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synced 2025-03-21 18:01:15 +00:00
some documentation work
This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 42 additions and 3852 deletions
@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS= foreign
EXTRA_DIST= 3dfx.txt CodingStyle glqnotes.txt \
net_DoS_protection.txt progdefs.q1 progdefs.q2 \
qe3.ico qf-client-3dfx-cvar.txt qf-client-glx-cvar.txt \
qf-client-sdl-cvar.txt qf-client-sgl-cvar.txt qf-client-svga-cvar.txt \
qf-client-x11-cmd.txt qf-client-x11-cvar.txt qf-server-cmd.txt \
qf-server-cvar.txt quake.gif quake.ico readme.txt \
qe3.ico \
quake.gif quake.ico readme.txt \
skybox.fig template.h timestamps.txt wqreadme.txt \
quakeforge.dox.in \
faq.txt quakeforge.txt \
config/glspeed-v1.cfg config/glspeed-v3.cfg config/swspeed.cfg \
config/gib/adjustvolume.gib config/gib/infobot.gib config/gib/ln.gib \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
//unfortunatly, have to wrap the docs in a C comment for doxygen
\page faq Frequently Asked Questions
\section gfx_wad What does "W_LoadWadFile: unable to load gfx.wad" mean?
Q: I get the message "Fatal Error: W_LoadWadFile: unable to load gfx.wad" when
attpempting to one of the QuakeForge clients. What does it mean?
A: The most common cause of this error is QuakeForge is unable to find
pak0.pak. QuakeForge looks for pak0.pak in both the $fs_userpath/id1 and
$fs_sharepath/id1 directories. In Windows, both fs_userpath and fs_sharepath
default to "." (ie, the current directory: the same as id's quake clients). In
Linux (and other UNIX like operating systems), fs_userpath defaults to
~/.quakeforge and fs_sharepath defaults to $prefix/share/games/quakeforge
(distribution packages might alter the exact path).
\section pak0_pak Where can I get pak0.pak
@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old without color, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
developer : show info interesting to developers
fov : Your point of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
r gl_colorlights : Whether to use RGB lightmaps or not
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : whether slide the console or stretch it
* gl_cull : If set to 1, does not render things that do not need to be
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_flashblend : Set to 1 to use a type of lighting faster on GL
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
* gl_lightmode : Lighting mode (0 = GLQuake style, 1 = new style)
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_multitexture : Use multitexture when available
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
* gl_particles : whether or not to draw particles
gl_picmip : Dimensions of displayed textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
* gl_sky_clip : controls whether sky is drawn first (0) or later (1)
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_smooth : Smooth lighting on models
* gl_smoothdlights : Smooth dynamic lights
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: nobody knows what this does.
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles drawing of view models (your weapons)
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
* r_netgraph : Graph network stats
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_wateralpha : Determine opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, a good setting is 5
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
scr_conspeed : How quickly console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is slower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_use8bit : Use 8-bit shared palettes.
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
* _windowed_mouse : With this set to 1, quake will grab the mouse from X
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
r brighten : Palette hack equivalent to brightness
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old without color, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
developer : show info interesting to developers
fov : Your point of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
r gl_colorlights : Whether to use RGB lightmaps or not
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : whether slide the console or stretch it
* gl_cull : If set to 1, does not render things that do not need to be
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_flashblend : Set to 1 to use a type of lighting faster on GL
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
* gl_lightmode : Lighting mode (0 = GLQuake style, 1 = new style)
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_multitexture : Use multitexture when available
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
* gl_particles : whether or not to draw particles
gl_picmip : Dimensions of displayed textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
* gl_sky_clip : controls whether sky is drawn first (0) or later (1)
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_smooth : Smooth lighting on models
* gl_smoothdlights : Smooth dynamic lights
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
* in_dga : DGA Input support
* in_dga_mouseaccel : DGA Mouse accelleration multiplier
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: nobody knows what this does.
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
* m_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles drawing of view models (your weapons)
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
* r_netgraph : Graph network stats
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_wateralpha : Determine opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, a good setting is 5
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
scr_conspeed : How quickly console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is slower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_use8bit : Use 8-bit shared palettes.
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
* _windowed_mouse : If set to 1, quake will grab the mouse in X
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old, 2 new with color
* crosshaircolor : Crosshair 2's color
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : show info interesting to developers
fov : field of view. 90 is normal, smaller numbers zoom
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
gl_flashblend : Toggles the type of lighting for objects
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
host_speeds : display host processing times
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: nobody knows what this does.
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
r_drawentities : Toggles the drawing of entities.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
r_draworder : Toggles drawing order
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles the drawing of your weapon
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges where not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces where not displayed
r_speeds : Toggles the displaying of drawing time andstatistics of what is currently being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in a liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds the screen hints are displayed on the screen
scr_conspeed : How quickly in the console screen scrolls up and down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Show paused graphic when paused
showram : Show ram icon when low on ram in game
showturtle : Show turtle icon when fps is lower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
* _windowed_mouse : If set to 1, quake will grab the mouse in X
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
r brighten : Palette hack equivalent to brightness
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old without color, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
developer : show info interesting to developers
0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
fov : Your point of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
r gl_colorlights : Whether to use RGB lightmaps or not
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : whether slide the console or stretch it
* gl_cull : If set to 1, does not render things that do not need to be
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_flashblend : Set to 1 to use a type of lighting faster on GL
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 1 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
* gl_lightmode : Lighting mode (0 = GLQuake style, 1 = new style)
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_multitexture : Use multitexture when available
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player skins
* gl_particles : whether or not to draw particles
gl_picmip : Dimensions of displayed textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 2 worst.
* gl_sky_clip : controls whether sky is drawn first (0) or later (1)
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_smooth : Smooth lighting on models
* gl_smoothdlights : Smooth dynamic lights
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
gl_texturemode : User-created cvar
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
in_dga : User-created cvar
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: nobody knows what this does.
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles drawing of view models (your weapons)
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
* r_netgraph : Graph network stats
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_wateralpha : Determine opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, a good setting is 5
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
scr_conspeed : How quickly console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is slower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen mode
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_use8bit : Use 8-bit shared palettes.
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
brighten : User-created cvar
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old, 2 new with color
* crosshaircolor : Crosshair 2's color
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : show info interesting to developers
fov : field of view. 90 is normal, smaller numbers zoom
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
gl_flashblend : Toggles the type of lighting for objects
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
host_speeds : display host processing times
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: nobody knows what this does.
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
r_drawentities : Toggles the drawing of entities.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
r_draworder : Toggles drawing order
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles the drawing of your weapon
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges where not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces where not displayed
r_speeds : Toggles the displaying of drawing time andstatistics of what is currently being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in a liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds the screen hints are displayed on the screen
scr_conspeed : How quickly in the console screen scrolls up and down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Show paused graphic when paused
showram : Show ram icon when low on ram in game
showturtle : Show turtle icon when fps is lower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
vid_mode : Sets the video mode
vid_redrawfull : Redraw entire screen each frame instead of just dirty areas
* vid_waitforrefresh : Wait for vertical retrace before drawing next frame
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback
@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
+attack :
When active player is firing/using current weapon
+back :
When active the player is moving backwards
+forward :
When active the player is moving forward
+jump :
When active the player is jumping
+klook :
When active, +forward and +back perform +lookup and +lookdown
+left :
When active the player is turning left
+lookdown :
When active the player's view is looking down
+lookup :
When active the player's view is looking up
+mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards performs +lookup and +lookdown
+movedown :
When active the player is swimming down in a liquid
+moveleft :
When active the player is strafing left
+moveright :
When active the player is strafing right
+moveup :
When active the player is swimming up in a liquid
+right :
When active the player is turning right
+showscores :
Display information on everyone playing
+showteamscores :
Display information for your team
+speed :
When active the player is running
+strafe :
When active, +left and +right function like +moveleft and +moveright
+use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
-attack :
When active player is not firing/using current weapon
-back :
When active the player is not moving backwards
-forward :
When active the player is not moving forward
-jump :
When active the player is not jumping
-klook :
When active, +forward and +back don't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-left :
When active the player is not turning left
-lookdown :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-lookup :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards doesn't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-movedown :
When active the player is not swimming down in a liquid
-moveleft :
When active the player is not strafing left
-moveright :
When active the player is not strafing right
-moveup :
When active the player is not swimming up in a liquid
-right :
When active the player is not turning right
-showscores :
Stop displaying information on everyone playing
-showteamscores :
Stop displaying information for your team
-speed :
When active the player is not running
-strafe :
When active, +left and +right stop functioning like +moveleft and +moveright
-use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
allskins :
Download all skins that are currently in use
bf :
Background flash, used when you pick up an item
bind :
Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.
Note: To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in quotes and separate with semi-colons.
To bind to non-printable keys, use the key name.
Key Name List: Escape, F1-F12, pause, backspace, tab, semicolon, enter, shift, ctrl, alt, space, ins,
home, pgup, del, end, pgdn, uparrow, downarrow, leftarrow, rightarrow, mouse1-mouse3, aux1-aux9, joy1-joy4,
mwheelup, mwheeldown
Special: The escape, and ~ (tilde) keys can only be bound from an external configuration file.
cd :
Control the CD player.
eject - Eject the CD.
info - Reports information on the CD.
loop (track number) - Loops the specified track.
remap (track1) (track2) ... - Remap the current track order.
reset - Causes the CD audio to re-initialize.
resume - Will resume playback after pause.
off - Shuts down the CD audio system..
on - Re-enables the CD audio system after a cd off command.
pause - Pause the CD playback.
play (track number) - Plays the specified track one time.
stop - Stops the currently playing track.
centerview :
Centers the player's view ahead after +lookup or +lookdown
Will not work while mlook is active or freelook is 1.
changing :
Used when maps are changing
clear :
Clear the console
cmd :
Send a command to the server.
download - Same as the command.
kill - Same as the command.
msg (value) - Same as the command.
prespawn (entity) (spot) - Find a spawn spot for the player entity.
spawn (entity) - Spawn the player entity.
setinfo - Same as the command.
serverinfo - Same as the command.
cmdlist :
List all commands
color :
The pant and shirt color (color shirt pants) Note that if only shirt color is given, pants will match
connect :
Connect to a server 'connect hostname:port'
cvarlist :
List all cvars
disconnect :
Disconnect from server
download :
Manually download a quake file from the server
echo :
Print text to console
exec :
Execute a script file
flush :
Clears the current game cache
force_centerview :
Force view of player to center
fullinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to set setinfo variables
fullserverinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to obtain server variables
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
help :
Display quake help
impulse :
Call a game function or QuakeC function.
kill :
Suicide :)
loadsky :
Load a skybox
loc :
Location marker editing commands: 'loc help' for more
maplist :
List maps available
menu_help :
Show help menu
menu_keys :
Show key selection menu
menu_main :
Show main menu
menu_options :
Show options menu
menu_quit :
Show quit question
menu_video :
Show video selection menu
messagemode :
Prompt to send a message to everyone
messagemode2 :
Prompt to send a message to only people on your team
nextul :
Tells the client to send the next upload
packet :
Send a packet with specified contents to the destination
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
pause :
Pause the game
play :
Play selected sound effect (play pathto/sound.wav)
playdemo :
Play a recorded demo
playvol :
Play selected sound effect at selected volume (playvol pathto/sound.wav num
pointfile :
Load a pointfile to determine map leaks
quit :
Exit the program
rcon :
Issue the set of commands to the server you are currently connected to or have set in rcon_address
reconnect :
Reconnect to the last server
record :
Record a demo 'record filename server'
rerecord :
Rerecord a demo on the same server
say :
Say something to all other players
say_team :
Say something only to people on your team
screenshot :
Take a screenshot and write it as qfxxx.tga in the current directory
serverinfo :
Report the current server info
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setinfo :
Sets information about your QuakeWorld user.
