changes. There still remains some bugs to be squashed, a feature or two to
add, and some polishing to be done. However, it seems to be in a workable
All the details of game directories will be fully configurable (search
paths and gamecode file name currently supported). Downloading of skins to
qw/skins only currently broken (will download to $gamedir/skins for now).
parser a bit to accomodate this. Backslashes in double quotes are now only
removed if they escape a character that can't be written normally, or
another backslash. Removed start position support from string::findsub
since variable slices can be used instead. Added support for regular
expressions in the form of regex::match, regex::replace, and
regex::extract. Checked in regex.c from GNU regex 0.12 for platforms that
do not have regex functions in their standard library. Two minor changes
were made to this file to fix gcc warnings. Prepared the path transform
function for a change to a filesystem rooted at fs_userpath instead of the
current gamedir, but these changes are commented out pending security
interpreter struct so that custom cbuf data can be reset after an error.
This fixes a bug where GIB would think it was still waiting for a return
value after an error occurred in an embedded command.
below, or relative above (uses .. to ascend the filesystem). Changed
file functions in GIB to use this. GIB can now be initialized in a
non-sandboxed mode, which at the moment means that GIB scripts run with
carne can access the entire filesystem.
to accommodate it. Added the strict flag to cbufs, which causes an error
to be generated when a command is not found instead of just warning the
user. GIB buffers have the strict flag set by default.
handle SIGFPE and allow the registered signal handler to do recovery
rather than bail
progs.h, pr_exec.c, pr_load.c:
if pr_faultchecks is 1 (0 is default), handle division by 0 gracefully
by loading the maximum representable number into the answer
Closes: #58
the rest:
kill the SIGFPE stuff
file.move and file.delete builtins. Added Qremove to quakeio.[ch]. Did
a little cleaning and commenting in gib_parse.c. Added support for \t
and \r escape characters.
multiple appends nicely.
also create davsprintf and dasprintf to /append/ the printed strings to the
dstring rather than overwriting it as is done with dvsprintf and dsprintf.
methods directly or setup the progs struct for a normal function call to
call a progs method rather than recursively calling PR_ExecuteProgram. This
will reduce method call overhead (both cpu and stack usage), fix the loss
of tracing when calling a method and makes it possible to break out of the
progs engine simply if threaded progs are ever implemented.