
	object file support

	Copyright (C) 2002 Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>

	Author: Bill Currie <bill@taniwha.org>
	Date: 2002/6/16

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

	See the GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to:

		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA


#ifndef __obj_file_h
#define __obj_file_h

/** \defgroup qfcc_qfo Object file functions
	\ingroup qfcc

#include "QF/progs/pr_comp.h"
#include "QF/progs/pr_debug.h"
#include "QF/quakeio.h"

/** Identifier string for qfo object files (includes terminating nul)

#define QFO			"QFO"
/** QFO object file format version (MMmmmRRR 0.001.006 (hex))

#define QFO_VERSION 0x00001007

/** Header block of QFO object files. The sections of the object file
	come immediately after the header, and are always in the order given by
	the struct.

	All indices to records are 0-based from the beginning of the relevant
typedef struct qfo_header_s {
	int8_t      qfo[4];			///< identifier string (includes nul) (#QFO)
	pr_uint_t   version;		///< QFO format version (#QFO_VERSION)
	pr_uint_t   num_spaces;
	pr_uint_t   num_relocs;		///< number of relocation records
	pr_uint_t   num_defs;		///< number of def records
	pr_uint_t   num_funcs;		///< number of function records
	pr_uint_t   num_lines;		///< number of line records
	pr_uint_t   num_loose_relocs;	///< number of loose relocation records
								///< (included in num_relocs)
	pr_uint_t   progs_version;	///< version of compatible VM
	pr_uint_t   reserved[3];
} qfo_header_t;

typedef enum qfos_type_e {
	qfos_null,					///< null space. no data or defs. first in qfo
	qfos_code,					///< progs code. dstatement_t data
	qfos_data,					///< progs data. pr_type_t data
	qfos_string,				///< strings. char data
	qfos_entity,				///< entity field defs. no data
	qfos_type,					///< type encodings
	qfos_debug,					///< debug data
} qfos_type_t;

/**	Representation of a space in the object file.
typedef struct qfo_space_s {
	pr_int_t    type;			///< code, string, data, entity...
	pr_uint_t   defs;			///< index of first def
	pr_uint_t   num_defs;		///< zero for code or string spaces
	pr_uint_t   data;			///< byte offset in qfo
	pr_uint_t   data_size;		///< in elements. zero for entity spaces
	pr_uint_t   id;
	pr_int_t    reserved[2];
} qfo_space_t;

/** Representation of a def in the object file.
typedef struct qfo_def_s {
	pr_ptr_t    type;			///< offset in type space
	pr_string_t name;			///< def name
	pr_ptr_t    offset;			///< def offset (address)

	pr_uint_t   relocs;			///< index of first reloc record
	pr_uint_t   num_relocs;		///< number of reloc records

	pr_uint_t   flags;			///< \ref qfcc_qfo_QFOD "QFOD flags"

	pr_string_t file;			///< source file name
	pr_uint_t   line;			///< source line number
} qfo_def_t;

/** \defgroup qfcc_qfo_QFOD QFOD flags
	\ingroup qfcc_qfo

/** The def has been initialized.

#define QFOD_INITIALIZED	(1u<<0)

/** The def is a shared constant and must not be modified.

#define QFOD_CONSTANT		(1u<<1)

/** The def offset is an absolute address.

#define QFOD_ABSOLUTE		(1u<<2)

/** The def is visible to other object files.

#define QFOD_GLOBAL			(1u<<3)

/** The def is undefined and need to be supplied by another object file.

#define QFOD_EXTERNAL		(1u<<4)

/** The def is local to a function and is not visible to other functions or
	object files.

#define QFOD_LOCAL			(1u<<5)

/** The def is a system def and needs to be allocated before other defs

#define QFOD_SYSTEM			(1u<<6)

/** The def does not need to be saved when saving game state.

#define QFOD_NOSAVE			(1u<<7)

/** The def is a parameter to a function and is considered to be initialized.
	QFOD_LOCAL will be set too.

