mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 11:12:21 +00:00
[qfvis] Reconstruct the leaf clusters in a bsp
This is only the first half (vertical) in that the vis bits are still for the leafs rather than the clusters, but ad_tears goes from 500s to 7s for calculating the fat pvs (3852 clusters).
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 167 additions and 76 deletions
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ extern struct bsp_s *bsp;
extern portal_t *portals;
extern cluster_t *clusters;
extern int *leafcluster;
extern uint32_t *leafcluster;
extern byte *uncompressed;
winding_t *NewWinding (threaddata_t *thread, int points);
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "QF/bspfile.h"
#include "QF/heapsort.h"
#include "QF/pvsfile.h"
#include "QF/quakefs.h"
#include "QF/set.h"
@ -41,14 +42,26 @@
#include "tools/qfvis/include/options.h"
#include "tools/qfvis/include/vis.h"
typedef struct {
uint32_t visoffs;
uint32_t leafnum;
} leafvis_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t first_leaf;
uint32_t num_leafs;
} leafmap_t;
static set_pool_t *set_pool;
static set_t *base_pvs;
static set_t *fat_pvs;
static set_t *base_pvs;
static set_t *fat_pvs;
static leafvis_t *leafvis;
static leafmap_t *leafmap;
static sizebuf_t *cmp_pvs;
static unsigned num_leafs;
static unsigned visbytes;
static unsigned work_leaf;
static uint32_t num_leafs;
static uint32_t num_clusters;
static uint32_t work_cluster;
typedef struct {
long pvs_visible;
@ -69,18 +82,18 @@ update_stats (fatstats_t *stats)
static int
leaf_progress (void)
cluster_progress (void)
return work_leaf * 100 / num_leafs;
return work_cluster * 100 / num_clusters;
static unsigned
next_leaf (void)
next_cluster (void)
unsigned leaf = ~0;
WRLOCK (global_lock);
if (work_leaf < num_leafs) {
leaf = work_leaf++;
if (work_cluster < num_clusters) {
leaf = work_cluster++;
UNLOCK (global_lock);
return leaf;
@ -100,22 +113,24 @@ decompress_vis (const byte *in, unsigned numleafs, set_t *pvs)
*out++ = 0xff;
} else {
do {
if (*in) {
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
in += 2;
while (c) {
*out++ = 0;
} while (out - start < row);
do {
if (*in) {
*out++ = *in++;
c = in[1];
in += 2;
while (c) {
*out++ = 0;
} while (out - start < row);
while ((out - start) & (sizeof (set_bits_t) - 1)) {
*out++ = 0;
static void *
@ -125,23 +140,23 @@ decompress_thread (void *d)
int thread = (intptr_t) d;
while (1) {
unsigned leaf_num = next_leaf ();
unsigned cluster_num = next_cluster ();
if (working)
working[thread] = leaf_num;
if (leaf_num == ~0u) {
working[thread] = cluster_num;
if (cluster_num == ~0u) {
byte *visdata = 0;
dleaf_t *leaf = &bsp->leafs[leaf_num];
dleaf_t *leaf = &bsp->leafs[leafmap[cluster_num].first_leaf + 1];
if (leaf->visofs >= 0) {
visdata = bsp->visdata + leaf->visofs;
decompress_vis (visdata, num_leafs, &base_pvs[leaf_num]);
if (leaf_num == 0) {
decompress_vis (visdata, num_leafs, &base_pvs[cluster_num]);
if (cluster_num == 0) {
stats.pvs_visible += set_count (&base_pvs[leaf_num]);
stats.pvs_visible += set_count (&base_pvs[cluster_num]);
update_stats (&stats);
return 0;
@ -154,29 +169,24 @@ fatten_thread (void *d)
int thread = (intptr_t) d;
while (1) {
unsigned leaf_num = next_leaf ();
unsigned cluster_num = next_cluster ();
if (working)
working[thread] = leaf_num;
if (leaf_num == ~0u) {
working[thread] = cluster_num;
if (cluster_num == ~0u) {
set_assign (&fat_pvs[leaf_num], &base_pvs[leaf_num]);
