mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 10:50:58 +00:00
[vulkan] Get IQM rendering working
The bones aren't animated yet (and I realized I made the mistake of thinking the bone buffer was per-model when it's really per-instance (I think this mistake is in the rest of QF, too)), skin rendering is a mess, need to default vertex attributes that aren't in the model... Still, it's quite satisfying seeing Mr Fixit on screen again :) I wound up moving the pipeline spec in with the rest of the pipelines as the system isn't really ready for separating them.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 274 additions and 303 deletions
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ typedef struct qfv_iqm_s {
qfv_iqm_skin_t *skins;
struct qfv_resource_s *mesh;
struct qfv_resource_s *bones;
VkBuffer bones_buffer;
VkDescriptorSet *bones_descriptors; // one per frame FIXME per instance!!!
} qfv_iqm_t;
typedef enum {
@ -91,15 +93,21 @@ typedef struct iqmctx_s {
VkPipeline gbuf;
VkPipelineLayout layout;
VkSampler sampler;
VkDescriptorPool bones_pool;
VkDescriptorSetLayout bones_setLayout;
} iqmctx_t;
struct vulkan_ctx_s;
struct qfv_renderframe_s;
struct entity_s;
struct mod_iqm_ctx_s;
struct iqm_s;
void Vulkan_Mod_IQMFinish (struct model_s *mod, struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx);
void Vulkan_IQMAddBones (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx, struct iqm_s *iqm);
void Vulkan_IQMRemoveBones (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx, struct iqm_s *iqm);
void Vulkan_IQMAddSkin (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx, qfv_iqm_skin_t *skin);
void Vulkan_IQMRemoveSkin (struct vulkan_ctx_s *ctx, qfv_iqm_skin_t *skin);
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ typedef struct {
byte weights[4];
} iqmblend_t;
typedef struct {
typedef struct iqm_s {
char *text;
int num_meshes;
iqmmesh *meshes;
@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ vulkan_iqm_clear (model_t *mod, void *data)
mod->needload = true;
for (int i = 0; i < iqm->num_meshes; i++) {
Vulkan_IQMRemoveSkin (ctx, &mesh->skins[i]);
Vulkan_IQMRemoveBones (ctx, iqm);//FIXME doesn't belong here (per-instance)
QFV_DestroyResource (device, mesh->bones);
QFV_DestroyResource (device, mesh->mesh);
free (mesh);
@ -162,6 +167,14 @@ iqm_transfer_texture (tex_t *tex, VkImage image, qfv_stagebuf_t *stage,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, &ib.barrier);
memcpy (dst, tex->data, layer_size);
VkBufferImageCopy copy = {
packet->offset, 0, 0,
{0, 0, 0}, {tex->width, tex->height, 1},
dfunc->vkCmdCopyBufferToImage (packet->cmd, packet->stage->buffer,
1, ©);
int mipLevels = QFV_MipLevels (tex->width, tex->height);
if (mipLevels == 1) {
@ -225,6 +238,7 @@ vulkan_iqm_load_textures (model_t *mod, iqm_t *iqm, qfv_iqm_t *mesh,
tex = &null_tex;
iqm_transfer_texture (tex, image->image, stage, device);
Vulkan_IQMAddSkin (ctx, skin);
dstring_delete (str);
QFV_DestroyStagingBuffer (stage);
@ -236,6 +250,8 @@ vulkan_iqm_load_arrays (model_t *mod, iqm_t *iqm, qfv_iqm_t *mesh,
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
iqmctx_t *ictx = ctx->iqm_context;
size_t geom_size = iqm->num_verts * sizeof (iqmgvert_t);
size_t rend_size = iqm->num_verts * sizeof (iqmrvert_t);
size_t elem_size = iqm->num_elements * sizeof (uint16_t);
@ -350,7 +366,7 @@ vulkan_iqm_load_arrays (model_t *mod, iqm_t *iqm, qfv_iqm_t *mesh,
vec4f_t *bone_data;
dfunc->vkMapMemory (device->dev, mesh->bones->memory, 0, VK_WHOLE_SIZE,
0, (void **)&bone_data);
for (int i = 0; i < 3 * iqm->num_joints; i++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ictx->frames.size * iqm->num_joints; i++) {
