Enabled by 'developer lighting'. It was good for confirming that the
lights in ad_e1m1 (Doom Hangar 16) were actually being output (over 600
of them sometimes, ouch). Turned out to be the color scale ambiguity.
Surfaces marked with SURF_DRAWALPHA but not SURF_DRAWTURB are put in a
separate queue for the water shader and run with a turb scale of 0.
Also, entities with colormod alpha < 1 are marked to go in the same
queue as SURF_DRAWALPHA surfaces (ie, no SURF_DRAWTURB unless the
model's texture indicated such).
Most were pretty easy and fairly logical, but gib's regex was a bit of a
pain until I figured out the real problem was the conditional
However, libs/gamecode/test/test-conv4 fails when optimizing due to gcc
using vcvttps2dq (which is nice, actually) for vector forms, but not the
single equivalent other times. I haven't decided what to do with the
test (I might abandon it as it does seem to be UD).
The texture animation data is compacted into a small struct for each
texture, resulting in much less data access when animating the texture.
More importantly, no looping over the list of frames. I plan on
migrating this to at least the other hardware renderers.
I found a test map with no texture data. Even after fixing the bsp
loader, vulkan didn't like it. Now vulkan is happy. The "Missing" text
is full-bright magenta on a dim grey background so it should be visible
in any lighting conditions.
Conflagrant Rodent has a sub-model with 0 faces (double bit error?)
causing simply counting faces to get out of sync with actual model
starts thus breaking *all* brush models that come after it (including
other maps). Thus be a little less lazy in figuring out model start
The models are broken up into N sub-(sub-)models, one for each texture,
but all faces using the same texture are drawn as an instance, making
for both reduced draw calls and reduced index buffer use (and thus,
hopefully, reduced bandwidth). While texture animations are broken, this
does mark a significant milestone towards implementing shadows as it
should now be possible to use multiple threads (with multiple index and
entid buffers) to render the depth buffers for all the lights.
This allows the use of an entity id to index into the entity data and
fetch the transform and colormod data in the vertex shader, thus making
instanced rendering possible. Non-world brush entities are still not
rendered, but the world entity is using both the entity data buffer and
entid buffer.
Sub-models and instance models need an instance data buffer, but this
gets the basics working (and the proof of concept). Using arrays like
this actually simplified a lot of the code, and will make it easy to get
transparency without turbulence (just another queue).
One more step towards BSP thread-safety. This one brought with it a very
noticeable speed boost (ie, not lost in the noise) thanks to the face
visframes being in tightly packed groups instead of 128 bytes apart,
though the sw render's boost is lost in the noise (but it's very
fill-rate limited).
This is next critical step to making BSP rendering thread-safe.
visframe was replaced with cluster (not used yet) in anticipation of BSP
cluster reconstruction (which will be necessary for dealing with large
maps like ad_tears).
The main goal was to get visframe out of mnode_t to make it thread-safe
(each thread can have its own visframe array), but moving the plane info
into mnode_t made for better data access patters when traversing the bsp
tree as the plane is right there with the child indices. Nicely, the
size of mnode_t is the same as before (64 bytes due to alignment), with
4 bytes wasted.
Performance-wise, there seems to be very little difference. Maybe
slightly slower.
The unfortunate thing about the change is the plane distance is negated,
possibly leading to some confusion, particularly since the box and
sphere culling functions were affected. However, this is so point-plane
distance calculations can be done with a single 4d dot product.
The map uses 41% of a 4k light map scrap, and 512 texture descriptors
wasn't enough for vulkan. Ouch. I do need to get cvars on these things,
but this will do for now (decades later...)
This was one of the biggest reasons I had trouble understanding the bsp
display list code, but it turns out it was for dealing with GLES's
16-bit limit on vertex indices. Since vulkan uses 32-bit indices,
there's no need for the extra layer of indirection. I'm pretty sure it
was that lack of understanding that prevented me from removing it when I
first converted the glsl bsp code to vulkan (ie, that 16-bit indices
were the only reason for elements_t).
It's hard to tell whether the change makes much difference to
performance, though it seems it might (noisy stats even over 50 timedemo
loops) and the better data localization indicate it should at least be
just as good if not better. However, the reason for the change is
simplifying the data structures so I can make bsp rendering thread-safe
in preparation for rendering shadow maps.
And maybe a nano-optimization. Switching from (~side + 1) to (-side)
seems to give glsl a very tiny speed boost, but certainly doesn't hurt.
Looking at some assembly output for the three cases, the two hacks seem
to generate the same code as each other, but 3 instructions vs 6 for ?:.
While ?: is more generically robust, the hacks are tuned for the
knowledge side is either 0 or 1. The later xor might alter things, but
at least I now know that the hack (either version) is worthwhile.
