these too

This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2001-08-28 06:06:59 +00:00
parent 66997816e9
commit d1a7649ba0
2 changed files with 0 additions and 305 deletions

View file

@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
# Newtree makefile for MINGW (
# Copyright (C) 2000 Jukka Sorjonen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
# Where quakeforge source is located
# Mingw root directory
# Path to your Direct-X libraries and includes
# Path to ZLIB includes (if not with mingw includes)
# Path to SDLSDK
# Target filenames
qf_client_win_PROGRAM = qfwin.exe
qf_client_wgl_PROGRAM = qfwgl.exe
qf_client_sgl_PROGRAM = qfsgl.exe
qf_client_sdl_PROGRAM = qfsdl.exe
qf_server_PROGRAM = qfserver.exe
#qf_client_win_PROGRAM = qf-client-win.exe
#qf_client_wgl_PROGRAM = qf-client-wgl.exe
#qf_client_sgl_PROGRAM = qf-client-sgl.exe
#qf_client_sdl_PROGRAM = qf-client-sdl.exe
#qf_server_PROGRAM = qf-server.exe
# Common sources
#math_ASM = math.S sys_x86.S
common_SOURCES= buildnum.c checksum.c cmd.c com.c crc.c cvar.c info.c link.c \
locs.c mathlib.c mdfour.c model.c model_brush.c msg.c \
net_chan.c net_com.c net_udp.c pmove.c pmovetst.c qargs.c \
qendian.c quakefs.c quakeio.c sizebuf.c va.c zone.c hash.c \
sound_SOURCES= snd_dma.c snd_mem.c snd_mix.c
# Win32 specific
WIN32_GENERAL = cl_sys_win.c fnmatch.c dirent.c sys_win.c
WIN32_SOUND = snd_win.c
WIN32_OTHER = cd_win.c joy_win.c in_win.c
# Client itself
#client_ASM= snd_mixa.S cl_math.S
client_SOURCES= cl_cam.c cl_cmd.c cl_cvar.c cl_demo.c cl_ents.c cl_input.c \
cl_main.c cl_misc.c cl_parse.c cl_pred.c cl_slist.c cl_tent.c \
console.c keys.c menu.c model_alias.c model_sprite.c nonintel.c \
pcx.c r_view.c sbar.c skin.c teamplay.c tga.c wad.c vid.c $(client_ASM)
# OPENGL rendering
ogl_SOURCES= fractalnoise.c gl_draw.c gl_dyn_fires.c gl_dyn_part.c \
gl_dyn_textures.c gl_mesh.c gl_ngraph.c r_efrag.c \
gl_rlight.c gl_rmain.c gl_rmisc.c gl_rsurf.c gl_screen.c \
gl_sky.c gl_sky_clip.c gl_skin.c gl_view.c gl_warp.c \
gl_model_alias.c gl_model_brush.c gl_model_fullbright.c \
gl_model_sprite.c qfgl_ext.c
# Software-rendering clients
# ... Common stuff
soft_ASM= d_draw.S d_draw16.S d_parta.S d_polysa.S d_scana.S d_spr8.S \
d_varsa.S r_aclipa.S r_aliasa.S r_drawa.S r_edgea.S r_varsa.S \
surf16.S surf8.S
soft_SOURCES= sw_skin.c d_edge.c d_fill.c d_init.c d_modech.c \
d_part.c d_polyse.c d_scan.c d_sky.c d_sprite.c d_surf.c \
d_vars.c d_zpoint.c draw.c r_aclip.c r_alias.c r_bsp.c \
r_draw.c r_edge.c r_efrag.c r_light.c r_main.c r_misc.c \
r_part.c r_sky.c r_sprite.c r_surf.c r_vars.c sw_view.c \
screen.c $(soft_ASM) sw_model_alias.c sw_model_brush.c \
#world_ASM = worlda.S
server_SYS = fnmatch.c dirent.c sv_sys_win.c sys_win.c
server_SOURCES= sv_pr_cmds.c pr_edict.c pr_exec.c pr_offs.c sv_ccmds.c sv_cvar.c \
sv_ents.c sv_init.c sv_main.c sv_misc.c sv_model.c \
sv_move.c sv_nchan.c sv_phys.c sv_send.c sv_user.c \
ver_check.c world.c sv_progs.c $(world_ASM)
# Microsoft Opengl Win32
wgl_SOURCES= vid_wgl.c
# ... SciTech MGL
mgl_SOURCES= vid_mgl.c