vec4f_t *bone = bone_data + i * 3;
bone[0] = (vec4f_t) {1, 0, 0, 0};
bone[1] = (vec4f_t) {0, 1, 0, 0};
@ -363,12 +379,15 @@ vulkan_iqm_load_arrays (model_t *mod, iqm_t *iqm, qfv_iqm_t *mesh,
dfunc->vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (device->dev, 1, &range);
dfunc->vkUnmapMemory (device->dev, mesh->bones->memory);
Vulkan_IQMAddBones (ctx, iqm); //FIXME doesn't belong here (per-instance)
Vulkan_Mod_IQMFinish (model_t *mod, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
iqmctx_t *ictx = ctx->iqm_context;
iqm_t *iqm = (iqm_t *) mod->aliashdr;
mod->clear = vulkan_iqm_clear;
mod->data = ctx;
@ -378,10 +397,12 @@ Vulkan_Mod_IQMFinish (model_t *mod, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
// 2 is for image + image view
int num_objects = 4 + 2 * iqm->num_meshes;
qfv_iqm_t *mesh = calloc (1, sizeof (qfv_iqm_t)
+ ictx->frames.size * sizeof (VkDescriptorSet)
+ 2 * sizeof (qfv_resource_t)
+ num_objects * sizeof (qfv_resobj_t)
+ iqm->num_meshes * sizeof (qfv_iqm_skin_t));
mesh->bones = (qfv_resource_t *) &mesh[1];
mesh->bones_descriptors = (VkDescriptorSet *) &mesh[1];
mesh->bones = (qfv_resource_t *)&mesh->bones_descriptors[ictx->frames.size];
mesh->mesh = &mesh->bones[1];
mesh->bones[0] = (qfv_resource_t) {
@ -395,9 +416,9 @@ Vulkan_Mod_IQMFinish (model_t *mod, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
.name = "bones",
.type = qfv_res_buffer,
.buffer = {
.size = 3 * iqm->num_joints * 3 * sizeof (vec4f_t),
.size = ictx->frames.size * iqm->num_joints * 3 * sizeof (vec4f_t),
@ -460,9 +481,10 @@ Vulkan_Mod_IQMFinish (model_t *mod, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
mesh->geom_buffer = mesh->mesh->objects[0].buffer.buffer;
mesh->rend_buffer = mesh->mesh->objects[1].buffer.buffer;
mesh->index_buffer = mesh->mesh->objects[2].buffer.buffer;
mesh->bones_buffer = mesh->bones->objects[0].buffer.buffer;
iqm->extra_data = mesh;
vulkan_iqm_load_textures (mod, iqm, mesh, ctx);
vulkan_iqm_load_arrays (mod, iqm, mesh, ctx);
iqm->extra_data = mesh;
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ vulkan_R_Init (void)
Vulkan_Matrix_Init (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Alias_Init (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Bsp_Init (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_IQM_Init (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Particles_Init (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Sprite_Init (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Draw_Init (vulkan_ctx);
@ -686,16 +687,18 @@ vulkan_vid_render_shutdown (void)
df->vkDestroyFence (dev, vulkan_ctx->fence, 0);
df->vkDestroyCommandPool (dev, vulkan_ctx->cmdpool, 0);
Mod_ClearAll ();
Vulkan_Compose_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Lighting_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Draw_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Sprite_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Particles_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_IQM_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Bsp_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Alias_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Matrix_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Mod_ClearAll ();
Vulkan_Texture_Shutdown (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_DestroyRenderPasses (vulkan_ctx);
Vulkan_Shutdown_Common (vulkan_ctx);
@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
setLayouts = {
texture_set = {
bindings = (
binding = 0;
descriptorType = combined_image_sampler;
