/* #FILENAME# #DESCRIPTION# Copyright (C) 2002 #AUTHOR# Author: #AUTHOR# Date: #DATE# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif static __attribute__ ((used)) const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #include #include #include #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/dstring.h" #include "QF/cbuf.h" #include "QF/hash.h" #include "QF/gib.h" #include "QF/idparse.h" #include "gib_tree.h" #include "gib_parse.h" #include "gib_vars.h" #include "gib_execute.h" #include "gib_buffer.h" static void GIB_Buffer_Construct (struct cbuf_s *cbuf) { cbuf->data = calloc (1, sizeof (gib_buffer_data_t)); GIB_DATA (cbuf)->arg_composite = dstring_newstr (); GIB_DATA (cbuf)->globals = gib_globals; cbuf->strict = true; } static void GIB_Buffer_Destruct (struct cbuf_s *cbuf) { gib_buffer_data_t *g = GIB_DATA (cbuf); unsigned int i, j; if (g->dnotify) g->dnotify (cbuf, g->ddata); dstring_delete (g->arg_composite); if (g->locals) Hash_DelTable (g->locals); if (g->program) GIB_Tree_Unref (&g->program); if (g->script && !(--g->script->refs)) { free ((void *) g->script->text); free ((void *) g->script->file); free (g->script); } for (i = 0; i < g->stack.size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < g->stack.values[i].realsize; j++) dstring_delete (g->stack.values[i].dstrs[j]); if (g->stack.values[i].dstrs) free (g->stack.values[i].dstrs); } if (g->stack.values) free (g->stack.values); free (cbuf->data); } static void GIB_Buffer_Reset (struct cbuf_s *cbuf) { gib_buffer_data_t *g = GIB_DATA (cbuf); // Being reset is nearly the same as being destroyed. // It just means the buffer is going to be reused. if (g->dnotify) g->dnotify (cbuf, g->ddata); if (g->locals) Hash_FlushTable (g->locals); g->globals = gib_globals; if (g->program) GIB_Tree_Unref (&g->program); if (g->script && !(--g->script->refs)) { free ((void *) g->script->text); free ((void *) g->script->file); free (g->script); } g->script = 0; g->program = g->ip = 0; g->stack.p = 0; g->waitret = false; g->dnotify = NULL; g->reply.obj = NULL; } void GIB_Buffer_Set_Program (cbuf_t * cbuf, gib_tree_t * program) { GIB_DATA (cbuf)->program = program; } static unsigned int GIB_Buffer_Get_Line_Num (const char *program, unsigned int pos) { unsigned int i, line; for (i = 0, line = 1; i < pos; i++) if (program[i] == '\n') line++; return line; } static void GIB_Buffer_Add (cbuf_t * cbuf, const char *str) { gib_buffer_data_t *g = GIB_DATA (cbuf); gib_tree_t **save, *cur; // AddText should be used only to populate a buffer before // executing it and shouldn't happen to a running GIB buffer, // but if it does, try to find somewhere else to put the text. if (g->ip) { for (;cbuf; cbuf = cbuf->up) if (cbuf->interpreter == &id_interp) { Cbuf_AddText (cbuf, str); return; } Sys_Printf ( "-------------\n" "|GIB Warning|\n" "-------------\n" "Text added to running GIB buffer discarded.\n" "Text: %s\n", str ); return; } else if (g->program) { for (cur = g->program; cur->next; cur = cur->next); save = &cur->next; } else save = &g->program; if (!(*save = GIB_Parse_Lines (str, 0))) Sys_Printf ( "-----------------\n" "|GIB Parse Error|\n" "-----------------\n" "Parse error while adding text to GIB buffer.