It turns out that initializing them via constructors led to their
shutdowns happening too late which resulted in problems with button and
axis cleanup.
This fixes the annoying persistence of inputs when respawning and
changing levels. Axis input clearing is hooked up but does nothing as of
yet. Active device input clearing has always been hooked up, but also
does nothing in the evdev and x11 drivers.
And create rua_game to coordinate other game builtins.
Menus are broken for key handling, but have been since the input rewrite
anyway. rua_input adds the ability to create buttons and axes (but not
destroy them). More work needs to be done to flesh things out, though.
The listener is invoked when the axis value changes due to IN_UpdateAxis
or IN_ClampAxis updating the axis. This does mean the listener
invocation make be somewhat delayed. I am a tad uncertain about this
design thus it being a separate commit.
Combining absolute and relative inputs at the binding does not work well
because absolute inputs generally update only when the physical input
updates, so clearing the axis input each frame results in a brief pulse
from the physical input, but relative inputs must be cleared each frame
(where frame here is each time the axis is read) but must accumulate the
relative updates between frames.
Other than the axis mode being incorrect, this seems to work quite
There's now an internal event handler for taking care of device addition
and removal, and a public event handler for dealing with device input
events in various contexts In particular, so the clients can check for
the escape key.
While the console command line is quite good for setting everything up,
the devices being bound do need to be present when the commands are
executed (due to needing extra data provided by the devices). Thus
property lists that store the extra data (button and axis counts, device
names/ids, connection names, etc) seems to be the best solution.
The mouse bound to movement axes works (though signs are all over the
place, so movement direction is a little off), and binding F10 (key 68)
to quit works :)
Each axis binding has its own recipe (meaning the same input axis can be
interpreted differently for each binding)
Recipes are specified with field=value pairs after the axis name.
Valid fields are minzone, maxzone, deadzone, curve and scale, with
deadzone doubling as a balanced/unbalanced flag.
The default recipe has no zones, is balanced, and curve and scale are 1.
Input Mapping Tables are still at the core as they are a good concept,
however they include both axis and button mappings, and the size is not
hard-coded, but dependent on the known devices. Not much actually works
yet (nq segfaults when a key is pressed).