This takes care of rockets and lava balls casting shadows when they
shouldn't (rockets more because the shadow doesn't look that nice, lava
balls because they glow and thus shouldn't cast shadows). Same for
flames, though the small torches lost their cool sconce shadows (need to
split up the model into flame and sconce parts and mark each
This clears up the shadow acne, but does cause problems with lights
inside models. However, this can be fixed by setting the models to not
cast shadows.
The use of a static set makes Mod_LeafPVS not thread safe and also means
that the set is not usable with the set iterators after going to a
smaller map from a larger map.
This also fixes the segfault in the previous commit.
Dynamic light shadow sizes are fixed, but can be controlled via the
dynlight_size cvar (defaults to 250).
While the insertion of dlights into the BSP might wind up being overly
expensive, the automatic management of the component pool cleans up the
various loops in the renderers.
Unfortunately, (current bug) lights on entities cause the entity to
disappear due to how the entity queue system works, and the doubled
efrag chain causes crashes when changing maps, meaning lights should be
on their own entities, not additional components on entities with
visible models.
Also, the vulkan renderer segfaults on dlights (fix incoming, along with
shadows for dlights).
The reversed depth buffer is very nice, but it also reversed the OIT
blending. Too much demo watching not enough walking around in the maps
(especially start near the episode 4 gate).
Other than the rather bad shadow acne, this is actually quake itself
working nicely. Still need to get directional lights working for
community maps, and all sorts of other little things (hide view model,
show player, fix brush backfaces, etc).
This takes care of the type punning issue by each pass using the correct
sampler type with the correct view types bound. Also, point light and
spot light shadow maps are now guaranteed to be separated (it was just
luck that they were before) and spot light maps may be significantly
smaller as their cone angle is taken into account. Lighting is quite
borked, but at least the engine is running again.
I guess it's kind of UB, but it's handy for images that will be
conditionally written by the GPU but need to be in shader-read-only for
draw calls and the validation layers can't tell that the layers won't be
This gets everything but the actual shadow map bindings working: the
validation layers don't like my type punning (which may well be the
right thing) and specialization constants don't help (yet, anyway) but I
want to get things into git.
Directional lights don't get correct matrices yet as I need to study the
math involved for cascaded shadow maps (and id maps don't have
directional lights).
Getting spotlights working correctly was insanely frustrating: I just
couldn't get the entities into the view of the spotlight with any
sensible combination of inverses and the z_up matrix. It turned out it
was all due to an incorrect reference vector: it was +Z instead of +X.
It turns out bsp faces are still back-face culled despite the null point
being on the front of every possible plane... or really, because it's on
the front of every possible plane: sometimes the back face is the front
face, and this breaks the face selection code (a separate traversal
function will be needed for non-culling rendering).
Despite that, other than having to deal with different pipelines,
getting the model renderers working went better than expected.
This involved rewriting the descriptor update code too, but that now
feels cleaner.
The matrices are loaded into a storage buffer as it can get quite big at
6 matrices per light (and the current max lights is 768).
The parameter will be passed on to the pipeline tasks in their task
context, allowing for communication between the subsystem calling
QFV_RunRenderPass and the pipeline tasks (for the case of lighting,
passing the current matrix base index).
They're now qfv_* and shared within the vulkan renderer. qfv_z_up cannot
be shared across renderers as they have their own ideas for the world
frame. qfv_box_rotations currently can't be shared across renderers
because if the Y-axis flip and the way it's handled, but sharing should
be achievable by modifying the other renderers to handle the sides
correctly (glsl and gl need to do lookups for the side enums, sw just
needs to be shown which way is up).
Using set iterators can be quite a lot faster for sparse sets due to the
function call overhead in testing each element. Times for ad_tears
dropped from about 1200us to about 670us (hard to say due to there being
only 3 data points and a lot of noise in the time).
If a step has process tasks, any render or compute
pipelines/renderpasses are **not** run automatically: the idea is the
process tasks need to run the relevant pipelines in a custom manner but
needs the objects to be created.
The recent light changes highlighted that the renderer does not own the
efrags (segfault in qwaq when shutting down my test scene). After
digging through the history of efrag clearing, it turns out that the
renderer never owned them, I just didn't understand the concept of
scenes at the time that I moved efrags into the renderer.
