[vulkan] Convert stagebuf to a ring buffer

I should have known this would be necessary, but it fixes the corruption
when updating the scrap.
This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2021-01-15 22:50:04 +09:00
parent ad9c3193fa
commit 92afe9f265
10 changed files with 688 additions and 72 deletions

View file

@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ DEVICE_LEVEL_VULKAN_FUNCTION (vkCreateSemaphore)

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@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
#ifndef __QF_Vulkan_staging_h
#define __QF_Vulkan_staging_h
typedef struct qfv_packet_s {
struct qfv_stagebuf_s *stage; ///< staging buffer that owns this packet
VkCommandBuffer cmd;
VkFence fence;
size_t offset;
size_t length;
} qfv_packet_t;
typedef struct qfv_stagebuf_s {
struct qfv_device_s *device;
VkBuffer buffer;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
size_t size;
size_t offset; ///< for batching building
qfv_packet_t *packet; ///< array of packets for controlling access
size_t num_packets;///< number of packets in array
size_t next_packet;///< index of the next packet to be used
size_t size; ///< actual size of the buffer
size_t end; ///< effective end of the buffer due to early wrap
size_t head;
size_t tail;
void *data;
} qfv_stagebuf_t;
qfv_stagebuf_t *QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (struct qfv_device_s *device,
size_t size);
size_t size, int num_packets,
VkCommandPool cmdPool);
void QFV_DestroyStagingBuffer (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage);
void QFV_FlushStagingBuffer (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, size_t offset, size_t size);
void *QFV_ClaimStagingBuffer (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, size_t size);
qfv_packet_t *QFV_PacketAcquire (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage);
void *QFV_PacketExtend (qfv_packet_t *packet, size_t size);
void QFV_PacketSubmit (qfv_packet_t *packet);

View file

@ -18,26 +18,8 @@ VkImageView QFV_ScrapImageView (scrap_t *scrap) __attribute__((pure));
subpic_t *QFV_ScrapSubpic (scrap_t *scrap, int width, int height);
void QFV_SubpicDelete (subpic_t *subpic);
/** Add an update region to the batch queue.
* The region to be updated is recorded in the batch queue, space allocated
* in the staging buffer, and a pointer to the allocated space is returned.
* \note No data is stransfered. This facilitates writing generated data
* directly to the staging buffer.
void *QFV_SubpicBatch (subpic_t *subpic, struct qfv_stagebuf_s *stage);
/** Flush all batched subpic updates.
* The offset in the staging bufffer \a stage is reset to 0. The command
* buffer is populated with the appropriate image layout barriers and the
* necessary copy commands.
* \note The command buffer is neither begun nor ended, nor is it submitted
* to a queue. This is to maximize flexibility in command buffer usage.
void QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, struct qfv_stagebuf_s *stage,
VkCommandBuffer cmd);
void QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap);

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
include libs/video/renderer/vulkan/test/Makemodule.am
include libs/video/renderer/vulkan/vkgen/Makemodule.am

