mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 09:51:41 +00:00
New Preferences class -- it may not seem like it, but this is a Big
Deal. :)
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 343 additions and 356 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ ChangeLog
@ -5,9 +5,14 @@
#import "Forge.h"
#import "Preferences.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
extern Preferences *prefs;
id quakeed_i;
id entclasses_i;
@ -73,10 +78,8 @@ void DisplayCmdOutput (void)
[project_i addToOutput: output];
[output release];
if ([preferences_i getShowBSP])
if ([prefs objectForKey: ShowBSPOutput])
[inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo: i_output];
[preferences_i playBspSound];
// NSPing ();
@ -375,8 +378,8 @@ App delegate methods
running = YES;
g_cmd_out_i = cmd_out_i; // for qprintf
[preferences_i readDefaults];
[project_i initProject];
prefs = [Preferences sharedInstance];
[project_i initProject];
[xyview_i setModeRadio: xy_drawmode_i]; // because xy view is inside
// scrollview and can't be
@ -672,7 +675,7 @@ saveBSP
[project_i addToOutput: @"\n\n========= BUSY =========\n\n"];
[project_i addToOutput: expandedcmd];
if ([preferences_i getShowBSP])
if ([prefs objectForKey: ShowBSPOutput])
[inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo:i_output];
if (wt) {
@ -1,78 +1,91 @@
extern id preferences_i;
Preferences class definition for Forge
extern float lightaxis[3];
Copyright (C) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2001 Jeff Teunissen <deek@quakeforge.net>
// these are personal preferences saved in NeXT defaults, not project
// parameters saved in the quake.qe_project file
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
@interface Preferences:Object
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
# include "Config.h"
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
Keys in the dictionary
#define ProjectPath @"projectPath"
#define BspSoundPath @"bspSoundPath"
#define ShowBSPOutput @"showBSPOutput"
#define OffsetBrushCopy @"offsetBrushCopy"
#define StartWad @"startWad"
#define XLight @"xLight"
#define YLight @"yLight"
#define ZLight @"zLight"
@interface Preferences: NSObject
id bspSound_i; // actual sound object
// UI targets
id projectPathField; // path to the project to load on startup
id bspSoundPathField; // location of BSP sounds
id startWadField; // which wadfile to load on startup
id xLightField; // Lighting for X side
id yLightField; // Lighting for Y side
id zLightField; // Lighting for Z side
id showBSPOutputButton; // "Show BSP Output" checkbox
id offsetBrushCopyButton; // "Brush offset" checkbox
// internal state
char projectpath[1024];
char bspSound[1024];
BOOL brushOffset;
float xlight;
float ylight;
float zlight; // 0.0 - 1.0
int startwad; // 0 - 2
// UI targets
id startproject_i; // TextField
id bspSoundField_i; // TextField of bspSound
id brushOffset_i; // Brush Offset checkbox
id showBSP_i; // Show BSP Output checkbox
id startwad_i; // which wad to load at startup
id xlight_i; // X-side lighting
id ylight_i; // Y-side lighting
id zlight_i; // Z-side lighting
NSDictionary *currentValues;
NSMutableDictionary *displayedValues;
- readDefaults;
+ (void) saveDefaults;
- (void) loadDefaults;
// validate and set methods called by UI or defaults
- setProjectPath:(char *)path;
- setBspSoundPath:(char *)path; // set the path of the soundfile externally
- setShowBSP:(int)state; // set the state of ShowBSP
- setBrushOffset:(int)state; // set the state of BrushOffset
- setStartWad:(int)value; // set start wad (0-2)
- setXlight:(float)value; // set Xlight value for CameraView
- setYlight:(float)value; // set Ylight value for CameraView
- setZlight:(float)value; // set Zlight value for CameraView
+ (Preferences *) sharedInstance; // Return the shared instance
// UI targets
- setBspSound:sender; // use OpenPanel to select sound
- setCurrentProject:sender; // make current roject the default
- UIChanged: sender; // target for all checks and fields
- (NSDictionary *) preferences; // current prefs
// methods used by other objects to retreive defaults
