#include #include #include #include #include "QF/cmem.h" #include "QF/set.h" static int test_block (memsuper_t *super) { size_t size = super->page_size; void *mem = cmemalloc (super, size); memblock_t *block; if (!mem) { fprintf (stderr, "could not allocate %zd byte block\n", super->page_size); return 0; } if ((size_t) mem & super->page_mask) { fprintf (stderr, "mem not page aligned: %p %zd\n", mem, super->page_size); return 0; } block = super->memblocks; if (mem != block + 1) { fprintf (stderr, "super does not point to mem\n"); return 0; } if (block->post_size < size) { fprintf (stderr, "block post_size too small: %zd < %zd\n", block->post_size, size); return 0; } if (block->post_size - size >= super->page_size) { fprintf (stderr, "block post_size too big: %zd < %zd\n", block->post_size - size, super->page_size); return 0; } memset (mem, 0, size); // valgrind check cmemfree (super, mem); if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "super still points to mem\n"); return 0; } return 1; } static int check_block (memblock_t *block, int line_count, int allocated) { set_t *visited = set_new (); size_t free_bytes = 0; int ret = 1; int count = 0; for (memline_t **l = &block->free_lines; *l; l = &(*l)->block_next) { memline_t *line = *l; ptrdiff_t ind = (memline_t *) block - line; if (ind < 1 || (size_t ) ind > block->pre_size / MEM_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "line outside of block\n"); return 0; } if (set_is_member (visited, ind)) { fprintf (stderr, "loop in block free_lines\n"); return 0; } count++; set_add (visited, ind); if (!line->size) { fprintf (stderr, "line with size 0\n"); ret = 0; } if (line->block_next && line->block_next < line) { fprintf (stderr, "line link in wrong direction\n"); ret = 0; } if ((size_t) line + line->size == (size_t) line->block_next) { fprintf (stderr, "adjacant free line blocks\n"); ret = 0; } if (line->block_prev != l) { fprintf (stderr, "line block_prev link incorrect\n"); ret = 0; } if (line->size > block->pre_size) { fprintf (stderr, "line size too large: %zd / %zd\n", line->size, block->pre_size); ret = 0; } if (line->size % MEM_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "bad line size: %zd / %zd\n", line->size, line->size % MEM_LINE_SIZE); ret = 0; } if (ret) { free_bytes += line->size; } } if (ret) { if (free_bytes + block->pre_allocated != block->pre_size) { fprintf (stderr, "block space mismatch: s: %zd a: %zd f: %zd\n", block->pre_size, block->pre_allocated, free_bytes); ret = 0; } if (line_count >= 0 && line_count != count) { fprintf (stderr, "incorrect number of lines: e: %d g: %d\n", line_count, count); ret = 0; } if (allocated >= 0 && (size_t) allocated != block->pre_allocated) { fprintf (stderr, "pre_allocated wrong size: %zd != %d\n", block->pre_allocated, allocated); } } set_delete (visited); return ret; } static int __attribute__ ((pure)) check_for_loop (memline_t *line, memline_t **stop) { memline_t *next = line->free_next; for (memline_t **l = line->free_prev; l != stop; l = line->free_prev) { line = (memline_t *) l; if (line == next) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int check_bins (memsuper_t *super, int mask) { int ret = 1; for (int i = MAX_CACHE_LINES; i-- > 0; ) { if (mask >= 0) { if (mask & (1 << i)) { if (!super->free_lines[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines[%d] is empty\n", i); ret = 0; } } else { if (super->free_lines[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines[%d] is occupied\n", i); ret = 0; } } } for (memline_t **l = &super->free_lines[i]; *l; l = &(*l)->free_next) { memline_t *line = *l; if (line->free_prev != l) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines[%d] has bad prev\n", i); ret = 0; break; } if (check_for_loop (line, &super->free_lines[i])) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines[%d] loop detected\n", i); ret = 0; break; } if ((MEM_LINE_SIZE << i) > (int) line->size || (MEM_LINE_SIZE << (i + 1)) <= (int) line->size) { fprintf (stderr, "line in wrong i: %d %d %zd\n", i, MEM_LINE_SIZE << i, line->size); ret = 0; } } } return ret; } static int test_line (memsuper_t *super) { memline_t *line1 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); memline_t *line2 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); memline_t *line3 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); memblock_t *block = super->memblocks; if (block->next) { fprintf (stderr, "too many memblocks\n"); return 0; } if (line1 < (memline_t *) block->mem || line1 >= (memline_t *) block) { fprintf (stderr, "line1 outside block line pool\n"); return 0; } if (line2 < (memline_t *) block->mem || line2 >= (memline_t *) block) { fprintf (stderr, "line2 outside block line pool\n"); return 0; } if (line3 < (memline_t *) block->mem || line3 >= (memline_t *) block) { fprintf (stderr, "line3 outside block line pool\n"); return 0; } if (!((size_t) line1 & super->page_mask)) { fprintf (stderr, "line1 is page aligned\n"); return 0; } if (!((size_t) line2 & super->page_mask)) { fprintf (stderr, "line2 is page aligned\n"); return 0; } if (!