descriptorCount = 1;
stageFlags = fragment;
pipelineLayouts = {
iqm_layout = {
setLayouts = (matrix_set, texture_set);
pushConstantRanges = (
stageFlags = vertex;
offset = 0;
size = "16 * 4 + 4";
stageFlags = fragment;
offset = 68;
size = "3 * 4 + 2 * 4 * 4 + 4";
depthStencil = {
test_and_write = {
depthTestEnable = true;
depthWriteEnable = true;
depthCompareOp = less_or_equal;
depthBoundsTestEnable = false;
stencilTestEnable = false;
test_only = {
depthTestEnable = true;
depthWriteEnable = false;
depthCompareOp = less_or_equal;
depthBoundsTestEnable = false;
stencilTestEnable = false;
disable = {
depthTestEnable = false;
depthWriteEnable = false;
depthCompareOp = less_or_equal;
depthBoundsTestEnable = false;
stencilTestEnable = false;
inputAssembly = {
iqm = {
topology = triangle_list;
primitiveRestartEnable = false;
vertexInput = {
iqm = {
bindings = (
{ binding = 0; stride = 20; inputRate = vertex; },
{ binding = 1; stride = 40; inputRate = vertex; },
attributes = (
{ location = 0; binding = 0; format = r32g32b32_sfloat; offset = 0; }, // position
{ location = 1; binding = 0; format = r8g8b8a8_uint; offset = 0; }, // bonindices
{ location = 2; binding = 0; format = r8g8b8a8_unorm; offset = 4; }, // boneweights
{ location = 3; binding = 1; format = r32g32_sfloat; offset = 0; }, // texcoord
{ location = 4; binding = 1; format = r32g32b32_sfloat; offset = 8; }, // normal
{ location = 5; binding = 1; format = r32g32b32a32_sfloat; offset = 20; }, // tangent
{ location = 6; binding = 1; format = r8g8b8a8_unorm; offset = 36; }, // color
rasterization = {
cw_cull_back = {
depthClampEnable = false;
rasterizerDiscardEnable = false;
polygonMode = fill;
cullMode = back;
frontFace = clockwise;
depthBiasEnable = false;
lineWidth = 1;
counter_cw_cull_back = {
depthClampEnable = false;
rasterizerDiscardEnable = false;
polygonMode = fill;
cullMode = back;
frontFace = counter_clockwise;
depthBiasEnable = false;
lineWidth = 1;
multisample = {
rasterizationSamples = $msaaSamples;
sampleShadingEnable = false;
minSampleShading = 0.5f;
alphaToCoverageEnable = false;
alphaToOneEnable = false;
viewport = {
viewports = (
x = 0; y = 0;
width = 640; height = 480;
minDepth = 0; maxDepth = 1;
scissors = (
offset = { x = 0; y = 0 };
extent = { width = 640; height = 480; };
attachmentBlendOp = {
disabled = {
blendEnable = false;
srcColorBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstColorBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
colorBlendOp = add;
srcAlphaBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstAlphaBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
alphaBlendOp = add;
colorWriteMask = r|g|b|a;
alpha_blend = {
blendEnable = true;
srcColorBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstColorBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
colorBlendOp = add;
srcAlphaBlendFactor = src_alpha;
dstAlphaBlendFactor = one_minus_src_alpha;
alphaBlendOp = add;
colorWriteMask = r|g|b|a;
pipelines = {
iqm_shadow = {
subpass = 0;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm_shadow.vert;
vertexInput = {
bindings = (
attributes = (
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
viewport = $properties.viewport;
rasterization = $properties.rasterization.cw_cull_back;
multisample = $properties.multisample;
depthStencil = $properties.depthStencil.test_and_write;
colorBlend = $properties.pipelines.iqm_gbuf.colorBlend;
dynamic = {
dynamicState = ( viewport, scissor );
layout = iqm_layout;
iqm_depth = {
subpass = 0;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm_depth.vert;
vertexInput = {
// depth pass doesn't use UVs
bindings = (