- playBspSound;
- (void) updateUI; // Update the displayed values in the UI
- (void) commitDisplayedValues; // Make displayed settings current
- (void) discardDisplayedValues; // Replace displayed settings with current
- (char *)getProjectPath;
- (int)getBrushOffset; // get the state
- (int)getShowBSP; // get the state
// UI notifications
- (void) ok: (id) sender; // commit displayed values
- (void) revert: (id) sender; // revert to current values
- (void) revertToDefault: (id) sender; // revert current values to defaults and
// discard displayed values
- (float)getXlight; // get Xlight value
- (float)getYlight; // get Ylight value
- (float)getZlight; // get Zlight value
- (void) prefsChanged: (id) sender; // Notify the object to update the UI
- (int)getStartWad;
- (id) objectForKey: (id) key;
//+ (void) setObject: (id) obj forKey: (id) key;
+ (NSDictionary *) preferencesFromDefaults;
+ (void) savePreferencesToDefaults: (NSDictionary *) dict;
@ -1,330 +1,300 @@
Preferences class for Forge
Copyright (C) 2001 Jeff Teunissen <deek@quakeforge.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
#import "qedefs.h"
id preferences_i;
#import "Preferences.h"
#define DEFOWNER "QuakeEd2"
float lightaxis[3] = {1, 0.6, 0.75};
static NSDictionary *defaultValues (void) {
static NSDictionary *dict = nil;
if (!dict) {
dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"/Local/Forge/Projects", ProjectPath,
@"/Local/Forge/Sounds", BspSoundPath,
[NSNumber numberWithInt: 0], StartWad,
[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 1.0], XLight,
[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.6], YLight,
[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.75], ZLight,
[NSNumber numberWithBool: NO], ShowBSPOutput,
[NSNumber numberWithBool: NO], OffsetBrushCopy,
return dict;
@implementation Preferences
- init
static Preferences *sharedInstance = nil;
- (id) objectForKey: (id) key
[super init];
preferences_i = self;
return self;
return [[[[self class] sharedInstance] preferences] objectForKey: key];
int _atoi (char *c)
+ (void) saveDefaults
if (!c)
return 0;
return atoi(c);
int _atof (char *c)
if (!c)
return 0;
return atof(c);
void WriteNumericDefault (char *name, float value)
char str[128];
sprintf (str,"%f", value);
NXWriteDefault (DEFOWNER, name, str);
void WriteStringDefault (char *name, char *value)
NXWriteDefault (DEFOWNER, name, value);
// Read in at start of program
- readDefaults
char *string;
float value;
string = (char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"ProjectPath");
[self setProjectPath: string];
string = (char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"BspSoundPath");
[self setBspSoundPath:string];
value = _atoi((char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"ShowBSPOutput"));
[self setShowBSP:value];
value = _atoi((char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"OffsetBrushCopy"));
[self setBrushOffset:value];
value = _atoi((char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"StartWad"));
[self setStartWad:value];
value = _atof((char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"Xlight"));
[self setXlight:value];
value = _atof((char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"Ylight"));
[self setYlight:value];
value = _atof((char *)NXGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"Zlight"));
[self setZlight:value];
return self;
- setProjectPath:(char *)path
if (!path)
path = "";
strcpy (projectpath, path);
[startproject_i setStringValue: path];
WriteStringDefault ("ProjectPath", path);
return self;
- setCurrentProject:sender
[startproject_i setStringValue: [project_i currentProjectFile]];
[self UIChanged: self];
return self;
- (char *)getProjectPath
return projectpath;
// BSP sound stuff
// Set the BSP sound using an OpenPanel
- setBspSound:sender
id panel;
char *types[]={"snd",NULL};
int rtn;
char **filename;
char path[1024], file[64];
panel = [OpenPanel new];
ExtractFilePath (bspSound, path);
ExtractFileBase (bspSound, file);
rtn = [panel
file: file
types: types];
if (rtn)
filename = (char **)[panel filenames];
