mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 01:11:38 +00:00
working on scripted menus; video works
dealloc -> release This is an imperfect revision of history.
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 455 additions and 78 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- (void) dealloc
[picture dealloc];
[picture release];
[super dealloc];
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ integer HUDHandleClass;
- (void) dealloc
[origin dealloc];
[origin release];
[super dealloc];
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ integer HUDHandleClass;
- (void) dealloc
[picture dealloc];
[picture release];
[super dealloc];
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ integer HUDHandleClass;
- (void) setFile: (string) _file
[picture dealloc];
[picture release];
picture = [[QPic alloc] initName :_file];
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ integer HUDHandleClass;
- (void) dealloc
[frames dealloc];
[frames release];
[super dealloc];
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GZ=
STRIP=$(shell echo `echo -n $(srcdir)/ | sed -e 's/[^/]//g' | wc -c`)
menu_data=menu.dat$(GZ) menu.plist
@ -46,5 +46,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST= $(menu_src) \
Frame.h HUD.h \
client_menu.h controls_o.h \
menu.h options.h \
options_util.h servlist.h
options_util.h servlist.h \
CLEANFILES= *.dat *.sym *.gz *.qfo
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
video_options = {
Class = MenuGroup;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(addViews:, $views),
(setBase:, 4)
rect = "[0, 0, 320, 200]";
views = (
Class = Pic;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setPic:, "\"gfx/qplaque.lmp\"")
rect = "[16, 4, 0, 0]";
Class = CenterPic;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setPic:, "\"gfx/p_option.lmp\"")
rect = "[160, 4, 0, 0]";
Class = Text;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setText:, "\"Video\"")
rect = "[54, 40, 40, 8]";
Class = Text;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setText:, "\"-----\"")
rect = "[54, 50, 40, 8]";
Class = CvarToggleView;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:title::, $rect, "\"Fullscreen\"", $toggle)
rect = "[70, 60, 224, 8]";
toggle = {
Class = CvarToggle;
Messages = (
(initWithCvar:, "\"vid_fullscreen\"")
Class = Text;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:, $rect),
(setText:, "\"Crosshair\"")
rect = "[70, 70, 224, 8]";
Class = CrosshairView;
crosshair = {
Class = CrosshairCvar;
Messages = (
(initWithCvar:, "\"crosshair\"")
rect = "[256, 67, 14, 14]";
Messages = (
(initWithBounds::, $rect, $crosshair)
Class = CvarToggleView;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:title::, $rect, "\"Show FPS\"", $toggle)
rect = "[70, 80, 224, 8]";
toggle = {
Class = CvarToggle;
Messages = (
(initWithCvar:, "\"hud_fps\"")
Class = CvarToggleView;
Messages = (
(initWithBounds:title::, $rect, "\"Show time\"", $toggle)
rect = "[70, 90, 224, 8]";
toggle = {
Class = CvarToggle;
Messages = (
(initWithCvar:, "\"hud_time\"")
Class = CvarRangeView;
Messages = (
$rect, "\"Gamma\"", 136, $range)
rect = "[70, 100, 224, 8]";
range = {
Class = CvarRange;
Messages = (
"\"vid_gamma\"", 0.4, 3.0, 0.1)
Class = CvarRangeView;
Messages = (
$rect, "\"Viewsize\"", 112, $range)
rect = "[70, 110, 224, 8]";
range = {
Class = CvarRange;
Messages = (
"\"viewsize\"", 30.0, 120.0, 10.0)
@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
#include "key.h"
#include "controls_o.h"
#include "options_util.h"
#include "qfs.h"
#include "PropertyList.h"
#include "gui/InputLine.h"
#include "gui/Pic.h"
@ -155,10 +158,132 @@ DRAW_video_options =
[video_options setBasePos:x y:y];
[video_options draw];
opt_cursor (x + 62, y + (Menu_GetIndex () * 10) + 60);
return 1;
void dprint (string str) = #0;
integer (integer key, integer unicode, integer down)
KEY_video_options =
return [video_options keyEvent:key unicode:unicode down:down];
id object_from_plist (PLItem plist);
class_from_plist (PLDictionary pldict)
local @param [8]params;
local @va_list va_list = { 0, params };
local string classname, selname, paramstr;
local Class class;
local id obj;
local PLArray messages, msg;
local integer message_count, i, j;
local SEL sel;
local PLItem item;
classname = [(PLString) [pldict getObjectForKey:"Class"] string];
class = obj_lookup_class (classname);
if (!class) {
dprint ("could not find " + classname + "\n");
return NIL;
obj = [class alloc];
messages = (PLArray) [pldict getObjectForKey:"Messages"];
message_count = [messages count];
for (i = 0; i < message_count; i++) {
msg = (PLArray) [messages getObjectAtIndex:i];
selname = [(PLString) [msg getObjectAtIndex:0] string];
sel = sel_get_uid (selname);
va_list.count = [msg count] - 1;
for (j = 0; j < va_list.count; j++) {
paramstr = [(PLString) [msg getObjectAtIndex:j + 1] string];
switch (str_mid (paramstr, 0, 1)) {
case "\"":
va_list.list[j].string_val = str_mid (paramstr, 1, -1);
case "$":
item = [pldict getObjectForKey:str_mid (paramstr, 1)];
va_list.list[j].pointer_val = object_from_plist (item);
case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4":
case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9":
if (str_str (paramstr, "."))