With experience, I have found that trying to continue after a validation
error tends to result in a segfault or some other nastiness, and
Sys_Shutdown (and the full shutdown sequence) is triggered for any error
signal (segfault, abort, etc) so just exit(1).
Some very much needed comments :P Still, nicely, I now have a much
better understanding of how the display lists are created (10 years
is a long time to remember how intricate code works (I do remember
fighting to get it working back then))
Many modders use negative lights for interesting effects, but vulkan
doesn't like the result of a negative int treated as unsigned when it
comes to texture sizes.
However, this time it doesn't modify the light array when it sorts the
lights by size since the lights are now located before the renderer gets
to see them, and having the fix up the light leafs array would be too
painful (and probably the completely wrong thing to do anyway: the light
array should be treated as constant by the renderer). 1.6GB of memory
for gmsp3v2's lights (a little better than marcher: more smaller lights?).
For reference:
gmsp3v2: shadow maps: 8330 layers in 29 images: 1647706112
marcher: shadow maps: 2440 layers in 11 images: 2358575104
For now, at least (I have some ideas to possibly reduce the numbers and
also to avoid the need for actual limits). I've seen gmsp3v2 use over
500 lights at once (it has over 1300), and I spent too long figuring out
that weird light behavior was due to the limit being hit and lights
getting dropped (and even longer figuring out that more weird behavior
was due to the lack of shadows and the world being too bright in the
first place).
Since the staging buffer allocates the command buffers it uses, it
needs to free them when it is freed. I think I was confused by the
validation layers not complaining about unfreed buffers when shutting
down, but that's because destroying the pool (during program shutdown,
when the validation layers would complain) frees all the buffers. Thus,
due to staging buffers being created and destroyed during the level load
process, (rather large) command buffers were piling up like imps in a
Doom level.
In the process, it was necessary to rearrange some of the shutdown code
because vulkan_vid_render_shutdown destroys the shared command pool, but
the pool is required for freeing the command buffers, but there was a
minor mess of long-lived staging buffers being freed afterwards. That
didn't end particularly well.
Unfortunately, the animations are pre-baked (by the loader) blocking
run-time determined animations (IK etc). However, this at least gets
everything working so the basics can be verified (the shader posed some
issue resulting in horror movies ;).
Brush models looked a little too tricky due to the very different style
of command queue, so that's left for now, but alias, iqm and sprite
entities are now labeled. The labels are made up of the lower 5 hex
digits of the entity address, the position, and colored by the
normalized position vector. Not sure that's the best choice as it does
mean the color changes as the entity moves, and can be quite subtle
between nearby entities, but it still helps identify the entities in the
command buffer.
And, as I suspected, I've got multiple draw calls for the one ogre. Now
to find out why.
The bones aren't animated yet (and I realized I made the mistake of
thinking the bone buffer was per-model when it's really per-instance (I
think this mistake is in the rest of QF, too)), skin rendering is a
mess, need to default vertex attributes that aren't in the model...
Still, it's quite satisfying seeing Mr Fixit on screen again :)
I wound up moving the pipeline spec in with the rest of the pipelines as
the system isn't really ready for separating them.
The plists can now be accessed by name and the forward render pass
config is available (but not used, or tested beyond syntax). I was going
to have the IQM pipeline spec separate but ran into limitations in the
system (which needs a lot of polish, really).
That @inherit is pretty useful :) This makes it much easier to see how
different pipelines differ or how they are the similar. It also makes it
much clearer which sub-pass they're for.
I was wondering why scaled-down quake-guy was dimmer than full-size
quake-guy. And the per-fragment normalization gives the illusion of
smoothness if you don't look at his legs (and even then...).
I'm not sure what's up with the weird lighting that results from dynamic
lights being directional (sunlight works nicely in marcher, but it has a
unit vector for position).
The parsing of light data from maps is now in the client library, and
basic light management is in scene. Putting the light loading code into
the Vulkan renderer was a mistake I've wanted to correct for a while.
The client code still needs a bit of cleanup, but the basics are working
This replaces *_NewMap with *_NewScene and adds SCR_NewScene to handle
loading a new map (for quake) in the renderer, and will eventually be
how any new scene is loaded.
This leaves only the one conditional in the shader code, that being the
distance check. It doesn't seem to make any noticeable difference to
performance, but other than explosion sprites being blue, lighting
quality seems to have improved. However, I really need to get shadows
working: marcher is just silly-bright without them, and light levels
changing as I move around is a bit disconcerting (but reasonable as
those lights' leaf nodes go in and out of visibility).
Id Software had pretty much nothing to do with the vulkan renderer (they
still get credit for code that's heavily based on the original quake
code, of course).
It's not used yet, and thus may have some incorrect settings, but I
decided that I will probably want it at some stage for qwaq. It's
essentially was was in the original spec, but updated for some of the
niceties added to parsing since I removed it back then. It's also in its
own file.