Used without a key it will list all of your current settings.
Specifying a non-existent key and a value will create the new key.
Special Keys:
b_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a backpack pickup.
w_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a weapon pickup.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
sizedown :
Decrease the size of the screen
sizeup :
Increase the size of the screen
skins :
Download all skins that are currently in use
snap :
Take a screenshot and upload it to the server
soundinfo :
Report information on the sound system
soundlist :
Reports a list of sounds in the cache
stop :
Stop recording a demo
stopsound :
Stops all sounds currently being played
stopul :
Tells the client to stop uploading
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
timedemo :
Play a demo as fast as your hardware can. Useful for benchmarking.
timerefresh :
Tests the current refresh rate for the current location
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
togglechat :
Toggle the console up and down
toggleconsole :
Toggle the console up and down
togglemenu :
Toggle the menu
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
unbind :
Remove the bind from the the selected key
unbindall :
Remove all binds (USE CAUTIOUSLY!!!)
user :
Queries the user for his setinfo information
users :
Report information on connected players and retrieve user ids
v_cshift :
This adjusts all of the colors currently being displayed.
Used when you are underwater, hit, have the Ring of Shadows, or Quad Damage. (v_cshift r g b intensity)
version :
Report version information
wait :
Wait a game tic
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
* _snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
* _windowed_mouse : With this set to 1, quake will grab the mouse from X
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : Volume of CD music
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* brightness : Brightness level
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player with the highest frags while in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : disable player delta compression.set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get a lot of U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_predict_players : If this and cl_predict_players2 is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_predict_players2 : If this and cl_predict_players is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_warncmd : inform when execing a command
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* contrast : Contrast level
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old, 2 new with color
* crosshaircolor : Crosshair 2's color
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : show info interesting to developers
fov : field of view. 90 is normal, smaller numbers zoom
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
host_speeds : display host processing times
* in_dga : DGA Input support
* in_dga_mouseaccel : DGA Mouse accelleration multiplier
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_sensitivity : Joystick sensitivity
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
loadas8bit : Toggles if sounds are loaded as 8-bit samples
localid : FIXME: This has something to do with client authentication. No Description
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
* m_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
r_drawentities : Toggles the drawing of entities.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
r_draworder : Toggles drawing order
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles the drawing of your weapon
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
* r_particles : Toggles drawing of particles.
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges where not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces where not displayed
r_speeds : Toggles the displaying of drawing time andstatistics of what is currently being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in a liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds the screen hints are displayed on the screen
* scr_consize : fraction of the screen the console covers when down
scr_conspeed : How quickly in the console screen scrolls up and down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
* sensitivity : mouse sensitivity multiplier
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Show paused graphic when paused
showram : Show ram icon when low on ram in game
showturtle : Show turtle icon when fps is lower than 10
*u skin : Players skin
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
snd_show : Toggles the display of sounds currently being played
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation in ms. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_nostdout : set to disable std out
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Set the volume for sound playback
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
addip :
Add a single IP or a domain of IPs to the IP list of the server.
Useful for banning people. (addip (ipnumber))
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
cmdlist :
List all commands
cvarlist :
List all cvars
echo :
Print text to console
edict :
Report information on a given edict in the game. (edict (edict number))
edictcount :
Display summary information on the edicts in the game.
edicts :
Display information on all edicts in the game.
exec :
Execute a script file
floodprot :
Sets the options for flood protection.
Default: 4 4 10
(floodprot (number of messages) (number of seconds) (silence time in seconds))
floodprotmsg :
Sets the message displayed after flood protection is invoked (floodprotmsg message)
flush :
Clears the current game cache
fraglogfile :
Enables logging of kills to frag_##.log
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
give :
Give userid items, or health.
Items: 1 Axe, 2 Shotgun, 3 Double-Barrelled Shotgun, 4 Nailgun, 5 Super Nailgun, 6 Grenade Launcher, 7 Rocket Launcher,
8 ThunderBolt, C Cells, H Health, N Nails, R Rockets, S Shells. Requires cheats are enabled. (give userid item amount)
god :
Toggle god cheat to userid (god userid) Requires cheats are enabled
heartbeat :
Force a heartbeat to be sent to the master server.
A heartbeat tells the Master the server's IP address and that it is still alive.
help :
Display quake help
kick :
Remove a user from the server (kick userid)
listip :
Print out the current list of IPs on the server list.
localinfo :
Shows or sets localinfo variables.
Useful for mod programmers who need to allow the admin to change settings.
This is an alternative storage space to the serverinfo space for mod variables.
The variables stored in this space are not broadcast on the network.
This space also has a 32-kilobyte limit which is much greater then the 512-byte limit on the serverinfo space.
Special Keys: (current map) (next map) - Using this combination will allow the creation of a custom map cycle without editing code.
localinfo dm2 dm4
localinfo dm4 dm6
localinfo dm6 dm2
(localinfo key value)
logfile :
Toggles logging of console text to qconsole.log
map :
Change to a new map (map mapname)
maplist :
List all maps on the server
netdosexpire :
FIXME: part of DoS protection obviously, but I don't know what it does. No Description
netdosvalues :
FIXME: part of DoS protection obviously, but I don't know what it does. No Description
noclip :
Toggle no clipping cheat for userid. Requires cheats are enabled. (noclip userid)
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
profile :
FIXME: Report information about QuakeC Stuff (???) No Description
quit :
Shut down the server
removeip :
Remove an IP address from the server IP list. (removeip (ipnumber))
say :
Say something to everyone on the server, will show up as the name 'console' in game
serverinfo :
Reports or sets information about server.
The information stored in this space is broadcast on the network to all players.
dq - Drop Quad Damage when a player dies.
dr - Drop Ring of Shadows when a player dies.
rj - Sets the multiplier rate for splash damage kick.
needpass - Displays the passwords enabled on the server.
watervis - Toggle the use of r_watervis by OpenGL clients.
Note: Keys with (*) in front cannot be changed. Maximum key size cannot exceed 64-bytes.
Maximum size for all keys cannot exceed 512-bytes.
(serverinfo key value)
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setmaster :
Lists the server with up to eight masters.
When a server is listed with a master, the master is aware of the server's IP address and port and it is added to the
list of current servers connected to a master. A heartbeat is sent to the master from the server to indicated that the
server is still running and alive.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
snap :
FIXME: Take a screenshot of userid? No Description
snapall :
FIXME: No Description
status :
Report information on the current connected clients and the server - displays userids
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
sv_gamedir :
Displays or determines the value of the serverinfo *gamedir variable.
Note: Useful when the physical gamedir directory has a different name than the widely accepted gamedir directory.
gamedir tf2_5; sv_gamedir fortress
gamedir ctf4_2; sv_gamedir ctf
(sv_gamedir dirname)
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
user :
Report information about the user (user userid)
wait :
Wait a game tic
writeip :
Record all IP addresses on the server IP list. The file name is listip.cfg
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
allow_download : Toggle if clients can download game data from the server
allow_download_maps : Toggle if clients can download maps from the server
allow_download_models : Toggle if clients can download models from the server
allow_download_skins : Toggle if clients can download skins from the server
allow_download_sounds : Toggle if clients can download sounds from the server
cl_rollangle : How much a player's screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly a player straightens out after strafing
cl_warncmd : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
s deathmatch : Sets the rules for weapon and item respawning. 1 Does not leave weapons on the map. You can pickup weapons and items and they will respawn,2 Leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Picked up items will not respawn,3 Leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Picked up items will respawn.
developer : Toggle verbose output of server information. Useful for diagnosing problems and learning more about the server
filterban : Determines the rules for the IP list 0 Only IP addresses on the Ban list will be allowed onto the server, 1 Only IP addresses NOT on the Ban list will be allowed onto the server
s fraglimit : Amount of frags a player must attain in order to exit the level
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
s hostname : Report or sets the server name
s maxclients : Sets how many clients can connect to your server, this includes spectators and players
s maxspectators : Sets how many spectators can connect to your server. The maxclients value takes precidence over this value so this value should always be equal-to or less-then the maxclients value
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
password : Set the server password for players
pausable : Toggle if server can be paused 1 is on, 0 is off
pr_boundscheck : Server progs bounds checking
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code.Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
s r_skyname : name of skybox
rcon_password : Set the password for rcon commands
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
s samelevel : Determines the rules for level changing and exiting. 0 Allows advancing to the next level,1 The same level will be played until someone exits,2 The same level will be played and the exit will kill anybody that tries to exit,3 The same level will be played and the exit will kill anybody that tries to exit, except on the Start map.