#define QFOD_PARAM			(1u<<8)

/** \addtogroup qfcc_qfo

/** Representation of a function in the object file.
typedef struct qfo_func_s {
	pr_string_t name;			///< function name
	pr_ptr_t    type;			///< function type (in type data space)
	pr_string_t file;			///< source file name
	pr_uint_t   line;			///< source line number

	/** \name Function code location.
		If #code is negative, then the function is a VM builtin function.
		If #code is 0, then the function is a VM builtin function and the
		VM resolves the function number using the function name.
		If #code is positive, then the function is in progs and #code is
		the first statement of the function.
	pr_int_t    code;

	pr_uint_t   def;			///< def that references this function. Index
								///< to ::qfo_def_t. The data word pointed to
								///< by the def stores the index of this
								///< function.

	pr_uint_t   locals_space;	///< space holding the function's local data

	pr_uint_t   line_info;		///< Index to first ::pr_lineno_t line record.
								///< Zero if there are no records.

	/** \name Function relocation records.
		XXX not sure how these work
	pr_uint_t   relocs;			///< Index to first ::qfo_reloc_t reloc record.
	pr_uint_t   num_relocs;		///< Number of reloc records.
	pr_int_t    reserved[2];
} qfo_func_t;

/** Evil source of many headaches. The whole reason I've started writing this
	relocs are always in the order:
		referenced relocs
		unreferenced relocs

	For \c ref_op_* relocation types, \c offset is the code section address
	of the statement that needs to be adjusted.

	For \c rel_def_* relocation types, \c offset refers to the data section
	address of the word that needs to be adjusted.

	For \c ref_*_def(_ofs) relocation types, \c target is the index of the
	referenced def.

	For \c ref_*_op relocation types, \c target is the address of the
	referenced statement.

	For \c ref_*_string relocation types, \c target is always 0.

	For \c ref_*_field(_ofs) relocation types, \c target is the index of
	the referenced field def.
typedef struct qfo_reloc_s {
	pr_uint_t   space;			///< index of space holding data to be adjusted
	pr_uint_t   offset;			///< offset of the relocation
	pr_int_t    type;			///< type of the relocation (::reloc_type)
	pr_uint_t   target;			///< def/func/etc this relocation is for
} qfo_reloc_t;

/**	In-memory representation of a QFO space
typedef struct qfo_mspace_s {
	qfos_type_t type;
	qfo_def_t  *defs;
	unsigned    num_defs;
	union {
		dstatement_t *code;
		pr_type_t  *data;
		char       *strings;
	unsigned    data_size;
	unsigned    id;
} qfo_mspace_t;

/** In-memory representation of a QFO object file.
typedef struct qfo_s {
	pr_uint_t   progs_version;	///< version of compatible VM
	void       *data;			///< data buffer holding qfo file when read
	qfo_mspace_t *spaces;
	unsigned    num_spaces;
	qfo_reloc_t *relocs;
	unsigned    num_relocs;			// includes num_loose_relocs
	qfo_def_t  *defs;
	unsigned    num_defs;
	qfo_func_t *funcs;
	unsigned    num_funcs;
	pr_lineno_t *lines;
	unsigned    num_lines;
	unsigned    num_loose_relocs;	// included in num_relocs
} qfo_t;

enum {


/** \defgroup qfcc_qfo_data_access QFO Data Acess
	\ingroup qfcc_qfo
	Macros for accessing data in the QFO address space

/** \internal
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param t typename prefix (see pr_type_u)
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return lvalue of the appropriate type

#define QFO_var(q, s, t, o)	((q)->spaces[s].data[o].t##_var)

/** Access a double variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c double
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return double lvalue

#define	QFO_DOUBLE(q, s, o)		(*(double *) ((q)->spaces[s].data + o))

/** Access a float variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c float
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return float lvalue

#define	QFO_FLOAT(q, s, o)		QFO_var (q, s, float, o)

/** Access a int variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c int
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return int lvalue

#define	QFO_INT(q, s, o)		QFO_var (q, s, int, o)

/** Access a vector variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c vector
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return vec3_t lvalue

#define	QFO_VECTOR(q, s, o)	QFO_var (q, s, vector, o)

/** Access a string index variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c string
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return pr_string_t lvalue

#define	QFO_STRING(q, s, o)	QFO_var (q, s, string, o)

/** Retrieve a string from the object file, converting it to a C string.