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_vid.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/buffer.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/command.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/device.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/instance.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/staging.h"
@ -54,21 +55,39 @@
#include "vid_vulkan.h"
qfv_stagebuf_t *
QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (qfv_device_t *device, size_t size)
QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (qfv_device_t *device, size_t size, int num_packets,
VkCommandPool cmdPool)
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
qfv_stagebuf_t *stage = malloc (sizeof (qfv_stagebuf_t));
stage->size = size;
stage->offset = 0;
qfv_stagebuf_t *stage = malloc (sizeof (qfv_stagebuf_t)
+ num_packets * sizeof (qfv_packet_t));
stage->device = device;
stage->buffer = QFV_CreateBuffer (device, size,
stage->memory = QFV_AllocBufferMemory (device, stage->buffer,
size, 0);
QFV_BindBufferMemory (device, stage->buffer, stage->memory, 0);
stage->packet = (qfv_packet_t *) (stage + 1);
stage->num_packets = num_packets;
stage->next_packet = 0;
stage->size = size;
stage->end = size;
stage->head = 0;
stage->tail = 0;
dfunc->vkMapMemory (device->dev, stage->memory, 0, size, 0, &stage->data);
QFV_BindBufferMemory (device, stage->buffer, stage->memory, 0);
__auto_type bufferset = QFV_AllocCommandBufferSet (num_packets, alloca);
QFV_AllocateCommandBuffers (device, cmdPool, 0, bufferset);
for (int i = 0; i < num_packets; i++) {
stage->packet[i].stage = stage;
stage->packet[i].cmd = bufferset->a[i];
stage->packet[i].fence = QFV_CreateFence (device, 1);
stage->packet[i].offset = 0;
stage->packet[i].length = 0;
return stage;
@ -78,6 +97,10 @@ QFV_DestroyStagingBuffer (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage)
qfv_device_t *device = stage->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < stage->num_packets; i++) {
dfunc->vkDestroyFence (device->dev, stage->packet[i].fence, 0);
dfunc->vkUnmapMemory (device->dev, stage->memory);
dfunc->vkFreeMemory (device->dev, stage->memory, 0);
dfunc->vkDestroyBuffer (device->dev, stage->buffer, 0);
@ -100,13 +123,150 @@ QFV_FlushStagingBuffer (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, size_t offset, size_t size)
dfunc->vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (device->dev, 1, &range);
void *
QFV_ClaimStagingBuffer (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, size_t size)
static void
advance_tail (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, qfv_packet_t *packet)
if (stage->offset + size > stage->size) {
qfv_device_t *device = stage->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
qfv_packet_t *start = packet;
while (1) {
if ((size_t) (++packet - stage->packet) >= stage->num_packets) {
packet = stage->packet;
if (packet != start
&& (dfunc->vkGetFenceStatus (device->dev, packet->fence)
if (packet->length == 0) {
if ((stage->tail == stage->end && packet->offset == 0)
|| stage->tail == packet->offset) {
stage->tail = packet->offset + packet->length;
packet->length = 0;
if (stage->tail >= stage->end) {
stage->end = stage->size;
stage->tail = stage->size;
// Packets are always aquired in sequence and thus the first busy
// packet after the start packet marks the end of available space.
// Alternatively, there is only one packet and we've looped around
// back to the start packet. Must ensure the tail is updated
if (stage->tail >= stage->end && packet->offset == 0) {
stage->end = stage->size;
stage->tail = packet->offset;
qfv_packet_t *
QFV_PacketAcquire (qfv_stagebuf_t *stage)
qfv_device_t *device = stage->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
qfv_packet_t *packet = &stage->packet[stage->next_packet++];
stage->next_packet %= stage->num_packets;
dfunc->vkWaitForFences (device->dev, 1, &packet->fence, VK_TRUE, ~0ull);
advance_tail (stage, packet);
if (stage->head == stage->size) {
stage->head = 0;
packet->offset = stage->head;
packet->length = 0;
dfunc->vkResetFences (device->dev, 1, &packet->fence);
dfunc->vkResetCommandBuffer (packet->cmd, 0);
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo beginInfo = {
dfunc->vkBeginCommandBuffer (packet->cmd, &beginInfo);
return packet;
void *
QFV_PacketExtend (qfv_packet_t *packet, size_t size)
qfv_stagebuf_t *stage = packet->stage;
if (!size || size > stage->size) {
return 0;
void *data = (byte *) stage->data + stage->offset;
stage->offset += (size + 3) & ~3;
