/* #FILENAME# Qwaq Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: 2001/06/01 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QF/cbuf.h" #include "QF/cmd.h" #include "QF/cvar.h" #include "QF/gib.h" #include "QF/idparse.h" #include "QF/keys.h" #include "QF/progs.h" #include "QF/qargs.h" #include "QF/quakefs.h" #include "QF/ruamoko.h" #include "QF/sys.h" #include "QF/va.h" #include "QF/zone.h" #include "qwaq.h" #include "debugger/debug.h" #define MAX_EDICTS 1024 cbuf_t *qwaq_cbuf; const char *this_program; enum { start_opts = 255, OPT_QARGS, }; static struct option const long_options[] = { {"qargs", no_argument, 0, OPT_QARGS}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; static const char *short_options = "-" // magic option parsing mode doohicky (must come first) ; struct DARRAY_TYPE(qwaq_thread_t *) thread_data; static QFile * open_file (const char *path, int *len) { QFile *file = Qopen (path, "rbz"); char errbuff[1024]; if (!file) { strerror_r(errno, errbuff, sizeof (errbuff)); Sys_Printf ("%s\n", errbuff); return 0; } *len = Qfilesize (file); return file; } static void * load_file (progs_t *pr, const char *name, off_t *_size) { QFile *file; int size; char *sym; file = open_file (name, &size); if (!file) { file = open_file (va ("%s.gz", name), &size); if (!file) { return 0; } } sym = malloc (size + 1); sym[size] = 0; Qread (file, sym, size); *_size = size; return sym; } static void * allocate_progs_mem (progs_t *pr, int size) { return malloc (size); } static void free_progs_mem (progs_t *pr, void *mem) { free (mem); } static void init_qf (void) { qwaq_cbuf = Cbuf_New (&id_interp); Sys_Init (); COM_ParseConfig (); //Cvar_Set (developer, "1"); Memory_Init (malloc (8 * 1024 * 1024), 8 * 1024 * 1024); Cvar_Get ("pr_debug", "2", 0, 0, 0); Cvar_Get ("pr_boundscheck", "0", 0, 0, 0); // Normally, this is done by PR_Init, but PR_Init is not called in the main // thread. However, PR_Opcode_Init() is idempotent. PR_Opcode_Init (); } static progs_t * create_progs (qwaq_thread_t *thread) { progs_t *pr = calloc (1, sizeof (*pr)); progsinit_f *funcs = thread->progsinit; pr->load_file = load_file; pr->allocate_progs_mem = allocate_progs_mem; pr->free_progs_mem = free_progs_mem; pr->no_exec_limit = 1; pr->hashlink_freelist = &thread->hashlink_freelist; PR_Init_Cvars (); PR_Init (pr); RUA_Init (pr, 0); while (*funcs) { (*funcs++) (pr); } return pr; } static int load_progs (progs_t *pr, const char *name) { QFile *file; int size; file = open_file (name, &size); if (!file) { return 0; } pr->progs_name = name; pr->max_edicts = 1; pr->zone_size = 1024*1024; PR_LoadProgsFile (pr, file, size); Qclose (file); if (!PR_RunLoadFuncs (pr)) PR_Error (pr, "unable to load %s", pr->progs_name); return 1; } static void spawn_progs (qwaq_thread_t *thread) { dfunction_t *dfunc; const char *name = 0; string_t *pr_argv; int pr_argc = 1, i; progs_t *pr; thread->main_func = 0; pr = thread->pr = create_progs (thread); if (thread->args.size) { name = thread->args.a[0]; } if (!load_progs (pr, name)) { Sys_Error ("couldn't load %s", name); } if ((dfunc = PR_FindFunction (pr, ".main")) || (dfunc = PR_FindFunction (pr, "main"))) { thread->main_func = dfunc - pr->pr_functions; } else { PR_Undefined (pr, "function", "main"); } if (thread->pr->debug_handler) { thread->pr->debug_handler (prd_begin, &thread->main_func, thread->pr->debug_data); } if (!PR_RunPostLoadFuncs (pr)) { PR_Error (pr, "unable to load %s", pr->progs_name); } PR_PushFrame (pr); if (thread->args.size > 2) { pr_argc = thread->args.size - 1; } pr_argv = PR_Zone_Malloc (pr, (pr_argc + 1) * 4); pr_argv[0] = PR_SetTempString (pr, name); for (i = 1; i < pr_argc; i++) pr_argv[i] = PR_SetTempString (pr, thread->args.a[1 + i]); pr_argv[i] = 0; PR_RESET_PARAMS (pr); P_INT (pr, 0) = pr_argc; P_POINTER (pr, 1) = PR_SetPointer (pr, pr_argv); pr->pr_argc = 2; } static void * run_progs (void *data) { __auto_type thread = (qwaq_thread_t *) data; spawn_progs (thread); Sys_Printf ("starthing thread for %s\n", thread->args.a[0]); PR_ExecuteProgram (thread->pr, thread->main_func); PR_PopFrame (thread->pr); thread->return_code = R_INT (thread->pr); if (thread->pr->debug_handler) { thread->pr->debug_handler (prd_terminate, &thread->return_code, thread->pr->debug_data); } return thread; } static void start_progs_thread (qwaq_thread_t *thread) { pthread_create (&thread->thread_id, 0, run_progs, thread); } qwaq_thread_t * create_thread (void *(*thread_func) (qwaq_thread_t *), void *data) { qwaq_thread_t *thread = calloc (1, sizeof (*thread)); thread->data = data; DARRAY_APPEND (&thread_data, thread); pthread_create (&thread->thread_id, 0, (void*(*)(void*))thread_func, thread); return thread; } static void usage (int status) { printf ("%s - QuakeForge runtime\n", this_program); printf ("sorry, no help yet\n"); exit (status); } static int parse_argset (int argc, char **argv) { qwaq_thread_t *thread = calloc (1, sizeof (*thread)); DARRAY_INIT (&thread->args, 8); DARRAY_APPEND (&thread->args, 0); while (optind < argc && strcmp (argv[optind], "--")) { DARRAY_APPEND (&thread->args, argv[optind++]); } if (optind < argc) { optind++; } DARRAY_APPEND (&thread_data, thread); return thread_data.size - 1; } static int parse_args (int argc, char **argv) { int c; qwaq_thread_t *main_thread = calloc (1, sizeof (*main_thread)); int qargs_ind = -1; DARRAY_INIT (&main_thread->args, 8); while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, short_options, long_options, 0)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 1: DARRAY_APPEND (&main_thread->args, argv[optind - 1]); break; case OPT_QARGS: if (qargs_ind < 0) { qargs_ind = parse_argset (argc, argv); thread_data.a[qargs_ind]->args.a[0] = "--qargs"; goto done; } else { printf ("more than one set of qargs given"); exit (1); } break; default: usage (1); } } done: free (thread_data.a[0]->args.a); free (thread_data.a[0]); thread_data.a[0] = main_thread; while (optind < argc) { parse_argset (argc, argv); } return qargs_ind; } static void bi_printf (progs_t *pr) { const char *fmt = P_GSTRING (pr, 0); int count = pr->pr_argc - 1; pr_type_t **args = pr->pr_params + 1; dstring_t *dstr = dstring_new (); PR_Sprintf (pr, dstr, "bi_printf", fmt, count, args); if (dstr->str) Sys_Printf (dstr->str, stdout); dstring_delete (dstr); } static void bi_traceon (progs_t *pr) { pr->pr_trace = true; pr->pr_trace_depth = pr->pr_depth; } static void bi_traceoff (progs_t *pr) { pr->pr_trace = false; } static builtin_t common_builtins[] = { {"printf", bi_printf, -1}, {"traceon", bi_traceon, -1}, {"traceoff", bi_traceoff, -1}, {}, }; static void common_builtins_init (progs_t *pr) { PR_RegisterBuiltins (pr, common_builtins); } static progsinit_f main_app[] = { Key_Progs_Init, BI_Init, common_builtins_init, QWAQ_EditBuffer_Init, QWAQ_Debug_Init, 0 }; static progsinit_f target_app[] = { common_builtins_init, QWAQ_DebugTarget_Init, 0 }; int main (int argc, char **argv) { int qargs_ind = -1; int main_ind = -1; int ret = 0; size_t num_sys = 1; this_program = argv[0]; DARRAY_INIT (&thread_data, 4); for (optind = 1; optind < argc; ) { parse_argset (argc, argv); } if (thread_data.size) { qwaq_thread_t *thread = thread_data.a[0]; // the first arg is initialized to null, but this is for getopt, so // set to main program name thread->args.a[0] = this_program; optind = 0; qargs_ind = parse_args (thread->args.size, (char **) thread->args.a); } else { // create a blank main thread set qwaq_thread_t *thread = calloc (1, sizeof (*thread)); DARRAY_INIT (&thread->args, 4); DARRAY_APPEND (&thread_data, thread); } if (qargs_ind >= 0) { qwaq_thread_t *qargs = thread_data.a[qargs_ind]; // the first arg is initialized to --qargs, so // set to main program name for now qargs->args.a[0] = this_program; COM_InitArgv (qargs->args.size, qargs->args.a); num_sys++; } else { qwaq_thread_t qargs = {}; DARRAY_INIT (&qargs.args, 2); DARRAY_APPEND (&qargs.args, this_program); COM_InitArgv (qargs.args.size, qargs.args.a); } init_qf (); if (thread_data.a[0]->args.size < 1) { DARRAY_APPEND (&thread_data.a[0]->args, "qwaq-app.dat"); } while (thread_data.size < thread_data.a[0]->args.size + num_sys) { qwaq_thread_t *thread = calloc (1, sizeof (*thread)); DARRAY_INIT (&thread->args, 4); DARRAY_APPEND (&thread->args, 0); DARRAY_APPEND (&thread_data, thread); } for (size_t i = 1, thread_ind = 0; i < thread_data.size; i++) { qwaq_thread_t *thread = thread_data.a[i]; progsinit_f *app_funcs = target_app; if (thread->args.size && thread->args.a[0] && strcmp (thread->args.a[0], "--qargs")) { // skip the args set that's passed to qargs continue; } if (thread_ind < thread_data.a[0]->args.size) { thread->args.a[0] = thread_data.a[0]->args.a[thread_ind++]; } else { printf ("ignoring extra arg sets\n"); break; } if (main_ind < 0) { main_ind = i; app_funcs = main_app; } thread->progsinit = app_funcs; } if (main_ind >= 0) { // threads might start new threads before the end is reached size_t count = thread_data.size; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (thread_data.a[i]->progsinit) { start_progs_thread (thread_data.a[i]); } } pthread_join (thread_data.a[main_ind]->thread_id, 0); } Sys_Shutdown (); return ret; }