#include "QF/sys.h" #include "XYView.h" #include "ZView.h" #include "CameraView.h" #include "Clipper.h" #include "QuakeEd.h" #include "Map.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "PopScrollView.h" id xyview_i; id scrollview_i, gridbutton_i, scalebutton_i; vec3_t xy_viewnormal; // v_forward for xy view float xy_viewdist; // clip behind this plane @implementation NSView (XYView) - (void) setFrame: (NSRect)frame bounds: (NSRect)bounds scale: (NSSize)scale { // XXX[quakeed_i disableDisplay]; // [self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:NO]; // [self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:NO]; [self setFrame: frame]; if (_boundsMatrix) { // FIXME workaround for a bug (?) in GNUstep NSAffineTransformStruct t = [_boundsMatrix transformStruct]; t.m11 = t.m22 = 1; t.m12 = t.m21 = 0; [_boundsMatrix setTransformStruct: t]; } [self setBounds: bounds]; if (_boundsMatrix) { // FIXME workaround for a bug (?) in GNUstep NSAffineTransformStruct t = [_boundsMatrix transformStruct]; t.tX *= scale.width; t.tY *= scale.height; [_boundsMatrix setTransformStruct: t]; } // [self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES]; // [self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:YES]; // XXX[quakeed_i reenableDisplay]; } @end @implementation XYView /* ================== initWithFrame: ================== */ - (id) initWithFrame: (NSRect)frameRect { [super initWithFrame: frameRect]; [self allocateGState]; font = [[NSFont systemFontOfSize: 10] retain]; realbounds = NSMakeRect (0, 0, 0, 0); gridsize = 16; scale = 1.0; xyview_i = self; xy_viewnormal[2] = -1; xy_viewdist = -1024; // initialize the pop up menus scalebutton_i = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] init]; [scalebutton_i setTarget: self]; [scalebutton_i setAction: @selector (scaleMenuTarget:)]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"12.5%"]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"25%"]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"50%"]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"75%"]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"100%"]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"200%"]; [scalebutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"300%"]; [scalebutton_i sizeToFit]; [scalebutton_i selectItemAtIndex: 4]; gridbutton_i = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] init]; [gridbutton_i setTarget: self]; [gridbutton_i setAction: @selector (gridMenuTarget:)]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 1"]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 2"]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 4"]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 8"]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 16"]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 32"]; [gridbutton_i addItemWithTitle: @"grid 64"]; [gridbutton_i sizeToFit]; [gridbutton_i selectItemAtIndex: 4]; // initialize the scroll view scrollview_i = [[PopScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: frameRect button1: scalebutton_i button2: gridbutton_i]; [scrollview_i setLineScroll: 64]; [scrollview_i setAutoresizingMask: (NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable)]; // link objects together [scrollview_i setDocumentView: self]; return scrollview_i; } - (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (BOOL) isOpaque { return YES; } - (id) setModeRadio: m { // this should be set from IB, but because I toss myself in a // popscrollview the connection gets lost mode_radio_i = m; [mode_radio_i setTarget: self]; [mode_radio_i setAction: @selector (drawMode:)]; return self; } - (id) drawMode: sender { drawmode = [sender selectedColumn]; [quakeed_i updateXY]; return self; } - (id) setDrawMode: (drawmode_t)mode { drawmode = mode; [mode_radio_i