//FIXME extra logic may be needed to wait wait for space to become
//available when the requested size should fit but can't due to in-flight
advance_tail (stage, packet);
size_t head = stage->head;
size_t end = stage->end;
if (head + size > stage->end) {
if (packet->length) {
// packets cannot wrap around the buffer (must use separate
// packets)
return 0;
if (stage->tail == 0) {
// the beginning of the the staging buffer is occupied
return 0;
packet->offset = 0;
head = 0;
end = stage->head;
if (head < stage->tail && head + size > stage->tail) {
// not enough room for the sub-packet
return 0;
void *data = (byte *) stage->data + head;
stage->end = end;
stage->head = head + size;
packet->length += size;
return data;
QFV_PacketSubmit (qfv_packet_t *packet)
qfv_stagebuf_t *stage = packet->stage;
qfv_device_t *device = stage->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
if (!packet->length) {
// XXX at this stage, this looks the same as below, I think a queue
// completing is the only way to set a fence (other than creation),
// so submit the (hopefully) empty command buffer so the fence becomes
// set, but without waiting on or triggering any semaphores.
dfunc->vkEndCommandBuffer (packet->cmd);
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = {
0, 0, 0,
1, &packet->cmd,
0, 0,
dfunc->vkQueueSubmit (device->queue.queue, 1, &submitInfo,
QFV_FlushStagingBuffer (stage, packet->offset, packet->length);
dfunc->vkEndCommandBuffer (packet->cmd);
//XXX it may become necessary to pass in semaphores etc (maybe add to
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = {
0, 0, 0,
1, &packet->cmd,
0, 0,
// The fence was reset when the packet was acquired
dfunc->vkQueueSubmit (device->queue.queue, 1, &submitInfo, packet->fence);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
libs_video_renderer_vulkan_tests = \
libs/video/renderer/vulkan/test/test-staging \
TESTS += $(libs_video_renderer_vulkan_tests)
check_PROGRAMS += $(libs_video_renderer_vulkan_tests)
libs_video_renderer_vulkan_test_libs= \
libs/video/renderer/vid_render_vulkan.la \
libs_video_renderer_vulkan_test_test_staging_SOURCES= \
libs/video/renderer/vulkan/test/test-staging.c \
libs_video_renderer_vulkan_test_test_staging_LDADD= \
libs_video_renderer_vulkan_test_test_staging_DEPENDENCIES= \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_vid.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/device.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/instance.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/staging.h"
void *stage_memory;
static VkResult
vkMapMemory (VkDevice device, VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, VkMemoryMapFlags flags,
void **data)
char *buf = calloc (1, size);
stage_memory = buf;
*data = buf;
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkBindBufferMemory (VkDevice device, VkBuffer buffer, VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize offset)
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkCreateBuffer (VkDevice device, const VkBufferCreateInfo *cinfo,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *allocator, VkBuffer *buffer)
*buffer = 0;
return VK_SUCCESS;
static void
vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements (VkDevice device, VkBuffer buffer,
VkMemoryRequirements *requirements)
memset (requirements, 0, sizeof (*requirements));
static VkResult
vkAllocateCommandBuffers (VkDevice device,
const VkCommandBufferAllocateInfo *info,
VkCommandBuffer *buffers)
static size_t cmdBuffer = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->commandBufferCount; i++) {
buffers[i] = (VkCommandBuffer) ++cmdBuffer;
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkCreateFence (VkDevice device, const VkFenceCreateInfo *info,
const VkAllocationCallbacks *allocator, VkFence *fence)
int *f = malloc (sizeof (int));
*f = info->flags & VK_FENCE_CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT ? 1 : 0;
*(int **)fence = f;
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkWaitForFences (VkDevice device, uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence *fences,
VkBool32 waitAll, uint64_t timeout)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fenceCount; i++) {
int *f = (int *)fences[i];
*f = 0;
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkResetFences (VkDevice device, uint32_t fenceCount, const VkFence *fences)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fenceCount; i++) {
int *f = (int *)fences[i];
*f = 0;
