code into the sw model loading code, remove all refs to r_pixbytes from the
sw renderer (it was never anything but 1), kill libQFmodels_sw32, remove
all the 16 bit code from the 8 bit sw renderer.
code. This fixes blather's `melted models' (sw), the nq alt player model
skins (gl), the arbitrary limits on skins and skin groups in gl, and the
incorrect timing of group skins (animated) in gl.
o add OP_JUMPB
o OP_JUMPB renumberd some opcodes, so up PROG_VERSION
o make the version error reporting more informative
o implement OP_JUMPB (goto *(ptr + index))
pr_opcode.c: (libs/gamecode/engine)
o add OP_JUMPB to the table
o ex_uinteger support
o some const correctness
o prototype new_label_expr
o uinteger ussport
o add pointers for op_jump and op_jumpb
o prototype PR_GetArray
o general uinteger support
o new reference/reloc type 3: absolute statement address
o jumpb support (binary goto)
o uinteger support
o break the label name creation out of new_label_expr into
o some const correctness
o add PR_GetArray to allocate an array in global space
o factor out some code common to PR_GetDef and PR_GetArray that would
otherwise be duplicated
o some const correctness
o uinteger support
o uinteger support
pr_opcode.c: (tools/qfcc/source)
o support jump and jumpb
o rewrite the binary search code to support ranges.
o add ev_uniteger to the types enum
o add opcodes for ifbe, ifb, ifae, ifa, jump, lt.ui, gt.ui, le.ui, ge.ui
o add uinteger accessors
o implement ifbe, ifb, ifae, ifa, jump, lt.ui, gt.ui, le.ui, ge.ui
o add opcodes for ifbe, ifb, ifae, ifa, jump, lt.ui, gt.ui, le.ui, ge.ui
o prototype inc_users
o add externs for op_ifbe, op_ifb, op_ifae and op_ifa
o don't bother emiting an assignment to a temp def that's only used once
(ie, it's never read, only written to)
o support the new if* instructions
o support the new if* insructions
o dectect expression loops in append_expr
o support unsigned integers
o re-work temp def usage counting
o debugging for temp def usage counts
o support the new if* instructions
o provide defines for IFBE IFB IFAE IFA
o do binary searches for strings, floats and ints if there are more than
8 cases in a switch. Strings need more testing.
like normal, f_skins reports the average percent fullbright for all loaded
skins, and f_skins skinname reports the fullbright percent for a signle
skin. cl_freply controls the time in seconds before another query can be
made. Set it to 0 to disable them. More queries will be added later.
The table for accessing special characters from the console has been
tweaked a bit. Expect it to get tweaked more in the future.
This required changes to the api (info_t instead of char *) but should be
a net gain in speed (not a lot, admittedly: it was pretty fast to begin
with, but this paves the way for some other changes I have in mind).
- new opcodes for pointers
- prototype PR_Check_Opcodes
- move the static bounds checking to PR_Check_Opcodes in pr_opcode.c
- vector instruction cleanup
- temporarily nuke bounds checking from storep.*
- move base of address results from pr->edicts to pr->pr_globals
- implement new pointer related instructions
- nuke proposed global pointer instructions (not flexible enough)
- add new pointer instuctions
- re-implement static bounds/invalid opcode checking. no more multiple
case statements to keep track of.
give mst_t a buffer to hold unterminated message strings
kill MSG_ReadStaticString and MSG_ReadStringLine
kill MSG_ReadStaticString and MSG_ReadStringLine
MSG_ReadString: implement the buffer for unterminated message strings
and update readcount on badread
go back to MSG_ReadString and fix up the resulting const char * issues
rewrite the cl_mofake code all because of an uninitialized variable :)
use MSG_ReadString instead of MSG_ReadStringLine because
Cmd_TokenizeString really doesn't care about a terminating \n