Mostly satisfactory output of nested regions.

It turns out dot does not like cyclic graphs (thus some of the weird
layouts), but fixing it by flipping back-edges requires proper recording of
edge info (I guess that's what T is for in the dragon book).
This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2012-11-01 20:19:35 +09:00
parent 8c5a2b3d11
commit d3d88290b5
1 changed files with 33 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -49,16 +49,37 @@
#include "strpool.h"
static void
print_flownode (dstring_t *dstr, flownode_t *node, int level)
print_flow_node (dstring_t *dstr, flownode_t *node, int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
unsigned j;
if (node->nodes) {
dasprintf (dstr, "%*ssubgraph \"cluster_%p\" {\n", indent, "", node);
//dasprintf (dstr, "%*srankdir=TB;\n", indent + 2, "");
dasprintf (dstr, "%*slabel=\"%d\";\n", indent + 2, "", node->id);
for (j = 0; j < node->num_nodes; j++)
print_flow_node (dstr, node->nodes[j], level + 1);
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s}\n", indent, "");
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s\"fn_%p\" [label=\"%d\"];\n", indent, "", node,
static void
print_flow_edges (dstring_t *dstr, flownode_t *node, int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
int i;
unsigned j;
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s\"fn_%p\" [label=\"%d\"];\n", indent, "", node,
if (node->nodes) {
for (j = 0; j < node->num_nodes; j++)
print_flow_edges (dstr, node->nodes[j], level + 1);
for (i = 0; i < node->num_succ; i++)
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s\"fn_%p\" -> \"fn_%p\";\n", indent, "", node,
@ -68,9 +89,14 @@ print_flowgraph (flownode_t *flow, const char *filename)
dstring_t *dstr = dstring_newstr();
dasprintf (dstr, "digraph flow_%p {\n", flow->siblings);
dasprintf (dstr, " layout=dot; rankdir=TB;\n");
for (i = 0; i < flow->num_siblings; i++)
print_flownode (dstr, flow->siblings[i], 0);
dasprintf (dstr, " layout=dot;\n");
dasprintf (dstr, " clusterrank=local;\n");
//dasprintf (dstr, " rankdir=TB;\n");
dasprintf (dstr, " compound=true;\n");
for (i = 0; i < flow->num_siblings; i++) {
print_flow_node (dstr, flow->siblings[i], 0);
print_flow_edges (dstr, flow->siblings[i], 0);
dasprintf (dstr, "}\n");
if (filename) {