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
s spawn : Spawn the player entity
spectator_password : Set the spectator password
sv_accelerate : Sets the acceleration value for the players
sv_aim : Sets the value for auto-aiming leniency
sv_airaccelerate : Sets how quickly the players accelerate in air
sv_allow_log : Allow remote logging
sv_allow_pings : Allow remote pings (qstat etc)
sv_allow_status : Allow remote status queries (qstat etc)
sv_friction : Sets the friction value for the players
sv_gravity : Sets the global value for the amount of gravity
sv_highchars : Toggle the use of high character color names for players
sv_mapcheck : Toggle the use of map checksumming to check for players who edit maps to cheat
s sv_maxrate : Maximum allowable rate
sv_maxspeed : Sets the maximum speed a player can move
sv_maxtic : The maximum amount of time in seconds before a client a receives an update from the server
sv_maxvelocity : Sets the maximum velocity an object can travel
s sv_minqfversion : Minimum QF version on client
sv_mintic : The minimum amount of time the server will wait before sending packets to a client. Set to .5 to make modem users happy
sv_netdosprotect : DoS flood attack protection
sv_phs : Possibly Hearable Set. If set to zero, the server calculates sound hearability in realtime
r sv_progs : Allows selectable game progs if you have several of them in the gamedir
sv_spectalk : Toggles the ability of spectators to talk to players
sv_spectatormaxspeed : Sets the maximum speed a spectator can move
sv_stopspeed : Sets the value that determines how fast the player should come to a complete stop
sv_timefmt : Time/date format to use
s sv_timekick : Time cheat protection
sv_timekick_fuzz : Time cheat "fuzz factor"
sv_timekick_interval : Time cheat check interval
sv_timestamps : Time/date stamps in log entries
sv_wateraccelerate : Sets the water acceleration value
sv_waterfriction : Sets the water friction value
sys_dead_sleep : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connectedand there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems withsome mods.
sys_extrasleep : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
sys_nostdout : Toggles console screen output
s teamplay : Determines teamplay rules. 0 off, 1 You cannot hurt yourself nor your teammates, 2 You can hurt yourself, your teammates, and you will lose one frag for killing a teammate3 You can hurt yourself but you cannot hurt your teammates
s timelimit : Sets the amount of time in minutes that is needed before advancing to the next level
timeout : Sets the amount of time in seconds before a client is considered disconnected if the server does not receive a packet
vid_height : User-created cvar
vid_width : User-created cvar
s watervis : Toggle the use of r_watervis by OpenGL clients
zombietime : The number of seconds that the server will keep the character of a player on the map who seems to have disconnected
@ -351,6 +351,8 @@ INPUT += @top_srcdir@/nq
INPUT += @top_srcdir@/qtv
INPUT += @top_srcdir@/qw
INPUT += @top_srcdir@/tools
INPUT += @top_srcdir@/doc/quakeforge.txt
INPUT += @top_srcdir@/doc/faq.txt
# If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the
# FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
//unfortunatly, have to wrap the docs in a C comment for doxygen
\mainpage QuakeForge
QuakeForge is a 3D graphics game engine based on id Software's legendary
Quake and QuakeWorld game engine. Our purpose? To improve the state of the
game by improving the engine and making it accessable to the largest number
of players we can.
While QuakeForge itself (and the Quake source code in general) is Free
Software, the game itself is not free. You need to either purchase it from <a
href="http://www.idsoftware.com/store/index.php?view=quake">id Software</a> or
you can use <a href="http://openquartz.sourceforge.net/">OpenQuartz</a>, a
project developing GPL compatable game data for Quake.
@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
+attack :
When active player is firing/using current weapon
+back :
When active the player is moving backwards
+forward :
When active the player is moving forward
+jump :
When active the player is jumping
+klook :
When active, +forward and +back perform +lookup and +lookdown
+left :
When active the player is turning left
+lookdown :
When active the player's view is looking down
+lookup :
When active the player's view is looking up
+mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards performs +lookup and +lookdown
+movedown :
When active the player is swimming down in a liquid
+moveleft :
When active the player is strafing left
+moveright :
When active the player is strafing right
+moveup :
When active the player is swimming up in a liquid
+right :
When active the player is turning right
+showscores :
Display information on everyone playing
+showteamscores :
Display information for your team
+speed :
When active the player is running
+strafe :
When active, +left and +right function like +moveleft and +moveright
+use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
-attack :
When active player is not firing/using current weapon
-back :
When active the player is not moving backwards
-forward :
When active the player is not moving forward
-jump :
When active the player is not jumping
-klook :
When active, +forward and +back don't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-left :
When active the player is not turning left
-lookdown :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-lookup :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards doesn't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-movedown :
When active the player is not swimming down in a liquid
-moveleft :
When active the player is not strafing left
-moveright :
When active the player is not strafing right
-moveup :
When active the player is not swimming up in a liquid
-right :
When active the player is not turning right
-showscores :
Stop displaying information on everyone playing
-showteamscores :
Stop displaying information for your team
-speed :
When active the player is not running
-strafe :
When active, +left and +right stop functioning like +moveleft and +moveright
-use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
allskins :
Force all player skins to one skin
bf :
Background flash, used when you pick up an item
bind :
wrapper for in_bind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
cache_flush :
Clears the current game cache
cache_print :
Prints out items in the cache
cache_profile :
Prints a profile of the current cache
cd :
Control the CD player.
eject - Eject the CD.
info - Reports information on the CD.
loop (track number) - Loops the specified track.
remap (track1) (track2) ... - Remap the current track order.
reset - Causes the CD audio to re-initialize.
resume - Will resume playback after pause.
off - Shuts down the CD audio system..
on - Re-enables the CD audio system after a cd off command.
pause - Pause the CD playback.
play (track number) - Plays the specified track one time.
stop - Stops the currently playing track.
centerview :
Centers the player's view ahead after +lookup or +lookdown
Will not work while mlook is active or freelook is 1.
changing :
Used when maps are changing
clear :
Clear the console
cmd :
Send a command to the server.
download - Same as the command.
kill - Same as the command.
msg (value) - Same as the command.
prespawn (entity) (spot) - Find a spawn spot for the player entity.
spawn (entity) - Spawn the player entity.
setinfo - Same as the command.
serverinfo - Same as the command.
cmdlist :
List all commands
color :
The pant and shirt color (color shirt pants) Note that if only shirt color is given, pants will match
connect :
Connect to a server 'connect hostname:port'
cvarlist :
List all cvars
demolist :
List demos available
disconnect :
Disconnect from server
download :
Manually download a quake file from the server
echo :
Print text to console
envmap :
No Description
exec :
Execute a script file
force_centerview :
force the view to be level
fullinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to set setinfo variables
fullserverinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to obtain server variables
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
gl_texturemode :
Texture mipmap quality.
help :
Display help for a command or variable
impulse :
Call a game function or QuakeC function.
imt :
in_bind :
Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.
Note: To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in quotes and separate with semi-colons.
in_paste_buffer :
Paste the contents of X's C&P buffer to the console
in_unbind :
Remove the bind from the the selected key
kill :
Suicide :)
loadsky :
Load a skybox
loc :
Location marker editing commands: 'loc help' for more
maplist :
List maps available
messagemode :
Prompt to send a message to everyone
messagemode2 :
Prompt to send a message to only people on your team
net_packetlog_zap :
clear the packet log file
nextul :
Tells the client to send the next upload
packet :
Send a packet with specified contents to the destination
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
pause :
Pause the game
play :
Play selected sound effect (play pathto/sound.wav)
playdemo :
Play a recorded demo
playvol :
Play selected sound effect at selected volume (playvol pathto/sound.wav num
pointfile :
Load a pointfile to determine map leaks
quit :
Exit the program
rcon :
Issue set of commands to the current connected server or the one set in rcon_address
reconnect :
Reconnect to the last server
record :
Record a demo 'record filename server'
rerecord :
Rerecord a demo on the same server
say :
Say something to all other players
say_team :
Say something only to people on your team
screenshot :
Take a screenshot, saves as qfxxx.tga in the current directory
serverinfo :
Report the current server info
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setinfo :
Sets information about your QuakeWorld user.
Used without a key it will list all of your current settings.
Specifying a non-existent key and a value will create the new key.
Special Keys:
b_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a backpack pickup.
w_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a weapon pickup.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
sizedown :
Decreases the screen size
sizeup :
Increases the screen size
skinlist :
List skins available
skins :
Download all skins that are currently in use
skyboxlist :
List skyboxes available
slist :
console commands to access server list
snap :
Take a screenshot and upload it to the server
soundinfo :
Report information on the sound system
soundlist :
Reports a list of sounds in the cache
stop :
Stop recording a demo
stopsound :
Stops all sounds currently being played
stopul :
Tells the client to stop uploading
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
timedemo :
Play a demo as fast as your hardware can. Useful for benchmarking.
timerefresh :
Tests the current refresh rate for the current location
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
togglechat :
Toggle the console up and down
toggleconsole :
Toggle the console up and down
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
unbind :
wrapper for in_unbind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
unbindall :
Remove all binds (USE CAUTIOUSLY!!!)
user :
Queries the user for his setinfo information
users :
Report information on connected players and retrieve user ids
v_cshift :
This adjusts all of the colors currently being displayed.
Used when you are underwater, hit, have the Ring of Shadows, or Quad Damage. (v_cshift r g b intensity)
version :
Report version information
vid_center :
Center the view port on the quake window in a virtual desktop.
wait :
Wait a game tic
@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : CD music volume
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* cd_plugin : CD Plugin to use
chase_active : None
chase_back : None
chase_right : None
chase_up : None
cl_allow_cmd_pkt : enables packets from the likes of gamespy
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
cl_demospeed : adjust demo playback speed. 1.0 = normal, < 1 slow-mo, > 1 timelapse
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_freply : Delay between replies to f_*. Set to zero to disable.
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player who has the most frags while you are in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_max_particles : Maximum amount of particles to display. No maximum, minimum is 0.
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
* cl_model_crcs : Controls setting of emodel and pmodel info vars. Required by some servers, but clearing this can make the difference between connecting and not connecting on some others.
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : Disable player delta compression. Set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get many U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_nostatpred : Set to turn off static player prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_port : UDP Port for client to use.
cl_predict_players : If this is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_quakerc : exec quake.rc on startup
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_showscoresuid : show uid instead of ping on scores
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeframes : write timestamps for every frame
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_writecfg : write config files?
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
cmd_highchars : Toggles availability of special characters by proceeding letters by $ or #. See the documentation for details.
cmd_warncmd : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old white, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : set to enable extra debugging information
fov : Your field of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_pluginpath : Location of your plugin directory
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_usercfg : user configuration file
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : toggle console between slide and stretch
* gl_dlight_polyblend : Set to 1 to use a dynamic light effect faster on GL
* gl_dlight_smooth : Smooth dynamic vertex lighting
r gl_driver : The OpenGL library to use. (path optional)
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
gl_lightmap_align : Workaround for nvidia slow path. Set to 4 or 16 if you have an nvidia 3d accelerator, set to 1 otherwise.
gl_lightmap_subimage : Lightmap Update method. Default 2 updates a minimum 'dirty rectangle' around the area changed. 1 updates every line that changed. 0 updates the entire lightmap.
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_mesh_cache : minimum triangle count in a model for its mesh to be cached. 0 to disable caching
* gl_multitexture : Use multitexture when available
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
gl_occlusion : Toggles experimental alias model occlusion tests.
gl_particle_mip : Toggles particle texture mipmapping.
gl_particle_size : Vertical and horizontal size of particle textures as a power of 2. Default is 5 (32 texel square).
gl_picmip : Dimensions of textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
gl_reporttjunctions : None
gl_screenshot_byte_swap : Swap the bytes for gl screenshots. Needed if you get screenshots with red and blue swapped.
* gl_sky_clip : controls amount of sky overdraw
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
gl_texsort : None
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
* in_amp : global in_amp multiplier
* in_bind_imt : imt parameter for the bind and unbind wrappers to in_bind and in_unbind
* in_dga : DGA Input support
* in_grab : With this set to 1, quake will grab the mouse from X
* in_mouse_amp : mouse in_mouse_amp multiplier
* in_mouse_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
* in_mouse_pre_amp : mouse in_mouse_pre_amp multiplier
* in_pre_amp : global in_pre_amp multiplier
* in_snd_block : block sound output on window focus loss
* joy_amp : Joystick amplification
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_pre_amp : Joystick pre-amplification
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
localid : FIXME: This has something to do with client authentication.No description
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
net_loglevel : Packet logging/parsing
net_packetlog : enable/disable packet logging
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code. Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
* r_dlight_lightmap : Set to 1 for high quality dynamic lighting.
