Added a gamma-selector (but waiting still for new key-handling-api)

and auto-run option.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Redeker 2002-01-30 20:02:15 +00:00
parent b7cfb95a64
commit c74e2a52c7

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
float time;
#define MIN_GAMMA 0.4
#define MAX_GAMMA 3
#define GAMMA_STEP 0.1
void (integer x, integer y) opt_cursor =
@ -8,11 +11,11 @@ void (integer x, integer y) opt_cursor =
void (string text, integer key) video_options_f =
local integer selected_crosshair;
local float gamma;
switch (text) {
case "fullscreen":
Cbuf_AddText ("toggle vid_fullscreen\n");
case "crosshair":
selected_crosshair = ftoi(cvar("crosshair"));
@ -20,14 +23,41 @@ void (string text, integer key) video_options_f =
selected_crosshair = 0;
cvar_set("crosshair", itos(selected_crosshair));
case "gamma":
gamma = cvar("vid_gamma");
gamma += GAMMA_STEP;
/* if(key == QFK_RIGHT) {
gamma += GAMMA_STEP;
} else if(key == QFK_LEFT) {
gamma -= GAMMA_STEP;
if(gamma > MAX_GAMMA) {
gamma = MIN_GAMMA;
// } else if(gamma < MIN_GAMMA) {
// gamma = MIN_GAMMA;
cvar_set("vid_gamma", ftos(gamma));
void (string text, integer key) control_options_f =
switch (text) {
case "in_grab":
Cbuf_AddText ("toggle in_grab\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("toggle in_grab\n");
case "autorun":
if(cvar("cl_forwardspeed") < 400) {
Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_forwardspeed 400\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_backspeed 400\n");
} else {
Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_forwardspeed 200\n");
Cbuf_AddText ("set cl_backspeed 200\n");
@ -52,6 +82,42 @@ string (string cvarstr) get_cvar_state =
integer () gamma_to_percentage =
local float gamma = cvar("vid_gamma");
local integer gam_perc;
local float max_gamma = (MAX_GAMMA-MIN_GAMMA) * 100;
gamma -= MIN_GAMMA;
if(gamma > (MAX_GAMMA-MIN_GAMMA)) {
if(gamma < 0) {
gamma = 0;
gamma *= 100;
gam_perc = ftoi((gamma/max_gamma) * 100);
return gam_perc;
void (integer x, integer y, integer perc_val) draw_perc_bar =
local integer perc;
if(perc_val > 100) {
perc_val = 100;
} else if(perc_val < 0) {
perc_val = 0;
perc = perc_val / 5;
Draw_String (x, y, "[---------------------]");
Draw_Character (x + ((perc + 1) * 8), y, '*');
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) options_controls_keyevent =
if (key == QFK_RETURN) {
@ -62,14 +128,20 @@ integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) options_controls_keyevent =
integer () options_controls_draw =
//local string tmp;
local string tmp;
Draw_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
Draw_Pic (16, 4, "gfx/qplaque.lmp");
Draw_CenterPic (160, 4, "gfx/p_option.lmp");
Draw_String (54, 40, "Controls");
Draw_String (54, 50, "--------");
Draw_String (54, 40, "Controls");
Draw_String (54, 50, "--------");
Draw_String (70, 60, "Grab mouse: " + get_cvar_state ("in_grab"));
opt_cursor (62, (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + 60);
tmp = "On";
if(cvar("cl_forwardspeed") < 400) {
tmp = "Off";
Draw_String (70, 70, "Auto run: " + tmp);
opt_cursor (62, (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + 60);
return 1;
@ -81,13 +153,18 @@ void () options_controls_menu =
Menu_Draw (options_controls_draw);
Menu_KeyEvent (options_controls_keyevent);
Menu_Item (54, 60, "in_grab", control_options_f);
Menu_Item (54, 70, "autorun", control_options_f);
Menu_End ();
integer [NUM_VIDEOCONFIG_CMDS] videoConfig_cursor_table = { 60, 70, 80 };
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down) options_video_keyevent =
if (key == QFK_RETURN) {
} else {
} else if(key == QFK_RIGHT) {
// i have a question ;)
return 0;
@ -102,6 +179,9 @@ integer () options_video_draw =
Draw_String (54, 50, "-----");
Draw_String (70, 60, "Fullscreen: " + get_cvar_state("vid_fullscreen"));
Draw_String (70, 70, "Crosshair: " + tmp);
Draw_String (70, 80, "Gamma:");
draw_perc_bar (118, 80, gamma_to_percentage());
opt_cursor (62, (Menu_GetIndex() * 10) + 60);
return 1;
@ -112,8 +192,10 @@ void () options_video_menu =
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_Draw (options_video_draw);
Menu_KeyEvent (options_video_keyevent);
Menu_Item (54, 60, "fullscreen", video_options_f);
Menu_Item (54, 70, "crosshair", video_options_f);
Menu_Item (54, 80, "gamma", video_options_f);
Menu_End ();