mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 01:11:45 +00:00
[vulkan] Try to create render passes and pipelines
The render passes seem to be created successfully, but pipelines fail due to not having layout set, resulting in a segfault (bug in validation layers?).
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 416 additions and 24 deletions
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ typedef struct qfv_dependencyinfo_s {
} qfv_dependencyinfo_t;
typedef struct qfv_attachmentinfo_s {
vec4f_t color;
const char *name;
VkAttachmentDescriptionFlags flags;
VkFormat format;
@ -83,6 +82,7 @@ typedef struct qfv_taskinfo_s {
typedef struct qfv_attachmentrefinfo_s {
const char *name;
int line;
VkImageLayout layout;
VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState blend;
} qfv_attachmentrefinfo_t;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ typedef struct qfv_attachmentsetinfo_s {
qfv_attachmentrefinfo_t *resolve;
qfv_attachmentrefinfo_t *depth;
uint32_t num_preserve;
const char **preserve;
qfv_reference_t *preserve;
} qfv_attachmentsetinfo_t;
typedef struct qfv_pipelineinfo_s {
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ typedef struct qfv_framebufferinfo_s {
} qfv_framebufferinfo_t;
typedef struct qfv_renderpassinfo_s {
vec4f_t color;
const char *name;
uint32_t num_attachments;
qfv_attachmentinfo_t *attachments;
@ -182,13 +183,16 @@ typedef struct qfv_pipeline_s {
uint32_t num_descriptor_sets;
uint32_t first_descriptor_set;
VkDescriptorSet *descriptor_sets;
uint32_t task_count;
qfv_taskinfo_t *tasks;
} qfv_pipeline_t;
typedef struct qfv_subpass_s_ {
qfv_label_t label;
VkCommandBufferBeginInfo beginInfo;
VkCommandBuffer cmd;
uint32_t pipline_count;
uint32_t pipeline_count;
qfv_pipeline_t *pipelines;
} qfv_subpass_t_;
@ -214,6 +218,11 @@ typedef struct qfv_render_s {
struct qfv_resource_s *resources;
struct qfv_resobj_s *images;
struct qfv_resobj_s *image_views;
VkRenderPass *renderpass_res;
VkPipeline *pipelines;
uint32_t num_renderpasses;
qfv_renderpass_t_ *renderpasses;
} qfv_render_t;
typedef struct qfv_renderctx_s {
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
#include "QF/cmem.h"
#include "QF/hash.h"
#include "QF/va.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/command.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/debug.h"
#include "QF/Vulkan/device.h"
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ run_subpass (qfv_subpass_t_ *sp, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
QFV_duCmdBeginLabel (device, cmd, sp->label.name,
{VEC4_EXP (sp->label.color)});
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sp->pipline_count; i++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sp->pipeline_count; i++) {
__auto_type pipeline = &sp->pipelines[i];
run_pipeline (pipeline, cmd, ctx);
@ -167,17 +168,8 @@ typedef struct {
uint32_t num_colorblend;
uint32_t num_preserve;
uint32_t num_pipelines;
uint32_t num_tasks;
uint32_t num_stages;
} objcount_t;
static void
count_pl_stuff (qfv_pipelineinfo_t *pli, objcount_t *counts)
counts->num_tasks += pli->num_tasks;
counts->num_stages += pli->num_graph_stages;
static void
count_as_stuff (qfv_attachmentsetinfo_t *as, objcount_t *counts)
@ -201,9 +193,6 @@ count_sp_stuff (qfv_subpassinfo_t *spi, objcount_t *counts)
count_as_stuff (spi->attachments, counts);
counts->num_pipelines += spi->num_pipelines;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < spi->num_pipelines; i++) {
count_pl_stuff (spi->pipelines, counts);
static void
@ -309,6 +298,396 @@ create_resources (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, objcount_t *counts)
QFV_CreateResource (ctx->device, render->resources);
static uint32_t __attribute__((pure))
find_subpass (qfv_dependencyinfo_t *d, uint32_t spind,
qfv_subpassinfo_t *subpasses)
if (strcmp (d->name, "$external") == 0) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= spind; i++) {
__auto_type s = &subpasses[i];
if (strcmp (d->name, s->name) == 0) {
return i;
Sys_Error ("invalid dependency: [%d] %s", spind, d->name);
static void
init_plCreate (VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo *plc, const qfv_pipelineinfo_t *pli)
if (pli->num_graph_stages) {
plc->stageCount = pli->num_graph_stages;