* r_dlight_max : Number of dynamic lights.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawexplosions : Draw explosions.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles view model drawing (your weapons)
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_explosionclip : Clip explosions.
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r r_lightmap_components : Lightmap texture components. 1 is greyscale, 3 is RGB, 4 is RGBA.
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of edges
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_mirroralpha : None
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
* r_particles : Toggles drawing of particles.
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges were not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces were not displayed
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_wateralpha : Determine the opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, try setting to 5
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
* scr_consize : Fraction of the screen the console covers when down
scr_conspeed : How quickly the console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_ping : display current ping to server
show_pl : display current packet loss to server
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is below 10
*u skin : Players skin
sl_filter : enable server filter
* sl_game : sets the serverlist game filter
* sl_ping : sets the serverlist ping filter
* sl_sortby : 0 = sort by name, 1 = sort by ping
r snd_bits : sound sample depth. 0 is system default
r snd_device : sound device. "" is system default
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_loadas8bit : Load samples as 8-bit
* snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_output : Sound Output Plugin to use
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
r snd_rate : sound playback rate. 0 is system default
* snd_render : Sound Renderer Plugin to use
snd_show : Toggles display of sounds currently being played
r snd_stereo : sound stereo output
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_backtrace : Dump a backtrace on Tragic Death. Value is the max number of times to dump core incase of recursive shutdown
sys_dead_sleep : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connected and there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems with some mods.
sys_dump_core : Dump core on Tragic Death. Be sure to check 'ulimit -c'
sys_extrasleep : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
sys_nostdout : Set to disable std out
sys_sleep : Sleep how long in seconds between checking for connections. Minimum is 0, maximum is 13
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
* vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
* vid_gamma : Gamma correction
r vid_height : screen height
* vid_system_gamma : Use system gamma control if available
r vid_use8bit : Use 8-bit shared palettes.
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Volume level of sounds
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
+attack :
When active player is firing/using current weapon
+back :
When active the player is moving backwards
+forward :
When active the player is moving forward
+jump :
When active the player is jumping
+klook :
When active, +forward and +back perform +lookup and +lookdown
+left :
When active the player is turning left
+lookdown :
When active the player's view is looking down
+lookup :
When active the player's view is looking up
+mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards performs +lookup and +lookdown
+movedown :
When active the player is swimming down in a liquid
+moveleft :
When active the player is strafing left
+moveright :
When active the player is strafing right
+moveup :
When active the player is swimming up in a liquid
+right :
When active the player is turning right
+showscores :
Display information on everyone playing
+showteamscores :
Display information for your team
+speed :
When active the player is running
+strafe :
When active, +left and +right function like +moveleft and +moveright
+use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
-attack :
When active player is not firing/using current weapon
-back :
When active the player is not moving backwards
-forward :
When active the player is not moving forward
-jump :
When active the player is not jumping
-klook :
When active, +forward and +back don't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-left :
When active the player is not turning left
-lookdown :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-lookup :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards doesn't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-movedown :
When active the player is not swimming down in a liquid
-moveleft :
When active the player is not strafing left
-moveright :
When active the player is not strafing right
-moveup :
When active the player is not swimming up in a liquid
-right :
When active the player is not turning right
-showscores :
Stop displaying information on everyone playing
-showteamscores :
Stop displaying information for your team
-speed :
When active the player is not running
-strafe :
When active, +left and +right stop functioning like +moveleft and +moveright
-use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
allskins :
Force all player skins to one skin
bf :
Background flash, used when you pick up an item
bind :
wrapper for in_bind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
cache_flush :
Clears the current game cache
cache_print :
Prints out items in the cache
cache_profile :
Prints a profile of the current cache
cd :
Control the CD player.
eject - Eject the CD.
info - Reports information on the CD.
loop (track number) - Loops the specified track.
remap (track1) (track2) ... - Remap the current track order.
reset - Causes the CD audio to re-initialize.
resume - Will resume playback after pause.
off - Shuts down the CD audio system..
on - Re-enables the CD audio system after a cd off command.
pause - Pause the CD playback.
play (track number) - Plays the specified track one time.
stop - Stops the currently playing track.
centerview :
Centers the player's view ahead after +lookup or +lookdown
Will not work while mlook is active or freelook is 1.
changing :
Used when maps are changing
clear :
Clear the console
cmd :
Send a command to the server.
download - Same as the command.
kill - Same as the command.
msg (value) - Same as the command.
prespawn (entity) (spot) - Find a spawn spot for the player entity.
spawn (entity) - Spawn the player entity.
setinfo - Same as the command.
serverinfo - Same as the command.
cmdlist :
List all commands
color :
The pant and shirt color (color shirt pants) Note that if only shirt color is given, pants will match
connect :
Connect to a server 'connect hostname:port'
cvarlist :
List all cvars
demolist :
List demos available
disconnect :
Disconnect from server
download :
Manually download a quake file from the server
echo :
Print text to console
exec :
Execute a script file
force_centerview :
force the view to be level
fullinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to set setinfo variables
fullserverinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to obtain server variables
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
help :
Display help for a command or variable
impulse :
Call a game function or QuakeC function.
imt :
in_bind :
Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.
Note: To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in quotes and separate with semi-colons.
in_unbind :
Remove the bind from the the selected key
kill :
Suicide :)
loadsky :
Load a skybox
loc :
Location marker editing commands: 'loc help' for more
maplist :
List maps available
messagemode :
Prompt to send a message to everyone
messagemode2 :
Prompt to send a message to only people on your team
net_packetlog_zap :
clear the packet log file
nextul :
Tells the client to send the next upload
packet :
Send a packet with specified contents to the destination
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
pause :
Pause the game
play :
Play selected sound effect (play pathto/sound.wav)
playdemo :
Play a recorded demo
playvol :
Play selected sound effect at selected volume (playvol pathto/sound.wav num
pointfile :
Load a pointfile to determine map leaks
quit :
Exit the program
rcon :
Issue set of commands to the current connected server or the one set in rcon_address
reconnect :
Reconnect to the last server
record :
Record a demo 'record filename server'
rerecord :
Rerecord a demo on the same server
say :
Say something to all other players
say_team :
Say something only to people on your team
screenshot :
Take a screenshot and write it as qfxxx.tga in the current directory
serverinfo :
Report the current server info
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setinfo :
Sets information about your QuakeWorld user.
Used without a key it will list all of your current settings.
Specifying a non-existent key and a value will create the new key.
Special Keys:
b_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a backpack pickup.
w_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a weapon pickup.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
sizedown :
Decrease the size of the screen
sizeup :
Increase the size of the screen
skinlist :
List skins available
skins :
Download all skins that are currently in use
skyboxlist :
List skyboxes available
slist :
console commands to access server list
snap :
Take a screenshot and upload it to the server
soundinfo :
Report information on the sound system
soundlist :
Reports a list of sounds in the cache
stop :
Stop recording a demo
stopsound :
Stops all sounds currently being played
stopul :
Tells the client to stop uploading
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
timedemo :
Play a demo as fast as your hardware can. Useful for benchmarking.
timerefresh :
Tests the current refresh rate for the current location
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
togglechat :
Toggle the console up and down
toggleconsole :
Toggle the console up and down
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
unbind :
wrapper for in_unbind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
unbindall :
Remove all binds (USE CAUTIOUSLY!!!)
user :
Queries the user for his setinfo information
users :
Report information on connected players and retrieve user ids
v_cshift :
This adjusts all of the colors currently being displayed.
Used when you are underwater, hit, have the Ring of Shadows, or Quad Damage. (v_cshift r g b intensity)
version :
Report version information
wait :
Wait a game tic
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : CD music volume
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* cd_plugin : CD Plugin to use
chase_active : None
chase_back : None
chase_right : None
chase_up : None
cl_allow_cmd_pkt : enables packets from the likes of gamespy
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
cl_demospeed : adjust demo playback speed. 1.0 = normal, < 1 slow-mo, > 1 timelapse
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_freply : Delay between replies to f_*. Set to zero to disable.
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player who has the most frags while you are in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_max_particles : Maximum amount of particles to display. No maximum, minimum is 0.
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
* cl_model_crcs : Controls setting of emodel and pmodel info vars. Required by some servers, but clearing this can make the difference between connecting and not connecting on some others.
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : Disable player delta compression. Set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get many U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_nostatpred : Set to turn off static player prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_port : UDP Port for client to use.
cl_predict_players : If this is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_quakerc : exec quake.rc on startup
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_showscoresuid : show uid instead of ping on scores
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeframes : write timestamps for every frame
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_writecfg : write config files?
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
cmd_highchars : Toggles availability of special characters by proceeding letters by $ or #. See the documentation for details.
cmd_warncmd : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old white, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : set to enable extra debugging information
fov : Your field of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_pluginpath : Location of your plugin directory
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_usercfg : user configuration file
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : toggle console between slide and stretch
* gl_dlight_polyblend : Set to 1 to use a dynamic light effect faster on GL
* gl_dlight_smooth : Smooth dynamic vertex lighting
r gl_driver : The OpenGL library to use. (path optional)
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
gl_lightmap_align : Workaround for nvidia slow path. Set to 4 or 16 if you have an nvidia 3d accelerator, set to 1 otherwise.
gl_lightmap_subimage : Lightmap Update method. Default 2 updates a minimum 'dirty rectangle' around the area changed. 1 updates every line that changed. 0 updates the entire lightmap.
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_mesh_cache : minimum triangle count in a model for its mesh to be cached. 0 to disable caching
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
gl_occlusion : Toggles experimental alias model occlusion tests.
gl_particle_mip : Toggles particle texture mipmapping.
gl_particle_size : Vertical and horizontal size of particle textures as a power of 2. Default is 5 (32 texel square).
gl_picmip : Dimensions of textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
gl_reporttjunctions : None
* gl_sky_clip : controls amount of sky overdraw
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
gl_texsort : None
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
* in_amp : global in_amp multiplier
* in_bind_imt : imt parameter for the bind and unbind wrappers to in_bind and in_unbind
* in_grab : With this set to 1, quake will grab the mouse from X
* in_mouse_amp : mouse in_mouse_amp multiplier
* in_mouse_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
* in_mouse_pre_amp : mouse in_mouse_pre_amp multiplier
* in_pre_amp : global in_pre_amp multiplier
* joy_amp : Joystick amplification
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_pre_amp : Joystick pre-amplification
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
localid : FIXME: This has something to do with client authentication.No description
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
net_loglevel : Packet logging/parsing
net_packetlog : enable/disable packet logging
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code. Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
* r_dlight_lightmap : Set to 1 for high quality dynamic lighting.
