/* snd_render.h Sound renderer plugin stuff Copyright (C) 2002 Bill Currie Author: Bill Currie Date: Jan 31 2003 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA $Id$ */ #ifndef __snd_render_h #define __snd_render_h #include "QF/zone.h" // !!! if this is changed, it must be changed in asm_i386.h too !!! typedef struct portable_samplepair_s { int left; int right; } portable_samplepair_t; typedef struct wavinfo_s { unsigned rate; unsigned width; unsigned channels; unsigned loopstart; unsigned samples; unsigned dataofs; // chunk starts this many bytes from file start unsigned datalen; // chunk bytes } wavinfo_t; typedef struct channel_s channel_t; typedef struct sfxbuffer_s sfxbuffer_t; struct sfxbuffer_s { unsigned head; // ring buffer head position in sampels unsigned tail; // ring buffer tail position in sampels unsigned length; // length of buffer in samples unsigned pos; // position of tail within full stream unsigned bps; // bytes per sample: 1 2 4 usually void (*paint) (channel_t *ch, sfxbuffer_t *buffer, int count); void (*advance) (sfxbuffer_t *buffer, unsigned int count); void (*setpos) (sfxbuffer_t *buffer, unsigned int pos); sfx_t *sfx; byte data[4]; }; typedef struct sfxstream_s { sfx_t *sfx; void *file; wavinfo_t wavinfo; int pos; void (*resample)(sfxbuffer_t *, byte *, int, void *); int (*read)(void *file, byte *data, int bytes, wavinfo_t *info); int (*seek)(void *file, int pos, wavinfo_t *info); sfxbuffer_t buffer; } sfxstream_t; typedef struct sfxblock_s { sfx_t *sfx; void *file; wavinfo_t wavinfo; cache_user_t cache; } sfxblock_t; // !!! if this is changed, it much be changed in asm_i386.h too !!! struct channel_s { sfx_t *sfx; // sfx number int leftvol; // 0-255 volume int rightvol; // 0-255 volume unsigned end; // end time in global paintsamples unsigned pos; // sample position in sfx unsigned looping; // where to loop, -1 = no looping int entnum; // to allow overriding a specific sound int entchannel; // vec3_t origin; // origin of sound effect vec_t dist_mult; // distance multiplier (attenuation/clipK) int master_vol; // 0-255 master volume int phase; // phase shift between l-r in samples int oldphase; // phase shift between l-r in samples }; void SND_PaintChannels(unsigned int endtime); void SND_ResampleMono (sfxbuffer_t *sc, byte *data, int length, void *prev); void SND_ResampleStereo (sfxbuffer_t *sc, byte *data, int length, void *prev); void SND_NoResampleStereo (sfxbuffer_t *sc, byte *data, int length, void *prev); sfxbuffer_t *SND_GetCache (long samples, int rate, int inwidth, int channels, sfxblock_t *block, cache_allocator_t allocator); void SND_InitScaletable (void); void SND_Load (sfx_t *sfx); void SND_CallbackLoad (void *object, cache_allocator_t allocator); void SND_LoadOgg (QFile *file, sfx_t *sfx, char *realname); void SND_LoadWav (QFile *file, sfx_t *sfx, char *realname); void SND_LoadMidi (QFile *file, sfx_t *sfx, char *realname); wavinfo_t *SND_CacheWavinfo (sfx_t *sfx); wavinfo_t *SND_StreamWavinfo (sfx_t *sfx); sfxbuffer_t *SND_CacheTouch (sfx_t *sfx); sfxbuffer_t *SND_CacheRetain (sfx_t *sfx); void SND_CacheRelease (sfx_t *sfx); sfxbuffer_t *SND_StreamRetain (sfx_t *sfx); void SND_StreamRelease (sfx_t *sfx); void SND_StreamAdvance (sfxbuffer_t *buffer, unsigned int count); void SND_StreamSetPos (sfxbuffer_t *buffer, unsigned int pos); void SND_WriteLinearBlastStereo16 (void); void SND_PaintChannelFrom8 (channel_t *ch, sfxbuffer_t *sc, int count); void SND_PaintChannelFrom16 (channel_t *ch, sfxbuffer_t *sc, int count); void SND_PaintChannelStereo8 (channel_t *ch, sfxbuffer_t *sc, int count); void SND_PaintChannelStereo16 (channel_t *ch, sfxbuffer_t *sc, int count); extern volatile dma_t *shm; extern channel_t channels[MAX_CHANNELS]; // 0 to MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS-1 = normal entity sounds // MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS to MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS -1 = water, etc // MAX_DYNAMIC_CHANNELS + NUM_AMBIENTS to total_channels = static sounds extern int total_channels; #endif//__snd_render_h