And use it for hud_scoreboard_gravity. Putting the enum def in view made
the most sense as view does own the base type and the enum is likely to
be by useful for other settings.
I think I'd gotten distracted while making the changes to the server,
then simply copied the partial changes to the client. It didn't blow up
thanks to the backing store bing char * and the type sized for int, so
safe on any platform, but useless as it wasn't connected properly.
It's actually pretty neat being able to directly, but safely, control a
function pointer via a cvar :)
The misinterpretations were due to either the cvar not being accessed
directly by the engine, but via only the callback, or the cvars were
accesssed only by progs (in which case, they should be float). The
remainder are a potential enum (hud gravity) and a "too hard basket"
(rcon password: need to figure out how I want to handle secret strings).
Other parts of quakefs treat an empty path as an error, so fs_sharepath
and fs_userpath must never be empty or they will effectively be
rejected. While the user explicitly setting them to empty strings is one
way for them to become empty, another is QFS_CompressPath compressing
'.' to an empty path, which makes it rather difficult to set up the
traditional quake directory tree (ie, operate from the current
My script didn't know what type to make the cvars since they're not used
directly by the code, so they got treated as strings instead of ints or
This is an extremely extensive patch as it hits every cvar, and every
usage of the cvars. Cvars no longer store the value they control,
instead, they use a cexpr value object to reference the value and
specify the value's type (currently, a null type is used for strings).
Non-string cvars are passed through cexpr, allowing expressions in the
cvars' settings. Also, cvars have returned to an enhanced version of the
original (id quake) registration scheme.
As a minor benefit, relevant code having direct access to the
cvar-controlled variables is probably a slight optimization as it
removed a pointer dereference, and the variables can be located for data
The static cvar descriptors are made private as an additional safety
layer, though there's nothing stopping external modification via
Cvar_FindVar (which is needed for adding listeners).
While not used yet (partly due to working out the design), cvars can
have a validation function.
Registering a cvar allows a primary listener (and its data) to be
specified: it will always be called first when the cvar is modified. The
combination of proper listeners and direct access to the controlled
variable greatly simplifies the more complex cvar interactions as much
less null checking is required, and there's no need for one cvar's
callback to call another's.
nq-x11 is known to work at least well enough for the demos. More testing
will come.
The prefix gives more context to the error messages, making the system a
lot easier to use (it was especially helpful when getting my cvar revamp
into shape).
Based on the flags type used in vkparse (difference is the lack of
support for plists). Having this will make supporting named flags in
cvars much easier (though setting up the enum type is a bit of a chore).
This allows for easy (and safe) printing of cexpr values where the type
supports it. Types that don't support printing would be due to being too
complex or possibly write-only (eg, password strings, when strings are
supported directly).
Surprisingly, only two, but they were caught by the different value
fields being used, thus the cvar was checked in multiple places. I
imagine that's not really all that common, so there may be some
inconsistencies between default value and use.
This is progress towards #23. There are still some references to
host_time and host_client (via nq's server.h), and a lot of references
to sv and svs, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
This allows a single render pass description to be used for both
on-screen and off-screen targets. While Vulkan does allow a VkRenderPass
to be used with any compatible frame buffer, and vkparse caches a
VkRenderPass created from the same description, this allows the same
description to be used for a compatible off-screen target without any
dependence on the swapchain. However, there is a problem in the caching
when it comes to targeting outputs with different formats.
This means that a tex_t object is passed in instead of just raw bytes
and width and height, but it means the texture can specify whether it's
flipped or uses BGR instead of RGB. This fixes the upside down
screenshots for vulkan.
This fixes (*ahem*) the vulkan renderer segfaulting when attempting to
take a screenshot. However, the image is upside down. Also, remote
snapshots and demo capture are broken for the moment.
QFS_NextFilename was renamed to QFS_NextFile to reflect the fact it now
returns a QFile pointer for the newly created file (as well as the
name). This necessitated updating WritePNG to take a file pointer
instead of a file name, with the advantage that WritePNGqfs is no longer
necessary and callers have much more control over the creation of the
This makes QFS_NextFile much more secure against file system race
conditions and attacks (at least in theory). If nothing else, it will
make it more robust in a multi-threaded environment.
It's not there yet as it promptly closes the file and returns only the
filename (and then only the portion within the user's directory tree).
However, this worked nicely as a test for Sys_UniqueFile.
QF currently uses unique file names for screenshots and server-side
demos (and remote snapshots), but they're generally useful.
QFS_NextFilename has been filling this role, but it is highly insecure
in its current implementation. This is the first step to taking care of
The tests fail due to differences in how clang and gcc treat floating
point to unsigned integral type conversions when the values overflow. It
wouldn't be so bad if clang was consistent with conversions to 32-bit
unsigned integers, like it seems to be with conversion to 64-bit
unsigned integers.
With this, the "get QF building with clang" mini-project is done and I
won't have to panic when someone comes to me and asks if it will work.
At worst, there'll be a little bit-rot.
Only edicts themselves get a smaller alignment (4, 8 or 32 bytes,
depending on hardware and progs version). I didn't want to waste too
much memory on edict alignment for progs that don't need any better than
void *, but the zone really wants 64 bytes, and the stack might as well
have 64 bytes as well. Fixes a segfault when running v6 progs in a clang
build (clang got really agressive with simd in zone.c).
gcc and clang have rather different swizzle builtins, but both do a nice
job of optimizing the intuitive initializer swizzle (I think gcc 8(?)
didn't do such a good job thus my use of __builtin_shuffle).
clang doesn't like anything but a bare 0 as null (and in some of the
cases, it was quite right: '\0' should not be treated as a null
pointer). And the crashers were just for paranoia and probably aren't
needed any more (kept for now, though).
It seems clang defaults to unsigned for enums. Interestingly, gcc was ok
with the checks being either way. I guess gcc treats enums that *can* be
unsigned as DWIM.
Still work with gcc, of course, and I still need to fix them properly,
but now they're actually slightly easier to find as they all have vec_t
and FIXME on the same line.
Viewport and FOV updates are now separate so updating one doesn't cause
recalculations of the other. Also, perspective setup is now done
directly from the tangents of the half angles for fov_x and fov_y making
the renderers independent of fov/aspect mode. I imagine things are a bit
of a mess with view size changes, and especially screen size changes
(not supported yet anyway), and vulkan winds up updating its projection
matrices every frame, but everything that's expected to work does
(vulkan errors out for fisheye or warp due to frame buffer creation not
being supported yet).
If the entity didn't have a known model type, R_StoreEfrags would get
stuck in an infinite loop (fortunately, never actually happened. The
result of making it not call Sys_Error for unknown models)).
I meant to do this a while ago but forgot about it. Things are a bit of
a mess in that the renderer knows too much about entities, but
eventually the renderer will know about only things to render (meshes,
particles, etc).