* r_dlight_max : Number of dynamic lights.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawexplosions : Draw explosions.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles view model drawing (your weapons)
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_explosionclip : Clip explosions.
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r r_lightmap_components : Lightmap texture components. 1 is greyscale, 3 is RGB, 4 is RGBA.
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of edges
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_mirroralpha : None
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
* r_particles : Toggles drawing of particles.
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges were not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces were not displayed
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_wateralpha : Determine the opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, try setting to 5
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
* scr_consize : Fraction of the screen the console covers when down
scr_conspeed : How quickly the console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_ping : display current ping to server
show_pl : display current packet loss to server
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is below 10
*u skin : Players skin
sl_filter : enable server filter
* sl_game : sets the serverlist game filter
* sl_ping : sets the serverlist ping filter
* sl_sortby : 0 = sort by name, 1 = sort by ping
r snd_bits : sound sample depth. 0 is system default
r snd_device : sound device. "" is system default
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_loadas8bit : Load samples as 8-bit
* snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_output : Sound Output Plugin to use
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
r snd_rate : sound playback rate. 0 is system default
* snd_render : Sound Renderer Plugin to use
snd_show : Toggles display of sounds currently being played
r snd_stereo : sound stereo output
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_dead_sleep : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connected and there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems with some mods.
sys_extrasleep : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
sys_nostdout : Set to disable std out
sys_sleep : Sleep how long in seconds between checking for connections. Minimum is 0, maximum is 13
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
* vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
* vid_gamma : Gamma correction
r vid_height : screen height
* vid_system_gamma : Use system gamma control if available
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Volume level of sounds
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
+attack :
When active player is firing/using current weapon
+back :
When active the player is moving backwards
+forward :
When active the player is moving forward
+jump :
When active the player is jumping
+klook :
When active, +forward and +back perform +lookup and +lookdown
+left :
When active the player is turning left
+lookdown :
When active the player's view is looking down
+lookup :
When active the player's view is looking up
+mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards performs +lookup and +lookdown
+movedown :
When active the player is swimming down in a liquid
+moveleft :
When active the player is strafing left
+moveright :
When active the player is strafing right
+moveup :
When active the player is swimming up in a liquid
+right :
When active the player is turning right
+showscores :
Display information on everyone playing
+showteamscores :
Display information for your team
+speed :
When active the player is running
+strafe :
When active, +left and +right function like +moveleft and +moveright
+use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
-attack :
When active player is not firing/using current weapon
-back :
When active the player is not moving backwards
-forward :
When active the player is not moving forward
-jump :
When active the player is not jumping
-klook :
When active, +forward and +back don't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-left :
When active the player is not turning left
-lookdown :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-lookup :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards doesn't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-movedown :
When active the player is not swimming down in a liquid
-moveleft :
When active the player is not strafing left
-moveright :
When active the player is not strafing right
-moveup :
When active the player is not swimming up in a liquid
-right :
When active the player is not turning right
-showscores :
Stop displaying information on everyone playing
-showteamscores :
Stop displaying information for your team
-speed :
When active the player is not running
-strafe :
When active, +left and +right stop functioning like +moveleft and +moveright
-use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
allskins :
Force all player skins to one skin
bf :
Background flash, used when you pick up an item
bind :
wrapper for in_bind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
cache_flush :
Clears the current game cache
cache_print :
Prints out items in the cache
cache_profile :
Prints a profile of the current cache
cd :
Control the CD player.
eject - Eject the CD.
info - Reports information on the CD.
loop (track number) - Loops the specified track.
remap (track1) (track2) ... - Remap the current track order.
reset - Causes the CD audio to re-initialize.
resume - Will resume playback after pause.
off - Shuts down the CD audio system..
on - Re-enables the CD audio system after a cd off command.
pause - Pause the CD playback.
play (track number) - Plays the specified track one time.
stop - Stops the currently playing track.
centerview :
Centers the player's view ahead after +lookup or +lookdown
Will not work while mlook is active or freelook is 1.
changing :
Used when maps are changing
clear :
Clear the console
cmd :
Send a command to the server.
download - Same as the command.
kill - Same as the command.
msg (value) - Same as the command.
prespawn (entity) (spot) - Find a spawn spot for the player entity.
spawn (entity) - Spawn the player entity.
setinfo - Same as the command.
serverinfo - Same as the command.
cmdlist :
List all commands
color :
The pant and shirt color (color shirt pants) Note that if only shirt color is given, pants will match
connect :
Connect to a server 'connect hostname:port'
cvarlist :
List all cvars
demolist :
List demos available
disconnect :
Disconnect from server
download :
Manually download a quake file from the server
echo :
Print text to console
exec :
Execute a script file
force_centerview :
force the view to be level
fullinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to set setinfo variables
fullserverinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to obtain server variables
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
help :
Display help for a command or variable
impulse :
Call a game function or QuakeC function.
imt :
in_bind :
Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.
Note: To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in quotes and separate with semi-colons.
in_unbind :
Remove the bind from the the selected key
kill :
Suicide :)
loadsky :
Load a skybox
loc :
Location marker editing commands: 'loc help' for more
maplist :
List maps available
messagemode :
Prompt to send a message to everyone
messagemode2 :
Prompt to send a message to only people on your team
net_packetlog_zap :
clear the packet log file
nextul :
Tells the client to send the next upload
packet :
Send a packet with specified contents to the destination
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
pause :
Pause the game
play :
Play selected sound effect (play pathto/sound.wav)
playdemo :
Play a recorded demo
playvol :
Play selected sound effect at selected volume (playvol pathto/sound.wav num
pointfile :
Load a pointfile to determine map leaks
quit :
Exit the program
rcon :
Issue set of commands to the current connected server or the one set in rcon_address
reconnect :
Reconnect to the last server
record :
Record a demo 'record filename server'
rerecord :
Rerecord a demo on the same server
say :
Say something to all other players
say_team :
Say something only to people on your team
screenshot :
Take a screenshot and write it as qfxxx.tga in the current directory
serverinfo :
Report the current server info
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setinfo :
Sets information about your QuakeWorld user.
Used without a key it will list all of your current settings.
Specifying a non-existent key and a value will create the new key.
Special Keys:
b_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a backpack pickup.
w_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a weapon pickup.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
sizedown :
Decrease the size of the screen
sizeup :
Increase the size of the screen
skinlist :
List skins available
skins :
Download all skins that are currently in use
skyboxlist :
List skyboxes available
slist :
console commands to access server list
snap :
Take a screenshot and upload it to the server
soundinfo :
Report information on the sound system
soundlist :
Reports a list of sounds in the cache
stop :
Stop recording a demo
stopsound :
Stops all sounds currently being played
stopul :
Tells the client to stop uploading
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
timedemo :
Play a demo as fast as your hardware can. Useful for benchmarking.
timerefresh :
Tests the current refresh rate for the current location
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
togglechat :
Toggle the console up and down
toggleconsole :
Toggle the console up and down
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
unbind :
wrapper for in_unbind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
unbindall :
Remove all binds (USE CAUTIOUSLY!!!)
user :
Queries the user for his setinfo information
users :
Report information on connected players and retrieve user ids
v_cshift :
This adjusts all of the colors currently being displayed.
Used when you are underwater, hit, have the Ring of Shadows, or Quad Damage. (v_cshift r g b intensity)
version :
Report version information
wait :
Wait a game tic
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : CD music volume
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* cd_plugin : CD Plugin to use
chase_active : None
chase_back : None
chase_right : None
chase_up : None
cl_allow_cmd_pkt : enables packets from the likes of gamespy
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
cl_demospeed : adjust demo playback speed. 1.0 = normal, < 1 slow-mo, > 1 timelapse
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_freply : Delay between replies to f_*. Set to zero to disable.
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player who has the most frags while you are in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_max_particles : Maximum amount of particles to display. No maximum, minimum is 0.
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
* cl_model_crcs : Controls setting of emodel and pmodel info vars. Required by some servers, but clearing this can make the difference between connecting and not connecting on some others.
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : Disable player delta compression. Set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get many U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_nostatpred : Set to turn off static player prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_port : UDP Port for client to use.
cl_predict_players : If this is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_quakerc : exec quake.rc on startup
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_showscoresuid : show uid instead of ping on scores
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeframes : write timestamps for every frame
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_writecfg : write config files?
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
cmd_highchars : Toggles availability of special characters by proceeding letters by $ or #. See the documentation for details.
cmd_warncmd : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old white, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : set to enable extra debugging information
fov : Your field of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_pluginpath : Location of your plugin directory
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_usercfg : user configuration file
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : toggle console between slide and stretch
* gl_dlight_polyblend : Set to 1 to use a dynamic light effect faster on GL
* gl_dlight_smooth : Smooth dynamic vertex lighting
r gl_driver : The OpenGL library to use. (path optional)
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
gl_lightmap_align : Workaround for nvidia slow path. Set to 4 or 16 if you have an nvidia 3d accelerator, set to 1 otherwise.
gl_lightmap_subimage : Lightmap Update method. Default 2 updates a minimum 'dirty rectangle' around the area changed. 1 updates every line that changed. 0 updates the entire lightmap.
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_mesh_cache : minimum triangle count in a model for its mesh to be cached. 0 to disable caching
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
gl_occlusion : Toggles experimental alias model occlusion tests.
gl_particle_mip : Toggles particle texture mipmapping.
gl_particle_size : Vertical and horizontal size of particle textures as a power of 2. Default is 5 (32 texel square).
gl_picmip : Dimensions of textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
gl_reporttjunctions : None
* gl_sky_clip : controls amount of sky overdraw
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
gl_texsort : None
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
* in_amp : global in_amp multiplier
* in_bind_imt : imt parameter for the bind and unbind wrappers to in_bind and in_unbind
* in_grab : With this set to 1, quake will grab the mouse from X
* in_mouse_amp : mouse in_mouse_amp multiplier
* in_mouse_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
* in_mouse_pre_amp : mouse in_mouse_pre_amp multiplier
* in_pre_amp : global in_pre_amp multiplier
* joy_amp : Joystick amplification
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_pre_amp : Joystick pre-amplification
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
localid : FIXME: This has something to do with client authentication.No description
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
net_loglevel : Packet logging/parsing
net_packetlog : enable/disable packet logging
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code. Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
* r_dlight_lightmap : Set to 1 for high quality dynamic lighting.
* r_dlight_max : Number of dynamic lights.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawexplosions : Draw explosions.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles view model drawing (your weapons)
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_explosionclip : Clip explosions.
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r r_lightmap_components : Lightmap texture components. 1 is greyscale, 3 is RGB, 4 is RGBA.
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of edges
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_mirroralpha : None
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
* r_particles : Toggles drawing of particles.
