/* gib_modules.c #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2000 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: #DATE# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include #include #include "QF/gib.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/vfile.h" #include "gib_modules.h" static gib_module_t *gibmodules; void GIB_Module_Load (const char *name, VFile *f) { char line[1024]; int namelen, nameofs; gib_module_t *newmod; gib_sub_t *newsub; newmod = GIB_Create_Module (name); while (Qgets (f, line, 1024)) { if (strncmp ("sub", line, 3) == 0) { nameofs = 3; while (isspace (line[nameofs])) nameofs++; namelen = 0; while (!(isspace (line[nameofs + namelen]))) { namelen++; } line[nameofs + namelen] = 0; newsub = GIB_Create_Sub (newmod, line + nameofs); GIB_Read_Sub (newsub, f); } } } gib_module_t * GIB_Create_Module (const char *name) { gib_module_t *new; new = malloc (sizeof (gib_module_t)); new->name = malloc (strlen (name) + 1); strcpy (new->name, name); new->subs = 0; new->vars = 0; new->next = gibmodules; gibmodules = new; return new; } gib_sub_t * GIB_Create_Sub (gib_module_t * mod, const char *name) { gib_sub_t *new; new = malloc (sizeof (gib_sub_t)); new->name = malloc (strlen (name) + 1); strcpy (new->name, name); new->code = 0; new->vars = 0; new->next = mod->subs; mod->subs = new; return new; } void GIB_Read_Sub (gib_sub_t * sub, VFile *f) { char line[1024]; int insub = 0, sublen = 0; fpos_t begin; while (Qgets (f, line, 1024)) { if (strncmp ("}}", line, 2) == 0 && insub == 1) { insub = 0; break; } if (insub == 1) { sublen += strlen (line); } if (strncmp ("{{", line, 2) == 0) { Qgetpos (f, &begin); insub = 1; } } sub->code = malloc (sublen + 1); Qsetpos (f, &begin); Qread (f, sub->code, sublen); sub->code[sublen] = 0; Sys_Printf ("Loaded sub %s\n", sub->name); } gib_module_t * GIB_Find_Module (const char *name) { gib_module_t *mod; if (!(gibmodules)) return 0; for (mod = gibmodules; strcmp (mod->name, name); mod = mod->next) if (mod->next == 0) return 0; return mod; } gib_sub_t * GIB_Find_Sub (gib_module_t * mod, const char *name) { gib_sub_t *sub; if (!(mod->subs)) return 0; for (sub = mod->subs; strcmp (sub->name, name); sub = sub->next) if (sub->next == 0) return 0; return sub; } void GIB_Stats_f (void) { int modc, subc; gib_module_t *mod; gib_sub_t *sub; modc = 0; Sys_Printf ("---=== GIB statistics ===---\n"); for (mod = gibmodules; mod; mod = mod->next) { Sys_Printf ("\nSubroutines for module %s:\n", mod->name); Sys_Printf ("-------------------------------------\n"); subc = 0; for (sub = mod->subs; sub; sub = sub->next) { Sys_Printf ("%s::%s\n", mod->name, sub->name); subc++; } Sys_Printf ("-------------------------------------\nSubroutines: %i\n", subc); modc++; } Sys_Printf ("Modules installed: %i\n", modc); Sys_Printf ("---=== GIB statistics ===---\n"); }