# ... Sam Lantinga's Simple DirectMedia Layer, version 1.0 and higher
sdl_SOURCES= vid_sdl.c in_sdl.c joy_null.c cd_sdl.c SDL_main.c
sgl_SOURCES= vid_sgl.c vid_common_gl.c in_sdl.c joy_null.c cd_sdl.c SDL_main.c
qf_client_wgl_SOURCES = $(common_SOURCES) $(wgl_SOURCES) $(client_SOURCES) $(ogl_SOURCES) \
qf_client_win_SOURCES = $(common_SOURCES) $(mgl_SOURCES) $(client_SOURCES) $(soft_SOURCES) \
$(WIN32_GENERAL) $(WIN32_SOUND) $(WIN32_OTHER) $(sound_SOURCES) sys_x86.S
qf_client_sgl_SOURCES = $(common_SOURCES) $(client_SOURCES) $(ogl_SOURCES) \
$(WIN32_SOUND) $(sgl_SOURCES) $(sound_SOURCES) fnmatch.c dirent.c sys_win.c cl_sys_sdl.c
qf_client_sdl_SOURCES = $(common_SOURCES) $(client_SOURCES) $(soft_SOURCES) \
$(WIN32_SOUND) $(sdl_SOURCES) $(sound_SOURCES) fnmatch.c dirent.c sys_win.c cl_sys_sdl.c sys_x86.S
qf_server_SOURCES = $(common_SOURCES) $(server_SOURCES) $(server_SYS)
# For Pentium Pro and higher
#MACHINEDEPOPTS = -mpentiumpro -march=pentiumpro -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2
#OPTIMIZATION = $(MACHINEDEPOPTS) -O6 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations
# For 386
MACHINEDEPOPTS = -m386 -march=i386 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2
OPTIMIZATION = $(MACHINEDEPOPTS) -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations
# Libraries
common_libs = -lcomctl32 -lwsock32 -lwininet -lwinmm -lz
qf_client_wgl_LIBS = -lopengl32 -ldxguid $(common_libs)
qf_client_win_LIBS = -lmglfx -ldxguid $(common_libs)
qf_client_sdl_LIBS = -ldxguid -lsdl $(common_libs)
qf_client_sgl_LIBS = -ldxguid -lsdl -lopengl32 $(common_libs)
qf_server_LIBS = $(common_libs)
QFINCLUDES = -I$(QFROOT)\include\win32\mingw -I$(QFROOT)\include\win32 -I$(QFROOT)\include -L. -I$(QFROOT)\include\win32\resources
qf_client_wgl_OBJECTS = $(qf_client_wgl_SOURCES:.c=.o)
qf_client_win_OBJECTS = $(qf_client_win_SOURCES:.c=.o)
qf_client_sgl_OBJECTS = $(qf_client_sgl_SOURCES:.c=.o)
qf_client_sdl_OBJECTS = $(qf_client_sdl_SOURCES:.c=.o)
qf_server_OBJECTS = $(qf_server_SOURCES:.c=.o)
all: qf-client-wgl qf-server qf-client-sgl qf-client-sdl
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c $<
qf-client-wgl: $(qf_client_wgl_OBJECTS)
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $(qf_client_wgl_PROGRAM) $(qf_client_wgl_OBJECTS) $(qf_client_wgl_LIBS) -mwindows
strip --strip-all $(qf_client_wgl_PROGRAM)
qf-client-sdl: $(qf_client_sdl_OBJECTS)
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $(qf_client_sdl_PROGRAM) $(qf_client_sdl_OBJECTS) $(qf_client_sdl_LIBS)
strip --strip-all $(qf_client_sdl_PROGRAM)
qf-client-sgl: $(qf_client_sgl_OBJECTS)
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $(qf_client_sgl_PROGRAM) $(qf_client_sgl_OBJECTS) $(qf_client_sgl_LIBS)
strip --strip-all $(qf_client_sgl_PROGRAM)
qf-server: $(qf_server_OBJECTS)
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $(qf_server_PROGRAM) $(qf_server_OBJECTS) $(qf_server_LIBS)
strip --strip-all $(qf_server_PROGRAM)
# compile is not supported yet, probs with MGLFX
#qf-client-win: $(qf_client_win_OBJECTS)