selectCellAtRow: 0 column: mode]; [quakeed_i updateXY]; return self; } - (float) currentScale { return scale; } - (id) setOrigin: (NSPoint)pt scale: (float)sc { NSRect sframe; NSRect bounds; NSClipView *cv = (NSClipView *) _super_view; // calculate the area visible in the cliprect scale = sc; bounds = [_super_view bounds]; bounds.origin = pt; bounds.size.width /= scale; bounds.size.height /= scale; // union with the realbounds bounds = NSUnionRect (realbounds, bounds); sframe = bounds; sframe.origin.x *= scale; sframe.origin.y *= scale; sframe.size.width *= scale; sframe.size.height *= scale; // redisplay everything // size this view [quakeed_i disableFlushWindow]; [self setFrame: sframe bounds: bounds scale: NSMakeSize (scale, scale)]; // scroll the clip view pt.x *= scale; pt.y *= scale; [cv setBoundsOrigin: pt]; [scrollview_i reflectScrolledClipView: cv]; [quakeed_i enableFlushWindow]; [scrollview_i display]; return self; } - (id) centerOn: (vec3_t)org { NSRect sbounds; NSPoint mid, origin; sbounds = [_super_view bounds]; mid.x = sbounds.size.width / 2; mid.y = sbounds.size.height / 2; origin.x = org[0] - mid.x / scale; origin.y = org[1] - mid.y / scale; [self setOrigin: origin scale: scale]; return self; } /* ================== newSuperBounds When superview is resized ================== */ - (id) newSuperBounds { NSRect r; r = [[self superview] bounds]; [self newRealBounds: r]; return self; } /* =================== newRealBounds Called when the realbounds rectangle is changed. Should only change the scroll bars, not cause any redraws. If realbounds has shrunk, nothing will change. =================== */ - (id) newRealBounds: (NSRect)nb { NSRect bounds; NSRect sframe; realbounds = nb; // calculate the area visible in the cliprect bounds = [_super_view bounds]; bounds.origin.x /= scale; bounds.origin.y /= scale; bounds.size.width /= scale; bounds.size.height /= scale; bounds = NSUnionRect (realbounds, bounds); sframe = bounds; sframe.origin.x *= scale; sframe.origin.y *= scale; sframe.size.width *= scale; sframe.size.height *= scale; // size this view [quakeed_i disableFlushWindow]; [self setFrame: sframe bounds: bounds scale: NSMakeSize (scale, scale)]; [quakeed_i enableFlushWindow]; [scrollview_i reflectScrolledClipView: [scrollview_i contentView]]; return self; } /* ==================== scaleMenuTarget: Called when the scaler popup on the window is used ==================== */ - (id) scaleMenuTarget: sender { NSRect rect; NSPoint mid, org, origin; NSFont *f; float nscale; nscale = [[[sender selectedCell] title] floatValue] / 100; if (nscale == scale) return NULL; f = [[NSFont systemFontOfSize: 10 / nscale] retain]; [scaledFont release]; scaledFont = f; // keep the center of the view constant rect = [_super_view bounds]; mid.x = rect.size.width / 2; mid.y = rect.size.height / 2; org.x = (rect.origin.x + mid.x) / scale; org.y = (rect.origin.y + mid.y) / scale; origin.x = org.x - mid.x / nscale; origin.y = org.y - mid.y / nscale; [self setOrigin: origin scale: nscale]; return self; } /* ============== zoomIn ============== */ - (id) zoomIn: (NSPoint *)constant { id itemlist, selectedItem; int selected, numrows; NSRect visrect; NSPoint ofs, new; // set the popup itemlist = [scalebutton_i itemArray]; numrows = [itemlist count]; selectedItem = [scalebutton_i selectedItem]; selected = [itemlist indexOfObject: selectedItem] + 1; if (selected >= numrows) return NULL; [scalebutton_i selectItemAtIndex: selected]; // zoom the view visrect = [[self superview] bounds]; ofs.x = constant->x - visrect.origin.x; ofs.y = constant->y - visrect.origin.y; new.x = constant->x - ofs.x / 2; new.y = constant->y - ofs.y / 2; [self setOrigin: new scale: scale * 2]; return self; } /* ============== zoomOut ============== */ - (id) zoomOut: (NSPoint *)constant { id itemlist, selectedItem; int