if (pli->graph_stages) {
plc->pStages = pli->graph_stages;
if (pli->vertexInput) {
plc->pVertexInputState = pli->vertexInput;
if (pli->inputAssembly) {
plc->pInputAssemblyState = pli->inputAssembly;
if (pli->tessellation) {
plc->pTessellationState = pli->tessellation;
if (pli->viewport) {
plc->pViewportState = pli->viewport;
if (pli->rasterization) {
plc->pRasterizationState = pli->rasterization;
if (pli->multisample) {
plc->pMultisampleState = pli->multisample;
if (pli->depthStencil) {
plc->pDepthStencilState = pli->depthStencil;
if (pli->colorBlend) {
VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo *cb;
cb = (VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo *) plc->pColorBlendState;
*cb = *pli->colorBlend;
if (pli->dynamic) {
plc->pDynamicState = pli->dynamic;
if (pli->layout.name) {
//plc->layout = find_layout (&pli->layoyout);
typedef struct {
VkRenderPassCreateInfo *rpCreate;
VkAttachmentDescription *attach;
VkClearValue *clear;
VkSubpassDescription *subpass;
VkSubpassDependency *depend;
VkAttachmentReference *attachref;
VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState *cbAttach;
uint32_t *preserve;
VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo *plCreate;
VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo *cbState;
} objptr_t;
typedef struct {
objcount_t inds;
objptr_t ptr;
qfv_renderpassinfo_t *rpi;
VkRenderPassCreateInfo *rpc;
qfv_subpassinfo_t *spi;
VkSubpassDescription *spc;
qfv_pipelineinfo_t *pli;
VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo *plc;
} objstate_t;
static uint32_t __attribute__((pure))
find_attachment (qfv_reference_t *ref, objstate_t *s)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->rpi->num_attachments; i++) {
__auto_type a = &s->rpi->attachments[i];
if (strcmp (ref->name, a->name) == 0) {
return i;
Sys_Error ("%s.%s:%d: invalid attachment: %s",
s->rpi->name, s->spi->name, ref->line, ref->name);
static void
init_arCreate (const qfv_attachmentrefinfo_t *ari, objstate_t *s)
__auto_type arc = &s->ptr.attachref[s->inds.num_attachmentrefs];
qfv_reference_t ref = {
.name = ari->name,
.line = ari->line,
*arc = (VkAttachmentReference) {
.attachment = find_attachment (&ref, s),
.layout = ari->layout,
static void
init_cbCreate (const qfv_attachmentrefinfo_t *ari, objstate_t *s)
__auto_type cbc = &s->ptr.cbAttach[s->inds.num_colorblend];
*cbc = ari->blend;
static void
init_spCreate (uint32_t index, qfv_subpassinfo_t *sub, objstate_t *s)
s->spi = &sub[index];
s->plc = &s->ptr.plCreate[s->inds.num_pipelines];
s->spc = &s->ptr.subpass[s->inds.num_subpasses];
*s->spc = (VkSubpassDescription) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->spi->num_dependencies; i++) {
__auto_type d = &s->spi->dependencies[i];
__auto_type dep = &s->ptr.depend[s->inds.num_dependencies++];
*dep = (VkSubpassDependency) {
.srcSubpass = find_subpass (d, index, s->rpi->subpasses),
.dstSubpass = index,
.srcStageMask = d->src.stage,
.dstStageMask = d->dst.stage,
.srcAccessMask = d->src.access,
.dstAccessMask = d->dst.access,
.dependencyFlags = d->flags,
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->spi->num_pipelines; i++) {
s->plc[i] = (VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo) {
.pColorBlendState = &s->ptr.cbState[s->inds.num_pipelines],
.subpass = index,
if (s->spi->base_pipeline) {
init_plCreate (&s->plc[i], s->spi->base_pipeline);
init_plCreate (&s->plc[i], &s->spi->pipelines[i]);
__auto_type att = s->spi->attachments;
if (!att) {
s->spc->inputAttachmentCount = att->num_input;
s->spc->pInputAttachments = &s->ptr.attachref[s->inds.num_attachmentrefs];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < att->num_input; i++) {
init_arCreate (&att->input[i], s);
s->spc->colorAttachmentCount = att->num_color;
s->spc->pColorAttachments = &s->ptr.attachref[s->inds.num_attachmentrefs];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < att->num_color; i++) {
init_arCreate (&att->color[i], s);
init_cbCreate (&att->color[i], s);
if (att->resolve) {
= &s->ptr.attachref[s->inds.num_attachmentrefs];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < att->num_color; i++) {
init_arCreate (&att->resolve[i], s);
if (att->depth) {
= &s->ptr.attachref[s->inds.num_attachmentrefs];
