mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 18:31:27 +00:00
Get scale changes halfway working.
Translation is still wrong, but changing scale to (eg) 200% and back to 100% works correctly.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 89 additions and 82 deletions
@ -117,75 +117,77 @@ initWithFrame:
return scale;
- (NSRect) adjustScroll: (NSRect)newVisible
Sys_Printf ("newVisible: %g %g %g %g\n",
newVisible.origin.x, newVisible.origin.y,
newVisible.size.width, newVisible.size.height);
return newVisible;
-setOrigin:(NSPoint)pt scale:(float) sc
NSRect sframe;
NSRect newbounds;
NSRect bounds;
NSClipView *cv = (NSClipView *) _super_view;
// calculate the area visible in the cliprect
// calculate the area visible in the cliprect
scale = sc;
sframe = [_super_view frame];
newbounds = [_super_view frame];
newbounds.origin = pt;
newbounds.size.width /= scale;
newbounds.size.height /= scale;
sframe.size.width /= scale;
sframe.size.height /= scale;
bounds = [_super_view bounds];
bounds.origin = pt;
bounds.size.width /= scale;
bounds.size.height /= scale;
// union with the realbounds
newbounds = NSUnionRect (realbounds, newbounds);
// union with the realbounds
bounds = NSUnionRect (realbounds, bounds);
sframe = bounds;
sframe.origin.x *= scale;
sframe.origin.y *= scale;
sframe.size.width *= scale;
sframe.size.height *= scale;
// redisplay everything
// XXX[quakeed_i disableDisplay];
// redisplay everything
//[self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:NO];
//[self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:NO];
// size this view
[self setFrameSize:newbounds.size];
[self setFrameOrigin:newbounds.origin];
// XXX[self moveTo: newbounds.origin.x : newbounds.origin.y];
// size this view
[self setFrame: sframe];
if (_boundsMatrix) {
//FIXME workaround for a bug in GNUstep
NSAffineTransformStruct t = [_boundsMatrix transformStruct];
t.m11 = t.m22 = 1;
[_boundsMatrix setTransformStruct: t];
[self setBounds: bounds];
// scroll and scale the clip view
[cv setBoundsSize:sframe.size];
[cv scrollToPoint:pt];
//[self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES];
//[self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:YES];
// XXX[quakeed_i reenableDisplay];
// scroll and scale the clip view
pt.x *= scale;
pt.y *= scale;
[cv setBoundsOrigin:pt];
[scrollview_i reflectScrolledClipView: cv];
[scrollview_i display];
[[_super_view superview] reflectScrolledClipView: cv];
return self;
-centerOn:(vec3_t) org
NSRect sbounds;
NSPoint mid, delta;
NSPoint mid, origin;
sbounds =[[xyview_i superview] bounds];
sbounds = [_super_view bounds];
mid.x = sbounds.origin.x + sbounds.size.width / 2;
mid.y = sbounds.origin.y + sbounds.size.height / 2;
mid.x = sbounds.size.width / 2;
mid.y = sbounds.size.height / 2;
delta.x = org[0] - mid.x;
delta.y = org[1] - mid.y;
origin.x = org[0] - mid.x / scale;
origin.y = org[1] - mid.y / scale;
sbounds.origin.x += delta.x;
sbounds.origin.y += delta.y;
[self setOrigin: sbounds.origin scale:scale];
[self setOrigin: origin scale:scale];
return self;
@ -217,39 +219,41 @@ If realbounds has shrunk, nothing will change.
-newRealBounds:(NSRect) nb
NSRect sbounds;
NSRect bounds;
NSRect sframe;
realbounds = nb;
Sys_Printf ("realbounds: %g %g %g %g\n",
realbounds.origin.x, realbounds.origin.y,
realbounds.size.width, realbounds.size.height);
// calculate the area visible in the cliprect
sbounds = [[self superview] bounds];
Sys_Printf ("sbounds: %g %g %g %g\n",
sbounds.origin.x, sbounds.origin.y,
sbounds.size.width, sbounds.size.height);
sbounds = NSUnionRect (nb, sbounds);
// calculate the area visible in the cliprect
bounds = [_super_view bounds];
bounds.origin.x /= scale;
bounds.origin.y /= scale;
bounds.size.width /= scale;
bounds.size.height /= scale;
bounds = NSUnionRect (realbounds, bounds);
sframe = bounds;
sframe.origin.x *= scale;
sframe.origin.y *= scale;
sframe.size.width *= scale;
sframe.size.height *= scale;
// size this view
// XXX[quakeed_i disableDisplay];
// size this view
//[self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:NO];
//[self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:NO];
[self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:NO];
[self setFrameSize:sbounds.size];
[self setFrameOrigin:sbounds.origin];
// XXX[self moveTo: sbounds.origin.x : sbounds.origin.y];
[self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:YES];
[self setFrame: sframe];
if (_boundsMatrix) {
//FIXME workaround for a bug in GNUstep
NSAffineTransformStruct t = [_boundsMatrix transformStruct];
t.m11 = t.m22 = 1;
[_boundsMatrix setTransformStruct: t];
[self setBounds: bounds];
//[self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:YES];
//[self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES];
[scrollview_i reflectScrolledClipView:[scrollview_i contentView]];
// XXX[quakeed_i reenableDisplay];
//[[scrollview_i horizontalScroller] display];
//[[scrollview_i verticalScroller] display];
return self;
@ -265,7 +269,8 @@ Called when the scaler popup on the window is used
char const *item;
NSRect visrect, sframe;
NSRect rect;
NSPoint mid, org, origin;
float nscale;
item =[[[sender selectedCell] title] cString];
@ -275,16 +280,18 @@ Called when the scaler popup on the window is used
if (nscale == scale)
return NULL;
// keep the center of the view constant
visrect =[[self superview] bounds];
sframe =[[self superview] frame];
visrect.origin.x += visrect.size.width / 2;
visrect.origin.y += visrect.size.height / 2;
// keep the center of the view constant
rect = [_super_view bounds];
mid.x = rect.size.width / 2;
mid.y = rect.size.height / 2;
visrect.origin.x -= sframe.size.width / 2 / nscale;
visrect.origin.y -= sframe.size.height / 2 / nscale;
org.x = (rect.origin.x + mid.x) / scale;
org.y = (rect.origin.y + mid.y) / scale;
[self setOrigin: visrect.origin scale:nscale];
origin.x = org.x - mid.x / nscale;
origin.y = org.y - mid.y / nscale;
[self setOrigin: origin scale:nscale];
return self;
@ -807,7 +814,7 @@ NSRect xy_draw_rect;
// setup for text
// PSselectfont("Helvetica-Medium",10/scale);
[[NSFont systemFontOfSize: 10 / scale] set];
[[NSFont systemFontOfSize: 10 * scale] set];
PSrotate (0);
if (drawmode == dr_texture || drawmode == dr_flat)
Reference in a new issue