selected; NSRect visrect; NSPoint ofs, new; // set the popup itemlist = [scalebutton_i itemArray]; selectedItem = [scalebutton_i selectedItem]; selected = [itemlist indexOfObject: selectedItem] - 1; if (selected < 0) return NULL; [scalebutton_i selectItemAtIndex: selected]; // zoom the view visrect = [[self superview] bounds]; ofs.x = constant->x - visrect.origin.x; ofs.y = constant->y - visrect.origin.y; new.x = constant->x - ofs.x * 2; new.y = constant->y - ofs.y * 2; [self setOrigin: new scale: scale / 2]; return self; } /* ==================== gridMenuTarget: Called when the scaler popup on the window is used ==================== */ - (id) gridMenuTarget: sender { int grid; grid = [[[sender selectedCell] title] intValue]; if (grid == gridsize) return NULL; gridsize = grid; [quakeed_i updateAll]; return self; } /* ==================== snapToGrid ==================== */ - (float) snapToGrid: (float)f { int i; i = rint (f / gridsize); return i * gridsize; } - (int) gridsize { return gridsize; } /* =================== addToScrollRange:: =================== */ - (id) addToScrollRange: (float)x : (float)y; { if (x < newrect.origin.x) { newrect.size.width += newrect.origin.x - x; newrect.origin.x = x; } if (y < newrect.origin.y) { newrect.size.height += newrect.origin.y - y; newrect.origin.y = y; } if (x > newrect.origin.x + newrect.size.width) newrect.size.width += x - (newrect.origin.x + newrect.size.width); if (y > newrect.origin.y + newrect.size.height) newrect.size.height += y - (newrect.origin.y + newrect.size.height); return self; } /* =================== superviewChanged =================== */ - (id) superviewChanged { [self newRealBounds: realbounds]; return self; } /* =============================================================================== DRAWING METHODS =============================================================================== */ vec3_t cur_linecolor; NSBezierPath *path; void linestart (float r, float g, float b) { [path removeAllPoints]; VectorSet (r, g, b, cur_linecolor); } void lineflush (void) { if ([path isEmpty]) return; // endUserPath (upath, dps_ustroke); [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: cur_linecolor[0] green: cur_linecolor[1] blue: cur_linecolor[2] alpha: 1.0] set]; [path stroke]; [path removeAllPoints]; } void linecolor (float r, float g, float b) { if (cur_linecolor[0] == r && cur_linecolor[1] == g && cur_linecolor[2] == b) return; // do nothing lineflush (); VectorSet (r, g, b, cur_linecolor); } void XYmoveto (vec3_t pt) { NSPoint point = {pt[0], pt[1]}; if ([path elementCount] > 2048) lineflush (); [path moveToPoint: point]; } void XYlineto (vec3_t pt) { NSPoint point = {pt[0], pt[1]}; [path lineToPoint: point]; } /* ============ drawGrid Draws tile markings every 64 units, and grid markings at the grid scale if the grid lines are greater than or equal to 4 pixels apart Rect is in global world (unscaled) coordinates ============ */ - (id) drawGrid: (NSRect)rect { int x, y, stopx, stopy; float top, bottom, right, left; NSMutableDictionary *attribs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; BOOL showcoords; NSPoint point; showcoords = [quakeed_i showCoordinates]; left = rect.origin.x - 1; bottom = rect.origin.y - 1; right = rect.origin.x + rect.size.width + 2; top = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height + 2; [path removeAllPoints]; [path setLineWidth: 0.15]; // grid // // can't just divide by grid size because of negetive coordinate // truncating direction if (gridsize >= 4 / scale) { y = floor (bottom / gridsize); stopy = floor (top / gridsize); x = floor (left / gridsize); stopx = floor (right / gridsize); y *= gridsize; stopy *= gridsize; x *= gridsize; stopx *= gridsize; if (y < bottom) y += gridsize; if (x < left) x += gridsize; if (stopx >= right) stopx -= gridsize; if (stopy >= top) stopy -= gridsize; [path removeAllPoints]; for ( ; y <= stopy; y += gridsize) { if (y & 63) { point.x = left; point.y = y; [path moveToPoint: point]; point.x = right; [path lineToPoint: point]; } } for ( ; x <= stopx; x += gridsize) { if (x & 63) { point.x = x; point.y = top; [path moveToPoint: point]; point.y = bottom; [path lineToPoint: point]; } } // endUserPath (upath, dps_ustroke); [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed: 0.8 green: 0.8 blue: 1.0 alpha: 1.0] set]; // thin grid color [path stroke]; } // tiles // for text [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite: 0.0 / 16.0 alpha: 1.0] set]; if (scale > 4.0 / 64) { y = floor (bottom / 64); stopy = floor (top / 64); x = floor (left / 64); stopx = floor (right / 64); y *= 64; stopy *= 64; x *= 64; stopx *= 64; if (y < bottom) y += 64; if (x < left) x += 64; if (stopx >= right) stopx -= 64; if (stopy >= top) stopy -= 64; [path removeAllPoints]; for ( ; y <= stopy; y += 64) { if (showcoords) { NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%i", y]; [s drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint (left, y) withAttributes: attribs]; } [path moveToPoint: point]; point.x = right; [path lineToPoint: point]; } for ( ; x <= stopx; x += 64) { if (showcoords) { NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%i", x]; [s drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint (x, bottom + 2) withAttributes: attribs]; } point.x = x; point.y = top; [path moveToPoint: point]; point.y = bottom; [path lineToPoint: point]; } // endUserPath (upath, dps_ustroke); [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite: 12.0 / 16.0 alpha: 1.0] set]; [path stroke]; } [path setLineWidth: 1]; return self; } /* ================== drawWire ================== */ - (id) drawWire: (NSRect)rect { NSRect visRect; int i, j, c, c2; id ent, brush; vec3_t mins, maxs; BOOL drawnames; NSMutableDictionary *attribs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; drawnames = [quakeed_i showNames]; if ([quakeed_i showCoordinates]) { // coords are showing, update everything visRect = [self visibleRect]; rect = visRect; xy_draw_rect = rect; } NSRectClip (rect); // erase window NSEraseRect (rect); // draw grid [self drawGrid: rect]; // draw all entities, world first so entities take priority linestart (0, 0, 0); c = [map_i count]; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { ent = [map_i objectAtIndex: i]; c2 = [ent count]; for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) { brush = [ent objectAtIndex: j]; if ([brush selected]) continue; if ([brush regioned]) continue; [brush XYDrawSelf]; } if (i > 0 && drawnames) { // draw entity names brush = [ent objectAtIndex: 0]; if (![brush regioned]) { const char *classname = [ent valueForQKey: "classname"]; NSString *s = [NSString stringWithCString: classname]; [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite: 0.0 / 16.0 alpha: 1.0] set]; [brush getMins: mins maxs: maxs]; [s drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint (mins[0], mins[1]) withAttributes: attribs]; } } } lineflush (); // resize if needed newrect.origin.x -= gridsize; newrect.origin.y -= gridsize; newrect.size.width += 2 * gridsize; newrect.size.height += 2 * gridsize; if (!NSEqualRects (newrect, realbounds)) [self newRealBounds: newrect]; return self; } /* ============= drawSolid ============= */ - (id) drawSolid { const unsigned char *planes[5]; NSRect visRect; visRect = [self visibleRect]; // // draw the image into imagebuffer // r_origin[0] = visRect.origin.x; r_origin[1] = visRect.origin.y; r_origin[2] = scale / 2; // using Z as a scale for the 2D projection r_width = visRect.size.width * r_origin[2]; r_height = visRect.size.height * r_origin[2]; if (r_width != xywidth || r_height != xyheight) { xywidth = r_width; xyheight = r_height; if (xypicbuffer) { free (xypicbuffer); free (xyzbuffer); } xypicbuffer = malloc (r_width * (r_height + 1) * sizeof (unsigned)); xyzbuffer = malloc (r_width * (r_height + 1) * sizeof (float)); } r_picbuffer = xypicbuffer; r_zbuffer = xyzbuffer; REN_BeginXY (); REN_ClearBuffers (); // // render the entities // [map_i makeAllPerform: @selector (XYRenderSelf)]; // // display the output // [self lockFocus]; [[self window] setBackingType: NSBackingStoreRetained]; planes[0] = (unsigned char *) r_picbuffer; NSDrawBitmap (visRect, r_width, r_height, 8, 3, 32, r_width * 4, NO, NO, NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, planes); [[self window] setBackingType: NSBackingStoreBuffered]; [self unlockFocus]; return self; } /* =================== drawSelf =================== */ NSRect xy_draw_rect; - (id) drawRect: (NSRect)rect { float drawtime = 0; if (timedrawing) drawtime = Sys_DoubleTime (); xy_draw_rect = rect; newrect.origin.x = newrect.origin.y = 99999; newrect.size.width = newrect.size.height = -2 * 99999; // setup for text [font set]; if (drawmode == dr_texture || drawmode == dr_flat) { [quakeed_i xyNoRestore: [self visibleRect]]; [self drawSolid]; } else { [quakeed_i xyNoRestore: rect]; [self drawWire: rect]; } if (timedrawing) { // NSPing (); drawtime = Sys_DoubleTime () - drawtime; printf ("CameraView drawtime: %5.3f\n", drawtime); } return self; } /* =============================================================================== USER INTERACTION =============================================================================== */ /* ================ dragLoop: ================ */ static NSPoint oldreletive; - (id) dragFrom: (NSEvent *)startevent useGrid: (BOOL)ug callback: (void (*)(float dx, float dy))callback { NSEvent *event; NSPoint startpt, newpt; NSPoint reletive, delta; startpt = [startevent locationInWindow]; startpt = [self convertPoint: startpt fromView: NULL]; oldreletive.x = oldreletive.y = 0; if (ug) { startpt.x = [self snapToGrid: startpt.x]; startpt.y = [self snapToGrid: startpt.y]; } while (1) { unsigned eventMask = NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSRightMouseUpMask | NSRightMouseDraggedMask | NSApplicationDefinedMask; event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: eventMask untilDate: [NSDate distantFuture ] inMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]; if ([event type] == NSLeftMouseUp || [event type] == NSRightMouseUp) break; if ([event type] == NSApplicationDefined) { // doesn't work. // grrr. // [quakeed_i applicationDefined:event]; continue; } newpt = [event locationInWindow]; newpt = [self convertPoint: newpt fromView: NULL]; if (ug) { newpt.x = [self snapToGrid: newpt.x]; newpt.y = [self snapToGrid: newpt.y]; } reletive.x = newpt.x - startpt.x; reletive.y = newpt.y - startpt.y; if (reletive.x == oldreletive.x && reletive.y == oldreletive.y) continue; delta.x = reletive.x - oldreletive.x; delta.y = reletive.y - oldreletive.y; oldreletive = reletive; callback (delta.x, delta.y); } return self; } // ============================================================================ void DragCallback (float dx, float dy) { sb_translate[0] = dx; sb_translate[1] = dy; sb_translate[2] = 0; [map_i makeSelectedPerform: @selector (translate)]; [quakeed_i redrawInstance]; } - (id) selectionDragFrom: (NSEvent *)theEvent { Sys_Printf ("dragging selection\n"); [self dragFrom: theEvent useGrid: YES callback: DragCallback]; [quakeed_i updateAll]; return self; } // ============================================================================ void ScrollCallback (float dx, float dy) { NSRect basebounds; NSPoint neworg; float scale; basebounds = [[xyview_i superview] bounds]; [xyview_i convertRect: basebounds fromView: [xyview_i superview]]; neworg.x = basebounds.origin.x - dx; neworg.y = basebounds.origin.y - dy; scale = [xyview_i currentScale]; oldreletive.x -= dx; oldreletive.y -= dy; [xyview_i setOrigin: neworg scale: scale]; } - (id) scrollDragFrom: (NSEvent *)theEvent { Sys_Printf ("scrolling view\n"); [self dragFrom: theEvent useGrid: YES callback: ScrollCallback]; return self; } // ============================================================================ vec3_t direction; void DirectionCallback (float dx, float dy) { vec3_t org; float ya; direction[0] += dx; direction[1] += dy; [cameraview_i getOrigin: org]; if (direction[0] == org[0] && direction[1] == org[1]) return; ya = atan2 (direction[1] - org[1], direction[0] - org[0]); [cameraview_i setOrigin: org angle: ya]; [quakeed_i newinstance]; [cameraview_i display]; } - (id) directionDragFrom: (NSEvent *)theEvent { NSPoint pt; Sys_Printf ("changing camera direction\n"); pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; direction[0] = pt.x; direction[1] = pt.y; DirectionCallback (0, 0); [self dragFrom: theEvent useGrid: NO callback: DirectionCallback]; return self; } // ============================================================================ id newbrush; vec3_t neworg, newdrag; void NewCallback (float dx, float dy) { vec3_t min, max; int i; newdrag[0] += dx; newdrag[1] += dy; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (neworg[i] < newdrag[i]) { min[i] = neworg[i]; max[i] = newdrag[i]; } else { min[i] = newdrag[i]; max[i] = neworg[i]; } } [newbrush setMins: min maxs: max]; [quakeed_i redrawInstance]; } - (id) newBrushDragFrom: (NSEvent *)theEvent { id owner; texturedef_t td; NSPoint pt; Sys_Printf ("sizing new brush\n"); pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; neworg[0] = [self snapToGrid: pt.x]; neworg[1] = [self snapToGrid: pt.y]; neworg[2] = [map_i currentMinZ]; newdrag[0] = neworg[0]; newdrag[1] = neworg[1]; newdrag[2] = [map_i currentMaxZ]; owner = [map_i currentEntity]; [texturepalette_i getTextureDef: &td]; newbrush = [[SetBrush alloc] initOwner: owner mins: neworg maxs: newdrag texture: &td]; [owner addObject: newbrush]; [newbrush setSelected: YES]; [self dragFrom: theEvent useGrid: YES callback: NewCallback]; [newbrush removeIfInvalid]; [quakeed_i updateCamera]; return self; } // ============================================================================ void ControlCallback (float dx, float dy) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numcontrolpoints; i++) { controlpoints[i][0] += dx; controlpoints[i][1] += dy; } [[map_i selectedBrush] calcWindings]; [quakeed_i redrawInstance]; } - (BOOL) planeDragFrom: (NSEvent *)theEvent { NSPoint pt; vec3_t dragpoint; if ([map_i numSelected] != 1) return NO; pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; dragpoint[0] = pt.x; dragpoint[1] = pt.y; dragpoint[2] = 2048; [[map_i selectedBrush] getXYdragface: dragpoint]; if (!numcontrolpoints) return NO; Sys_Printf ("dragging brush plane\n"); pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; [self dragFrom: theEvent useGrid: YES callback: ControlCallback]; [[map_i selectedBrush] removeIfInvalid]; [quakeed_i updateAll]; return YES; } - (BOOL) shearDragFrom: (NSEvent *)theEvent { NSPoint pt; vec3_t dragpoint; vec3_t p1, p2; float time; id br; int face; if ([map_i numSelected] != 1) return NO; br = [map_i selectedBrush]; pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; // if the XY point is inside the brush, make the point on top p1[0] = pt.x; p1[1] = pt.y; VectorCopy (p1, p2); p1[2] = -2048 * xy_viewnormal[2]; p2[2] = 2048 * xy_viewnormal[2]; VectorCopy (p1, dragpoint); [br hitByRay: p1 : p2 : &time : &face]; if (time > 0) { dragpoint[2] = p1[2] + (time - 0.01) * xy_viewnormal[2]; } else { [br getMins: p1 maxs: p2]; dragpoint[2] = (p1[2] + p2[2]) / 2; } [br getXYShearPoints: dragpoint]; if (!numcontrolpoints) return NO; Sys_Printf ("dragging brush