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkGetFenceStatus (VkDevice device, VkFence fence)
int *f = (int *)fence;
return *f ? VK_SUCCESS : VK_NOT_READY;
static VkResult
vkResetCommandBuffer (VkCommandBuffer buffer, VkCommandBufferResetFlags flags)
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkBeginCommandBuffer (VkCommandBuffer buffer,
const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo *info)
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkEndCommandBuffer (VkCommandBuffer buffer)
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (VkDevice device, uint32_t count,
const VkMappedMemoryRange *ranges)
return VK_SUCCESS;
static VkResult
vkQueueSubmit (VkQueue queue, uint32_t count, const VkSubmitInfo *submits,
VkFence fence)
int *f = (int *)fence;
*f = 1;
return VK_SUCCESS;
qfv_devfuncs_t dfuncs = {
qfv_physdev_t physDev;
qfv_device_t device = {
static void __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3), noreturn))
_error (int line, const char *fmt, ...)
va_list args;
va_start (args, fmt);
fprintf (stderr, "%d: ", line);
vfprintf (stderr, fmt, args);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
va_end (args);
#define error(fmt...) _error(__LINE__, fmt)
main (void)
qfv_stagebuf_t *stage = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (&device, 1024, 4, 0);
if (stage->num_packets != 4) {
error ("stage has incorrect packet count: %zd\n", stage->num_packets);
if (stage->next_packet != 0) {
error ("stage has incorrect next_packet: %zd\n", stage->next_packet);
if (stage->size != 1024) {
error ("stage has incorrect size: %zd\n", stage->size);
if (stage->end != stage->size) {
error ("stage has incorrect end: %zd\n", stage->end);
if (stage->head || stage->tail != stage->head) {
error ("stage ring buffer not initialized: h:%zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
if (!stage->data || stage->data != stage_memory) {
error ("stage memory not mapped: d:%p, m:%p\n",
stage->data, stage_memory);
for (size_t i = 0; i < stage->num_packets; i++) {
qfv_packet_t *p = &stage->packet[i];
if (p->stage != stage) {
error ("packet[%zd] stage not set: ps:%p s:%p\n", i,
p->stage, stage);
if (!p->cmd) {
error ("packet[%zd] has no command buffer\n", i);
if (!p->fence) {
error ("packet[%zd] has no fence\n", i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j++) {
qfv_packet_t *q = &stage->packet[j];
if (q->cmd == p->cmd || q->fence == p->fence) {
error ("packet[%zd] has dup fence or cmd buf\n", i);
if (vkGetFenceStatus (device.dev, p->fence) != VK_SUCCESS) {
error ("packet[%zd].fence is not signaled\n", i);
if (p->offset || p->length) {
error ("packet[%zd] size/length not initialized: o:%zd l:%zd\n",
i, p->offset, p->length);
qfv_packet_t *packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
if (vkGetFenceStatus (device.dev, packet->fence) != VK_NOT_READY) {
error ("packet.fence is signaled\n");
void *data;
size_t old_head, old_tail;
old_head = stage->head;
old_tail = stage->tail;
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 0);
if (data) {
error ("0 byte extend did not return null\n");
if (stage->head != old_head || stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("0 byte extend moved head or tail\n");
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 2048);
if (data) {
error ("2048 byte extend did not return null\n");
if (stage->head != old_head || stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("2048 byte extend moved head or tail\n");
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 1024);
if (!data) {
error ("1024 byte extend failed\n");
if (stage->head == old_head) {
error ("1024 byte extend did not move head\n");
if (stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("1024 byte extend moved tail\n");
if (stage->head > stage->size) {
error ("stage head out of bounds: %zd\n", stage->head);
if (packet->offset != old_head || packet->length != 1024) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd h:%zd\n",
packet->offset, packet->length, old_head);
if (stage->head < packet->offset + packet->length) {
error ("stage head before end of packet: %zd, pe:%zd\n",
stage->head, packet->offset + packet->length);
old_head = stage->head;
old_tail = stage->tail;
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 16);
if (data) {
error ("16 byte extend in full stage did not return null\n");
if (stage->head != old_head || stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("16 byte extend moved head or tail\n");
QFV_PacketSubmit (packet);
if (vkGetFenceStatus (device.dev, packet->fence) != VK_SUCCESS) {