This eliminates the O(N^2) (N = map leaf count) operation of finding
visible lights and will later allow for finer culling of the lights as
they can be tested against the leaf volume (which they currently are
not as this was just getting things going). However, this has severely
hurt ad_tears' performance (I suspect due to the extreme number of
leafs), but the speed seems to be very steady. Hopefully, reconstructing
the vis clusters will help (I imagine it will help in many places, not
just lights).
The grid calculations are modified from those of Inigo Quilez
(, but give very
nice results: when thin enough, the lines fade out nicely instead of
producing crazy moire patterns. Though currently disabled, the default
planes are the xy, yz and zx planes with colored axes.
Based on the article
(, this
should give nice precision behavior, and removes the need to worry about
large maps getting clipped. If I'm doing my math correctly, despite
being reversed, near precision is still crazy high. And (thanks to the
reversed depth) about a quarter of a unit (for near clip of 4) out at 1M
unit distance.
This seems to be more for legacy X11 (ie, without fixes etc), but
fullscreen really shouldn't affect grabbing directly (rather, it should
be up to the client whether grabbing (and thus warping) is enabled at
Due to doing most of my testing using the demos, I hadn't noticed the
double-draw until flying around with the debug camera (and it showed as
a weird shimmer behind the sky layers).
The lights debug is from the light splat experiment (this is why I kept
the code), and the bsp debug is based on that. Both currently disabled
for now until I get UI controls in.
SCR_UpdateScreen_Legacy now takes only the screen functions pointer (it
didn't need camera or realtime), and the camera sizzle code has been
moved into one place to make cleaning it up easier (when I get around to
auditing AngleVectors etc).
There's still the problem with unused variables when building for
windows because of vulkan debug stuff, but this fixes the important
errors. It actually still works (at least under wine).
The biggest change was splitting up the job resources into
per-render-pass resources, allowing individual render passes to
reallocate their resources without affecting any others. After that, it
was just getting translucency and capture working after a window resize.
It looks horrible due to the lack of lighting etc, but it's good enough
for basic testing, especially of my render job design (that passed with
flying colors).
I'm not sure I like fontconfig (docs are...), but it is pretty standard,
and I was able to find some reasonable examples on stackexchange
Currently, only the one font is handled, no font sets for fall backs
etc. It's meant for the debug UI I'm working on, so that shouldn't be a
big deal.
It's currently very simplistic (visible, not visible), but it gets
things started for making QF more usable in a windowed environment (not
having a visible cursor was fine in DOS, or when full screen, but not
when windowed (and not actively playing).
This let me keep clearValue's simple default rgba float interpretation,
but also have full control over access to the float32, int32 and uint32
This is necessary because fisheye rendering draws the scene up to 6
times per frame, which results in many of the limits being hit
prematurely, but updating r_framecount that often breaks dynamic lights.
Really? More to clean up before (vulkan) bsp rendering is thread-safe?
However, R_MarkLeaves was pretty close: just oldviewleaf and
visframecount, but that's still too much. Also, the reliance on
r_refdef.worldmodel irked me.
While there will be some GPU resources to sort out for multi-pass bsp
processing, I think this is the last piece required before shadow passes
can be implemented.
They were an interesting idea and might be useful in the future, but
they don't work as well as I had hoped for quake's maps due to the
overlapping light volumes causing contention while doing the additive
blends in the frame buffer. The cause was made obvious when testing in
the marcher map: most of its over 400 lights have infinite radius thus
require full screen passes: all those passes fighting for the frame
buffer did very nasty things to performance. However, light splats might be
useful for many small, non-overlapping light volumes, thus the code is
being kept (and I like the cleanups that came with it).
Move things around a bit so I can restore the previous behavior of doing
all lights in a single full screen pass but keep the code improvements
from trying to do splatted lighting.
The old system used just "views", but I had at some time decided that I
might want to support specifying buffers and buffer views, but forgot to
change the name in vkparse.c.
Samplers have no direct relation to render passes or pipelines, so
should not necessarily be in the same config file. This makes all the
old config files obsolete, and quite a bit of support code in vkparse.c.