plane\n"); pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; [self dragFrom: theEvent useGrid: YES callback: ControlCallback]; [br removeIfInvalid]; [quakeed_i updateAll]; return YES; } /* =============================================================================== INPUT METHODS =============================================================================== */ /* =================== mouseDown =================== */ - (id) mouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent { NSPoint pt; id ent; vec3_t p1, p2; int flags; pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; p1[0] = p2[0] = pt.x; p1[1] = p2[1] = pt.y; p1[2] = xy_viewnormal[2] * -4096; p2[2] = xy_viewnormal[2] * 4096; flags = [theEvent modifierFlags] & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask); // shift click to select / deselect a brush from the world if (flags == NSShiftKeyMask) { [map_i selectRay: p1: p2: YES]; return self; } // cmd-shift click to set a target/targetname entity connection if (flags == (NSShiftKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask)) { [map_i entityConnect: p1: p2]; return self; } // bare click to either drag selection, or rubber band a new brush if (flags == 0) { // if double click, position Z checker if ([theEvent clickCount] > 1) { Sys_Printf ("positioned Z checker\n"); [zview_i setPoint: &pt]; [quakeed_i newinstance]; [quakeed_i updateZ]; return self; } // check eye if ([cameraview_i XYmouseDown: &pt flags: [theEvent modifierFlags]]) return self; // camera move // check z post if ([zview_i XYmouseDown: &pt]) return self; // z view move // check clippers if ([clipper_i XYDrag: &pt]) return self; // check single plane dragging if ([self planeDragFrom: theEvent]) return self; // check selection ent = [map_i grabRay: p1 : p2]; if (ent) return [self selectionDragFrom: theEvent]; if ([map_i numSelected]) { Sys_Printf ("missed\n"); return self; } return [self newBrushDragFrom: theEvent]; } // control click = position and drag camera if (flags == NSControlKeyMask) { [cameraview_i setXYOrigin: &pt]; [quakeed_i newinstance]; [cameraview_i display]; [cameraview_i XYmouseDown: &pt flags: [theEvent modifierFlags]]; return self; } // command click = drag Z checker if (flags == NSCommandKeyMask) { // check single plane dragging [self shearDragFrom: theEvent]; return self; Sys_Printf ("moving Z checker\n"); [zview_i setXYOrigin: &pt]; [quakeed_i updateAll]; [zview_i XYmouseDown: &pt]; return self; } // alt click = set entire brush texture if (flags == NSAlternateKeyMask) { if (drawmode != dr_texture) { Sys_Printf ("No texture setting except in texture mode!\n"); NopSound (); return self; } [map_i setTextureRay: p1 : p2 : YES]; [quakeed_i updateAll]; return self; } // ctrl-alt click = set single face texture if (flags == (NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask)) { if (drawmode != dr_texture) { Sys_Printf ("No texture setting except in texture mode!\n"); NopSound (); return self; } [map_i setTextureRay: p1 : p2 : NO]; [quakeed_i updateAll]; return self; } Sys_Printf ("bad flags for click %x\n", flags); NopSound (); return self; } /* =================== rightMouseDown =================== */ - (id) rightMouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent { NSPoint pt; int flags; pt = [theEvent locationInWindow]; pt = [self convertPoint: pt fromView: NULL]; flags = [theEvent modifierFlags] & (NSShiftKeyMask | NSControlKeyMask | NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask); if (flags == NSCommandKeyMask) return [self scrollDragFrom: theEvent]; if (flags == NSAlternateKeyMask) return [clipper_i XYClick: pt]; if (flags == 0 || flags == NSControlKeyMask) return [self directionDragFrom: theEvent]; Sys_Printf ("bad flags for click\n"); NopSound (); return self; } - (NSFont *) scaledFont { return scaledFont; } @end