strcpy(bspSound,[panel directory]);
[self setBspSoundPath:bspSound];
[self playBspSound];
if (sharedInstance) {
[Preferences savePreferencesToDefaults: [sharedInstance preferences]];
return self;
// Play the BSP sound
- playBspSound
- (void) loadDefaults
[bspSound_i play];
return self;
if (currentValues)
[currentValues release];
currentValues = [[[self class] preferencesFromDefaults] copyWithZone: [self zone]];
[self discardDisplayedValues];
// Set the bspSound path
- setBspSoundPath:(char *)path
+ (Preferences *) sharedInstance
if (!path)
path = "";
return (sharedInstance ? sharedInstance : [[self alloc] init]);
if (bspSound_i)
[bspSound_i free];
bspSound_i = [[Sound alloc] initFromSoundfile:bspSound];
if (!bspSound_i)
strcpy (bspSound, "/NextLibrary/Sounds/Funk.snd");
bspSound_i = [[Sound alloc] initFromSoundfile:bspSound];
- (id) init
if (sharedInstance) {
[self dealloc];
} else {
[super init];
currentValues = [[[self class] preferencesFromDefaults] copyWithZone:[self zone]];
[self discardDisplayedValues];
sharedInstance = self;
[bspSoundField_i setStringValue:bspSound];
WriteStringDefault ("BspSoundPath", bspSound);
return self;
return sharedInstance;
// Show BSP Output management
// Set the state
- setShowBSP:(int)state
- (NSDictionary *) preferences
showBSP = state;
[showBSP_i setIntValue:state];
WriteNumericDefault ("ShowBSPOutput", showBSP);
return self;
return currentValues;
// Get the state
- (int)getShowBSP
- (void) dealloc
return showBSP;
// "Offset Brush ..." management
// Set the state
- setBrushOffset:(int)state
brushOffset = state;
[brushOffset_i setIntValue:state];
WriteNumericDefault ("OffsetBrushCopy", state);
return self;
// Get the state
- (int)getBrushOffset
return brushOffset;
// StartWad
- setStartWad:(int)value // set start wad (0-2)
startwad = value;
if (startwad<0 || startwad>2)
startwad = 0;
[startwad_i selectCellAt:startwad : 0];
WriteNumericDefault ("StartWad", value);
return self;
- (int)getStartWad
return startwad;
// X,Y,Z light values
// Set the state
- setXlight:(float)value
xlight = value;
if (xlight < 0.25 || xlight > 1)
xlight = 0.6;
lightaxis[1] = xlight;
[xlight_i setFloatValue:xlight];
WriteNumericDefault ("Xlight", xlight);
return self;
- setYlight:(float)value
ylight = value;
if (ylight < 0.25 || ylight > 1)
ylight = 0.75;
lightaxis[2] = ylight;
[ylight_i setFloatValue:ylight];
WriteNumericDefault ("Ylight", ylight);
return self;
- setZlight:(float)value
zlight = value;
if (zlight < 0.25 || zlight > 1)
zlight = 1;
lightaxis[0] = zlight;
[zlight_i setFloatValue:zlight];
WriteNumericDefault ("Zlight", zlight);
return self;
// Get the state
- (float)getXlight
return [xlight_i floatValue];
- (float)getYlight
return [ylight_i floatValue];
- (float)getZlight
return [zlight_i floatValue];
Grab all the current UI state
Update the user interface with new preferences
-UIChanged: sender
- (void) updateUI
qprintf ("defaults updated");
[self setProjectPath: (char *)[startproject_i stringValue]];
[self setBspSoundPath: (char *)[bspSoundField_i stringValue]];
[self setShowBSP: [showBSP_i intValue]];
[self setBrushOffset: [brushOffset_i intValue]];
[self setStartWad: [startwad_i selectedRow]];
[self setXlight: [xlight_i floatValue]];
[self setYlight: [ylight_i floatValue]];
[self setZlight: [zlight_i floatValue]];
[map_i makeGlobalPerform: @selector(flushTextures)];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
- (void) prefsChanged: (id) sender {
static NSNumber *yes = nil;
static NSNumber *no = nil;
int anInt;
float aFloat;
if (!yes) {
yes = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool: YES];
no = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool: NO];
[displayedValues setObject: [projectPathField stringValue] forKey: ProjectPath];
[displayedValues setObject: [bspSoundPathField stringValue] forKey: BspSoundPath];
if ((anInt = [startWadField intValue]) < 0 || anInt > 2) {
if ((anInt = [[displayedValues objectForKey: StartWad] intValue]) < 0 || anInt > 2) {
anInt = [[defaultValues () objectForKey: StartWad] intValue];
[startWadField setIntValue: anInt];
