#include #include #include "ruamoko/qwaq/qwaq-app.h" #include "ruamoko/qwaq/editor/editor.h" #include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/listener.h" #include "ruamoko/qwaq/ui/scrollbar.h" @implementation Editor static int center (unsigned v, int len) { return v > (unsigned) (len / 2) ? v / 2 : 0; } static void trackCursor (Editor *self) { unsigned cx = [self.buffer charPos:self.line_index at:self.char_index]; if ((unsigned) self.cursor.x != cx) { if (self.char_index < [self.buffer getEOT]) { int c = [self.buffer getChar:self.char_index]; } } } -initWithRect:(Rect) rect file:(string) filename path:(string) filepath { if (!(self = [super initWithRect: rect])) { return nil; } self.filename = str_hold (filename); if (filepath != filename) { self.filepath = str_hold (filepath); } else { self.filepath = filename; } buffer = [[EditBuffer withFile:filepath] retain]; line_count = [buffer countLines: {0, [buffer textSize]}]; linebuffer = [[DrawBuffer buffer: { xlen, 1 }] retain]; growMode = gfGrowHi; options = ofCanFocus | ofRelativeEvents; [onViewScrolled addListener:self :@selector(onScroll:)]; [self setCursorVisible:1]; return self; } +(Editor *)withRect:(Rect)rect file:(string)filename { return [[[self alloc] initWithRect:rect file:filename path:filename] autorelease]; } +(Editor *)withRect:(Rect)rect file:(string)filename path:(string)filepath { return [[[self alloc] initWithRect:rect file:filename path:filepath] autorelease]; } -(void)dealloc { if (filepath != filename) { str_free (filepath); } str_free (filename); [vScrollBar release]; [buffer release]; [linebuffer release]; [super dealloc]; } -(string)filename { return filename; } -(string)filepath { return filepath; } -(Point)cursor { return cursor; } -setStatusView:(EditStatus *)status { self.status = status; [status setModified:modified]; [status setCursorMode:cursorMode]; [status redraw]; return self; } -trackCursor:(int)fwd { unsigned tx = [buffer charPos:line_index at:char_index]; cursorMode &= ~cmVInsert; if (tx != (unsigned) cursor.x) { if (char_index < [buffer getEOT]) { int c = [buffer getChar:char_index]; if (virtualInsert) { if (c != '\t' || cursorThroughTabs) { cursorMode |= cmVInsert; goto done; } } if (c == '\t' && fwd) { tx = [buffer charPos:line_index at:++char_index]; } } else if (virtualInsert) { cursorMode |= cmVInsert; goto done; } cursor.x = tx; } done: [status setCursorMode:cursorMode]; [status redraw]; return self; } -draw { [super draw]; unsigned lind = base_index; int *lbuf = [linebuffer buffer]; for (int y = 0; y < ylen; y++) { lind = [buffer formatLine:lind from:base.x into:lbuf width:xlen highlight:selection colors: {color_palette[047], color_palette[007]}]; [textContext blitFromBuffer: linebuffer to: {xpos, ypos + y} from: [linebuffer rect]]; } return self; } -resize: (Extent) delta { [super resize: delta]; [linebuffer resizeTo: {xlen, 1}]; return self; } static int handleEvent (Editor *self, qwaq_event_t *event) { if (event.what & qe_mouse) { if (event.what == qe_mouseclick) { if (event.mouse.buttons & (1 << 3)) { [self.vScrollBar page:1 dir:0]; return 1; } if (event.mouse.buttons & (1 << 4)) { [self.vScrollBar page:1 dir:1]; return 1; } if (event.mouse.buttons & (1 << 5)) { [self scrollLeft: 1]; return 1; } if (event.mouse.buttons & (1 << 6)) { [self scrollRight: 1]; return 1; } } } else if (event.what == qe_keydown) { switch (event.key.code) { case QFK_PAGEUP: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self moveBOT]; } else { [self pageUp]; } return 1; case QFK_PAGEDOWN: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self moveEOT]; } else { [self pageDown]; } return 1; case QFK_UP: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self linesUp]; } else { [self charUp]; } return 1; case QFK_DOWN: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self linesDown]; } else { [self charDown]; } return 1; case QFK_LEFT: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self