treat Forge like an entirely new program, and not as a port. I'll still
be using many of the ideas from QuakeEd (and from my old Forge work),
but there's no promise that it'll be a duplicate, or even similar.
expressions (ie, just a def) don't generated wasted assignments and clean up
switch's debug info so you get the switch line rather than the line for the
closing }
specific plugins only)
- convert updateping, updatepl, updateentertime, updatestat,
updatestatlong, cdtrack intermission, finale, muzzleflashchokecount,
maxspeed, entgravity, and setpause on the client. Can you say all
that in one breath? :)
net_svc.c, and add add a NET_SVC_GetString function to access it.
As an added bonus, it actually boundschecks it!
- preexpand that annoying SHOWNET macro, which was only used twice,
and was quite small and pointless
- whitespace cleanup and a comment typo fix
like normal, f_skins reports the average percent fullbright for all loaded
skins, and f_skins skinname reports the fullbright percent for a signle
skin. cl_freply controls the time in seconds before another query can be
made. Set it to 0 to disable them. More queries will be added later.
The table for accessing special characters from the console has been
tweaked a bit. Expect it to get tweaked more in the future.
- converted svc_packetentities and svc_deltapacketentities
- added some convenience defines for U_foo grouping
- tweaked Host_NetError's "please report this" print, but it still
doesn't work
Speed lightmap calculations up for r_lightmap_components 1.
Enough to give a 4.4% speedup to timedemo overkill.
Hint: int/float/int conversions are expensive.
This required changes to the api (info_t instead of char *) but should be
a net gain in speed (not a lot, admittedly: it was pretty fast to begin
with, but this paves the way for some other changes I have in mind).
- new opcodes for pointers
- prototype PR_Check_Opcodes
- move the static bounds checking to PR_Check_Opcodes in pr_opcode.c
- vector instruction cleanup
- temporarily nuke bounds checking from storep.*
- move base of address results from pr->edicts to pr->pr_globals
- implement new pointer related instructions
- nuke proposed global pointer instructions (not flexible enough)
- add new pointer instuctions
- re-implement static bounds/invalid opcode checking. no more multiple
case statements to keep track of.
svc_serverinfo, and svc_download
I havn't tested svc_download, since I don't want to play with having
seperate dirs for the client vs server on one computer.
- link net_svc.c to the server
- add a NET_SVC_Print_Emit function
- make the server use the above instead of svc_print manually
It's actually kind of ugly, because of how backbuffers are
implimented. Hopefully I'll be able to clean that up later.