error ("packet.fence is not signaled\n");
if (stage->head != 1024 || stage->tail != 0) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
qfv_packet_t *packet2 = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
if (!packet2 || packet2 == packet) {
error ("did not get new packet: n:%p o:%p\n", packet2, packet);
packet = packet2;
if (packet->offset != 0 || stage->head != 0 || stage->tail != 0) {
error ("new packet did not wrap: p:%zd h:%zd t:%zd\n",
packet2->offset, stage->head, stage->tail);
old_head = stage->head;
old_tail = stage->tail;
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 768);
if (!data) {
error ("768 byte extend failed\n");
if (stage->head == old_head) {
error ("768 byte extend did not move head\n");
if (stage->tail != 0) {
error ("768 byte extend dit not wrap tail: %zd\n", stage->tail);
if (stage->head > stage->size) {
error ("stage head out of bounds: %zd\n", stage->head);
if (packet->offset != old_head || packet->length != 768) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd h:%zd\n",
packet->offset, packet->length, old_head);
if (stage->head < packet->offset + packet->length) {
error ("stage head before end of packet: %zd, pe:%zd\n",
stage->head, packet->offset + packet->length);
// test attempting to wrap the packet (without needed space)
old_head = stage->head;
old_tail = stage->tail;
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 512);
if (data) {
error ("512 byte extend in partially full stage succeeded\n");
if (stage->head != old_head || stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("512 byte extend moved head or tail\n");
QFV_PacketSubmit (packet);
if (stage->head != 768 || stage->tail != 0) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
// test wrapping a new packet
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 512);
if (!data) {
error ("512 byte extend failed\n");
if (packet->offset != 0 || packet->length != 512) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd\n",
packet->offset, packet->length);
if (stage->head != 512 || stage->tail != stage->end || stage->end !=768) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 512);
if (!data) {
error ("second 512 byte extend failed\n");
if (packet->offset != 0 || packet->length != 1024) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd\n",
packet->offset, packet->length);
if (stage->head != 1024 || stage->tail != 0 || stage->end != 1024) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
QFV_PacketSubmit (packet);
packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 512);
if (!data) {
error ("512 byte extend failed\n");
if (packet->offset != 0 || packet->length != 512) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd\n",
packet->offset, packet->length);
QFV_PacketSubmit (packet);
if (stage->head != 512 || stage->tail != 0 || stage->end != 1024) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 256);
if (!data) {
error ("256 byte extend failed\n");
if (packet->offset != 512 || packet->length != 256) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd\n",
packet->offset, packet->length);
if (stage->head != 768 || stage->tail != 512 || stage->end != 1024) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
// don't submit yet. Normally, it would be an error, but the test harness
// needs to keep the packet on hand for the following tests to work
packet2 = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
old_head = stage->head;
old_tail = stage->tail;
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet2, 768);
if (data) {
error ("768 byte extend did not return null\n");
if (stage->head != old_head || stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("768 byte extend moved head or tail\n");
//should wrap
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet2, 512);
if (!data) {
error ("512 byte extend failed\n");
if (packet2->offset != 0 || packet2->length != 512) {
error ("packet offset/size incorrect: p:%zd,%zd\n",
packet2->offset, packet2->length);
if (stage->head != 512 || stage->tail != 512 || stage->end != 768) {
error ("stage head or tail not as expected: h: %zd t:%zd\n",
stage->head, stage->tail);
//submit the first packet
QFV_PacketSubmit (packet);
packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
old_head = stage->head;
old_tail = stage->tail;
data = QFV_PacketExtend (packet, 768);
if (data) {
error ("768 byte extend did not return null\n");
if (stage->head != old_head || stage->tail != old_tail) {
error ("768 byte extend moved head or tail\n");
return 0;