attributes = (
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
viewport = $properties.viewport;
rasterization = $properties.rasterization.cw_cull_back;
multisample = $properties.multisample;
depthStencil = $properties.depthStencil.test_and_write;
colorBlend = $properties.pipelines.iqm_gbuf.colorBlend;
dynamic = {
dynamicState = ( viewport, scissor );
layout = iqm_layout;
renderPass = renderpass;
iqm_gbuf = {
subpass = 2;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm.vert;
stage = fragment;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm_gbuf.frag;
vertexInput = $properties.vertexInput.iqm;
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
viewport = $properties.viewport;
rasterization = $properties.rasterization.cw_cull_back;
multisample = $properties.multisample;
depthStencil = $properties.depthStencil.test_only;
colorBlend = {
logicOpEnable = false;
attachments = (
dynamic = {
dynamicState = ( viewport, scissor, blend_constants );
layout = iqm_layout;
renderPass = renderpass;
@ -97,6 +97,16 @@
bone_pool = {
flags = free_descriptor_set;
maxSets = 512;
bindings = (
type = storage_buffer;
descriptorCount = $properties.descriptorPools.bone_pool.maxSets;
texture_pool = {
flags = free_descriptor_set;
maxSets = 512;
@ -206,6 +216,16 @@
bone_set = {
bindings = (
binding = 0;
descriptorType = storage_buffer;
descriptorCount = 1;
stageFlags = vertex;
sprite_set = {
bindings = (
@ -349,6 +369,21 @@
iqm_layout = {
setLayouts = (matrix_set, texture_set, bone_set);
pushConstantRanges = (
stageFlags = vertex;
offset = 0;
size = "16 * 4 + 4";
stageFlags = fragment;
offset = 68;
size = "3 * 4 + 2 * 4 * 4 + 4";
sprite_layout = {
setLayouts = (matrix_set, sprite_set);
pushConstantRanges = (
@ -428,6 +463,10 @@
topology = triangle_fan;
primitiveRestartEnable = true;
iqm = {
topology = triangle_list;
primitiveRestartEnable = false;
twod = {
topology = triangle_strip;
primitiveRestartEnable = true;
@ -466,6 +505,23 @@
{ location = 1; binding = 0; format = r32g32b32a32_sfloat; offset = 16; },
iqm = {
bindings = (
{ binding = 0; stride = 20; inputRate = vertex; },
{ binding = 1; stride = 40; inputRate = vertex; },
attributes = (
{ location = 0; binding = 0; format = r32g32b32_sfloat; offset = 0; }, // position
{ location = 1; binding = 0; format = r8g8b8a8_uint; offset = 12; }, // bonindices
{ location = 2; binding = 0; format = r8g8b8a8_unorm; offset = 16; }, // boneweights
{ location = 3; binding = 1; format = r32g32_sfloat; offset = 0; }, // texcoord
{ location = 4; binding = 1; format = r32g32b32_sfloat; offset = 8; }, // normal
{ location = 5; binding = 1; format = r32g32b32a32_sfloat; offset = 20; }, // tangent
{ location = 6; binding = 1; format = r8g8b8a8_unorm; offset = 36; }, // color
particle = {
bindings = (
{ binding = 0; stride = "4 * 4 * 4"; inputRate = vertex; },
@ -833,6 +889,61 @@
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.brush;
layout = quakebsp_layout;
iqm_depth = {
@inherit = $properties.pipelines.depth_base;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm.vert;
specializationInfo = {
mapEntries = (
// IQMDepthOnly
{ size = 4; offset = 0; constantID = 0; },
data = "array(1)";
vertexInput = $properties.vertexInput.iqm;
/*vertexInput = {
bindings = (
attributes = (
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
layout = iqm_layout;
iqm_gbuf = {
@inherit = $properties.pipelines.gbuf_base;
stages = (
stage = vertex;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm.vert;
specializationInfo = {
mapEntries = (
// !IQMDepthOnly
{ size = 4; offset = 0; constantID = 0; },
data = "array(0)";
stage = fragment;