This gets screenshots working again. As the implementation is now a
(trivial) state machine, the pause when grabbing a screenshot is
significantly reduced (it can be reduced even further by doing the png
compression in a separate thread).
The new system seems to work quite nicely with brush models, which was
the intent, but it's nice to see. Hopefully, it works well when it comes
to shadows. There's still water warp and screen shots to fix, and
fisheye to get working, as well.
Gotta be sure :)
With the new system mostly up and running (just bsp rendering and
descriptor sets/layout handling to go, and they're independent of the
old render pass system), the old system can finally be cleared out.
This fixes the insta-death of particles. Interestingly, other than
particles (due to the ring of buffers not being used correctly),
everything else worked nicely, so I guess 1-frame rendering got tested.
The particles die instantly due to curFrame not updating (next commit),
but otherwise work nicely, especially sync is better (many thanks to
Darian for his help with understanding sync scope).
bsp_draw_queue isn't the right place, but it's just place-holder code to
help get the rest of the renderers up and running before I tackle bsp
rendering. Fixes the segfault in demo1 when the zombies get gibbed,
resulting in zombie entities.
This was necessary to get the 2d elements drawn after the fence had been
fired (thus indicating descriptors could be updated) but before actual
rendering of the 2d elements (which is how it was done before the switch
to the new system).
It turns out there was a bug in the old iqm push constants spec (I still
need to figure out how to use layouts in the new system so I can
completely delete the old).
The output system's update_input takes a parameter specifying the render
step from which it is to get the output view of that step and updates
its descriptors as necessary.
With this, the full render job is working for alias models (minus a few
When creating a new command buffer and appending it to a queue, the
active buffer count needs to be incremented too otherwise the new
command buffer will be accidentally reused prematurely. Not noticed
earlier because only one buffer was being created.
Many thanks to Peter and Darian for clearing up my misunderstanding of
how vkResetCommandPool works. The manager creates command buffers from
the command pool on an as-needed basis (when the queue of available
buffers is empty), and keeps track of those buffers in a queue. When the
pool is reset, the queues (one each for primary and secondary command
buffers) are reset such that the tracked buffers are available again.
Imageless framebuffers would probably be easier and cleaner, but this
takes care of the validation error attempting to present the second
frame (because rendering was being done to the first frame's swapchain
image instead of the second frame's).
Command buffer pools can't be reset until the commands have all been
executed. Having per-frame pools makes keeping track of pool lifetime
fairly easy.
Interleaving Vulkan objects with stucts containing vec4f_t results in
the vectors becoming unaligned when there is an odd number of objects in
a set, thus producing a segfault. Putting all the structs first prevents
any such issue.
The new render system now passes validation for the first frame (but
no drawing is done by the various subsystems yet). Something is wrong
with how swap chain semaphores are handled thus the second frame fails.
Frame buffer attachments can now be defined externally, with
"$swapchain" supported for now (in which case, the swap chain defines
the size of the frame buffer).
Also, render pass render areas and pipeline viewport and scissor rects
are updated when necessary.
I don't like the current name (update_framebuffer), but if the
referenced render pass doesn't have a framebuffer, one is created. The
renderpass is referenced via the active renderpass of the named render
step. Unfortunately, this has uncovered a bug in the setup of renderpass
objects: main.deferred has output's renderpass, and main.deferred_cube
and output have bogus renderpass objects.
Being able to specify the types in the push constant ranges makes it a
lot easier to get the specification correct. I never did like having to
do the offsets and sizes by hand as it was quite error prone. Right now,
float, int, uint, vec3, vec4 and mat4 are supported, and adheres to
layout std430.
This allows the likes of:
qfv_pushconstantrangeinfo_s = {
.name = qfv_pushconstantrangeinfo_t;
.type = (QFDictionary);
.dictionary = {
.parse = {
type = (labeledarray, qfv_pushconstantinfo_t, name);
size = num_pushconstants;
values = pushconstants;
stageFlags = $;
stageFlags = auto;
Leading to:
pushConstants = {
vertex = { Model = mat4; blend = float; };
fragment = { colors = uint; base_color = vec4; fog = vec4; };
Where the label of the labeled array (which pushConstants is) is
actually an enum flag and the dictionary value is another labeled array.