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges were not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces were not displayed
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_wateralpha : Determine the opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, try setting to 5
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
* scr_consize : Fraction of the screen the console covers when down
scr_conspeed : How quickly the console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_ping : display current ping to server
show_pl : display current packet loss to server
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is below 10
*u skin : Players skin
sl_filter : enable server filter
* sl_game : sets the serverlist game filter
* sl_ping : sets the serverlist ping filter
* sl_sortby : 0 = sort by name, 1 = sort by ping
r snd_bits : sound sample depth. 0 is system default
r snd_device : sound device. "" is system default
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_loadas8bit : Load samples as 8-bit
* snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_output : Sound Output Plugin to use
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
r snd_rate : sound playback rate. 0 is system default
* snd_render : Sound Renderer Plugin to use
snd_show : Toggles display of sounds currently being played
r snd_stereo : sound stereo output
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_dead_sleep : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connected and there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems with some mods.
sys_extrasleep : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
sys_nostdout : Set to disable std out
sys_sleep : Sleep how long in seconds between checking for connections. Minimum is 0, maximum is 13
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
r vid_bitdepth : Sets display bitdepth (supported modes: 8 16 32)
* vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
* vid_gamma : Gamma correction
r vid_height : screen height
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Volume level of sounds
@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
+attack :
When active player is firing/using current weapon
+back :
When active the player is moving backwards
+forward :
When active the player is moving forward
+jump :
When active the player is jumping
+klook :
When active, +forward and +back perform +lookup and +lookdown
+left :
When active the player is turning left
+lookdown :
When active the player's view is looking down
+lookup :
When active the player's view is looking up
+mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards performs +lookup and +lookdown
+movedown :
When active the player is swimming down in a liquid
+moveleft :
When active the player is strafing left
+moveright :
When active the player is strafing right
+moveup :
When active the player is swimming up in a liquid
+right :
When active the player is turning right
+showscores :
Display information on everyone playing
+showteamscores :
Display information for your team
+speed :
When active the player is running
+strafe :
When active, +left and +right function like +moveleft and +moveright
+use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
-attack :
When active player is not firing/using current weapon
-back :
When active the player is not moving backwards
-forward :
When active the player is not moving forward
-jump :
When active the player is not jumping
-klook :
When active, +forward and +back don't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-left :
When active the player is not turning left
-lookdown :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-lookup :
When active the player's view is not looking up
-mlook :
When active moving the mouse or joystick forwards and backwards doesn't perform +lookup and +lookdown
-movedown :
When active the player is not swimming down in a liquid
-moveleft :
When active the player is not strafing left
-moveright :
When active the player is not strafing right
-moveup :
When active the player is not swimming up in a liquid
-right :
When active the player is not turning right
-showscores :
Stop displaying information on everyone playing
-showteamscores :
Stop displaying information for your team
-speed :
When active the player is not running
-strafe :
When active, +left and +right stop functioning like +moveleft and +moveright
-use :
Non-functional. Left over command for opening doors and triggering switches
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
allskins :
Force all player skins to one skin
bf :
Background flash, used when you pick up an item
bind :
wrapper for in_bind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
cache_flush :
Clears the current game cache
cache_print :
Prints out items in the cache
cache_profile :
Prints a profile of the current cache
cd :
Control the CD player.
eject - Eject the CD.
info - Reports information on the CD.
loop (track number) - Loops the specified track.
remap (track1) (track2) ... - Remap the current track order.
reset - Causes the CD audio to re-initialize.
resume - Will resume playback after pause.
off - Shuts down the CD audio system..
on - Re-enables the CD audio system after a cd off command.
pause - Pause the CD playback.
play (track number) - Plays the specified track one time.
stop - Stops the currently playing track.
centerview :
Centers the player's view ahead after +lookup or +lookdown
Will not work while mlook is active or freelook is 1.
changing :
Used when maps are changing
clear :
Clear the console
cmd :
Send a command to the server.
download - Same as the command.
kill - Same as the command.
msg (value) - Same as the command.
prespawn (entity) (spot) - Find a spawn spot for the player entity.
spawn (entity) - Spawn the player entity.
setinfo - Same as the command.
serverinfo - Same as the command.
cmdlist :
List all commands
color :
The pant and shirt color (color shirt pants) Note that if only shirt color is given, pants will match
connect :
Connect to a server 'connect hostname:port'
cvarlist :
List all cvars
demolist :
List demos available
disconnect :
Disconnect from server
download :
Manually download a quake file from the server
echo :
Print text to console
exec :
Execute a script file
force_centerview :
force the view to be level
fullinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to set setinfo variables
fullserverinfo :
Used by QuakeSpy and Qlist to obtain server variables
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
help :
Display help for a command or variable
impulse :
Call a game function or QuakeC function.
imt :
in_bind :
Assign a command or a set of commands to a key.
Note: To bind multiple commands to a key, enclose the commands in quotes and separate with semi-colons.
in_paste_buffer :
Paste the contents of X's C&P buffer to the console
in_unbind :
Remove the bind from the the selected key
kill :
Suicide :)
loadsky :
Load a skybox
loc :
Location marker editing commands: 'loc help' for more
maplist :
List maps available
messagemode :
Prompt to send a message to everyone
messagemode2 :
Prompt to send a message to only people on your team
net_packetlog_zap :
clear the packet log file
nextul :
Tells the client to send the next upload
packet :
Send a packet with specified contents to the destination
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
pause :
Pause the game
play :
Play selected sound effect (play pathto/sound.wav)
playdemo :
Play a recorded demo
playvol :
Play selected sound effect at selected volume (playvol pathto/sound.wav num
pointfile :
Load a pointfile to determine map leaks
quit :
Exit the program
rcon :
Issue set of commands to the current connected server or the one set in rcon_address
reconnect :
Reconnect to the last server
record :
Record a demo 'record filename server'
rerecord :
Rerecord a demo on the same server
say :
Say something to all other players
say_team :
Say something only to people on your team
screenshot :
Take a screenshot and write it as qfxxx.tga in the current directory
serverinfo :
Report the current server info
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setinfo :
Sets information about your QuakeWorld user.
Used without a key it will list all of your current settings.
Specifying a non-existent key and a value will create the new key.
Special Keys:
b_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a backpack pickup.
w_switch - Determines the highest weapon that Quake should switch to upon a weapon pickup.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
sizedown :
Decrease the size of the screen
sizeup :
Increase the size of the screen
skinlist :
List skins available
skins :
Download all skins that are currently in use
skyboxlist :
List skyboxes available
slist :
console commands to access server list
snap :
Take a screenshot and upload it to the server
soundinfo :
Report information on the sound system
soundlist :
Reports a list of sounds in the cache
stop :
Stop recording a demo
stopsound :
Stops all sounds currently being played
stopul :
Tells the client to stop uploading
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
timedemo :
Play a demo as fast as your hardware can. Useful for benchmarking.
timerefresh :
Tests the current refresh rate for the current location
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
togglechat :
Toggle the console up and down
toggleconsole :
Toggle the console up and down
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
unbind :
wrapper for in_unbind that uses in_bind_imt for the imt parameter
unbindall :
Remove all binds (USE CAUTIOUSLY!!!)
user :
Queries the user for his setinfo information
users :
Report information on connected players and retrieve user ids
v_cshift :
This adjusts all of the colors currently being displayed.
Used when you are underwater, hit, have the Ring of Shadows, or Quad Damage. (v_cshift r g b intensity)
version :
Report version information
vid_center :
Center the view port on the quake window in a virtual desktop.
wait :
Wait a game tic
@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
ambient_fade : How quickly ambient sounds fade in or out
ambient_level : Ambient sounds' volume
baseskin : default base skin name
* bgmvolume : CD music volume
*u bottomcolor : Players color on bottom
* cd_plugin : CD Plugin to use
chase_active : None
chase_back : None
chase_right : None
chase_up : None
cl_allow_cmd_pkt : enables packets from the likes of gamespy
cl_anglespeedkey : turn `run' speed multiplier
r cl_autoexec : exec autoexec.cfg on gamedir change
* cl_backspeed : backward speed
cl_bob : How much your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobcycle : How quickly your weapon moves up and down when walking
cl_bobup : How long your weapon stays up before cycling when walking
cl_camera_maxpitch : highest camera pitch in spectator mode
cl_camera_maxyaw : highest camera yaw in spectator mode
cl_chasecam : get first person view of the person you are tracking in spectator mode
cl_chatmode : Controls when console text will be treated as a chat message: 0 - never, 1 - always, 2 - smart
* cl_crossx : Sets the position of the crosshair on the X-axis.
* cl_crossy : Sets the position of the crosshair on the Y-axis.
* cl_cshift_bonus : Show bonus flash on item pickup
* cl_cshift_content : Shift view colors for contents (water, slime, etc)
* cl_cshift_damage : Shift view colors on damage
* cl_cshift_powerup : Shift view colors for powerups
cl_deadbodyfilter : Hide dead player models
cl_demospeed : adjust demo playback speed. 1.0 = normal, < 1 slow-mo, > 1 timelapse
* cl_forwardspeed : forward speed
cl_freply : Delay between replies to f_*. Set to zero to disable.
cl_gibfilter : Hide gibs
cl_hightrack : view the player who has the most frags while you are in spectator mode.
* cl_hudswap : new HUD on left side?
* cl_max_particles : Maximum amount of particles to display. No maximum, minimum is 0.
* cl_maxfps : maximum frames rendered in one second. 0 == 32
* cl_model_crcs : Controls setting of emodel and pmodel info vars. Required by some servers, but clearing this can make the difference between connecting and not connecting on some others.
cl_movespeedkey : move `run' speed multiplier
cl_nodelta : Disable player delta compression. Set to 1 if you have a poor ISP and get many U_REMOVE warnings.
cl_nofake : Unhide fake messages
cl_nopred : Set to turn off client prediction
cl_nostatpred : Set to turn off static player prediction
cl_parsesay : Use .loc files to find your present location when you put %l in messages
cl_pitchspeed : look up/down speed
cl_port : UDP Port for client to use.
cl_predict_players : If this is 0, no player prediction is done
cl_quakerc : exec quake.rc on startup
cl_rollangle : How much your screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly you straighten out after strafing
* cl_sbar : status bar mode
* cl_sbar_separator : turns on status bar separator
cl_shownet : show network packets. 0=off, 1=basic, 2=verbose
cl_showscoresuid : show uid instead of ping on scores
cl_sidespeed : strafe speed
cl_solid_players : Are players solid? If off, you can walk through them with difficulty
* cl_timeframes : write timestamps for every frame
* cl_timeout : server connection timeout (since last packet received)
cl_upspeed : swim/fly up/down speed
cl_verstring : Client version string
cl_writecfg : write config files?
cl_yawspeed : turning speed
cmd_highchars : Toggles availability of special characters by proceeding letters by $ or #. See the documentation for details.
cmd_warncmd : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
con_notifytime : How long in seconds messages are displayed on screen
* confirm_quit : confirm quit command
* crosshair : Crosshair type. 0 off, 1 old white, 2 new with colors
* crosshaircolor : Color of the new crosshair
d_mipcap : Detail level. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_mipscale : Detail level of objects. 0 is highest, 3 is lowest.
d_subdiv16 : Set to enable extreme perspective correction
developer : set to enable extra debugging information
fov : Your field of view in degrees. Smaller than 90 zooms in.
