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synced 2025-03-21 18:01:15 +00:00
Add code to clip the motion of the box to the leaf's portals.
Unfortunately, something is broken (all box tests fail due to 0 fraction).
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 274 additions and 3 deletions
@ -133,9 +133,232 @@ check_in_leaf (hull_t *hull, trace_t *trace, clipleaf_t *leaf, plane_t *plane,
return 0;
typedef struct {
plane_t planes[3];
winding_t points[3];
winding_t edges[3];
clipport_t portals[3];
} clipbox_t;
/** Initialize the clipbox representing the faces that might hit the portal.
When a box is moving, at most three of its faces might hit the portal.
Those faces all face such that the dot product of their normal and the
box's velocity is positive (ie, n.v > 0). When the motion is in an axial
plane, only two faces might hit. For axial motion, only one face.
The faces are set up such that the first point of each winding is the
leading corner of the box, and the edges are set up such that testing
only the first three edges of each winding covers all nine edges (ie,
the forth edge of one face is the reverse of the first edge of the next
The windings are clockwise when looking down the face's normal (ie, when
looking at the front of the face).
static void
init_box (const trace_t *trace, clipbox_t *box, const vec3_t vel)
vec3_t p;
int u[3];
int i, j, k;
vec_t s[2] = {1, -1};
//FIXME rotated box
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
u[i] = (vel[i] >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
Vector3Scale (u, trace->extents, p);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
box->portals[i].planenum = i;
box->portals[i].next[0] = 0;
box->portals[i].next[0] = 0;
box->portals[i].leafs[0] = 0;
box->portals[i].leafs[0] = 0;
box->portals[i].winding = &box->points[i];
box->portals[i].edges = &box->edges[i];
VectorZero (box->planes[i].normal);
box->planes[i].normal[i] = u[i];
box->planes[i].dist = DotProduct (p, box->planes[i].normal);
box->planes[i].type = i;
box->points[i].numpoints = 4;
box->edges[i].numpoints = 4;
VectorCopy (u, box->points[i].points[0]);
VectorZero (box->edges[i].points[0]);
j = (i + (u[0]*u[1]*u[2] + 3) / 2) % 3;
box->edges[i].points[0][j] = -u[j];
for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
box->points[i].points[j][i] = box->points[i].points[j - 1][i];
box->edges[i].points[j][i] = box->edges[i].points[j - 1][i];
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
int a, b;
a = (i + 1 + k) % 3;
b = (i + 2 - k) % 3;
= s[k] * u[i] * box->points[i].points[j - 1][b];
= s[k] * u[i] * box->edges[i].points[j - 1][b];
Vector3Scale (box->points[i].points[j - 1], trace->extents,
box->points[i].points[j - 1]);
Vector3Scale (box->points[i].points[3], trace->extents,
static vec_t
edge_portal_dist (const plane_t *plane, const clipport_t *portal,
const vec3_t p1, const vec3_t p2, const vec3_t vel)
int i;
winding_t *winding = portal->winding;
winding_t *edges = portal->edges;
// check for edge point hitting portal face
vec_t t1, t2, vn;
vn = DotProduct (vel, plane->normal);
t1 = PlaneDiff (p1, plane);
t2 = PlaneDiff (p2, plane);
// ensure p1 is the closest point to the plane
if ((0 < t1 && t1 > t2)
|| (0 > t1 && t1 < t2)) {
// p2 is closer to the plane, so swap the points and times
const vec_t *r = p2;
vec_t t = t2;
t2 = t1; t1 = t;
p2 = p1; p1 = r;
if (vn * t1 > 0) {
// the edge is travelling away from the portal's plane
return 1;
// if t1 * t2 < 0, the points straddle the portal's plane and the
// nearest point test can be skipped
if (vn && t1 * t2 > 0) { //FIXME epsilon
vec3_t x, c;
vec3_t imp;
if (t1 >= vn) {
// the edge doesn't make it as far as the portal's plane
return 1;
VectorMultSub (p1, t1 / vn, vel, imp);
for (i = 0; i < winding->numpoints; i++) {
VectorSubtract (imp, winding->points[i], x);
CrossProduct (x, edges->points[i], c);
if (DotProduct (c, plane->normal) >= 0)
break; // miss
if (i == winding->numpoints) {
// the closer end of the edge hit the portal, so t1/vn is the
// fraction
return t1 / vn;
// the closer end of the edge missed the portal, check the farther
// end, but only with this portal edge.
