mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:01:46 +00:00
player options are now grouped
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 162 additions and 49 deletions
@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ Group audio_options;
CvarRangeView volume_view;
CvarRangeView bgmvolume_view;
Group player_options;
// input for playername and teamname
InputLine player_config_plname_il;
InputLine player_config_tname_il;
CvarColorView topcolor_view;
CvarColorView bottomcolor_view;
// this holds active inputline pointer
InputLine player_config_iactive;
Group network_options;
// input for playername
InputLine network_config_rate_il;
@ -564,12 +574,6 @@ MENU_feature_options =
string playername_cvar; // name of the cvar holding playername (gametype dependend)
string teamname_cvar; // name of the cvar holding teamname (MAY ? gametype dependend)
// input for playername and teamname
InputLine player_config_plname_il;
InputLine player_config_tname_il;
// this holds active inputline pointer
InputLine player_config_iactive;
// Y padding for the player config
#define PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD 60
@ -597,8 +601,6 @@ string [NUM_PLAYERCONFIG_CMDS] player_config_vals = {
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down)
KEYEV_player_options =
local float colortmp;
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
@ -641,16 +643,16 @@ KEYEV_player_options =
switch (player_config_vals[player_config_cursor]) {
case "topcolor":
colortmp = cvar ("topcolor");
colortmp = min_max_cnt (MIN_COLOR, MAX_COLOR, COLOR_STEP, colortmp,
(key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT));
cvar_set ("topcolor", ftos (colortmp));
if (key == QFK_RIGHT)
[topcolor_view next];
else if (key == QFK_LEFT)
[topcolor_view prev];
case "bottomcolor":
colortmp = cvar ("bottomcolor");
colortmp = min_max_cnt (MIN_COLOR, MAX_COLOR, COLOR_STEP, colortmp,
(key == QFK_RIGHT) && (key != QFK_LEFT));
cvar_set ("bottomcolor", ftos (colortmp));
if (key == QFK_RIGHT)
[bottomcolor_view next];
else if (key == QFK_LEFT)
[bottomcolor_view prev];
@ -667,36 +669,17 @@ DRAW_player_options =
local integer cursor_pad = 0, spacing = 120;
Draw_Pic (x + 16, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp", 1));
Draw_CenterPic (x + 160, y + 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp", 1));
Draw_String (x + 54, y + 40, "Player");
Draw_String (x + 54, y + 50, "--------");
Draw_String (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8, "Name..:");
[player_config_plname_il setBasePos:x y:y];
[player_config_plname_il cursor: player_config_iactive == player_config_plname_il];
[player_config_plname_il draw];
Draw_String (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 20 + 8, "Team..:");
[player_config_tname_il setBasePos:x y:y];
[player_config_tname_il cursor: player_config_iactive == player_config_tname_il];
[player_config_tname_il draw];
draw_val_item (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45, spacing, "Top color",
" " + ftos (cvar ("topcolor")));
draw_val_item (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60, spacing,
"Bottom color", " " + ftos (cvar ("bottomcolor")));
[player_options setBasePos:x y:y];
[player_options draw];
// Draw nice color boxes
text_box (x + 192, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45 - 8, 1, 1);
Draw_Fill (x + 200, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45, 16, 8,
(integer) cvar ("topcolor") * 16 + 8);
// draw_val_item (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45, spacing, "Top color",
// " " + ftos (cvar ("topcolor")));
// draw_val_item (x + 70, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60, spacing,
// "Bottom color", " " + ftos (cvar ("bottomcolor")));
text_box (x + 192, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60 - 8, 1, 1);
Draw_Fill (x + 200, y + PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60, 16, 8,
(integer) cvar ("bottomcolor") * 16 + 8);
opt_cursor (x + 62, y + player_config_cursor_tbl[player_config_cursor]);
return 1;
@ -731,12 +714,63 @@ CB_ME_player_options =
void ()
MENU_player_options =
local Rect rect;
local id view;
player_options = [[Group alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :320 :200];
view = [[Pic alloc] initWithComponents:16 :4 :0 :0];
[view setPic:"gfx/qplaque.lmp"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[CenterPic alloc] initWithComponents:160 :4 :0 :0];
[view setPic:"gfx/p_option.lmp"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:54 :40 :48 :8];
[view setText:"Player"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:54 :50 :48 :8];
[view setText:"------"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:70 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 8 :32 :8];
[view setText:"Name"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:70 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 20 :32 :8];
[view setText:"Team"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:70 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 45 :88 :8];
[view setText:"Shirt color"];
[player_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:70 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 60 :88 :8];
[view setText:"Pants color"];
[player_options addView:view];
player_config_plname_il = [[InputLineBox alloc] initWithBounds:[[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:120 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD :18 :4] promptCharacter:' '];
[player_config_plname_il setWidth:18];
[player_options addView:player_config_plname_il];
player_config_tname_il = [[InputLineBox alloc] initWithBounds:[[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:120 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 20 :7 :4] promptCharacter:' '];
[player_config_tname_il setWidth:7];
[player_options addView:player_config_tname_il];
player_config_iactive = NIL;
rect = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:192 :PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 37 :24 :24];
topcolor_view = [[CvarColorView alloc] initWithBounds:rect :[[CvarColor alloc] initWithCvar:"topcolor"]];
[player_options addView:topcolor_view];
rect.origin.y = PLAYER_CONF_Y_PAD + 52;
bottomcolor_view = [[CvarColorView alloc] initWithBounds:rect :[[CvarColor alloc] initWithCvar:"bottomcolor"]];
[player_options addView:bottomcolor_view];
[rect dealloc];
Menu_Begin (54, 80, "Player");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_KeyEvent (KEYEV_player_options);
@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
@class Text;
@class Slider;
@interface CvarToggle : Object
@interface CvarObject : Object
string name;
@interface CvarToggle : CvarObject
@ -25,9 +28,23 @@
@interface CvarRange : Object
@interface CvarColor : CvarObject
@interface CvarColorView : View
CvarColor color;
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect :(CvarColor)_color;
@interface CvarRange : CvarObject
string name;
float min, max, step;
-(id)initWithCvar:(string)cvname min:(float)_min max:(float)_max step:(float)_step;
@ -34,17 +34,29 @@
#include "gui/Slider.h"
#include "options_util.h"
@implementation CvarToggle
@implementation CvarObject
self = [super init];
name = str_new ();
str_copy (name, cvname);
return self;
self = [self init];
str_copy (name, cvname);
return self;
str_free (name);
@implementation CvarToggle
Cvar_Toggle (name);
@ -95,6 +107,56 @@
@implementation CvarColor
local float val = cvar (name);
val = min_max_cnt (0, 13, 1, val, 1);
cvar_set (name, ftos (val));
local float val = cvar (name);
val = min_max_cnt (0, 13, 1, val, 0);
cvar_set (name, ftos (val));
return (integer) cvar (name);
@implementation CvarColorView
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect :(CvarColor)_color
self = [self initWithBounds:aRect];
color = _color;
return self;
[color next];
[color prev];
local integer xl;
xl = xlen / 8 - 2;
text_box (xabs, yabs, xl, ylen / 8 - 2);
xl = (xl + 1) & ~1; // text_box only does multiples of 2
Draw_Fill (xabs + 8, yabs + 8, xl * 8, ylen - 16,
[color value] * 16 + 8);
@implementation CvarRange
-(id)initWithCvar:(string)cvname min:(float)_min max:(float)_max step:(float)_step
Reference in a new issue