((size_t) line3 & super->page_mask)) { fprintf (stderr, "line3 is page aligned\n"); return 0; } if (line1 + 1 != line2 || line2 + 1 != line3) { fprintf (stderr, "lines not contiguous\n"); return 0; } if (line3 + 1 != block->free_lines) { fprintf (stderr, "line3 not contiguous with free lines\n"); return 0; } if (!check_block (block, 1, 3 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 1 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x20)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 1 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line2); if (!check_block (block, 2, 2 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 2 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x21)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 2 failed\n"); return 0; } if (block->free_lines != line2) { fprintf (stderr, "block free_lines not pointing to line2\n"); return 0; } if (super->free_lines[0] != line2) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines[0] not pointing to line2\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line3); if (!check_block (block, 1, 1 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 3 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x20)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 3 failed\n"); return 0; } if (block->free_lines != line2) { fprintf (stderr, "free lines not pointing to line2 2\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line1); if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "line pool not freed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x00)) { fprintf (stderr, "bins not cleared\n"); return 0; } line1 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); line2 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); line3 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); block = super->memblocks; if (!check_block (block, 1, 3 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 4 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x20)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 4 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line1); if (!check_block (block, 2, 2 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 5 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x21)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 5 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line2); if (!check_block (block, 2, 1 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 6 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x22)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 6 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line3); if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "line pool not freed 2\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x00)) { fprintf (stderr, "bins not cleared 2\n"); return 0; } line1 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); line2 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); line3 = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); block = super->memblocks; if (!check_block (block, 1, 3 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 7 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x20)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 7 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line3); if (!check_block (block, 1, 2 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 8 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x20)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 8 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line2); if (!check_block (block, 1, 1 * MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "line block check 9 failed\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x20)) { fprintf (stderr, "bin check 9 failed\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line1); if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "line pool not freed 3\n"); return 0; } if (!check_bins (super, 0x00)) { fprintf (stderr, "bins not cleared 3\n"); return 0; } return 1; } typedef struct { size_t size; int group_id; } sline_block_t; static sline_block_t group_tests[] = { { 2, 4}, { 4, 4}, { 5, 8}, { 3, 4}, { 1, 4}, { 6, 8}, { 9, 16}, { 4, 4}, { 4, 4}, { 7, 8}, { 2, 4}, { 4, 4}, { 8, 8}, {13, 16}, { 3, 4}, { 1, 4}, { 8, 8}, { 8, 8}, { 4, 4}, { 4, 4}, {16, 16}, {32, 32}, {32, 33}, }; #define num_group_tests (sizeof (group_tests) / sizeof (group_tests[0])) #define mask(x) (((size_t) (x)) & ~(MEM_LINE_SIZE - 1)) #define pagemask(x,o,s) (((size_t) (x)) & (o (s)->page_mask)) static int test_sline (memsuper_t *super) { void *mem[num_group_tests]; int ret = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_group_tests; i++) { mem[i] = cmemalloc (super, group_tests[i].size); if (!mem[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "mem[%zd] is null\n", i); return 0; } if (!((size_t) mem[i] % MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "mem[%zd] is aligned with chache line\n", i); ret = 0; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_group_tests; i++) { for (size_t j = i + 1; j < num_group_tests; j++) { if (mem[i] == mem[j]) { fprintf (stderr, "mem[%zd] is dupped with %zd\n", i, j); ret = 0; } if (mask (mem[i]) == mask (mem[j])) { if (group_tests[i].group_id != group_tests[j].group_id) { fprintf (stderr, "mem[%zd](%d) is grouped with %zd(%d)\n", i, group_tests[i].group_id, j, group_tests[j].group_id); ret = 0; } } else { if (group_tests[i].group_id == group_tests[j].group_id) { fprintf (stderr, "mem[%zd](%d) is not grouped with %zd(%d)\n", i, group_tests[i].group_id, j, group_tests[j].group_id); ret = 0; } } if (pagemask (mem[i], ~, super) != pagemask (mem[j], ~, super)) { fprintf (stderr, "mem[%zd](%d) is not block grouped with %zd(%d)\n", i, group_tests[i].group_id, j, group_tests[j].group_id); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_group_tests; i++) { cmemfree (super, mem[i]); void *newmem = cmemalloc (super, group_tests[i].size); if (newmem != mem[i]) { fprintf (stderr, "%2zd bytes not recycled (%2zd,%2d) (%06zx %06zx)\n", group_tests[i].size, i, group_tests[i].group_id, pagemask (mem[i], ~~, super), pagemask (newmem, ~~, super)); ret = 0; } if (!