wordLeft]; } else { [self charLeft]; } return 1; case QFK_RIGHT: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self wordRight]; } else { [self charRight]; } return 1; case QFK_HOME: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self moveBOS]; } else { [self moveBOL]; } return 1; case QFK_END: if (event.key.shift & qe_control) { [self moveEOS]; } else { [self moveEOL]; } return 1; } } return 0; } -handleEvent:(qwaq_event_t *) event { [super handleEvent: event]; if (handleEvent (self, event)) { event.what = qe_none; } return self; } -scrollLeft:(unsigned) count { if ((unsigned) base.x > count) { base.x -= count; } else { base.x = 0; } [self redraw]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -scrollRight:(unsigned) count { if ((unsigned) (1024 - base.x) > count) { base.x += count; } else { base.x = 1024; } [self redraw]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -scrollTo:(unsigned)target { if (target > (unsigned) base.y) { base_index = [buffer nextLine:base_index :target - base.y]; } else if (target < (unsigned) base.y) { base_index = [buffer prevLine:base_index :base.y - target]; } base.y = target; [vScrollBar setIndex:base.y]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -pageUp { [self recenter:0]; unsigned count = cursor.y; if (count > (unsigned) ylen) { count = ylen; } if (count) { cursor.y -= count; [vScrollBar setIndex:[vScrollBar index] - count]; line_index = [buffer prevLine:line_index :count]; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; } return self; } -pageDown { [self recenter:0]; unsigned count = line_count - cursor.y; if (count > (unsigned) ylen) { count = ylen; } if (count) { cursor.y += count; [vScrollBar setIndex:[vScrollBar index] + count]; line_index = [buffer nextLine:line_index :count]; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; } return self; } -linesUp { while (line_index > 0) { line_index = [buffer prevLine: line_index]; cursor.y--; unsigned p = [buffer nextNonSpace: line_index]; if ([buffer getChar:p] == '\n') { continue; } int x = [buffer charPos:line_index at:p]; if (x <= cursor.x) { break; } } char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self recenter:0]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -linesDown { unsigned end = [buffer getEOT]; unsigned last = [buffer getBOL:end]; while (line_index < last) { line_index = [buffer nextLine: line_index]; cursor.y++; unsigned p = [buffer nextNonSpace: line_index]; if (p >= end || [buffer getChar:p] == '\n') { continue; } int x = [buffer charPos:line_index at:p]; if (x <= cursor.x) { break; } } char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self recenter:0]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -charUp { [self recenter:0]; if (cursor.y < 1) { return self; } cursor.y--; line_index = [buffer prevLine:line_index :1]; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; if (base.y > cursor.y) { [vScrollBar setIndex:cursor.y]; } [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -charDown { [self recenter:0]; if ((unsigned) cursor.y >= line_count) { return self; } cursor.y++; line_index = [buffer nextLine:line_index :1]; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; if (base.y + ylen - 1 < cursor.y) { [vScrollBar setIndex:cursor.y + 1 - ylen]; } [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -charLeft { [self recenter:0]; if (cursor.x < 1) { return self; } cursor.x--; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:0]; if (base.x > cursor.x) { [hScrollBar setIndex:cursor.x]; } [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -charRight { [self recenter:0]; // FIXME handle horizontal scrolling and how to deal with max scroll cursor.x++; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; if (base.x + xlen - 1 < cursor.x) { [hScrollBar setIndex:cursor.x + 1 - xlen]; } if (base.x + xlen - 1 < cursor.x) { cursor.x = base.x + xlen - 