} else {
[displayedValues setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: anInt] forKey: StartWad];
if ((aFloat = [xLightField floatValue]) < 0.0 || aFloat > 1.0) {
if ((aFloat = [[displayedValues objectForKey: XLight] floatValue]) < 0.0 || aFloat > 1.0) {
aFloat = [[defaultValues () objectForKey: XLight] floatValue];
[xLightField setFloatValue: aFloat];
} else {
[displayedValues setObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: aFloat] forKey: XLight];
if ((aFloat = [yLightField floatValue]) < 0.0 || aFloat > 1.0) {
if ((aFloat = [[displayedValues objectForKey: YLight] floatValue]) < 0.0 || aFloat > 1.0) {
aFloat = [[defaultValues () objectForKey: YLight] floatValue];
[yLightField setFloatValue: aFloat];
} else {
[displayedValues setObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: aFloat] forKey: YLight];
if ((aFloat = [zLightField floatValue]) < 0.0 || aFloat > 1.0) {
if ((aFloat = [[displayedValues objectForKey: YLight] floatValue]) < 0.0 || aFloat > 1.0) {
aFloat = [[defaultValues () objectForKey: YLight] floatValue];
[zLightField setFloatValue: aFloat];
} else {
[displayedValues setObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: aFloat] forKey: ZLight];
[displayedValues setObject: ([showBSPOutputButton state] ? yes : no) forKey: ShowBSPOutput];
[displayedValues setObject: ([offsetBrushCopyButton state] ? yes : no) forKey: OffsetBrushCopy];
[self commitDisplayedValues];
- (void) commitDisplayedValues
if (currentValues != displayedValues) {
[currentValues release];
currentValues = [displayedValues copyWithZone: [self zone]];
- (void) discardDisplayedValues
if (currentValues != displayedValues) {
[displayedValues release];
displayedValues = [currentValues mutableCopyWithZone: [self zone]];
[self updateUI];
- (void) ok: (id) sender
[self commitDisplayedValues];
- (void) revert: (id) sender
[self discardDisplayedValues];
- (void) revertToDefault: (id) sender
if (currentValues)
[currentValues release];
currentValues = [defaultValues () copyWithZone: [self zone]];
[self discardDisplayedValues];
Code to deal with defaults
#define getBoolDefault(name) \
{ \
NSString *str = [defaults stringForKey: name]; \
[dict setObject: (str ? [NSNumber numberWithBool: [str hasPrefix: @"Y"]] : [defaultValues() objectForKey: name]) forKey: name]; \
#define getFloatDefault(name) \
{ \
NSString *str = [defaults stringForKey: name]; \
[dict setObject: (str ? [NSNumber numberWithFloat: [str floatValue]] : [defaultValues() objectForKey: name]) forKey: name]; \
#define getIntDefault(name) \
{ \
NSString *str = [defaults stringForKey: name]; \
[dict setObject: (str ? [NSNumber numberWithInt: [str intValue]] : [defaultValues() objectForKey: name]) forKey: name]; \
#define getStringDefault(name) \
{ \
NSString *str = [defaults stringForKey: name]; \
[dict setObject: (str ? str : [defaultValues() objectForKey: name]) forKey: name]; \
+ (NSDictionary *) preferencesFromDefaults
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 10];
return dict;
#define setBoolDefault(name) \
{ \
if ([[defaultValues() objectForKey: name] isEqual: [dict objectForKey: name]]) \
[defaults removeObjectForKey: name]; \
else \
[defaults setBool:[[dict objectForKey:name] boolValue] forKey: name]; \
#define setFloatDefault(name) \
{ \
if ([[defaultValues() objectForKey: name] isEqual: [dict objectForKey: name]]) \
[defaults removeObjectForKey: name]; \
else \
[defaults setFloat:[[dict objectForKey:name] floatValue] forKey: name]; \
#define setIntDefault(name) \
{ \
if ([[defaultValues() objectForKey:name] isEqual:[dict objectForKey:name]]) \
[defaults removeObjectForKey:name]; \
else \
[defaults setInteger:[[dict objectForKey:name] intValue] forKey:name]; \
#define setStringDefault(name) \
{ \
if ([[defaultValues() objectForKey:name] isEqual: [dict objectForKey: name]]) \
[defaults removeObjectForKey: name]; \
else \
[defaults setObject: [[dict objectForKey: name] stringValue] forKey: name]; \
+ (void) savePreferencesToDefaults: (NSDictionary *) dict
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
Reference in a new issue