GL Quake was weird, culling front faces. Partly understandable, since
Quake's front order is clockwise and GL's default order is
counter-clockwise. However, since the order can be specified, that should
be done instead. Thus, specify the winding order as clockwise (for quake's
data), set culling for back-face removal, and then mess with the winding
direction in the mirror and fish-eye code.
Calling programs shaders was a little confusing when I use shader to refer
to the sub-programs (vertex and fragment shaders). Also, print the program
number as well.
Add GLSL directory to QF and use it for all gsls based code (instead of
GL). defines.h, types.h and funcs.h are derived from gl2.h from khronos.
Text drawing now uses triangles instead of quads.