1; } [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -wordLeft { [self recenter:0]; //unsigned oc = char_index; Point b = base; do { if (char_index && char_index == line_index) { line_index = [buffer prevLine: line_index]; char_index = [buffer getEOL: line_index]; if (--cursor.y < b.y) { b.y = cursor.y; } } char_index = [buffer prevWord:char_index]; } while (char_index && char_index < [buffer getEOT] && ![buffer isWord:char_index]); cursor.x = [buffer charPos:line_index at:char_index]; if (cursor.x < b.x) { b.x = cursor.x; } else if (cursor.x >= b.x) { b.x = center (b.x, xlen); } base.x = b.x; [vScrollBar setIndex:b.y]; trackCursor (self); [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -wordRight { [self recenter:0]; //unsigned oc = char_index; Point b = base; if (char_index >= [buffer getEOT]) { return self; } if ([buffer getChar:char_index] == '\n') { while ([buffer getChar:char_index] == '\n') { char_index = line_index = [buffer nextLine:line_index]; if (++cursor.y >= b.y + ylen) { b.y = cursor.y + 1 - ylen; } if (char_index >= [buffer getEOT]) { break; } if (![buffer isWord:char_index]) { char_index = [buffer nextWord: char_index]; } } } else { char_index = [buffer nextWord: char_index]; } cursor.x = [buffer charPos:line_index at:char_index]; if (cursor.x < b.x) { b.x = cursor.x; } else if (cursor.x >= b.x) { b.x = center (b.x, xlen); } base.x = b.x; [vScrollBar setIndex:b.y]; trackCursor (self); [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -moveBOT { line_index = base_index = char_index = 0;; cursor = nil; base.x = 0; [vScrollBar setIndex:0]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -moveEOT { char_index = [buffer getEOT]; line_index = [buffer getBOL:char_index]; cursor.x = [buffer charPos:line_index at:char_index]; cursor.y = line_count; [self recenter:0]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -moveBOS { line_index = base_index; cursor.y = base.y; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -moveEOS { unsigned count = line_count - base.y; if (count > (unsigned) (ylen - 1)) { count = ylen - 1; } line_index = [buffer nextLine:base_index :count]; cursor.y = base.y + count; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self trackCursor:1]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -moveBOL { char_index = line_index; cursor.x = 0; base.x = 0; [self recenter:0]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -moveEOL { char_index = [buffer getEOL:line_index]; cursor.x = [buffer charPos:line_index at:char_index]; [self recenter:0]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -(void)onScroll:(id)sender { base.x = scroll.x; if (base.y != scroll.y) { [self scrollTo:scroll.y]; } } -setVerticalScrollBar:(ScrollBar *)scrollbar { [super setVerticalScrollBar:scrollbar]; [vScrollBar setRange:line_count]; [vScrollBar setPageStep: ylen]; return self; } -recenter:(int) force { if (force || cursor.y < base.y || cursor.y - base.y >= ylen) { [self scrollTo: center (cursor.y, ylen)]; } return self; } -gotoLine:(unsigned) line { if (line > (unsigned) cursor.y) { line_index = [buffer nextLine:line_index :line - cursor.y]; } else if (line < (unsigned) cursor.y) { line_index = [buffer prevLine:line_index :cursor.y - line]; } cursor.y = line; char_index = [buffer charPtr:line_index at:cursor.x]; [self recenter:0]; [self moveCursor: {cursor.x - base.x, cursor.y - base.y}]; return self; } -highlightLine { selection.start = line_index; selection.length = [buffer nextLine: line_index] - line_index; if (!selection.length) { selection.length = [buffer getEOL: line_index] - line_index; } return self; } -(string)getWordAt:(Point) pos { if (pos.x < 0 || pos.y < 0 || pos.x >= xlen || pos.y >= ylen) { return nil; } pos.x += base.x; unsigned lind = [buffer nextLine:base_index :pos.y]; unsigned cind = [buffer charPtr:lind at:pos.x]; eb_sel_t word = [buffer getWord: cind]; return [buffer readString:word]; } @end