	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\return (char *)

#define QFO_GETSTR(q, s)	((q)->spaces[qfo_strings_space].strings + (s))

#define QFO_TYPE(q, t)		((qfot_type_t *) (char *) \
							 ((q)->spaces[qfo_type_space].data + (t)))

/** Retrieve a type string from the object file, converting it to a C string.

	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param t offset to type encoding
	\return (char *)

	\note Assumes standard space order.
#define QFO_TYPESTR(q, t)	QFO_GSTRING (q, qfo_type_space, (t) + 2)

#define QFO_TYPEMETA(q, t)	QFO_INT (q, qfo_type_space, (t) + 0)
#define QFO_TYPETYPE(q, t)	QFO_INT (q, qfo_type_space, (t) + 3)

#define QFO_STATEMENT(q, s) ((q)->spaces[qfo_code_space].code + (s))

/** Access a string global, converting it to a C string.

	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return (char *)

#define QFO_GSTRING(q, s, o)	(QFO_GETSTR (q, QFO_STRING (q, s, o)))

/** Access a function variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c void ()
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return pr_func_t lvalue

#define	QFO_FUNCTION(q, s, o)	QFO_var (q, s, func, o)

/** Access a block of memory in the object file as a C struct.

	\par QC type:
		\c void []
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param t C type of the structure
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return C pointer to the struct at space:offset

#define QFO_POINTER(q, s, t, o)	((t *)(char *)&QFO_var (q, s, int, o))

/** Access a structure variable in the object file. Can be assigned to.

	\par QC type:
		\c void [](?)
	\param q pointer to ::qfo_t struct
	\param s space index
	\param t C type of the structure
	\param o offset into object file data space
	\return structure lvalue. use & to make a pointer of the appropriate type.

#define QFO_STRUCT(q, s, t, o)	(*QFO_POINTER (q, s, t, o))


/** \addtogroup qfcc_qfo

struct pr_info_s;

/** Convert ::pr_info_t structure to ::qfo_t.
	\param pr pointer to ::pr_info_t struct
	\return pointer to new ::qfo_t struct, or 0 on error.
qfo_t *qfo_from_progs (struct pr_info_s *pr);

/** Write a ::qfo_t struct to the named file.
	\param qfo pointer to ::qfo_t struct to write
	\param filename name of the file to write
	\return 0 for success, -1 for error.
int qfo_write (qfo_t *qfo, const char *filename);

/** Read a ::qfo_t strcut from a ::QFile stream.
	\param file ::QFile stream to read from
	\return pointer to new ::qfo_t struct, or 0 on error.
qfo_t *qfo_read (QFile *file);

/** Wrapper around qfo_read() to allow reading from a named file.
	\param filename name of the file to read
	\return pointer to new ::qfo_t struct, or 0 on error.
qfo_t *qfo_open (const char *filename);

dprograms_t *qfo_to_progs (qfo_t *in_qfo, int *size);
pr_debug_header_t *qfo_to_sym (qfo_t *qfo, int *size);

/** Create a new ::qfo_t struct
	\return pointer to new ::qfo_t struct, or 0 on error.
qfo_t *qfo_new (void);

/** Delete a ::qfo_t struct, as well as any substructure data.
	\param qfo ::qfo_t struct to delete
void qfo_delete (qfo_t *qfo);

__attribute__((const)) int qfo_log2 (unsigned x);