set_assign (&fat_pvs[cluster_num], &base_pvs[cluster_num]);
for (set_iter_t *iter = set_first_r (&set_pool[thread],
iter = set_next_r (&set_pool[thread], iter)) {
// or this pvs row into the fat pvs
// +1 because pvs is 1 based
set_union (&fat_pvs[leaf_num], &base_pvs[iter->element + 1]);
set_union (&fat_pvs[cluster_num], &base_pvs[leafcluster[iter->element]]);
if (leaf_num == 0) {
stats.fat_visible += set_count (&fat_pvs[leaf_num]);
set_difference (&fat_pvs[leaf_num], &base_pvs[leaf_num]);
stats.fat_visible += set_count (&fat_pvs[cluster_num]);
set_difference (&fat_pvs[cluster_num], &base_pvs[cluster_num]);
update_stats (&stats);
return 0;
@ -218,15 +228,15 @@ compress_thread (void *d)
qboolean rle = options.utf8;
while (1) {
unsigned leaf_num = next_leaf ();
unsigned cluster_num = next_cluster ();
if (working)
working[thread] = leaf_num;
if (leaf_num == ~0u) {
working[thread] = cluster_num;
if (cluster_num == ~0u) {
sizebuf_t *compressed = &cmp_pvs[leaf_num];
const byte *fat_bytes = (const byte *) fat_pvs[leaf_num].map;
sizebuf_t *compressed = &cmp_pvs[cluster_num];
const byte *fat_bytes = (const byte *) fat_pvs[cluster_num].map;
int bytes = CompressRow (compressed, fat_bytes, num_leafs, rle);
stats.fat_bytes += bytes;
@ -234,34 +244,81 @@ compress_thread (void *d)
return 0;
CalcFatPVS (void)
static int
leaf_compare (const void *_la, const void *_lb)
const leafvis_t *la = _la;
const leafvis_t *lb = _lb;
if (la->visoffs == lb->visoffs) {
return la->leafnum - lb->leafnum;
return la->visoffs - lb->visoffs;
static void
reconstruct_clusters (void)
leafvis = malloc (num_leafs * sizeof (leafvis_t));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++) {
leafvis[i].visoffs = bsp->leafs[i + 1].visofs;
leafvis[i].leafnum = i;
heapsort (leafvis, num_leafs, sizeof (leafvis_t), leaf_compare);
num_clusters = 1;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < num_leafs; i++) {
num_clusters += leafvis[i].visoffs != leafvis[i - 1].visoffs;
printf ("num_clusters: %u\n", num_clusters);
leafcluster = malloc (num_leafs * sizeof (uint32_t));
leafmap = calloc (num_clusters, sizeof (leafmap_t));
leafmap_t *lm = leafmap;
uint32_t offs = leafvis[0].visoffs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++) {
if (leafvis[i].visoffs != offs) {
lm->first_leaf = i;
offs = leafvis[i].visoffs;
leafcluster[leafvis[i].leafnum] = lm - leafmap;
//for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++) {
// printf ("%d %d %d\n", i, leafmap[i].first_leaf, leafmap[i].num_leafs);
printf ("%d\n", num_leafs);
static void
allocate_data (void)
set_pool = calloc (options.threads, sizeof (set_pool_t));
num_leafs = bsp->models[0].visleafs;
visbytes = (num_leafs + 7) / 8;
base_pvs = malloc (num_leafs * sizeof (set_t));
fat_pvs = malloc (num_leafs * sizeof (set_t));
cmp_pvs = malloc (num_leafs * sizeof (sizebuf_t));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++) {
base_pvs[i] = (set_t) SET_STATIC_INIT (num_leafs, malloc);
fat_pvs[i] = (set_t) SET_STATIC_INIT (num_leafs, malloc);
base_pvs = malloc (num_clusters * sizeof (set_t));
fat_pvs = malloc (num_clusters * sizeof (set_t));
cmp_pvs = malloc (num_clusters * sizeof (sizebuf_t));
uint32_t visbytes = (num_leafs + 7) / 8;
// Worst case, RLE can add 50% to the bytes required (alternating zero
// and non-zero bytes: 0 x 0 y -> 0 1 x 0 1 y ...). Also, if the map is
// very tiny (8 leafs or fewer), there will be only one byte for vis, but
// if that byte is 0, an extra byte for the count is required.