((size_t) newmem % MEM_LINE_SIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "newmem is aligned with chache line %p\n", newmem); ret = 0; } } return ret; } static int test_block_line (memsuper_t *super) { void *mem = cmemalloc (super, 2 * super->page_size); void *line; memblock_t *block = super->memblocks; if (block + 1 != (memblock_t *) mem) { fprintf (stderr, "super memblocks do not point to mem\n"); return 0; } if (block->pre_size < MEM_LINE_SIZE) { // need to figure out a way to guarantee a shared block fprintf (stderr, "can't allocate line from block\n"); return 0; } if (block->next) { fprintf (stderr, "excess blocks in super\n"); return 0; } line = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); if (!((size_t) line & super->page_mask)) { fprintf (stderr, "line is page aligned\n"); return 0; } if (super->memblocks->next) { // need to figure out a way to guarantee a shared block fprintf (stderr, "mem and line not in same block\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, mem); if (!super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "shared block freed\n"); return 0; } if (cmemalloc (super, super->page_size) != mem) { fprintf (stderr, "block not reused for mem\n"); return 0; } if (super->memblocks != block || super->memblocks->next) { // need to figure out a way to guarantee a shared block fprintf (stderr, "blocks corrupt\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, line); if (!super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "shared block freed 2\n"); return 0; } cmemfree (super, mem); if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "shared block not freed\n"); return 0; } return 1; } int main (void) { memsuper_t *super = new_memsuper (); int i; if (sizeof (memsuper_t) != 2 * MEM_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "memsuper_t not 2 * cache size: %zd\n", sizeof (memsuper_t)); return 1; } if (sizeof (memline_t) != MEM_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "memline_t not cache size: %zd\n", sizeof (memline_t)); return 1; } if (sizeof (memsline_t) != 2 * sizeof (void *)) { fprintf (stderr, "memsline_t not two pointers: %zd\n", sizeof (memsline_t)); return 1; } if (sizeof (memblock_t) != MEM_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "memblock_t not cache size: %zd\n", sizeof (memblock_t)); return 1; } if ((size_t) super & (MEM_LINE_SIZE - 1)) { fprintf (stderr, "super block not cache aligned: %p\n", super); return 1; } if (super->page_size != (size_t) sysconf (_SC_PAGESIZE)) { fprintf (stderr, "page size not equal to system page size: %zd, %zd\n", super->page_size, sysconf (_SC_PAGESIZE)); return 1; } if (!super->page_size || (super->page_size & (super->page_size - 1))) { fprintf (stderr, "page size not power of two: %zd\n", super->page_size); return 1; } if (super->page_mask + 1 != super->page_size) { fprintf (stderr, "page mask not page size - 1: %zx %zx\n", super->page_mask, super->page_size); return 1; } if (!super->page_mask || (super->page_mask & (super->page_mask + 1))) { fprintf (stderr, "page mask not all 1s: %zx\n", super->page_mask); return 1; } if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "super block list not null\n"); return 1; } for (i = 4; i-- > 0; ) { if (super->last_freed[i]) { break; } } if (i >= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "super last_freed not all null\n"); return 1; } for (i = MAX_CACHE_LINES; i-- > 0; ) { if (super->free_lines[i]) { break; } } if (i >= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines not all null\n"); return 1; } if (!test_block (super)) { fprintf (stderr, "block tests failed\n"); return 1; } if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "super block list not null 2\n"); return 1; } for (i = 4; i-- > 0; ) { if (super->last_freed[i]) { break; } } if (i >= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "super last_freed not all null 2\n"); return 1; } for (i = MAX_CACHE_LINES; i-- > 0; ) { if (super->free_lines[i]) { break; } } if (i >= 0) { fprintf (stderr, "super free_lines not all null 2\n"); return 1; } if (!test_line (super)) { fprintf (stderr, "line tests failed\n"); return 1; } if (super->memblocks) { fprintf (stderr, "super block list not null 2\n"); return 1; } if (!test_block_line (super)) { fprintf (stderr, "block-line tests failed\n"); return 1; } for (size_t i = 0; i < 2 * super->page_size / MEM_LINE_SIZE; i++) { void *line = cmemalloc (super, MEM_LINE_SIZE); if (!line) { fprintf (stderr, "could not allocate %d byte line\n", MEM_LINE_SIZE); return 1; } if ((size_t) line % MEM_LINE_SIZE) { fprintf (stderr, "line not cache-line aligned: %p %d\n", line, MEM_LINE_SIZE); return 1; } if (!((size_t) line & super->page_mask)) { fprintf (stderr, "line is page aligned: %p %zd\n", line, super->page_size); return 1; } } if (!test_sline (super)) { fprintf (stderr, "sub-line tests failed\n"); return 1; } delete_memsuper (super); return 0; }