Added runtime error checking and line number tracking. Seems to catch most

Scheme program errors without making Rua abort now, although there are a
few things that still need to actually report errors instead of failing
in weird ways.
This commit is contained in:
Brian Koropoff 2005-05-08 06:38:01 +00:00
parent a154ad2835
commit e8680d792e
13 changed files with 190 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,14 @@
#include "Array.h"
#include "Instruction.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "String.h"
struct lineinfo_s {
integer linenumber;
String sourcefile;
typedef struct lineinfo_s lineinfo_t;
@interface CompiledCode: SchemeObject
@ -11,11 +19,13 @@
Array instructions;
Array constants;
instruction_t [] code;
lineinfo_t [] lineinfo;
- (void) addInstruction: (Instruction) inst;
- (integer) addConstant: (SchemeObject) c;
- (void) compile;
- (instruction_t []) code;
- (lineinfo_t []) lineinfo;
- (Frame) literals;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "CompiledCode.h"
#include "Symbol.h"
#include "defs.h"
@implementation CompiledCode
@ -10,6 +11,8 @@
return self;
- (void) markReachable
[literals mark];
@ -21,6 +24,8 @@
- (void) addInstruction: (Instruction) inst
[inst line: [self line]];
[inst source: [self source]];
[inst offset: [instructions count]];
if ([inst opcode] != LABEL) {
[instructions addItem: inst];
@ -40,12 +45,16 @@
local Instruction inst;
literals = [Frame newWithSize: [constants count] link: NIL];
code = obj_malloc (@sizeof(instruction_t) * [instructions count]);
lineinfo = obj_malloc(@sizeof(lineinfo_t) * [instructions count]);
for (index = 0; index < [constants count]; index++) {
[literals set: index to: (SchemeObject) [constants getItemAt: index]];
for (index = 0; index < [instructions count]; index++) {
inst = [instructions getItemAt: index];
[inst emitStruct: code];
lineinfo[index].linenumber = [inst line];
lineinfo[index].sourcefile = symbol([inst source]);
[lineinfo[index].sourcefile retain];
[instructions release];
[constants release];
@ -57,6 +66,11 @@
return code;
- (lineinfo_t []) lineinfo
return lineinfo;
- (Frame) literals
return literals;

View File

@ -185,6 +185,14 @@ Symbol letrecSym;
local SchemeObject bindings;
local integer count;
if (!isList(expression) ||
!isList([expression car]) ||
![[expression cdr] isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
err = [Error type: "syntax"
message: "Malformed letrec expression"
by: expression];
scope = [Scope newWithOuter: scope];
count = 0;
@ -214,6 +222,9 @@ Symbol letrecSym;
- (void) emitExpression: (SchemeObject) expression flags: (integer) fl
if ([expression isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
[code source: [expression source]];
[code line: [expression line]];
if ([expression car] == lambdaSym) {
[self emitLambda: expression];
} else if ([expression car] == quoteSym) {

View File

@ -15,5 +15,6 @@
@extern Cons cons (SchemeObject car, SchemeObject cdr);
@extern BOOL isList (SchemeObject ls);
#endif //__Cons_h

View File

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ Cons cons (SchemeObject car, SchemeObject cdr)
return [Cons newWithCar: car cdr: cdr];
BOOL isList (SchemeObject ls)
return ls == [Nil nil] ||
([ls isKindOfClass: [Cons class]] &&
isList([ls cdr]));
@implementation Cons
+ (id) newWithCar: (SchemeObject) a cdr: (SchemeObject) d

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
state.stack = st.stack;
state.cont = st.cont;
state.env = st.env;
state.proc = st.proc;
state.lineinfo = st.lineinfo;
return self;

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
[super invokeOnMachine: m];
[m loadCode: code];
[m environment: env];
[m procedure: self];
- (void) markReachable

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- (void) stack: (SchemeObject) o;
- (state_t []) state;
- (void) state: (state_t []) st;
- (void) reset;
#endif //__Machine_h