\n" "Line %u: %s\n", GIB_Buffer_Get_Line_Num (str, GIB_Parse_ErrorPos ()), GIB_Parse_ErrorMsg () ); } static void GIB_Buffer_Insert (cbuf_t * cbuf, const char *str) { gib_buffer_data_t *g = GIB_DATA (cbuf); gib_tree_t *lines, *cur; // No GIB builtin should ever insert text into a running // GIB buffer, so create an idparse buffer to handle the // legacy console code. if (g->ip) { cbuf_t *new = Cbuf_New (&id_interp); new->up = cbuf; cbuf->down = new; cbuf->state = CBUF_STATE_STACK; Cbuf_InsertText (new, str); return; } else if ((lines = GIB_Parse_Lines (str, 0))) { for (cur = lines; cur; cur = cur->next); cur->next = g->program; g->program = lines; } else Sys_Printf ( "-----------------\n" "|GIB Parse Error|\n" "-----------------\n" "Parse error while inserting text into GIB buffer.\n" "Line %u: %s\n", GIB_Buffer_Get_Line_Num (str, GIB_Parse_ErrorPos ()), GIB_Parse_ErrorMsg () ); } void GIB_Buffer_Push_Sstack (struct cbuf_s *cbuf) { gib_buffer_data_t *g = GIB_DATA (cbuf); if (++g->stack.p > g->stack.size) { g->stack.values = realloc (g->stack.values, sizeof (struct gib_dsarray_s) * g->stack.p); g->stack.values[g->stack.p - 1].dstrs = 0; g->stack.values[g->stack.p - 1].size = g->stack.values[g->stack.p - 1].realsize = 0; g->stack.size = g->stack.p; } g->stack.values[g->stack.p - 1].size = 0; } void GIB_Buffer_Pop_Sstack (struct cbuf_s *cbuf) { GIB_DATA (cbuf)->stack.p--; } dstring_t * GIB_Buffer_Dsarray_Get (struct cbuf_s *cbuf) { struct gib_dsarray_s *vals = GIB_DATA (cbuf)->stack.values + GIB_DATA (cbuf)->stack.p - 1; if (++vals->size > vals->realsize) { vals->dstrs = realloc (vals->dstrs, sizeof (dstring_t *) * vals->size); vals->dstrs[vals->size - 1] = dstring_newstr (); vals->realsize = vals->size; } else dstring_clearstr (vals->dstrs[vals->size - 1]); return vals->dstrs[vals->size - 1]; } static int GIB_Buffer_Get_Line_Info (cbuf_t * cbuf, char **line) { const char *text; unsigned int ofs, i, start, linenum; // Do we have a copy of the original program this buffer comes from? if (GIB_DATA (cbuf)->script) { text = GIB_DATA (cbuf)->script->text; for (ofs = GIB_DATA (cbuf)->ip->start, start = 0, i = 0, linenum = 1; i <= ofs; i++) if (text[i] == '\n') { start = i + 1; linenum++; } while (text[i] != '\n') i++; *line = malloc (i - start + 1); memcpy (*line, text + start, i - start); (*line)[i - start] = 0; return linenum; } else { *line = strdup (GIB_DATA (cbuf)->ip->str); return -1; } } void GIB_Buffer_Reply_Callback (int argc, const char **argv, void *data) { cbuf_t *cbuf = (cbuf_t *) data; int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) dstring_copystr (GIB_Buffer_Dsarray_Get (cbuf), argv[i]); if (cbuf->state == CBUF_STATE_BLOCKED) cbuf->state = CBUF_STATE_NORMAL; } void GIB_Buffer_Error (cbuf_t * cbuf, const char *type, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char *line; int linenum; dstring_t *message = dstring_newstr (); dvsprintf (message, fmt, args); va_end (args); Sys_Printf ( "---------------------\n" "|GIB Execution Error|\n" "---------------------\n" "Type: %s\n", type ); if ((linenum = GIB_Buffer_Get_Line_Info (cbuf, &line)) != -1) Sys_Printf ( "%s:%i: %s\n" "-->%s\n", GIB_DATA (cbuf)->script->file, linenum, message->str, line ); else Sys_Printf ( "%s\n" "-->%s\n", message->str, line ); cbuf->state = CBUF_STATE_ERROR; dstring_delete (message); free (line); } cbuf_interpreter_t gib_interp = { GIB_Buffer_Construct, GIB_Buffer_Destruct, GIB_Buffer_Reset, GIB_Buffer_Add, GIB_Buffer_Insert, GIB_Execute, GIB_Execute, }; VISIBLE cbuf_interpreter_t * GIB_Interpreter (void) { return &gib_interp; }