# gcc -Xlinker --verbose $(CFLAGS) -ID:\scitech\includes -o $(qf_client_win_PROGRAM) $(qf_client_win_OBJECTS) $(qf_client_win_LIBS) -mwindows
# strip --strip-all $(qf_client_win_PROGRAM)

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
include <win32.mak>
#!include <winopt.mak>
all: notarget
INCPATH=E:\quakesrc\q1src\incs # Path to other includes (mgl, etc)
MGLPATH=E:\quakesrc\q1src\libs # Path to other librarys (mgl)
DXPATH=E:\quakesrc\q1src\libs # Path to other librarys (DirectX)
LIBS=winmm.lib wsock32.lib opengl32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib comctl32.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib libc.lib
SWLIBS=$(LIBS) $(DXPATH)\dinput.lib $(DXPATH)\dxguid.lib $(MGLPATH)\mgllt.lib
GLLIBS=$(LIBS) $(DXPATH)\dinput.lib $(DXPATH)\dxguid.lib glu32.lib opengl32.lib
NCFLAGS=/c /nologo /DWIN32 /D_WIN32 /I..\include /I..\include\win32 /I..\include\win32\vc /I$(INCPATH) /MT /DHAVE_CONFIG_H
net_chan.obj net_com.obj net_udp.obj msg.obj \
pmove.obj pmovetst.obj \
zone.obj mdfour.obj crc.obj checksum.obj \
mathlib.obj cvar.obj com.obj \
buildnum.obj sizebuf.obj info.obj link.obj cmd.obj qargs.obj \
quakefs.obj quakeio.obj qendian.obj \
va.obj dirent.obj fnmatch.obj \
pr_cmds.obj pr_edict.obj pr_exec.obj pr_offs.obj\
sv_init.obj sv_main.obj sv_misc.obj sv_model.obj sv_nchan.obj sv_ents.obj \
sv_send.obj sv_move.obj sv_phys.obj sv_user.obj sv_ccmds.obj \
world.obj sv_cvar.obj model.obj \
sv_sys_win.obj sys_win.obj
d_edge.obj d_fill.obj d_init.obj d_modech.obj d_part.obj d_polyse.obj \
d_scan.obj d_sky.obj d_sprite.obj d_surf.obj d_vars.obj d_zpoint.obj \
r_aclip.obj r_alias.obj r_bsp.obj r_draw.obj r_edge.obj r_efrag.obj \
r_light.obj r_main.obj r_misc.obj r_part.obj r_sky.obj r_sprite.obj \
r_surf.obj r_vars.obj r_view.obj screen.obj draw.obj vid_mgl.obj \
sw_view.obj cl_model.obj model.obj
gl_draw.obj gl_mesh.obj gl_model.obj gl_ngraph.obj \
gl_part.obj gl_refrag.obj gl_rlight.obj gl_rmain.obj \
gl_rmisc.obj gl_mesh.obj gl_rsurf.obj gl_screen.obj \
gl_view.obj gl_warp.obj vid_wgl.obj r_view.obj
cl_cmd.obj cl_cvar.obj cl_demo.obj cl_ents.obj cl_input.obj cl_main.obj \
cl_misc.obj cl_parse.obj cl_pred.obj cl_tent.obj cl_cam.obj \
snd_dma.obj snd_mem.obj snd_mix.obj snd_win.obj cd_win.obj \
wad.obj skin.obj sbar.obj menu.obj keys.obj console.obj cl_slist.obj \
cl_trans.obj cl_sys_win.obj nonintel.obj in_win.obj sys_x86.obj
qfsv.exe: $(COM_sources) $(SV_sources)
$(link) /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:yes /machine:I386 -out:qfsv.exe $(COM_sources) $(SV_sources) $(LIBS)
qfsw.exe: $(COM_sources) $(CL_sources) $(CL_SW_sources)
$(link) /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:yes /machine:I386 -out:qfsw.exe $(COM_sources) $(CL_sources) $(CL_SW_sources) $(SWLIBS) /nodefaultlib:libcmt
qfgl.exe: $(COM_sources) $(CL_sources) $(CL_GL_sources)
$(link) /nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:yes /machine:I386 -out:qfgl.exe $(COM_sources) $(CL_sources) $(CL_GL_sources) $(GLLIBS) /nodefaultlib:libcmt
$(cc) $(NCFLAGS) $*.c