errors can be handled
- add a MSG_ReadBlock and MSG_WriteBlock, which write arbitrary
- add a MSG_PeekByte, although I never actually used it..
- canonicalize the svc's, so that if qw and nq have a svc with the
same name but different contents, they get different names
- add all the nq stuff to svc_t, so it has both nq and qw. fun enum
that :)
- fix all the sizebuf_t usages so they init all the fields properly
- move qw's net_svc.c, net_clc.c, net_packetlog.c, and msg_ucmd.c
(renamed to net_ucmd.c) into libs/net
- move headers for the above in include/QF
- convert remaining clc bits to NET_CLC (I think I got them all)
- I split net_svc into net_svc_common and net_svc_qw too, in
preperation for adding nq
- moved movevars_t into "QF/net_svc_qw.h", from pmove.h
- made the CL_Parse* functions in qw get the net_svc_*_t as a param,
instead of parsing themselves
- use a jumptable for CL_Parse*
- probably other machinates I've forgotten
- and of course, probably added numerous bugs :)
two conflicting developement tracks to better co-exist. To work on this brance,
use "cvs up -r net_svc" and then update and commit as normal: committing to
the branche will be automatic once the branch is checked out.
Again: cvs up -r net_svc
code cleanups and general performance work to be developed in relative peace.
While cleaning up the networking code /is/ important, fixing QF's perfomance
issues is of much higher priority.
specific plugins only)
- convert updateping, updatepl, updateentertime, updatestat,
updatestatlong, cdtrack intermission, finale, muzzleflashchokecount,
maxspeed, entgravity, and setpause on the client. Can you say all
that in one breath? :)
net_svc.c, and add add a NET_SVC_GetString function to access it.
As an added bonus, it actually boundschecks it!
- preexpand that annoying SHOWNET macro, which was only used twice,
and was quite small and pointless
- whitespace cleanup and a comment typo fix
- converted svc_packetentities and svc_deltapacketentities
- added some convenience defines for U_foo grouping
- tweaked Host_NetError's "please report this" print, but it still
doesn't work
This required changes to the api (info_t instead of char *) but should be
a net gain in speed (not a lot, admittedly: it was pretty fast to begin
with, but this paves the way for some other changes I have in mind).
svc_serverinfo, and svc_download
I havn't tested svc_download, since I don't want to play with having
seperate dirs for the client vs server on one computer.
- link net_svc.c to the server
- add a NET_SVC_Print_Emit function
- make the server use the above instead of svc_print manually
It's actually kind of ugly, because of how backbuffers are
implimented. Hopefully I'll be able to clean that up later.
- change all the NET_SVC_*_Parse return values from qboolean to
- make NET_SVC_{,Delta}PacketEntities_Parse return NET_ERROR instead
of 1 (NET_SHORT now) if the struct size is exceeded
rather than a stdout hack (which had problems with buffering)
- actually parse net_deltapacketentities
- print offset within net_{,delta}packetentities blocks for each
- fix indenting in Log_Delta
- fix off-by-one for packet offset printing
- fix a miss-parsing of svc_deltapacketentities
(MAX_PACKET_ENTITIES does NOT include U_REMOVE entities)
- remove "full update" handling for CL_ParseDeltaPacketEntities, since
that only happens with svc_packetentities
- fix various spots in the above that called Host_EndGame but didn't
- switched the order of modellist and soundlist in net_svc*, to
conform with the rest of the files
- create a new CL_ParsePacketEntities, that only handles
svc_packetentities (so it's much simpler). it uses net_svc*
- rename the message argument of NET_SVC_*_Parse to msg
- rename the other argument to block, for brevity
- convert svc_spawnstaticsound
- convert svc_serverinfo
- convert svc_playerinfo
- fix a exploitable buffer overflow with svc_lightstyle
directly into the packet data.
- change a bunch of char *'s to const char *'s for the above. Only
thing that had trouble was the cl_nofake handler, which I changed to
use a local buffer.
- add MSG_ReadStaticString which acts like the old MSG_ReadString,
specifically that it uses a static buffer and tollerates
unterminated strings.
- add a Q_strnlen function, and make strnlen use it if strnlen is
- Add a net_svc.h and net_svc.c which will preparse svc messages into
structs, for easier handling. Currently only soundlist and
modellist are done.
segfault if your first call was with "". Probably could cause
crashes too
- add a string.c file to libQFutil, with a Q_strcasestr function,
which strcasestr is defined to if it's not already defined. (we'd
get that with glibc if we defined __USE_GNU, but we don't)
- make client_t and SV_ExtractFromUserinfo both use NAME_MAX for
their name arrays, instead of 32 for one and 80 for the other
- rewrite almost all of SV_ExtractFromUserinfo's name handling.
- \r, \n, and \t are all converted to spaces
- leading/trailing spaces are stripped
- consecutive spaces are reduced to a single space
- empty names are considered bad
- user-* nicks are considered bad (unless forced to them)
- a name containing console or admin is considered bad
- a name that already exists is considered bad
- if they have a bad name it gets forced to user-%d, where %d is
their userid
- netname in the progs is now updated properly
- name changes are always reported unless it's the initial setting,
rather than only if they're full connected and not a spectator
- finally, if the name change fails (info string exceeded), give
them the boot. (before this was only done for duplicate names)
That's about it :)
(Sys_DPrintf is new) is now used exclusively for all lib printing. Con_Init
sets the sys printf recirection to Con_Print (which has been revamped
appropriatly) and the server sets it to SV_Print (which was SV_Printf and
the new SV_Printf calls /it/). This should fix the rcon print redirection