name = main;
module = $builtin/iqm.frag;
vertexInput = $properties.vertexInput.iqm;
inputAssembly = $properties.inputAssembly.iqm;
layout = iqm_layout;
partdraw = {
@inherit = $properties.pipelines.trans_base;
stages = (
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#version 450
layout (set = 1, binding = 0) uniform sampler2DArray Skin;
layout (set = 1, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D Skin;
layout (push_constant) uniform PushConstants {
layout (offset = 68)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ layout (location = 1) in vec4 position;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 normal;
layout (location = 3) in vec3 tangent;
layout (location = 4) in vec3 bitangent;
layout (location = 5) in vec3 color;
layout (location = 5) in vec4 color;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 frag_color;
layout (location = 1) out vec4 frag_emission;
@ -27,18 +27,19 @@ main (void)
vec4 c;
vec4 e;
vec3 n;
//vec3 n;
int i;
mat3 tbn = mat3 (tangent, bitangent, normal);
//mat3 tbn = mat3 (tangent, bitangent, normal);
c = texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 0)) * base_color;
c += texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 1)) * unpackUnorm4x8(colorA);
c += texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 2)) * unpackUnorm4x8(colorB);
e = texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 3));
n = texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 4)).xyz * 2 - 1;
c = texture (Skin, texcoord);// * color;
//c = texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 0)) * color;
//c += texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 1)) * unpackUnorm4x8(colorA);
//c += texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 2)) * unpackUnorm4x8(colorB);
//e = texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 3));
//n = texture (Skin, vec3 (texcoord, 4)).xyz * 2 - 1;
frag_color = c;
frag_emission = e;
frag_normal = vec4(tbn * n, 1);
frag_emission = vec4(0,0,0,1);//e;
frag_normal = vec4(normal,1);//vec4(tbn * n, 1);
frag_position = position;
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#version 450
layout (constant_id = 0) const bool IQMDepthOnly = false;
layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform Matrices {
mat4 Projection3d;
mat4 View;
@ -7,7 +9,7 @@ layout (set = 0, binding = 0) uniform Matrices {
mat4 Projection2d;
layout (set = 3, binding = 0) buffer Bones {
layout (set = 2, binding = 0) buffer Bones {
// NOTE these are transposed, so v * m
mat3x4 bones[];
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ layout (push_constant) uniform PushConstants {
layout (location = 0) in vec3 vposition;
layout (location = 1) in ivec4 vbones;
layout (location = 1) in uvec4 vbones;
layout (location = 2) in vec4 vweights;
layout (location = 3) in vec2 vtexcoord;
layout (location = 4) in vec3 vnormal;
@ -41,12 +43,16 @@ main (void)
m += bones[vbones.w] * vweights.w;
vec4 pos = vec4 (Model * vec4(vposition, 1) * m, 1);
gl_Position = Projection3d * (View * pos);
position = pos;
mat3 adjTrans = mat3 (cross(m[1].xyz, m[2].xyz), cross(m[2].xyz, m[0].xyz),
cross(m[0].xyz, m[1].xyz));
normal = mat3 (Model) * vnormal * adjTrans;
tangent = mat3 (Model) * vtangent.xyz * adjTrans;
bitangent = cross (normal, tangent) * vtangent.w;
texcoord = vtexcoord;
color = vcolor;
if (!IQMDepthOnly) {
position = pos;
mat3 adjTrans = mat3 (cross(m[1].xyz, m[2].xyz),
cross(m[2].xyz, m[0].xyz),
cross(m[0].xyz, m[1].xyz));
normal = mat3 (Model) * vnormal * adjTrans;
tangent = mat3 (Model) * vtangent.xyz * adjTrans;
bitangent = cross (normal, tangent) * vtangent.w;