* freelook : force +mlook
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_pluginpath : Location of your plugin directory
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_usercfg : user configuration file
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_affinemodels : Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
gl_clear : Set to 1 to make background black. Useful for removing HOM effect
* gl_conalpha : alpha value for the console background
* gl_conspin : speed at which the console spins
* gl_constretch : toggle console between slide and stretch
* gl_dlight_polyblend : Set to 1 to use a dynamic light effect faster on GL
* gl_dlight_smooth : Smooth dynamic vertex lighting
r gl_driver : The OpenGL library to use. (path optional)
* gl_fb_bmodels : Toggles fullbright color support for bmodels
* gl_fb_models : Toggles fullbright color support for models
* gl_fires : Toggles lavaball and rocket fireballs
* gl_keeptjunctions : Set to 0 to turn off colinear vertexes upon level load
* gl_lerp_anim : Toggles model animation interpolation
gl_lightmap_align : Workaround for nvidia slow path. Set to 4 or 16 if you have an nvidia 3d accelerator, set to 1 otherwise.
gl_lightmap_subimage : Lightmap Update method. Default 2 updates a minimum 'dirty rectangle' around the area changed. 1 updates every line that changed. 0 updates the entire lightmap.
gl_max_size : Texture dimension
* gl_mesh_cache : minimum triangle count in a model for its mesh to be cached. 0 to disable caching
gl_nocolors : Set to 1, turns off all player colors
gl_occlusion : Toggles experimental alias model occlusion tests.
gl_particle_mip : Toggles particle texture mipmapping.
gl_particle_size : Vertical and horizontal size of particle textures as a power of 2. Default is 5 (32 texel square).
gl_picmip : Dimensions of textures. 0 is normal, 1 is half, 2 is 1/4
gl_playermip : Detail of player skins. 0 best, 4 worst.
gl_reporttjunctions : None
* gl_sky_clip : controls amount of sky overdraw
* gl_sky_divide : subdivide sky polys
* gl_skymultipass : controls whether the skydome is single or double pass
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
gl_texsort : None
* gl_triplebuffer : Set to 1 by default. Fixes status bar flicker on some hardware
host_speeds : display host processing times
* in_amp : global in_amp multiplier
* in_bind_imt : imt parameter for the bind and unbind wrappers to in_bind and in_unbind
* in_dga : DGA Input support
* in_grab : With this set to 1, quake will grab the mouse from X
* in_mouse_amp : mouse in_mouse_amp multiplier
* in_mouse_filter : Toggle mouse input filtering.
* in_mouse_pre_amp : mouse in_mouse_pre_amp multiplier
* in_pre_amp : global in_pre_amp multiplier
* in_snd_block : block sound output on window focus loss
* joy_amp : Joystick amplification
r joy_device : Joystick device
* joy_enable : Joystick enable flag
* joy_pre_amp : Joystick pre-amplification
* joyaxis1 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis2 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis3 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis4 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis5 : Set joystick axes
* joyaxis6 : Set joystick axes
localid : FIXME: This has something to do with client authentication.No description
* lookspring : Snap view to center when moving and no mlook/klook
* lookstrafe : when mlook/klook on player will strafe
m_forward : mouse forward/back speed
* m_pitch : mouse pitch (up/down) multipier
m_side : mouse strafe speed
m_yaw : mouse yaw (left/right) multiplier
*u msg : Determines the type of messages reported 0 is maximum, 4 is none
*u name : Player name
net_loglevel : Packet logging/parsing
net_packetlog : enable/disable packet logging
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
*u noaim : Auto aim off switch. Set to 1 to turn off.
noskins : set to 1 to not download new skins
nosound : Set to turn sound off
u password : Server password
precache : Toggle the use of a precache
pushlatency : How much prediction should the client make
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code. Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_aliastransadj : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable.
r_aliastransbase : Determines how much of an alias model is clipped away and how much is viewable
r_ambient : Determines the ambient lighting for a level
r_clearcolor : This sets the color for areas outside of the current map
* r_dlight_lightmap : Set to 1 for high quality dynamic lighting.
* r_dlight_max : Number of dynamic lights.
r_drawentities : Toggles drawing of entities (almost everything but the world)
* r_drawexplosions : Draw explosions.
r_drawflat : Toggles the drawing of textures
* r_drawviewmodel : Toggles view model drawing (your weapons)
r_dspeeds : Toggles the display of drawing speed information
r_dynamic : Set to 0 to disable lightmap changes
* r_explosionclip : Clip explosions.
* r_firecolor : color of rocket and lava ball fires
r_graphheight : Set the number of lines displayed in the various graphs
r r_lightmap_components : Lightmap texture components. 1 is greyscale, 3 is RGB, 4 is RGBA.
r_maxedges : Sets the maximum number of edges
r_maxsurfs : Sets the maximum number of surfaces
r_mirroralpha : None
r_netgraph : Toggle the display of a graph showing network performance
* r_netgraph_alpha : Net graph translucency
* r_netgraph_box : Draw box around net graph
r_norefresh : Set to 1 to disable display refresh
r_novis : Set to 1 to enable runtime visibility checking (SLOW)
r_numedges : Toggles the displaying of number of edges currently being viewed
r_numsurfs : Toggles the displaying of number of surfaces currently being viewed
* r_particles : Toggles drawing of particles.
r_polymodelstats : Toggles the displays of number of polygon models current being viewed
r_reportedgeout : Toggle the display of how many edges were not displayed
r_reportsurfout : Toggle the display of how many surfaces were not displayed
* r_shadows : Set to 1 to enable shadows for entities
r_skyname : name of the current skybox
r_speeds : Display drawing time and statistics of what is being viewed
r_timegraph : Toggle the display of a performance graph
r_wateralpha : Determine the opacity of liquids. 1 = solid, 0 = transparent, otherwise translucent.
r_waterripple : Set to make liquids ripple, try setting to 5
r_waterwarp : Toggles whether surfaces are warped in liquid.
r_zgraph : Toggle the graph that reports the changes of z-axis position
*u rate : Amount of bytes per second server will send/download to you
rcon_address : server IP address when client not connected - for sending rcon commands
rcon_password : remote control password
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
scr_centertime : How long in seconds screen hints are displayed
* scr_consize : Fraction of the screen the console covers when down
scr_conspeed : How quickly the console scrolls up or down
scr_printspeed : How fast the text is displayed at the end of the single player episodes
show_fps : display realtime frames per second
show_ping : display current ping to server
show_pl : display current packet loss to server
show_time : display the current time
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
showpause : Toggles display of pause graphic
showram : Show RAM icon if game is running low on memory
showturtle : Show a turtle icon if your fps is below 10
*u skin : Players skin
sl_filter : enable server filter
* sl_game : sets the serverlist game filter
* sl_ping : sets the serverlist ping filter
* sl_sortby : 0 = sort by name, 1 = sort by ping
r snd_bits : sound sample depth. 0 is system default
r snd_device : sound device. "" is system default
* snd_interp : control sample interpolation
snd_loadas8bit : Load samples as 8-bit
* snd_mixahead : Delay time for sounds
snd_noextraupdate : Toggles the correct value display in host_speeds. Usually messes up sound playback when in effect
* snd_output : Sound Output Plugin to use
* snd_phasesep : max stereo phase separation in ms. 0.6 is for 20cm head
r snd_rate : sound playback rate. 0 is system default
* snd_render : Sound Renderer Plugin to use
snd_show : Toggles display of sounds currently being played
r snd_stereo : sound stereo output
* snd_volumesep : max stereo volume separation. 1.0 is max
u spectator : Set to 1 before connecting to become a spectator
sys_backtrace : Dump a backtrace on Tragic Death. Value is the max number of times to dump core incase of recursive shutdown
sys_dead_sleep : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connected and there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems with some mods.
sys_dump_core : Dump core on Tragic Death. Be sure to check 'ulimit -c'
sys_extrasleep : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
sys_nostdout : Set to disable std out
sys_sleep : Sleep how long in seconds between checking for connections. Minimum is 0, maximum is 13
*u team : Team player is on.
*u topcolor : Players color on top
v_centermove : How far the player must move forward before the view re-centers
v_centerspeed : How quickly you return to a center view after a lookup or lookdown
v_idlescale : Toggles whether the view remains idle
v_ipitch_cycle : How quickly you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_ipitch_level : How far you lean forwards and backwards when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_cycle : How quickly you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iroll_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_cycle : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_iyaw_level : How far you tilt right and left when v_idlescale is enabled
v_kickpitch : How much you look up when hit
v_kickroll : How much you lean when hit
v_kicktime : How long the kick from an attack lasts
* vid_fullscreen : Toggles fullscreen game mode
* vid_gamma : Gamma correction
r vid_height : screen height
* vid_system_gamma : Use system gamma control if available
r vid_width : screen width
* viewsize : Set the screen size 30 minimum, 120 maximum
* volume : Volume level of sounds
@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
addip :
Add a single IP or a domain of IPs to the IP list of the server.
Useful for banning people. (addip (ipnumber))
alias :
Used to create a reference to a command or list of commands.
When used without parameters, displays all current aliases.
Note: Enclose multiple commands within quotes and seperate each command with a semi-colon.
ban :
ban a player for a specified time
cache_flush :
Clears the current game cache
cache_print :
Prints out items in the cache
cache_profile :
Prints a profile of the current cache
cmdlist :
List all commands
cuff :
"hand-cuff" a player for a specified time
cvarlist :
List all cvars
echo :
Print text to console
edict :
Report information on a given edict in the game. (edict (edict number))
edictcount :
Display summary information on the edicts in the game.
edicts :
Display information on all edicts in the game.
exec :
Execute a script file
floodprot :
Sets the options for flood protection.
Default: 4 4 10
(floodprot (number of messages) (number of seconds) (silence time in seconds))
floodprotmsg :
Sets the message displayed after flood protection is invoked (floodprotmsg message)
fraglogfile :
Enables logging of kills to frag_##.log
gamedir :
Specifies the directory to be used while playing.
give :
Give userid items, or health.
Items: 1 Axe, 2 Shotgun, 3 Double-Barrelled Shotgun, 4 Nailgun, 5 Super Nailgun, 6 Grenade Launcher, 7 Rocket Launcher,
8 ThunderBolt, C Cells, H Health, N Nails, R Rockets, S Shells. Requires cheats to be enabled. (give userid item amount)
god :
Toggle god cheat to userid (god userid) Requires cheats are enabled
heartbeat :
Force a heartbeat to be sent to the master server.