visbytes = (visbytes * 3) / 2 + 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++) {
base_pvs[i] = (set_t) SET_STATIC_INIT (num_leafs - 1, malloc);
fat_pvs[i] = (set_t) SET_STATIC_INIT (num_leafs - 1, malloc);
cmp_pvs[i] = (sizebuf_t) {
.data = malloc ((visbytes * 3) / 2),
.maxsize = (visbytes * 3) / 2,
.data = malloc (visbytes),
.maxsize = visbytes,
work_leaf = 0;
RunThreads (decompress_thread, leaf_progress);
work_leaf = 0;
RunThreads (fatten_thread, leaf_progress);
work_leaf = 0;
RunThreads (compress_thread, leaf_progress);
printf ("Average leafs visible / fat visible / total: %d / %d / %d\n",
(int) (fatstats.pvs_visible / num_leafs),
(int) (fatstats.fat_visible / num_leafs), num_leafs);
printf ("Compressed fat vis size: %ld\n", fatstats.fat_bytes);
static void
write_pvs_file (void)
uint32_t offset = sizeof (pvsfile_t) + num_leafs * sizeof (uint32_t);
pvsfile_t *pvsfile = malloc (offset + fatstats.fat_bytes);
@ -273,9 +330,12 @@ CalcFatPVS (void)
pvsfile->flags |= PVS_UTF8_RLE;
pvsfile->visleafs = num_leafs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_leafs; i++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++) {
unsigned size = cmp_pvs[i].cursize;
pvsfile->visoffsets[i] = offset;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < leafmap[i].num_leafs; j++) {
uint32_t l = leafmap[i].first_leaf + j;
pvsfile->visoffsets[leafvis[l].leafnum] = offset;
memcpy ((byte *) pvsfile + offset, cmp_pvs[i].data, size);
offset += size;
@ -291,3 +351,28 @@ CalcFatPVS (void)
Qwrite (f, pvsfile, offset);
Qclose (f);
CalcFatPVS (void)
num_leafs = bsp->models[0].visleafs;
reconstruct_clusters ();
allocate_data ();
work_cluster = 0;
RunThreads (decompress_thread, cluster_progress);
work_cluster = 0;
RunThreads (fatten_thread, cluster_progress);
work_cluster = 0;
RunThreads (compress_thread, cluster_progress);
printf ("Average leafs visible / fat visible / total: %d / %d / %d\n",
(int) (fatstats.pvs_visible / num_clusters),
(int) (fatstats.fat_visible / num_clusters), num_leafs);
printf ("Compressed fat vis size: %ld\n", fatstats.fat_bytes);
write_pvs_file ();
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ portal_t *portals;
cluster_t *clusters;
dstring_t *visdata;
byte *uncompressed; // [bitbytes * portalleafs]
int *leafcluster; // leaf to cluster mappings as read from .prt file
uint32_t *leafcluster; // leaf to cluster mappings as read from .prt file
int *working; // per thread current portal #
@ -1469,7 +1469,7 @@ LoadPortals (char *name)
free (clusternums);
free (windings);
leafcluster = calloc (numrealleafs, sizeof (int));
leafcluster = calloc (numrealleafs, sizeof (uint32_t));
if (read_leafs) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numrealleafs; i++) {
line = Qgetline (f);
@ -1490,6 +1490,7 @@ generate_pvs (void)
QFile *f;
dstring_t *portalfile = dstring_new ();
dstring_t *backupfile = dstring_new ();
visdata = dstring_new ();
@ -1513,12 +1514,17 @@ generate_pvs (void)
CalcAmbientSounds ();
dstring_copystr (backupfile, options.bspfile->str);
QFS_SetExtension (backupfile, ".bsp~");
Qrename (options.bspfile->str, backupfile->str);
f = Qopen (options.bspfile->str, "wb");
if (!f)
Sys_Error ("couldn't open %s for writing.", options.bspfile->str);
WriteBSPFile (bsp, f);
Qclose (f);
dstring_delete (backupfile);
dstring_delete (portalfile);
dstring_delete (visdata);
dstring_delete (options.bspfile);
Reference in a new issue