texcoord = vtexcoord;
color = vcolor;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "QF/cvar.h"
#include "QF/iqm.h"
#include "QF/va.h"
#include "QF/scene/entity.h"
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_matrices.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_texture.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/debug.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/descriptor.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/device.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/instance.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/renderpass.h"
@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ static QFV_Subpass subpass_map[] = {
static void
emit_commands (VkCommandBuffer cmd, int pose1, int pose2,
qfv_iqm_skin_t **skins,
qfv_iqm_skin_t *skins,
uint32_t numPC, qfv_push_constants_t *constants,
iqm_t *iqm, qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
@ -88,20 +90,28 @@ emit_commands (VkCommandBuffer cmd, int pose1, int pose2,
int bindingCount = skins ? 2 : 1;
int bindingCount = 2;//skins ? 2 : 1;
dfunc->vkCmdBindVertexBuffers (cmd, 0, bindingCount, buffers, offsets);
dfunc->vkCmdBindIndexBuffer (cmd, mesh->index_buffer, 0,
QFV_PushConstants (device, cmd, ictx->layout, numPC, constants);
for (int i = 0; i < iqm->num_meshes; i++) {
if (skins) {
VkDescriptorSet sets[] = {
dfunc->vkCmdBindDescriptorSets (cmd,
ictx->layout, 1, 1, sets, 0, 0);
ictx->layout, 1, 2, sets, 0, 0);
} else {
VkDescriptorSet sets[] = {
dfunc->vkCmdBindDescriptorSets (cmd,
ictx->layout, 2, 1, sets, 0, 0);
dfunc->vkCmdDrawIndexed (cmd, 3 * iqm->meshes[i].num_triangles, 1,
3 * iqm->meshes[i].first_triangle, 0, 0);
@ -117,7 +127,7 @@ Vulkan_DrawIQM (entity_t *ent, qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
model_t *model = ent->renderer.model;
iqm_t *iqm = (iqm_t *) model->aliashdr;
qfv_iqm_t *mesh = iqm->extra_data;
qfv_iqm_skin_t **skins = &mesh->skins;
qfv_iqm_skin_t *skins = mesh->skins;
iqm_push_constants_t constants = {};
constants.blend = R_IQMGetLerpedFrames (ent, iqm);
@ -144,8 +154,8 @@ Vulkan_DrawIQM (entity_t *ent, qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
QuatCopy (ent->renderer.colormod, constants.base_color);
QuatCopy (skins[0]->colora, constants.colorA);
QuatCopy (skins[0]->colorb, constants.colorB);
QuatCopy (skins[0].colora, constants.colorA);
QuatCopy (skins[0].colorb, constants.colorB);
QuatZero (constants.fog);
emit_commands (aframe->cmdSet.a[QFV_iqmDepth],
@ -157,8 +167,8 @@ Vulkan_DrawIQM (entity_t *ent, qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
static void
alias_begin_subpass (QFV_IQMSubpass subpass, VkPipeline pipeline,
qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
iqm_begin_subpass (QFV_IQMSubpass subpass, VkPipeline pipeline,
qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
vulkan_ctx_t *ctx = rFrame->vulkan_ctx;
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
@ -200,7 +210,7 @@ alias_begin_subpass (QFV_IQMSubpass subpass, VkPipeline pipeline,
static void
alias_end_subpass (VkCommandBuffer cmd, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
iqm_end_subpass (VkCommandBuffer cmd, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
@ -222,8 +232,8 @@ Vulkan_IQMBegin (qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
DARRAY_APPEND (&rFrame->subpassCmdSets[QFV_passGBuffer],
alias_begin_subpass (QFV_iqmDepth, ictx->depth, rFrame);
alias_begin_subpass (QFV_iqmGBuffer, ictx->gbuf, rFrame);
iqm_begin_subpass (QFV_iqmDepth, ictx->depth, rFrame);
iqm_begin_subpass (QFV_iqmGBuffer, ictx->gbuf, rFrame);