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
#include "Boolean.h"
#include "Nil.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "Error.h"
//#include "debug.h"
string GlobalGetKey (void []ele, void []data)
@ -26,7 +29,9 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
state.cont = NIL;
state.env = NIL;
state.literals = NIL;
state.proc = NIL;
state.stack = [Nil nil];
state.lineinfo = NIL;
globals = Hash_NewTable(1024, GlobalGetKey, GlobalFree, NIL);
all_globals = [Nil nil];
return self;
@ -43,6 +48,7 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
state.program = [code code];
state.literals = [code literals];
state.lineinfo = [code lineinfo];
state.pc = 0;
@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
state.cont = st[0].cont;
state.env = st[0].env;
state.proc = st[0].proc;
state.lineinfo = st[0].lineinfo;
- (void) procedure: (Procedure) pr
@ -106,7 +113,12 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
local integer opcode;
local integer operand;
local SchemeObject res;
while (1) {
if (value && [value isError]) {
dprintf("Error: %s[%s]\n", [value description], [value printForm]);
return value;
opcode = state.program[state.pc].opcode;
operand = state.program[state.pc].operand;
state.pc = state.pc + 1;
@ -180,7 +192,14 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
dprintf("Getglobal: %s\n", [value printForm]);
value = [((Cons) Hash_Find(globals, [value printForm])) cdr];
res = [((Cons) Hash_Find(globals, [value printForm])) cdr];
if (!res) {
return [Error type: "binding"
message: sprintf("Undefined binding: %s",
[value printForm])
by: self];
value = res;
dprintf(" --> %s\n", [value printForm]);
@ -191,6 +210,13 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
case CALL:
[SchemeObject collectCheckPoint];
if (![value isKindOfClass: [Procedure class]]) {
return [Error type: "call"
sprintf("Attempted to apply non-procedure: %s. Arguments were: %s",
[value printForm], [state.stack printForm])
by: self];
[value invokeOnMachine: self];
case RETURN:
@ -215,6 +241,24 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
- (string) source
if (state.lineinfo) {
return [state.lineinfo[state.pc-1].sourcefile stringValue];
} else {
return [super source];
- (integer) line
if (state.lineinfo) {
return state.lineinfo[state.pc-1].linenumber;
} else {
return [super line];
- (void) markReachable
[state.literals mark];
@ -225,5 +269,10 @@ void GlobalFree (void []ele, void []data)
[value mark];
[all_globals mark];
- (void) reset
state.stack = [Nil nil];

View File

@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ integer checkpoint;
- (void) makeRootCell
if (root)
if (gc_state) {
dprintf("Root cell made during collection!\n");
[SchemeObject finishCollecting];

View File

@ -8,15 +8,34 @@
#include "Continuation.h"
#include "BaseContinuation.h"
#include "Boolean.h"
#include "Error.h"
BOOL num_args (SchemeObject list, integer num)
for (; [list isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]; list = [list cdr]) {
return num == 0;
SchemeObject bi_display (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "display"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
print([[args car] printForm]);
return [Void voidConstant];
SchemeObject bi_newline (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 0)) {
return [Error type: "newline"
message: "expected no arguments"
by: m];
return [Void voidConstant];
@ -27,6 +46,12 @@ SchemeObject bi_add (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
local SchemeObject cur;
for (cur = args; cur != [Nil nil]; cur = [cur cdr]) {
if (![[cur car] isKindOfClass: [Number class]]) {
return [Error type: "+"
message: sprintf("non-number argument: %s\n",
[[cur car] printForm])
by: m];
sum += [(Number) [cur car] intValue];
@ -35,12 +60,22 @@ SchemeObject bi_add (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
SchemeObject bi_cons (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 2)) {
return [Error type: "cons"
message: "expected 2 arguments"
by: m];
[args cdr: [[args cdr] car]];
return args;
SchemeObject bi_null (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "null?"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
return [args car] == [Nil nil]
[Boolean trueConstant] :
@ -49,16 +84,51 @@ SchemeObject bi_null (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
SchemeObject bi_car (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "car"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
if (![[args car] isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
return [Error type: "car"
message: sprintf("expected pair, got: %s",
[[args car] printForm])
by: m];
return [[args car] car];
SchemeObject bi_cdr (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (!num_args(args, 1)) {
return [Error type: "cdr"
message: "expected 1 argument"
by: m];
if (![[args car] isKindOfClass: [Cons class]]) {
return [Error type: "cdr"
message: sprintf("expected pair, got: %s",
[[args car] printForm])
by: m];
return [[args car] cdr];
SchemeObject bi_apply (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (args == [Nil nil]) {
return [Error type: "apply"
message: "expected at least 1 argument"
by: m];
} else if (![[args car] isKindOfClass: [Procedure class]]) {
return [Error type: "apply"
sprintf("expected procedure as 1st argument, got: %s",
[[args car] printForm])
by: m];
[m stack: [[args cdr] car]];
[[args car] invokeOnMachine: m];
return NIL;
@ -66,6 +136,17 @@ SchemeObject bi_apply (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
SchemeObject bi_callcc (SchemeObject args, Machine m)
if (args == [Nil nil]) {
return [Error type: "call-with-current-continuation"
message: "expected at least 1 argument"
by: m];
} else if (![[args car] isKindOfClass: [Procedure class]]) {
return [Error type: "call-with-current-continuation"
sprintf("expected procedure as 1st argument, got: %s",
[[args car] printForm])
by: m];
if ([m continuation]) {
[m stack: cons([m continuation], [Nil nil])];
} else {

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ integer main (integer argc, string []argv)
local Compiler comp;
local Machine vm;
local Lambda lm;
local SchemeObject stuff;
local SchemeObject stuff, res;
if (argc < 1) {
return -1;
@ -62,7 +62,13 @@ integer main (integer argc, string []argv)
lm = [Lambda newWithCode: code environment: NIL];
[lm invokeOnMachine: vm];
[vm run];
res = [vm run];
if ([res isError]) {
printf(">> %s: %i\n", [res source], [res line]);
printf(">> Error (%s): %s\n", [res type], [res message]);
return -1;
[vm reset];
[SchemeObject finishCollecting];
return 0;

View File

@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
#include "Instruction.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "CompiledCode.h"
@class Continuation;
struct state_s = {
instruction_t [] program;
lineinfo_t [] lineinfo;
integer pc;
Frame literals, env;
SchemeObject stack;