A heartbeat tells the Master the server's IP address and that it is still alive.
help :
Display help for a command or variable
kick :
Remove a user from the server (kick userid)
listip :
Print out the current list of IPs on the server list.
localinfo :
Shows or sets localinfo variables.
Useful for mod programmers who need to allow the admin to change settings.
This is an alternative storage space to the serverinfo space for mod variables.
The variables stored in this space are not broadcast on the network.
This space also has a 32-kilobyte limit which is much greater then the 512-byte limit on the serverinfo space.
Special Keys: (current map) (next map) - Using this combination will allow the creation of a custom map cycle without editing code.
localinfo dm2 dm4
localinfo dm4 dm6
localinfo dm6 dm2
(localinfo key value)
logfile :
Toggles logging of console text to qconsole.log
map :
Change to a new map (map mapname)
maplist :
List all maps on the server
match :
matches nicks as ban/cuff/mute commands do, so you can check safely
mute :
silience a player for a specified time
net_packetlog_zap :
clear the packet log file
netdosexpire :
FIXME: part of DoS protection obviously, but I don't know what it does. No Description
netdosvalues :
FIXME: part of DoS protection obviously, but I don't know what it does. No Description
noclip :
Toggle no clipping cheat for userid. Requires cheats to be enabled. (noclip userid)
path :
Show what paths Quake is using
profile :
FIXME: Report information about QuakeC Stuff (???) No Description
quit :
Shut down the server
removeip :
Remove an IP address from the server IP list. (removeip (ipnumber))
say :
Say something to everyone on the server. Will show up as the name 'Console' (or 'Admin') in game
sayinfo :
Say something to everyone on the server. Will show up as the name 'Info' in game
serverinfo :
Reports or sets information about server.
The information stored in this space is broadcast on the network to all players.
dq - Drop Quad Damage when a player dies.
dr - Drop Ring of Shadows when a player dies.
rj - Sets the multiplier rate for splash damage kick.
needpass - Displays the passwords enabled on the server.
watervis - Toggle the use of r_watervis by OpenGL clients.
Note: Keys with (*) in front cannot be changed. Maximum key size cannot exceed 64-bytes.
Maximum size for all keys cannot exceed 512-bytes.
(serverinfo key value)
set :
Set the selected variable, useful on the command line (+set variablename setting)
setmaster :
Lists the server with up to eight masters.
When a server is listed with a master, the master is aware of the server's IP address and port and it is added to the
list of current servers connected to a master. A heartbeat is sent to the master from the server to indicated that the
server is still running and alive.
setrom :
Set the selected variable and make it read only, useful on the command line.
(+setrom variablename setting)
snap :
FIXME: Take a screenshot of userid? No Description
snapall :
FIXME: No Description
status :
Report information on the current connected clients and the server - displays userids
stuffcmds :
Execute the commands given at startup again
sv_gamedir :
Displays or determines the value of the serverinfo *gamedir variable.
Note: Useful when the physical gamedir directory has a different name than the widely accepted gamedir directory.
gamedir tf2_5; sv_gamedir fortress
gamedir ctf4_2; sv_gamedir ctf
(sv_gamedir dirname)
tell :
Say something to a specific user on the server. Will show up as the name 'Console' (or 'Admin') in game
toggle :
Toggle a cvar on or off
unalias :
Remove the selected alias
user :
Report information about the user (user userid)
wait :
Wait a game tic
writeip :
Record all IP addresses on the server IP list. The file name is listip.cfg
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
admin_password : Set the password for rcon admin commands
allow_download : Toggle if clients can download game data from the server
allow_download_maps : Toggle if clients can download maps from the server
allow_download_models : Toggle if clients can download models from the server
allow_download_skins : Toggle if clients can download skins from the server
allow_download_sounds : Toggle if clients can download sounds from the server
cl_rollangle : How much a player's screen tilts when strafing
cl_rollspeed : How quickly a player straightens out after strafing
cmd_highchars : Toggles availability of special characters by proceeding letters by $ or #. See the documentation for details.
cmd_warncmd : Toggles the display of error messages for unknown commands
r crudefile_quota : Maximum space available to the Crude File system, -1 to totally disable file writing
s deathmatch : Sets the rules for weapon and item respawning. 1 Does not leave weapons on the map. You can pickup weapons and items and they will respawn, 2 Leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Picked up items will not respawn, 3 Leaves weapons on the map. You can only pick up a weapon once. Picked up items will respawn.
developer : set to enable extra debugging information
filterban : Determines the rules for the IP list 0 Only IP addresses on the Ban list will be allowed onto the server, 1 Only IP addresses NOT on the Ban list will be allowed onto the server
s fraglimit : Amount of frags a player must attain in order to exit the level
r fs_basegame : game to use by default
r fs_globalcfg : global configuration file
r fs_pluginpath : Location of your plugin directory
r fs_sharepath : location of shared (read only) game directories
r fs_skinbase : location of skins dir for downloads
r fs_usercfg : user configuration file
r fs_userpath : location of your game directories
* gl_mesh_cache : minimum triangle count in a model for its mesh to be cached. 0 to disable caching
* gl_subdivide_size : Sets the division value for the sky brushes.
s hostname : Report or sets the server name
s maxclients : Sets how many clients can connect to your server, this includes spectators and players
s maxspectators : Sets how many spectators can connect to your server. The maxclients value takes precedence over this value so this value should always be equal-to or less-then the maxclients value
net_loglevel : Packet logging/parsing
net_packetlog : enable/disable packet logging
s no_pogo_stick : disable the ability to pogo stick
password : Set the server password for players
pausable : Toggle if server can be paused 1 is on, 0 is off
pr_boundscheck : Server progs bounds checking
r pr_checkextensions : indicate the presence of the checkextentions qc function
pr_deadbeef_ents : set to clear unallocated memory to 0xdeadbeef
pr_deadbeef_locals : set to clear uninitialized local vars to 0xdeadbeef
pr_debug : enable progs debugging
pr_double_remove : Handling of double entity remove. 0 is silently ignore, 1 prints a traceback, and 2 gives an error. Only works if debugging is available and enabled
pr_gc : Enable/disable the garbage collector. 0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is auto (on for newer qfcc progs, off otherwise)
pr_gc_interval : Number of frames to wait before running string garbage collector.
pr_source_path : where to look (within gamedir) for source files
qport : The internal port number for the game networking code. Useful for clients who use multiple connections through one IP address (NAT/IP-MASQ) because default port is random.
r_lightmap_components : User-created cvar
s r_skyname : name of skybox
rcon_password : Set the password for rcon 'root' commands
registered : Is the game the registered version. 1 yes 0 no
s samelevel : Determines the rules for level changing and exiting. 0 Allows advancing to the next level,1 The same level will be played until someone exits, 2 The same level will be played and the exit will kill anybody that tries to exit, 3 The same level will be played and the exit will kill anybody that tries to exit, except on the Start map.
showdrop : Toggle the display of how many packets you are dropping
showpackets : Show all network packets
snd_device : User-created cvar
snd_output : User-created cvar
s spawn : Spawn the player entity
spectator_password : Set the spectator password
sv_3133735_7h4n_7h0u : Match '1' as 'i' and such in nicks
sv_accelerate : Sets the acceleration value for the players
sv_aim : Sets the value for auto-aiming leniency
sv_airaccelerate : Sets how quickly the players accelerate in air
sv_allow_log : Allow remote logging
sv_allow_pings : Allow remote pings (qstat etc)
sv_allow_status : Allow remote status queries (qstat etc)
r sv_console_plugin : Plugin used for the console
sv_extensions : Use protocol extensions for QuakeForge clients
sv_filter_automask : Automatically determine the mask length when it is not explicitely given. e.g. "addip" would be the same as "addip"
sv_friction : Sets the friction value for the players
sv_gravity : Sets the global value for the amount of gravity
r sv_hide_version_info : hide QuakeForge specific serverinfo strings from terminally stupid progs (eg, braindead TF variants)
sv_highchars : Toggle the use of high character color names for players
sv_kickfake : Kick users sending to send fake talk messages
sv_mapcheck : Toggle the use of map checksumming to check for players who edit maps to cheat
s sv_maxrate : Maximum allowable rate
sv_maxspeed : Sets the maximum speed a player can move
sv_maxtic : The maximum amount of time in seconds before a client a receives an update from the server
sv_maxvelocity : Sets the maximum velocity an object can travel
s sv_minqfversion : Minimum QF version on client
sv_mintic : The minimum amount of time the server will wait before sending packets to a client. Set to .5 to make modem users happy
sv_netdosprotect : DoS flood attack protection
sv_old_entity_free : set this for buggy mods that rely on the old behaviour of entity freeing (eg, *TF)
sv_phs : Possibly Hearable Set. If set to zero, the server calculates sound hearability in realtime
sv_progs : Allows selectable game progs if you have several of them in the gamedir
sv_spectalk : Toggles the ability of spectators to talk to players
sv_spectatormaxspeed : Sets the maximum speed a spectator can move
sv_stopspeed : Sets the value that determines how fast the player should come to a complete stop
sv_timefmt : Time/date format to use
s sv_timekick : Time cheat protection
sv_timekick_fuzz : Time cheat "fuzz factor"
sv_timekick_interval : Time cheat check interval
sv_timestamps : Time/date stamps in log entries
sv_wateraccelerate : Sets the water acceleration value
sv_waterfriction : Sets the water friction value
sys_dead_sleep : When set, the server gets NO cpu if no clients are connected and there's no other activity. *MIGHT* cause problems with some mods.
sys_extrasleep : Set to cause whatever amount delay in microseconds you want. Mostly useful to generate simulated bad connections.
sys_nostdout : Set to disable std out
sys_sleep : Sleep how long in seconds between checking for connections. Minimum is 0, maximum is 13
s teamplay : Determines teamplay rules. 0 off, 1 You cannot hurt yourself nor your teammates, 2 You can hurt yourself, your teammates, and you will lose one frag for killing a teammate, 3 You can hurt yourself but you cannot hurt your teammates
s timelimit : Sets the amount of time in minutes that is needed before advancing to the next level
timeout : Sets the amount of time in seconds before a client is considered disconnected if the server does not receive a packet
s watervis : Toggle the use of r_watervis by OpenGL clients
zombietime : The number of seconds that the server will keep the character of a player on the map who seems to have disconnected
@ -764,12 +764,12 @@ typedef void (*builtin_proc) (progs_t *pr);
typedef struct {
/// QC name of the builtin. Must be an exact match for automaticly resolved
/// builtins (func = #0 in QC). NULL indicates end of array for
/// builtins (func = \#0 in QC). NULL indicates end of array for
/// PR_RegisterBuiltins()
const char *name;
/// Pointer to the C implementation of the builtin function.
builtin_proc proc;
/// The number of the builtin for #N in QC. -1 for automatic allocation.
/// The number of the builtin for \#N in QC. -1 for automatic allocation.
/// 0 or >= ::PR_AUTOBUILTIN is invalid.
int binum;
} builtin_t;
Reference in a new issue