@ -233,8 +243,69 @@ Vulkan_IQMEnd (qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
iqmctx_t *ictx = ctx->iqm_context;
iqm_frame_t *aframe = &ictx->frames.a[ctx->curFrame];
alias_end_subpass (aframe->cmdSet.a[QFV_iqmDepth], ctx);
alias_end_subpass (aframe->cmdSet.a[QFV_iqmGBuffer], ctx);
iqm_end_subpass (aframe->cmdSet.a[QFV_iqmDepth], ctx);
iqm_end_subpass (aframe->cmdSet.a[QFV_iqmGBuffer], ctx);
static VkWriteDescriptorSet base_buffer_write = {
0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0
Vulkan_IQMAddBones (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, iqm_t *iqm)
qfvPushDebug (ctx, "Vulkan_IQMAddBones");
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
iqmctx_t *ictx = ctx->iqm_context;
__auto_type mesh = (qfv_iqm_t *) iqm->extra_data;
int num_sets = ictx->frames.size;
//FIXME kinda dumb
__auto_type layouts = QFV_AllocDescriptorSetLayoutSet (num_sets, alloca);
for (size_t i = 0; i < layouts->size; i++) {
layouts->a[i] = ictx->bones_setLayout;
__auto_type sets = QFV_AllocateDescriptorSet (device, ictx->bones_pool,
for (size_t i = 0; i < sets->size; i++) {
mesh->bones_descriptors[i] = sets->a[i];
free (sets);
VkDescriptorBufferInfo bufferInfo[num_sets];
size_t bones_size = iqm->num_joints * 3 * sizeof (vec4f_t);
for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; i++) {
bufferInfo[i].buffer = mesh->bones_buffer;
bufferInfo[i].offset = i * bones_size;
bufferInfo[i].range = bones_size;
VkWriteDescriptorSet write[num_sets];
for (int i = 0; i < num_sets; i++) {
write[i] = base_buffer_write;
write[i].dstSet = mesh->bones_descriptors[i];
write[i].pBufferInfo = &bufferInfo[i];
dfunc->vkUpdateDescriptorSets (device->dev, num_sets, write, 0, 0);
qfvPopDebug (ctx);
Vulkan_IQMRemoveBones (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, iqm_t *iqm)
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
iqmctx_t *ictx = ctx->iqm_context;
__auto_type mesh = (qfv_iqm_t *) iqm->extra_data;
int num_sets = ictx->frames.size;
dfunc->vkFreeDescriptorSets (device->dev, ictx->bones_pool, num_sets,
@ -267,11 +338,14 @@ Vulkan_IQM_Init (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
DARRAY_RESIZE (&ictx->frames, frames);
ictx->frames.grow = 0;
ictx->depth = Vulkan_CreateGraphicsPipeline (ctx, "alias_depth");
ictx->gbuf = Vulkan_CreateGraphicsPipeline (ctx, "alias_gbuf");
ictx->layout = Vulkan_CreatePipelineLayout (ctx, "alias_layout");
ictx->depth = Vulkan_CreateGraphicsPipeline (ctx, "iqm_depth");
ictx->gbuf = Vulkan_CreateGraphicsPipeline (ctx, "iqm_gbuf");
ictx->layout = Vulkan_CreatePipelineLayout (ctx, "iqm_layout");
ictx->sampler = Vulkan_CreateSampler (ctx, "alias_sampler");
ictx->bones_pool = Vulkan_CreateDescriptorPool (ctx, "bone_pool");
ictx->bones_setLayout = Vulkan_CreateDescriptorSetLayout (ctx, "bone_set");
for (size_t i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
__auto_type aframe = &ictx->frames.a[i];
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_vid.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_alias.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_bsp.h"
//#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_iqm.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_iqm.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_lighting.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_lightmap.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/qf_main.h"
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Vulkan_RenderEntities (entqueue_t *queue, qfv_renderframe_t *rFrame)
} while (0)
RE_LOOP (alias, Alias);
//RE_LOOP (iqm, IQM);
RE_LOOP (iqm, IQM);
RE_LOOP (sprite, Sprite);
Reference in a new issue