GL and GLSL were drawing the view model after particles instead of
before. For GL, this is likely due to avoiding fog affecting the view
model (which I think is not the right thing to do), and GLSL due to
copying GL (because I had no idea at the time). This makes the two
renderers consistent with the software renderers, and might even speed
things up a little as that's one less set of blends to do when the
particles are covered by the view model (I don't expect much
While I doubt the difference is all that significant, this should speed
up entity rendering because it cuts out a lot of branching, and
eliminates scanning the same list multiple times only to not do anything
for large chunks of the list.
Since transforms now know the scene to which they belong, and they know
when they are root and when not, getting the transform code to manage
the scene roots is the best way to keep the list of root transforms
It turns out cam_controls is for pointing the player model in the
direction of movement rather than controlling the camera (I should add
proper camera controls).
I finally spent the time to work out what it was trying to say. Still
not sure it's clear, but what is clear is that there was probably some
disagreement at Id about the orientation of the world.
They no longer spin like crazy. I don't know how, but I must have broken
something over the years as I'm sure Seth had the code working (and I
seem to remember seeing it working). In the process, clean up a lot of
the angle mess.
It's a lot easier to read (and see the difference between modes 2 and 3)
with all the ifs removed, and the state is properly is chasestate_t now
(though not handled properly on level reset etc).
The more advanced modes are rather broken (continuous spinning), but
they may have been for a while. The bulk of the various changes were due
to renaming viewstate's origin and angles to make their meaning more
They've been near-identical for years, now they're only one. It proved
necessary to start merging the HUD code which for now is just a few cvar
declarations (not even init), but that should be a separate set of
The actual view and projection matrices are now consistent with vulkan,
with the vulkan-gl disparity moved into adjustment matrices. The goal is
to allow the same camera data and code to be used in all renderers. The
extra matrix multiplication shouldn't be too expensive as it occurs only
when the field of view (not often, under user control) or near and far
clip distances (very rarely) change.
It holds the data for a basic 3d camera (transform, fov, near and far
clip). Not used yet as there is much work to be done in cleaning up the
client code.
Handling of view angles is a little hacky at the moment, but this gets
the chase camera code and most of the common input code into one place,
which will make cleaning up the camera code much easier.
While both matrices had positive determinants in the first place, I find
the projection matrix easier to understand without all the negatives,
and having quake-x/vulkan-z positively parallel in the z-up matrix makes
that a lot easier to think about.
Regardless of whether the sky is spinning or not, the matrix needs to be
updated with the current origin in order to get the direction vector
right in the shader. Also, it's in the update that the required x-y
plane rotation gets in so the skies move in the correct direction.
In working with vectors and matrices while testing the scene wrappers, I
found that there was a fair bit of confusion about how large something
could be. Return values can be up to 32 words (but qfcc wasn't aware of
that), parameters were limited to 4 words still (and possibly should be
for varargs), and temp defs were limited to 8 words (1 lvec4). Temps are
used for handling return values (at least when not optimizing) and thus
must be capable of holding a return value, and passing large arguments
through *formal* parameters should be allowed. It seems reasonable to
limit parameter sizes to return value sizes.
A temp and a move are still used for large return values (4x4 matrix),
but that's an optimization issue: the code itself is at least correct.
This actually has at least two benefits: the transform id is managed by
the scene and thus does not need separate management by the Ruamoko
wrapper functions, and better memory handling of the transform objects.
Another benefit that isn't realized yet is that this is a step towards
breaking the renderers free of quake and quakeworld: although the
clients don't actually use the scene yet, it will be a good place to
store the rendering information (functions to run, etc).
I've run into a bit of an issue with transform management (really, just
need to make them owned by the scene, but that means creating a scene
for quake and quakeworld).
This is the bulk of the work for recording the resource pointer with
with builtin data. I don't know how much of a difference it makes for
most things, but it's probably pretty big for qwaq-curses due to the
very high number of calls to the curses builtins.
Now that the data is fetched from the correct location, the locals view
is useful again :). However, there seems to be a problem with array
views: not sure they're showing the correct data as I was getting
unexpected values in the display but normal vars seem to be ok.
While the .tmp defs weren't too much clutter in v6p progs, the .arg defs
in Ruamoko progs make for a lot of noise. Showing only user defs (those
without a leading .) makes for a much more usable locals display.
The zone memory block header is 64 bytes, so allocating a single 8 byte
selector is rather wasteful. Instead, allocate selectors in large chunks
(currently 64) and divvy them out as needed. Significantly reduces
memory pressure in large Ruamoko progs.