init_arCreate (att->depth, s);
s->spc->preserveAttachmentCount = att->num_preserve;
s->spc->pPreserveAttachments = &s->ptr.preserve[s->inds.num_preserve];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < att->num_preserve; i++) {
= find_attachment (&att->preserve[i], s);
static void
init_atCreate (uint32_t index, qfv_attachmentinfo_t *attachments, objstate_t *s)
__auto_type ati = &attachments[index];
__auto_type atc = &s->ptr.attach[s->inds.num_attachments];
__auto_type cvc = &s->ptr.clear[s->inds.num_attachments];
*atc = (VkAttachmentDescription) {
.flags = ati->flags,
.format = ati->format,
.samples = ati->samples,
.loadOp = ati->loadOp,
.storeOp = ati->storeOp,
.stencilLoadOp = ati->stencilLoadOp,
.stencilStoreOp = ati->stencilStoreOp,
.initialLayout = ati->initialLayout,
.finalLayout = ati->finalLayout,
*cvc = ati->clearValue;
static void
init_rpCreate (uint32_t index, const qfv_renderinfo_t *rinfo, objstate_t *s)
s->rpi = &rinfo->renderpasses[index];
s->rpc = &s->ptr.rpCreate[s->inds.num_renderpasses];
__auto_type attachments = &s->ptr.attach[s->inds.num_attachments];
__auto_type subpasses = &s->ptr.subpass[s->inds.num_subpasses];
__auto_type dependencies = &s->ptr.depend[s->inds.num_dependencies];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->rpi->num_attachments; i++) {
init_atCreate (i, s->rpi->attachments, s);
uint32_t num_dependencies = s->inds.num_dependencies;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < s->rpi->num_subpasses; i++) {
init_spCreate (i, s->rpi->subpasses, s);
num_dependencies = s->inds.num_dependencies - num_dependencies;
*s->rpc = (VkRenderPassCreateInfo) {
.attachmentCount = s->rpi->num_attachments,
.pAttachments = attachments,
.subpassCount = s->rpi->num_subpasses,
.pSubpasses = subpasses,
.dependencyCount = num_dependencies,
.pDependencies = dependencies,
static void
create_renderpasses (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, objcount_t *counts)
__auto_type rctx = ctx->render_context;
__auto_type rinfo = rctx->renderinfo;
size_t size = 0;
#if 0
size += counts->num_renderpasses * sizeof (VkRenderPass);
size += counts->num_pipelines * sizeof (VkPipeline);
__auto_type rp = (VkRenderPass *) malloc (size);
__auto_type pl = (VkPipeline *) &rp[counts->num_renderpasses];
size = 0;
size += counts->num_renderpasses * sizeof (VkRenderPassCreateInfo);
size += counts->num_attachments * sizeof (VkAttachmentDescription);
size += counts->num_attachments * sizeof (VkClearValue);
size += counts->num_subpasses * sizeof (VkSubpassDescription);
size += counts->num_dependencies * sizeof (VkSubpassDependency);
size += counts->num_attachmentrefs * sizeof (VkAttachmentReference);
size += counts->num_colorblend*sizeof (VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState);
size += counts->num_preserve * sizeof (uint32_t);
size += counts->num_pipelines * sizeof (VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo);
size += counts->num_pipelines *sizeof (VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo);
objstate_t s = {
.ptr = {
.rpCreate = alloca (size),
.attach = (void *) &s.ptr.rpCreate [counts->num_renderpasses],
.clear = (void *) &s.ptr.attach [counts->num_attachments],
.subpass = (void *) &s.ptr.clear [counts->num_attachments],
.depend = (void *) &s.ptr.subpass [counts->num_subpasses],
.attachref = (void *) &s.ptr.depend [counts->num_dependencies],
.cbAttach = (void *) &s.ptr.attachref[counts->num_attachmentrefs],
.preserve = (void *) &s.ptr.cbAttach [counts->num_colorblend],
.plCreate = (void *) &s.ptr.preserve [counts->num_preserve],
.cbState = (void *) &s.ptr.plCreate [counts->num_pipelines],
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rinfo->num_renderpasses; i++) {
init_rpCreate (i, rinfo, &s);
if (s.inds.num_renderpasses != counts->num_renderpasses
|| s.inds.num_attachments != counts->num_attachments
|| s.inds.num_subpasses != counts->num_subpasses
|| s.inds.num_dependencies != counts->num_dependencies
|| s.inds.num_attachmentrefs != counts->num_attachmentrefs
|| s.inds.num_colorblend != counts->num_colorblend
|| s.inds.num_preserve != counts->num_preserve
|| s.inds.num_pipelines != counts->num_pipelines) {
Sys_Error ("create_renderpasses: something was missed");
