The main goal of this change was to make it easier to tell when a
hierarchy has been deleted, but as a side benefit, it got rid of the use
of PR_RESMAP. Also, it's easy to track the number of hierarchies.
Unfortunately, it showed how brittle the component side of the ECS is
(scene and canvas registries assumed their components were the first (no
long the case), thus the sweeping changes).
Centerprint doesn't work (but it hasn't for a while).
It's used for finding the entity that has the actual canvas component
attached. Useful for sharing a single canvas between multiple view
hierarchies, and worked as a proof of concept for doing similar with
hierarchy references, and might work for properly destroying canvas
items (fills etc) when a view entity is deleted (if attached to every
This is for scroll boxes (the nesting of canvases is for the clipping
they provide). There are some issues with automatic layout, but this
gets things mostly working, in particular the management of the link
between hierarchies as a canvas is always the root of its hierarchy.
With the scroll box work I'm doing, I realized 16 bits is a little
cramped. Although I doubt it would be that much of a problem, switching
to 32 bits turned out to be free because of alignment.
Much of the state handling was highly redundant (in particular, handling
entity and old_entity). This should make it easier to get dragable items
for window resizing.
Panels can be anchored to a widget in another hierarchy, allowing for
things like cascading menus. They can also be extended via referencing
them by name, allowing for subsystems to add items to an already panel
(eg, extending a menu).
The intent is to use them for menus, tooltips and anything else along
those lines, but windows was a good starting point (and puts a border
along the top of the window too).
Canvas draw order is sorted by group then order within the group. As a
fallback, the canvas entity id is used to keep the sort stable, but
that's only as stable as the ids themselves (if the canvases are
destroyed and recreated, the ids may switch around).
Shaped text is cached using all the shaping parameters as well as the
text itself as a key. This makes text shaping a non-issue for imui when
the text is stable, taking my simple test from 120fps to 1000fps
(optimized build).
By default, horizontal and vertical layouts expand to fill their parent
in their on-axis direction (horizontally for horizontal layouts), but
fit to their child views in their off-axis.
Flexible space views take advantage of auto-expansion, pushing sibling
views such that the grandparent view is filled on the parent view's
on-axis, and the parent view is filled by the space in the parent view's
off-axis. Flexible views currently have a background fill, allowing them
to provide background filling of the overall view with minimal overdraw
(ancestor views don't need to have any fill at all).
This takes care of element order stability. It did need reworking the
mouse tracking code (including adding an active flag to views), but now
buttons seem to work correctly.
TextContent seems redundant at this stage since a text view is always
sized to its content, and PercentOfParent doesn't work yet. Pixels
definitely works and Null seems to work in that it does no sizing or
positioning. Vertical layout is supported but not yet tested, similar
for ChildrenSum, but I can have two buttons side by side.
Both passage and simple text are supported, but only simple text has
been tested at this stage. However, as passage text was taken directly
from rua_gui.c and formed the basis for simple text rendering, I expect
it's at least close to working.
The same underlying mechanism is used for both simple text strings and
passages, but without the intervening hierarchy of paragraphs etc.
Results in only the one view for a simple text string.
I'm not sure I like fontconfig (docs are...), but it is pretty standard,
and I was able to find some reasonable examples on stackexchange
Currently, only the one font is handled, no font sets for fall backs
etc. It's meant for the debug UI I'm working on, so that shouldn't be a
big deal.
Canvas_SortComponentPool now takes the raw canvas component id as it is
specialized to the canvas subpools.
Canvas_SetLen resizes the root view and then updates the hierarchy for
every canvas in the system.
Canvas_InitSys sets up the component system with the systems it needs
(canvas, view, text). This is required to ensure view_href is just past
the canvas components as it is needed for retrieving the actual canvas
component (and thus sub-pool range ids) from arbitrary views in the
Entities are fetched with the correct offset from the pool entities.
The pic is scaled to fill the specified rect (then clipped to the
screen (effectively)). Done just for the console background for now, but
it will be used for slice-pics as well.
Not implemented for vulkan yet as I'm still thinking about the
descriptor management needed for the instanced rendering.
Making the conback rendering conditional gave an approximately 3% speed
boost to glsl with the GL stub (~12200fps to ~12550fps), for either
conback render method.