diff --git a/include/r_cvar.h b/include/r_cvar.h
index 47e7a45ca..5eac14db5 100644
--- a/include/r_cvar.h
+++ b/include/r_cvar.h
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ extern struct cvar_s	 *gl_tessellate;
 extern struct cvar_s     *gl_texsort;
 extern struct cvar_s	 *gl_textures_bgra;
 extern struct cvar_s     *gl_triplebuffer;
+extern struct cvar_s     *gl_viewmodel_hack;
 extern struct cvar_s     *r_aliasstats;
 extern struct cvar_s     *r_aliastransadj;
diff --git a/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_mod_alias.c b/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_mod_alias.c
index 4900fa3ac..c9e58b096 100644
--- a/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_mod_alias.c
+++ b/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_mod_alias.c
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@ static __attribute__ ((unused)) const char rcsid[] =
 #include "r_dynamic.h"
 #include "r_local.h"
 #include "view.h"
+#include "varrays.h"
 typedef struct {
-	vec3_t		vert;
-	vec3_t		normal;
+	vec3_t      normal;
+	vec3_t      vert;
 } blended_vert_t;
 typedef struct {
@@ -100,13 +101,11 @@ GL_DrawAliasFrameTri (vert_order_t *vo)
 	qfglBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);
 	do {
-		// texture coordinates come from the draw list
 		qfglTexCoord2fv (tex_coord->st);
-		tex_coord++;
-		// normals and vertices come from the frame list
 		qfglNormal3fv (verts->normal);
 		qfglVertex3fv (verts->vert);
+		tex_coord++;
 	} while (count--);
 	qfglEnd ();
@@ -537,19 +536,30 @@ R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e)
 		for (l = r_dlights, lnum = 0; lnum < r_maxdlights; lnum++, l++) {
 			if (l->die >= r_realtime) {
-				VectorSubtract (l->origin, e->origin, dist);
-				if ((d = DotProduct (dist, dist)) >
-					((l->radius + radius) * (l->radius + radius))) {
-					continue;								// Out of range
+				// Argh, hax
+				if (e == r_view_model) {
+					VectorSubtract (l->origin, r_refdef.vieworg, dist);
+					if ((d = DotProduct (dist, dist)) > 
+						((l->radius + 32) * (l->radius + 32))) {
+						continue;
+					}
+				} else {
+					VectorSubtract (l->origin, e->origin, dist);
+					if ((d = DotProduct (dist, dist)) > 
+						((l->radius + radius) * (l->radius + radius))) {
+						continue;					// Out of range
+					}
-				if (d < (radius * radius * 0.25)) {			// Inside the model
-					VectorMultAdd (emission, 1.5, l->color, emission);
+				if (d < 512) { // Argh, more hax
+					VectorMultAdd (emission, 2.0, l->color, emission);
 				if (used_lights >= gl_max_lights) { // too many, use emission
-					VectorMultAdd (emission,
-								   1.5 * (1 - (d / (l->radius * l->radius))),
-								   l->color, emission);
+					VectorMultAdd (emission, 2.0 * (1 - (d / (l->radius * l->radius))),
+								 l->color, emission);
@@ -564,19 +574,20 @@ R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e)
 				qfglLightfv (gl_light, GL_AMBIENT, color);
 				qfglLightfv (gl_light, GL_DIFFUSE, color);
 				qfglLightfv (gl_light, GL_SPECULAR, color);
-				qfglLightf (gl_light, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION,
-							5.0 / (l->radius * l->radius));
+				qfglLightf (gl_light, GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, 2 / (l->radius * l->radius));
+				qfglLightf (gl_light, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 100 / l->radius);
 		VectorAdd (ambientcolor, emission, emission);
 		d = max (emission[0], max (emission[1], emission[2]));
-		if (d > 1.0) {
-			VectorScale (emission, 1.0 / d, emission);
-		} else if (d < model->min_light && !used_lights) {