VectorMultSub (p2, t2 / vn, vel, imp);
VectorSubtract (imp, winding->points[i], x);
CrossProduct (x, edges->points[i], c);
if (DotProduct (c, plane->normal) >= 0) {
// both impacts are on the outside of this portal edge, so the
// edge being tested misses the portal
return 1;
// the two impact points are on both sides of a portal edge, so the
// edge being tested might hit a portal edge rather than the portal
// face
vec3_t e;
vec_t frac = 1.0;
vec_t ee;
plane_t ep;
// set up the plane through which the edge travels
VectorSubtract (p2, p1, e);
ee = DotProduct (e, e);
CrossProduct (e, vel, ep.normal);
ep.dist = DotProduct (p1, ep.normal);
for (i = 0; i < winding->numpoints; i++) {
vec_t t, te, vn;
const vec_t *r = winding->points[i];
const vec_t *v = edges->points[i];
vec3_t x, y, z;
vn = DotProduct (v, ep.normal);
if (!vn) // FIXME epsilon
continue; // portal edge is parallel to the plane
t = PlaneDiff (r, &ep);
if (t < 0 || t > vn)
continue; // portal edge does not reach the plane
// impact point of portal edge with the plane
VectorMultSub (r, t / vn, v, x);
// project the impact point back to the edge along the velocity
VectorSubtract (x, p1, y);
t = DotProduct (y, vel) / DotProduct (vel, vel);
VectorMultSub (x, t, vel, y);
if (t >= frac)
continue; // this is not the nearest edge pair
// check projected impact point's position along the edge
VectorSubtract (y, p1, z);
te = DotProduct (z, e);
if (te < 0 || te > ee)
continue; // the edge misses the portal edge
// the edges hit, and they are the closes edge pair so far
frac = t;
return frac;
static vec_t
box_portal_dist (const hull_t *hull, const clipport_t *portal,
const clipbox_t *box, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t vel)
vec3_t nvel;
plane_t *plane = hull->planes + portal->planenum;
int i, j;
vec_t frac, t;
vec3_t p1, p2;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// all faces on box have 4 points (and edges), but we need test only
// three on each face
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
VectorAdd (box->points->points[j], start, p1);
VectorAdd (box->points->points[j + 1], start, p2);
t = edge_portal_dist (plane, portal, p1, p2, vel);
if (t < frac)
frac = t;
VectorNegate (vel, nvel);
for (i = 0; i < portal->winding->numpoints; i++) {
j = i + 1;
if (j >= portal->winding->numpoints)
j -= portal->winding->numpoints;
VectorSubtract (portal->winding->points[i], start, p1);
VectorSubtract (portal->winding->points[j], start, p2);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
const clipport_t *p = &box->portals[j];
t = edge_portal_dist (box->planes + p->planenum, p, p1, p2, nvel);
if (t < frac)
frac = t;
return frac;
static inline void
calc_impact (trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
plane_t *plane)
calc_impact (hull_t *hull, trace_t *trace,
const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
clipleaf_t *leaf, plane_t *plane)
vec_t t1, t2, frac, offset;
vec3_t dist;
@ -151,6 +374,53 @@ calc_impact (trace_t *trace, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end,
frac = (t1 - offset - DIST_EPSILON) / (t1 - t2);
frac = bound (0, frac, 1);
if (leaf && trace->type != tr_point) {
int i;
int side;
int planenum;
clipport_t *portal;
vec3_t impact;
clipbox_t box;
planenum = plane - hull->planes;
VectorSubtract (end, start, dist);
VectorMultAdd (start, frac, dist, impact);
if (DotProduct (dist, plane->normal) > 0)
VectorMultAdd (impact, offset, plane->normal, impact);
VectorMultSub (impact, offset, plane->normal, impact);
init_box (trace, &box, dist);
for (portal = leaf->portals; portal; portal = portal->next[side]) {
side = portal->leafs[1] == leaf;
if (portal->planenum != planenum)
for (i = 0; i < portal->winding->numpoints; i++) {
vec3_t r, s;
VectorSubtract (impact, portal->winding->points[i], r);
CrossProduct (r, portal->edges->points[i], s);
if (DotProduct (s, plane->normal) <= 0)
continue; // "hit"
break; // "miss";
if (i == portal->winding->numpoints)
goto finish_impact; // impact with the face of the polygon
for (portal = leaf->portals; portal; portal = portal->next[side]) {
vec_t t;
side = portal->leafs[1] == leaf;
if (portal->planenum != planenum)
t = box_portal_dist (hull, portal, &box, start, dist);
if (t < frac)
frac = t;
if (frac < trace->fraction) {
trace->fraction = frac;
VectorSubtract (end, start, dist);
@ -221,7 +491,8 @@ MOD_TraceLine (hull_t *hull, int num,
} else {
// crossing from an empty leaf to a solid leaf: the trace
// has collided.
calc_impact (trace, start_point, end_point, split_plane);
calc_impact (hull, trace, start_point, end_point, leaf,
if (trace->type == tr_point)
Reference in a new issue