# vim:ts=4:et # ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # <pep8 compliant> quotables = ("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!#$%&*+-./:?@|~_^") class PListError(Exception): def __init__(self, line, message): Exception.__init__(self, "%d: %s" % (line, message)) self.line = line class pldata: def __init__(self, src = ''): self.src = src self.pos = 0; self.end = len(self.src) self.line = 1 def skip_space(self): while self.pos < self.end: c = self.src[self.pos] if not c.isspace(): if c == '/' and self.pos < self.end - 1: #comments if self.src[self.pos + 1] == '/': # // coment self.pos += 2 while self.pos < self.end: c = self.src[self.pos] if c == '\n': break self.pos += 1 if self.pos >= self.end: raise PListError(self.line, "Reached end of string in comment") elif self.src[self.pos + 1] == '*': # /* comment */ start_line = self.line self.pos += 2 while self.pos < self.end: c = self.src[self.pos] if c == '\n': self.line += 1 elif (c == '*' and self.pos < self.end - 1 and self.src[self.pos + 1] == '/'): self.pos += 1 break self.pos += 1 if self.pos >= self.end: raise PListError(start_line, "Reached end of string in comment") else: return True else: return True if c == '\n': self.line += 1 self.pos += 1 raise PListError(self.line, "Reached end of string") def parse_quoted_string(self): start_line = self.line long_string = False escaped = 0 shrink = 0 hexa = False self.pos += 1 start = self.pos if (self.pos < self.end - 1 and self.src[self.pos] == '"' and self.src[self.pos + 1] == '"'): self.pos += 2 long_string = True start += 2 while self.pos < self.end: c = self.src[self.pos] if escaped: if escaped == 1 and c == '0': escaped += 1 hexa = False elif escaped > 1: if escaped == 2 and c == 'x': hexa = True shring += 1 escaped += 1 elif hex and c.isxdigit(): shrink += 1 escaped += 1 elif c in range(0, 8): shrink += 1 escaped += 1 else: self.pos -= 1 escaped = 0 else: escaped = 0 else: if c == '\\': escaped = 1 shrink += 1 elif (c == '"' and (not long_string or (self.pos < self.end - 2 and self.src[self.pos + 1] == '"' and self.src[self.pos + 2] == '"'))): break if c == '\n': self.line += 1 self.pos += 1 if self.pos >= self.end: raise PListError(start_line, "Reached end of string while parsing quoted string") if self.pos - start - shrink == 0: return "" s = self.src[start:self.pos] self.pos += 1 if long_string: self.pos += 2 return eval('"""' + s + '"""') def parse_unquoted_string(self): start = self.pos while self.pos < self.end: if self.src[self.pos] not in quotables: break self.pos += 1 return self.src[start:self.pos] def parse_data(self): start_line = self.line self.pos += 1 start = self.pos nibbles = 0 while self.pos < self.end: if self.src[self.pos].isxdigit: nibbles += 1 self.pos += 1 continue if self.src[self.pos] == '>': if nibbles & 1: raise PListError(self.line, "Invalid data, missing nibble") s = self.src[start:self.pos] self.pos += 1 return binascii.a2b_hex(s) raise PListError(self.line, "Invalid character in data") raise PListError(start_line, "Reached end of string while parsing data") def parse(self): self.skip_space() if self.src[self.pos] == '{': item = {} self.pos += 1 while self.skip_space() and self.src[self.pos] != '}': key = self.parse() if type(key) != str: raise PListError(self.line, "Key is not a string") self.skip_space() if self.src[self.pos] != '=': raise PListError(self.line, "Unexpected character (expected '=')") self.pos += 1 value = self.parse() if self.src[self.pos] == ';': self.pos += 1 elif self.src[self.pos] != '}': raise PListError(self.line, "Unexpected character (wanted ';' or '}')") item[key] = value if self.pos >= self.end: raise PListError(self.line, "Unexpected end of string when parsing dictionary") self.pos += 1 return item elif self.src[self.pos] == '(': item = [] self.pos += 1 while self.skip_space() and self.src[self.pos] != ')': value = self.parse() self.skip_space() if self.src[self.pos] == ',': self.pos += 1 elif self.src[self.pos] != ')': raise PListError(self.line, "Unexpected character (wanted ',' or ')')") item.append(value) self.pos += 1 return item elif self.src[self.pos] == '<': return self.parse_data() elif self.src[self.pos] == '"': return self.parse_quoted_string() else: return self.parse_unquoted_string() def write_string(self, item): quote = False for i in item: if i not in quotables: quote = True break if quote: item = repr(item) # repr uses ', we want " item = '"' + item[1:-1].replace('"', '\\"') + '"' self.data.append(item) def write_item(self, item, level): if type(item) == dict: if not item: self.data.append("{ }") return self.data.append("{\n") for i in item.items(): self.data.append('\t' * (level + 1)) self.write_string(i[0]) self.data.append(' = ') self.write_item(i[1], level + 1) self.data.append(';\n') self.data.append('\t' * (level)) self.data.append("}") elif type(item) in(list, tuple): if not item: self.data.append("( )") return self.data.append("(\n") for n, i in enumerate(item): self.data.append('\t' * (level + 1)) self.write_item(i, level + 1) if n < len(item) - 1: self.data.append(',\n') self.data.append('\n') self.data.append('\t' * (level)) self.data.append(")") elif type(item) == bytes: self.data.append('<') self.data.append(binascii.b2a_hex(item)) self.data.append('>') elif type(item) == str: self.write_string(item) elif type(item) in [int, float]: self.write_string(str(item)) else: raise PListError(0, "unsupported type") def write(self, item): self.data = [] self.write_item(item, 0) return ''.join(self.data)