-			ambientcolor[2] = ambientcolor[1] =
-				ambientcolor[0] = model->min_light;
+		if (d > 1.3) {
+			VectorScale (emission, 1.3 / d, emission);
+		} else if ((d = model->min_light - d) > 0) {
+			emission[0] += d;
+			emission[1] += d;
+			emission[2] += d;
 		qfglMaterialfv (GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, emission);
@@ -701,8 +712,9 @@ R_DrawAliasModel (entity_t *e)
 		if (!tess)
 			qfglDisable (GL_NORMALIZE);
-		qfglDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
 		qfglDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+		qfglDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
 		qfglDepthMask (GL_FALSE);
 		if (modelalpha < 1.0) {
diff --git a/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_rmain.c b/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_rmain.c
index 1d2e01bb9..3bb831074 100644
--- a/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_rmain.c
+++ b/libs/video/renderer/gl/gl_rmain.c
@@ -333,11 +333,16 @@ R_DrawViewModel (void)
 		|| !currententity->model)
-	// hack the depth range to prevent view model from poking into walls
-	qfglDepthRange (gldepthmin, gldepthmin + 0.3 * (gldepthmax - gldepthmin));
-	qfglEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
-	qfglEnable (GL_LIGHTING);
-	qfglEnable (GL_NORMALIZE);
+	switch (gl_viewmodel_hack->int_val) {
+		case 1: // sometimes buggy
+			qfglDepthRange (gldepthmin, gldepthmin + 0.3 * (gldepthmax - gldepthmin));
+			break;
+		case 2: // sometimes slow
+			qfglClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
+			break;
+	}
 	if (gl_affinemodels->int_val)
 	if (gl_mtex_active_tmus >= 2) {
@@ -524,7 +529,6 @@ R_SetupGL (void)
 	qfglGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, r_world_matrix);
 	// set drawing parms
-//	qfglEnable (GL_CULL_FACE);
 	qfglDisable (GL_ALPHA_TEST);
 	qfglAlphaFunc (GL_GREATER, 0.5);
 	qfglEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
@@ -658,10 +662,10 @@ R_RenderView_ (void)
 	// render normal view
 	R_RenderScene ();
-	R_DrawViewModel ();
 	R_DrawWaterSurfaces ();
 	R_DrawParticles ();
+	R_DrawViewModel ();
 	// render mirror view
 	R_Mirror ();
diff --git a/libs/video/targets/vid_common_gl.c b/libs/video/targets/vid_common_gl.c
index beef73079..38d13786c 100644
--- a/libs/video/targets/vid_common_gl.c
+++ b/libs/video/targets/vid_common_gl.c
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ cvar_t      *gl_multitexture;
 cvar_t		*gl_tessellate;
 cvar_t		*gl_textures_bgra;
 cvar_t      *gl_vaelements_max;
+cvar_t      *gl_viewmodel_hack;
 cvar_t      *gl_screenshot_byte_swap;
 cvar_t      *vid_mode;
 cvar_t      *vid_use8bit;
@@ -275,6 +276,13 @@ GL_Common_Init_Cvars (void)
 								  "Limit the vertex array size for buggy "
 								  "drivers. 0 (default) uses driver provided "
 								  "limit, -1 disables use of vertex arrays.");
+	gl_viewmodel_hack = Cvar_Get ("gl_viewmodel_hack", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, NULL,
+								"Depth buffer kludge to get weapon model to draw "
+								"on top. 0 - don't kludge, weapon pokes through "
+								"walls. 1 - fast method, some buggy drivers don't "
+								"like it. 2 - slow method, should work with all "
+								"drivers");
 static void
@@ -445,7 +453,7 @@ CheckLights (void)
 	for (i = 0; i < gl_max_lights; i++) {
 		qfglEnable (GL_LIGHT0 + i);
-		qfglLightf (GL_LIGHT0 + i, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.25);
+		qfglLightf (GL_LIGHT0 + i, GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, 0.5);
 		qfglDisable (GL_LIGHT0 + i);