gl, sw and sw32 use blend palettes, so share the code. This also abandons
the optimization for transforming verts in sw (had all sorts of problems
anyway). sw still doesn't work, though.
There are still many issues to sort out, but the basics are working.
rendered fullbright (no lighting done)
normals are ignored
extra textures (glow etc) not used/loaded
4 models on the screen don't seem to be a problem.
Since iqm vertex arrays are variable, and I don't want to calculate the
stride every time I render a model, cached the value used when building the
VectorUnshear uses the exact same shear vector to remove shear from a
sheared vector. ie with:
VectorShear (shear, v, w);
VectorUnshear (shear, w, x);
x == v within fp math limits.
And the tests really exercised VectorShear (first attempt had things
messed up when more than one shear value was non-zero). Also,
Mat4Decompose wasn't orthogonalizing the z axis row. Oops. Anyway,
Mat4Decompose is now known to work well, and the usage of its output is
understood :)
I'd gotten the norm and magnitude mixed up (partly because the document I
was following got the names mixed up), and then munged the formulas
Now it doesn't matter if you get 22 fps or 72, you jump the same height,
which actually happens to be slightly higher than the previous 72fps jump.
Effectively, you jump the height you would if you got infinite fps ;)
I got the idea from blender when I discovered by accident that quat * vect
produces the same result as quat * qvect * quat* and looked up the code to
check what was going on. While matrix/vector multiplication still beats the
pants off quaternion/vector multiplication, QuatMultVec is a slight
optimization over quat * qvect * quat* (17+,24* vs 24+,32*, plus no need to
to generate quat*).
This avoids sending invalid pose data to the renderer. The symptom was a
vertex array offset higher than the vertex array size. Discovered by calim
of nouveau while he was debugging a driver problem found by QF. Many
This allows the vid module to load the render module and access render
specific functions before the renderer initializes, which happens to need
an initialized vid module...