The up-coming changes to push constant handling has qfv_float etc type
enum values and using "float" instead of "qfv_float" is highly desirable
as the names match the glsl type names.
The creation of the render jobs doesn't really belong with the running
of those jobs. This makes the code a little easier to navigate as it was
too easy to lost between load-time and run-time code.
This is with the new render job scheme. I very much doubt it actually
works (can't start testing until everything passes, and it's disabled
for the moment (define in vid_render_vulkan.c)), but it's helping iron
out what more is needed in the render system.
I never liked it, but with C2x coming out, it's best to handle bools
properly. I haven't gone through all the uses of int as bool (I'll leave
that for fixing when I encounter them), but this gets QF working with
both c2x (really, gnu2x because of raw strings).
I never liked the various hacks I had come up with for representing
resource handles in Ruamoko. Structs with an int were awkward to test,
pointers and ints could be modified, etc etc. The new @handle keyword (@
used to keep handle free for use) works just like struct, union and
enum in syntax, but creates an opaque type suitable for a 32-bit handle.
The backing type is a function so v6 progs can use it without (all the
necessary opcodes exist) and no modifications were needed for
type-checking in binary expressions, but only assignment and comparisons
are supported, and (of course) nil. Tested using cbuf_t and QFile: seems
to work as desired.
I had considered 64-bit handles, but really, if more than 4G resource
objects are needed, I'm not sure QF can handle the game. However, that
limit is per resource manager, not total.
Really, a bit more than stub as the basic code is there, but nothing
works properly yet due to missing resources (especially descriptor sets
and pools), and the frame buffer creation is still disabled.
The step dependencies are not handled yet as threading isn't used at
this stage, but since I'll require dependencies to always come earlier,
this shouldn't cause a problem.
I had somehow missed vkfieldignore in a consistency pass, or just messed
up its initialization (and thus deallocation) resulting in a double-free
of the strings.
This fixes a Sys_Error when loading the level for the first demo (and
probably many other times). It was mod_numknown getting set to 0 that
triggered the issue, but that seems to be necessary for the other
renderers. I think the whole model loading and caching system needs an
overhaul as this doesn't feel quite right due to removing part of the
advantage of caching the model data.
While the previous cleanup took care of the C side, it turns out vkgen
was leaking property list items all over the place, but they were
cleaned up by the shutdown code.
The jobs will become the core of the renderer, with each job step being
one of a render pass, compute pass, or processor (CPU-only) task. The
steps support dependencies, which will allow for threading the system in
the future.
Currently, just the structures, parse support, and prototype job
specification (render.plist) have been implemented. No conversion to
working data is done yet, and many things, in particular resources, will
need to be reworked, but this gets the basic design in.
Flushing memory requires nonCoherentAtomSize alignment, but this can
cause the flush range to go out of bounds of an improperly sized buffer.
However, only host-visible (and probably really only cached, but all
three covered) needs flushing, so no rounding up is done for
device-local memory.
It should have been this way all along, and it seems I thought they were
when I did rua_gui.c as it already freed its resource block, which would
have been a double free (oops). Fixes an invalid write when shutting
down progs in qwaq-cmd (relevant change not committed).
Render passes and subpasses are now mostly initialized, just command
buffers and frame buffer related info to go (including view/scissor for
Due to a typo in the list of extra property list items to add to the
symbol table (corrected), subsequent symbols were pointing to the wrong
memory address.
Not only does this quieten the validation layers, it ensures that all
the object handles are named and where they need to be. Also fixes only
one pipeline being created instead of the 15 or so.
It turns out labeled arrays don't work if structs aren't declared in the
right order (no idea what that is, though) as the struct might not have
been processed when the labeled array field is initialized. Thus, do a
pro-processing pass to set up any parse data prior to writing the
Most importantly, this cleans up creation of self-referencing symbol
tables from property lists, but adds in C-defined symbols as well. While
QFV_ParseRenderInfo is currently the only the function that uses it, it
might be helpful in the future, especially as I clean up the other parse
support code.
