto taskctx = (qfv_taskctx_t *) ectx; auto ctx = taskctx->ctx; auto mpctx = ctx->mousepick_context; auto frame = &mpctx->frames.a[ctx->curFrame]; if (!frame->callback || !frame->initiated) { return; } auto device = ctx->device; auto dfunc = device->funcs; dfunc->vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges (device->dev, 1, &(VkMappedMemoryRange) { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MAPPED_MEMORY_RANGE, .memory = mpctx->resources->memory, .offset = 0, .size = VK_WHOLE_SIZE, }); uint32_t entids[mousepick_size * mousepick_size]; memset (entids, 0xff, sizeof (entids)); if (frame->extent.width > mousepick_size || frame->extent.height > mousepick_size) { Sys_Error ("mousepick_finalize: invalid extent: %d %d\n", frame->extent.width, frame->extent.height); } for (uint32_t j = 0; j < frame->extent.height; j++) { uint32_t y = j + 2 - (frame->y - frame->offset.y); uint32_t srcInd = j * frame->extent.width; uint32_t dstInd = y * mousepick_size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < frame->extent.width; i++) { uint32_t x = i + 2 - (frame->x - frame->offset.x); entids[dstInd + x] = frame->entid_data[srcInd + i]; } } #if 0 for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mousepick_size; j++) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mousepick_size; i++) { printf ("%03x ", entids[j * mousepick_size + i] & 0xfff); } puts (""); } puts (""); #endif frame->callback (entids, frame->callback_data); frame->callback = 0; frame->callback_data = 0; frame->initiated = false; } static exprfunc_t mousepick_initiate_func[] = { { .func = mousepick_initiate }, {} }; static exprfunc_t mousepick_finalize_func[] = { { .func = mousepick_finalize }, {} }; static exprsym_t mousepick_task_syms[] = { { "mousepick_initiate", &cexpr_function, mousepick_initiate_func }, { "mousepick_finalize", &cexpr_function, mousepick_finalize_func }, {} }; void QFV_MousePick_Init (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx) { QFV_Render_AddTasks (ctx, mousepick_task_syms); qfvPushDebug (ctx, "mouse pick init"); auto device = ctx->device; auto dfunc = device->funcs; ctx->mousepick_context = calloc (1, sizeof (qfv_mousepickctx_t)); auto mpctx = ctx->mousepick_context; auto rctx = ctx->render_context; size_t frames = rctx->frames.size; DARRAY_INIT (&mpctx->frames, frames); DARRAY_RESIZE (&mpctx->frames, frames); mpctx->frames.grow = 0; mpctx->resources = calloc (1, sizeof (qfv_resource_t) + sizeof (qfv_resobj_t[frames])); auto buffers = (qfv_resobj_t *) &mpctx->resources[1]; mpctx->resources[0] = (qfv_resource_t) { .name = "mousepick", .va_ctx = ctx->va_ctx, .memory_properties = VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_CACHED_BIT, .num_objects = frames, .objects = buffers, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < frames; i++) { buffers[i] = (qfv_resobj_t) { .name = va (ctx->va_ctx, "entids:%zd", i), .type = qfv_res_buffer, .buffer = { .usage = VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT, .size = 16 * 16 * sizeof (uint32_t), }, }; } QFV_CreateResource (device, mpctx->resources); byte *entid_data; dfunc->vkMapMemory (device->dev, mpctx->resources->memory, 0, mpctx->resources->size, 0, (void **) &entid_data); for (size_t i = 0; i < frames; i++) { auto frame = &mpctx->frames.a[i]; *frame = (qfv_mousepick_frame_t) { .entid_buffer = buffers[i].buffer.buffer, .entid_data = (uint32_t *) (entid_data + buffers[i].buffer.offset), }; } qfvPopDebug (ctx); } void QFV_MousePick_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx) { auto device = ctx->device; auto dfunc = device->funcs; auto mpctx = ctx->mousepick_context; dfunc->vkUnmapMemory (device->dev, mpctx->resources->memory); QFV_DestroyResource (device, mpctx->resources); free (mpctx->resources); free (mpctx->frames.a); free (mpctx); } void QFV_MousePick_Read (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, mousepickfunc_t callback, void *data) { auto mpctx = ctx->mousepick_context; auto frame = &mpctx->frames.a[ctx->curFrame]; if (!mpctx->entid_res) { auto job = ctx->render_context->job; auto step = QFV_FindStep ("main", job); auto rp = &step->render->renderpasses[0]; mpctx->entid_res = QFV_FindResource ("entid", rp); } frame->entid_image = mpctx->entid_res->image.image; VkExtent3D extent = mpctx->entid_res->image.extent; if (x >= extent.width || y >= extent.height) { return; } frame->callback = callback; frame->callback_data = data; frame->x = x; frame->y = y; frame->offset = (VkOffset3D) { .x = x >= (mousepick_size / 2) ? x - (mousepick_size / 2) : 0, .y = y >= (mousepick_size / 2) ? y - (mousepick_size / 2) : 0, }; frame->extent = (VkExtent3D) { .width = extent.width > x + (mousepick_size / 2) ? (mousepick_size / 2) + 1 : extent.width - x, .height = extent.height > y + (mousepick_size / 2) ? (mousepick_size / 2) + 1 : extent.height - y, .depth = 1, }; frame->extent.width += x - frame->offset.x; frame->extent.height += y - frame->offset.y; }