View file

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ struct scrap_s {
VkDeviceMemory memory;
VkImageView view;
size_t bpp;
qfv_packet_t *packet;
vrect_t *batch;
vrect_t **batch_tail;
vrect_t *batch_free;
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ QFV_CreateScrap (qfv_device_t *device, int size, QFVFormat format)
scrap->bpp = bpp;
scrap->subpics = 0;
scrap->device = device;
scrap->packet = 0;
scrap->batch = 0;
scrap->batch_tail = &scrap->batch;
scrap->batch_free = 0;
@ -215,9 +217,21 @@ QFV_SubpicBatch (subpic_t *subpic, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage)
byte *dest;
size_t size;
size = subpic->width * subpic->height * scrap->bpp;
if (!(dest = QFV_ClaimStagingBuffer (stage, size))) {
return 0;
if (!scrap->packet) {
scrap->packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
size = (subpic->width * subpic->height * scrap->bpp + 3) & ~3;
if (!(dest = QFV_PacketExtend (scrap->packet, size))) {
if (scrap->packet->length) {
QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap);
scrap->packet = QFV_PacketAcquire (stage);
dest = QFV_PacketExtend (scrap->packet, size);
if (!dest) {
printf ("could not get space for update\n");
return 0;
if (scrap->batch_free) {
@ -238,7 +252,7 @@ QFV_SubpicBatch (subpic_t *subpic, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage)
QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd)
QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap)
qfv_device_t *device = scrap->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
@ -247,6 +261,8 @@ QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd)
qfv_packet_t *packet = scrap->packet;
qfv_stagebuf_t *stage = packet->stage;
size_t i;
__auto_type copy = QFV_AllocBufferImageCopy (128, alloca);
memset (copy->a, 0, 128 * sizeof (copy->a[0]));
@ -257,7 +273,6 @@ QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd)
copy->a[i].imageExtent.depth = 1;
QFV_FlushStagingBuffer (stage, 0, stage->offset);
VkImageMemoryBarrier barrier;
qfv_pipelinestagepair_t stages;
@ -265,10 +280,11 @@ QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd)
stages = imageLayoutTransitionStages[qfv_LT_Undefined_to_TransferDst];
barrier = imageLayoutTransitionBarriers[qfv_LT_Undefined_to_TransferDst];
barrier.image = scrap->image;
dfunc->vkCmdPipelineBarrier (cmd, stages.src, stages.dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
dfunc->vkCmdPipelineBarrier (packet->cmd, stages.src, stages.dst,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, &barrier);
size_t offset = 0, size;
size_t offset = packet->offset, size;
vrect_t *batch = scrap->batch;
while (scrap->batch_count) {
for (i = 0; i < scrap->batch_count && i < 128; i++) {
@ -283,7 +299,7 @@ QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd)
offset += (size + 3) & ~3;
batch = batch->next;
dfunc->vkCmdCopyBufferToImage (cmd, stage->buffer, scrap->image,
dfunc->vkCmdCopyBufferToImage (packet->cmd, stage->buffer, scrap->image,
i, copy->a);
scrap->batch_count -= i;
@ -292,12 +308,15 @@ QFV_ScrapFlush (scrap_t *scrap, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage, VkCommandBuffer cmd)
stages = imageLayoutTransitionStages[qfv_LT_TransferDst_to_ShaderReadOnly];
barrier.image = scrap->image;
dfunc->vkCmdPipelineBarrier (cmd, stages.src, stages.dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
dfunc->vkCmdPipelineBarrier (packet->cmd, stages.src, stages.dst,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, &barrier);
*scrap->batch_tail = scrap->batch_free;
scrap->batch_free = scrap->batch;
scrap->batch = 0;
scrap->batch_tail = &scrap->batch;
stage->offset = 0;
QFV_PacketSubmit (scrap->packet);
scrap->packet = 0;

View file

@ -158,29 +158,7 @@ destroy_quad_buffers (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
static void
flush_draw_scrap (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
VkCommandBuffer cmd = ctx->cmdbuffer;
dfunc->vkWaitForFences (device->dev, 1, &ctx->fence, VK_TRUE, ~0ull);
dfunc->vkResetCommandBuffer (cmd, 0);
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo beginInfo = {
dfunc->vkBeginCommandBuffer (cmd, &beginInfo);
QFV_ScrapFlush (draw_scrap, draw_stage, cmd);
dfunc->vkEndCommandBuffer (cmd);
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = {
0, 0, 0,
1, &cmd,
0, 0,
dfunc->vkResetFences (device->dev, 1, &ctx->fence);
dfunc->vkQueueSubmit (device->queue.queue, 1, &submitInfo, ctx->fence);
dfunc->vkWaitForFences (device->dev, 1, &ctx->fence, VK_TRUE, ~0ull);//FIXME
QFV_ScrapFlush (draw_scrap);
static void
@ -326,7 +304,8 @@ Vulkan_Draw_Init (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
create_quad_buffers (ctx);
draw_scrap = QFV_CreateScrap (device, 2048, QFV_RGBA);
draw_stage = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (device, 4 * 1024 * 1024);
draw_stage = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (device, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 4,
conchars_sampler = QFV_GetSampler (ctx, "quakepic");
qpic_t *charspic = Draw_Font8x8Pic ();
@ -604,9 +583,8 @@ Vulkan_DrawReset (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
Vulkan_FlushText (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
if (draw_stage->offset) {
flush_draw_scrap (ctx);
flush_draw_scrap (ctx);
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
__auto_type frame = &ctx->framebuffers.a[ctx->curFrame];

View file

@ -203,8 +203,10 @@ Vulkan_CreateDevice (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
Vulkan_CreateStagingBuffers (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
ctx->staging[0] = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (ctx->device, 1024*1024);
ctx->staging[1] = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (ctx->device, 1024*1024);
ctx->staging[0] = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (ctx->device, 1024*1024, 1,
ctx->staging[1] = QFV_CreateStagingBuffer (ctx->device, 1024*1024, 1,