#if 0
qfv_device_t *device = ctx->device;
qfv_devfuncs_t *dfunc = device->funcs;
uint32_t plInd = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rinfo->num_renderpasses; i++) {
dfunc->vkCreateRenderPass (device->dev, &s.ptr.rpCreate[i], 0, &rp[i]);
__auto_type rpi = &rinfo->renderpasses[i];
QFV_duSetObjectName (device, VK_OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_PASS, rp[i],
va (ctx->va_ctx, "renderpass:%s", rpi->name));
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < rpi->num_subpasses; j++) {
__auto_type spi = &rpi->subpasses[j];
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < spi->num_pipelines; k++) {
s.ptr.plCreate[plInd++].renderPass = rp[i];
dfunc->vkCreateGraphicsPipelines (device->dev, 0, 1,
s.ptr.plCreate, 0, pl);
static void
init_pipeline (qfv_pipeline_t *pl, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, qfv_pipelineinfo_t *ipl,
objcount_t *inds)
pl->label.name = ipl->name;
pl->label.color = ipl->color;
pl->task_count = ipl->num_tasks;
pl->tasks = ipl->tasks;
static void
init_subpass (qfv_subpass_t_ *sp, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, qfv_subpassinfo_t *isp,
qfv_pipeline_t *pl, objcount_t *inds)
sp->label.name = isp->name;
sp->label.color = isp->color;
sp->pipeline_count = isp->num_pipelines;
sp->pipelines = &pl[inds->num_pipelines];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < isp->num_pipelines; i++) {
init_pipeline (&sp->pipelines[i], ctx, &isp->pipelines[i], inds);
static void
init_renderpass (qfv_renderpass_t_ *rp, vulkan_ctx_t *ctx,
qfv_renderpassinfo_t *irp,
qfv_subpass_t_ *sp, qfv_pipeline_t *pl, objcount_t *inds)
rp->vulkan_ctx = ctx;
rp->label.name = irp->name;
rp->label.color = irp->color;
rp->subpass_count = irp->num_subpasses;
rp->subpasses = &sp[inds->num_subpasses];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < irp->num_subpasses; i++) {
init_subpass (&rp->subpasses[i], ctx, &irp->subpasses[i], pl, inds);
static void
init_render (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx, objcount_t *counts)
__auto_type rctx = ctx->render_context;
__auto_type rinfo = rctx->renderinfo;
__auto_type render = rctx->render;
size_t size = 0;
size += counts->num_renderpasses * sizeof (qfv_renderpass_t_);
size += counts->num_subpasses * sizeof (qfv_subpass_t_);
size += counts->num_pipelines * sizeof (qfv_pipeline_t);
__auto_type rp = (qfv_renderpass_t_ *) calloc (1, size);
__auto_type sp = (qfv_subpass_t_ *) &rp[counts->num_renderpasses];
__auto_type pl = (qfv_pipeline_t *) &sp[counts->num_subpasses];
objcount_t inds = {};
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rinfo->num_renderpasses; i++) {
init_renderpass (&rp[i], ctx, &rinfo->renderpasses[i], sp, pl, &inds);
render->renderpasses = rp;
QFV_BuildRender (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
@ -319,6 +698,8 @@ QFV_BuildRender (vulkan_ctx_t *ctx)
objcount_t counts = {};
count_stuff (rctx->renderinfo, &counts);
create_resources (ctx, &counts);
create_renderpasses (ctx, &counts);
init_render (ctx, &counts);
@ -586,7 +586,6 @@ renderpasses = {
@inherit = $attachment_base;
format = $images.color.format;
loadOp = clear;
finalLayout = depth_stencil_attachment_optimal;
emission = {
@inherit = $attachment_base;
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ vkstrdup (parsectx_t *context, const char *str)
return dup;
static parse_string_t parse_string_array = { 0 };
static __attribute__((used)) parse_string_t parse_string_array = { 0 };
static int
parse_string (const plfield_t *field, const plitem_t *item,
@ -440,11 +440,14 @@
.type = (QFString, QFDictionary);
.string = {
name = $name;
line = $item.line;
layout = $auto;
.dictionary = {
.parse = auto;
name = $name;
line = $item.line;
layout = auto;
blend = auto;
@ -471,12 +474,7 @@
value = depth;
preserve = {
type = (array, {
parse_type = QFString;
type = "char *";
parser = parse_string;
data = parse_string_array;
type = (array, qfv_reference_t);
size = num_preserve;
values = preserve;
@ -589,6 +587,11 @@
qfv_renderpassinfo_s = {
.name = qfv_renderpassinfo_t;
name = {
type = string;
string = name;
color = auto;
attachments = {
type = (labeledarray, qfv_attachmentinfo_t, name);
size = num_attachments;
Reference in a new issue