The render passes seem to be created successfully, but pipelines fail
due to not having layout set, resulting in a segfault (bug in validation
I don't remember why I kept the abbreviated configs for images and image
views, but it because such that I need to be able to specify them
completely. In addition, image views support external images.
The rest was just cleaning up after the changes to qfv_resobj_t.
Vulkan requires color blend state is only for color attachments (ignored
otherwise), but it shouldn't be necessary to actually specify the blend
state and instead have it default to something reasonable.
Unfortunately, colorWriteMask affects the output even if blending is
disabled, so it must be initialized to something reasonable (r|g|b|a)
for when the default is used.
.dictionary can ask for standard parsing via a .parse key (value is
ignored currently).
Fields can use $auto to use standard parsing for that field.
If either is used, the plist field descriptors are written.
They're currently just stubs, but this gets the render info loading
working without any errors. The next step is to connect up pipelines and
create the image resources, then implementing the task functions will
have meaning.
This gets an empty (no tasks or pipelines connected) render context
initialized and available for other subsystems to register their task
functions. Nothing is using it yet, but the test parse of rp_main_def
fails gracefully (needs those tasks).
This just sets up the memory block and cexpr descriptors for the
parameters, parameter parsing is separate (and next). The parameters are
aligned to their size.
Needed to add the render passes plitem to the cexr symbol table, too.
All that remains is to figure out how to deal with multiview (or really
@next) and get task parsing working.
A bunch of missed struct members, incorrect parse types, and some logic
errors in the parse setup. Still not working due to problems with
vectors from plist string references and some other errors, but getting
This is most useful when parsing a labeled array where the key/value
pairs go into a simple array:
key = value;
going to:
struct foo {
const char *key;
enumtype value;
This treats dictionary items as arrays ordered by key creation (ie, the
order of the key/value pairs in the dictionary is preserved). The label
is written to the specified field when parsing the struct. Both actual
arrays and single element "arrays" are supported.
This allows having sections in a spec used for things like `properties`
that have no corresponding fields in the actual struct: the field is
ignored when parsing and no cexpr field symbol is emitted.
There's still a lot of work to do, but the basics are in. The spec will
be parsed into info structs that can then be further processed to
generate all the actual structs, generally making things a little less
timing dependent (eg, image view info refers to its image by name).
The new render pass and subpass structs have their names mangled for now
until I can switch over to the new system.
Ruamoko currently doesn't support `const`, so that's not relevant, but
recognizing `char *` (via a hack to work around what looks like a bug
with type aliasing) allows strings to be handled without having to use a
custom parser. Things are still a little clunky for custom parsers, but
this seems to be a good start.
Using the typedef name makes using structs declared as
typedef struct foo_s { ... } foo_t;
easier and cleaner. Sure, I could have written the "struct foo_s" for
the output name, but I'm much more likely to look for foo_t than foo_s
when checking the generated code.
While the old system did get things going, it felt clunky to set up,
especially when it came to variations on render passes (eg, flat vs
cube-mapped). Also, much of it felt inside-out, especially the
separation of pipelines and render passes: having to specify the render
pass and subpass in the pipeline spec made the spec feel overly coupled
to the render pass setup. While this is the case in Vulkan, it is not
reflected properly in the pipeline spec. The new system will adjust the
render pass and subpass parameters of the pipeline spec as needed,
making the pipeline specs more reusable, and hopefully less error prone
as the pipelines are directly referenced by the subpasses that use them.
In addition, subpass dependencies should be much easier to set up as
only the dependent subpass specifies the dependency and the subpass
source dependency is mentioned by name. Frame buffer attachments also
get a similar treatment.
The new spec "format" isn't quite finalized (needs to meet the enemy
known as parsing) but it feels like a good starting place.
I suspect this is a hold-over from before the bsp thread safety changes,
but with the nicely separated queues, it's easy to pass the sky surfaces
through the depth pass as well as the translucency pass (I think the
reason for that is lighting). This prevents bits of world being seen
through sky surfaces when the sky isn't fully opaque (like skysheet due
to the shortcuts in the shader).
Partial because frame buffer creation isn't handled yet (using six
layers), but using layer a layer capable view and shaders doesn't cause
problems (other than maybe slightly slower code).
It turns out that my laptop doesn't do multiview properly (or I've
misconfigured something, later), but the biggest issue I had on my
desktop seems to be that I had the push constants wrong: fov in aspect,
time in fov, and I had degrees instead of radians (half angle) anyway.
There are some missing parts from this commit as these are the fairly
clean changes. Missing is building a separate set of pipelines for the
new render pass (might be able to get away from that), OIT heads texture
is flat rather than an array, view matrices aren't set up, and the
fisheye renderer isn't hooked up to the output pass (code exists but is
messy). However, with the missing parts included, testing shows things
mostly working: the cube map is rendered correctly even though it's not
displayed correctly (incorrect view). This has definitely proven to be a
good test for Vulkan's multiview feature (very nice).
Some of the queues start don't get fully initialized, but rather than go
through everything making sure they do, it's just easier to zero the
whole lot at the beginning.
The flashing pink around the Q menu cursor was caused by vulkan command
buffer writes and draw queue population being out of phase, which was
fixed by the recent screen update changes (specifically,
Rather important for debugging 2d stuff (draw's lines are 2d-only).
Other than translucent console, this gets the vulkan draw api back to
full operation.
This needed either more font ids to be supported, or small lump pics (up
to 32 x 32) to be loaded into the atlas. I went with both. The menus
don't use Draw_TextBox, but quakeworld's netgraph does.
This makes use of slice rendering to achieve the effective scaling, but
the slice data is created only when needed so pics that never use slices
don't waste 16 vertices.
The goal is to get vulkan relying on the "renderpass" abstraction, but
this gets vulkan up and running again, and even fixes the rendering
issues (in the end, getting canvas working wasn't required, but is still
This is a bit of a hack to allow me to work on vulkan's screen update
"pipeline" without having to mess with the other renderers, since it
turns out they're (currently) fundamentally incompatible.
When a pic needs dynamic vertices (eg, for sub-pics), a descriptor set
is allocated and updated if one has not been created for the pic. This
is done each frame: the descriptor sets are recycled (there currently is
rarely a need for more than a small handful of dynamic descriptors, so
64 should be plenty for now).
Unfortunately, due to the order of operations issue between draw items
getting queued and submitting commands to vulkan (the cause of the pics
not rendering correctly per 8fff71ed4b),
the validation layers complain (correctly) about the command buffers
being executed with updated descriptor sets. Getting the canvas system
up and running will fix that.
The pic is scaled to fill the specified rect (then clipped to the
screen (effectively)). Done just for the console background for now, but
it will be used for slice-pics as well.
Not implemented for vulkan yet as I'm still thinking about the
descriptor management needed for the instanced rendering.
Making the conback rendering conditional gave an approximately 3% speed
boost to glsl with the GL stub (~12200fps to ~12550fps), for either
conback render method.
This fixes the broken dynamic lighting in fisheye rendering. It does
mean that frustum culling of lit surfaces needed to be removed, but if
not doing frustum culling on lit surfaces was good enough for a P90,
it's probably good enough for an i7-6850K.
They are usually larger images (eg, the main menu graphic) and thus make
a mess of the atlas (thus, making them separate means a smaller atlas
can be used). All sorts of things are in a mess (descriptor management,
subpic rendering not supported, wrong alpha value for the transparent
pixel), but this gets the basic loader going.
This just takes advantage of the dynamic verts for doing subpics. It's
not really the most optimal code as it has to write both the vertices
(64 bytes per quad) and the instances (24 bytes per quad), but that's
still better than the old 128 bytes per quad (and having a single
pipeline is nice).
The problem was that I had mixed up the purpose of the per-frame vertex
buffers and used them for the core quad data when they were meant for
subpic and the like, and forgotten about the static vertex buffer.
This gets at least conchars working (pic in general not tested yet).
Any performance gains will be utterly swamped by the deferred renderer,
but it will allow better control of quad render order by any client
code (and should be slightly better for simpler renderers when I get
support for them working).
Right now, plenty is broken (much of the higher level draw functions are
disabled, and pics don't render correctly), but this gets at least the
basics in so I'm not bouncing diffs around as much.