va_list.list[j].float_val = stof (paramstr);
va_list.list[j].integer_val = stoi (paramstr);
obj_msg_sendv (obj, sel, va_list);
return obj;
array_from_plist (PLArray plarray)
local Array array;
local integer i, count;
array = [[Array alloc] init];
count = [plarray count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[array addItem: object_from_plist ([plarray getObjectAtIndex:i])];
return array;
string_from_plist (PLString plstring)
local string str = [plstring string];
local string tmp;
local integer xp, yp, xl, yl;
local PLItem item;
if (str_mid (str, 0, 1) == "[") {
tmp = "(" + str_mid (str, 1, -1) + ")";
item = [PLItem newFromString:tmp];
xp = stoi ([(PLString) [item getObjectAtIndex:0] string]);
yp = stoi ([(PLString) [item getObjectAtIndex:1] string]);
xl = stoi ([(PLString) [item getObjectAtIndex:2] string]);
yl = stoi ([(PLString) [item getObjectAtIndex:3] string]);
return [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:xp :yp :xl :yl];
return NIL;
object_from_plist (PLItem plist)
switch ([plist type]) {
case QFDictionary:
return class_from_plist ((PLDictionary) plist);
case QFArray:
return array_from_plist ((PLArray) plist);
case QFBinary:
return NIL;
case QFString:
return string_from_plist ((PLString) plist);
PLItem read_plist (void)
local string plist_data, l;
local QFile file;
file = QFS_OpenFile ("menu.plist");
plist_data = "";
while ((l = Qgetline (file)))
plist_data += l;
Qclose (file);
return [PLItem newFromString:plist_data];
@ -167,74 +292,17 @@ DRAW_video_options =
void ()
MENU_video_options =
local integer bar_pad;
local Rect rect, r;
local id view;
local PLItem plist;
Menu_Begin (54, 50, "Video");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
Menu_Draw (DRAW_video_options);
Menu_KeyEvent (KEY_video_options);
video_options = [[Group alloc] initWithComponents:0 :0 :320 :200];
plist = read_plist ();
view = [[Pic alloc] initWithComponents:16 :4 :0 :0];
[view setPic:"gfx/qplaque.lmp"];
[video_options addView:view];
video_options = object_from_plist ([plist getObjectForKey:"video_options"]);
view = [[CenterPic alloc] initWithComponents:160 :4 :0 :0];
[view setPic:"gfx/p_option.lmp"];
[video_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:54 :40 :40 :8];
[view setText:"Video"];
[video_options addView:view];
view = [[Text alloc] initWithComponents:54 :50 :40 :8];
[view setText:"-----"];
[video_options addView:view];
rect = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:70 :60 :224 :8];
fullscreen_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Fullscreen" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"vid_fullscreen"]];
[video_options addView:fullscreen_view];
rect.origin.y += 10;
view = [[Text alloc] initWithBounds:rect];
[view setText:"Crosshair"];
[video_options addView:view];
r = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents: 0 :rect.origin.y - 3 :14 :14];
r.origin.x = rect.origin.x + rect.size.width - 24 - r.size.width;
crosshair_view = [[CrosshairView alloc] initWithBounds:r :[[CrosshairCvar alloc] initWithCvar:"crosshair"]];
[r dealloc];
[video_options addView:crosshair_view];
rect.origin.y += 10;
fps_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Show FPS" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"hud_fps"]];
[video_options addView:fps_view];
rect.origin.y += 10;
time_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Show time" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"hud_time"]];
[video_options addView:time_view];
rect.origin.y += 10;
gamma_view = [[CvarRangeView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Gamma:" sliderWidth:17 * 8 :[[CvarRange alloc] initWithCvar:"vid_gamma" min:MIN_GAMMA max:MAX_GAMMA step:GAMMA_STEP]];
[video_options addView:gamma_view];
rect.origin.y += 10;
viewsize_view = [[CvarRangeView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Viewsize:" sliderWidth:14 * 8 :[[CvarRange alloc] initWithCvar:"viewsize" min:MIN_VIEWSIZE max:MAX_VIEWSIZE step:VIEWSIZE_STEP]];
[video_options addView:viewsize_view];
[rect dealloc];
Menu_Item (54, 60, "fullscreen", CB_video_options, 0);
Menu_Item (54, 70, "crosshair", CB_video_options, 0);
Menu_Item (54, 80, "fps", CB_video_options, 0);
Menu_Item (54, 80, "time", CB_video_options, 0);
bar_pad = 90;
Menu_Item (54, bar_pad + 10, "gamma", CB_video_options, 1);
Menu_Item (54, bar_pad + 20, "viewsize", CB_video_options, 1);
Menu_End ();
@ -326,7 +394,7 @@ MENU_audio_options =
bgmvolume_view = [[CvarRangeView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Music :" sliderWidth:14 * 8 :[[CvarRange alloc] initWithCvar:"bgmvolume" min:MIN_VOLUME max:MAX_VOLUME step:VOLUME_STEP]];
[audio_options addView:bgmvolume_view];
[rect dealloc];
[rect release];
bar_pad = 0;
Menu_Item (54, bar_pad + 10, "volume", CB_audio_options, 1);
@ -461,7 +529,7 @@ MENU_control_options =
lookstrafe_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Lookstrafe" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"lookstrafe"]];
[control_options addView:lookstrafe_view];
[rect dealloc];
[rect release];
MENU_control_binding ();
@ -559,7 +627,7 @@ MENU_feature_options =
fraglog_view = [[CvarToggleView alloc] initWithBounds:rect title:"Frag Logging" :[[CvarToggle alloc] initWithCvar:"cl_fraglog"]];
[feature_options addView:fraglog_view];
[rect dealloc];
[rect release];
Menu_Item (54, 70, "cl_autorecord", CB_feature_options, 0);
Menu_Item (54, 80, "cl_fraglog", CB_feature_options, 0);
@ -766,7 +834,7 @@ MENU_player_options =
bottomcolor_view = [[CvarColorView alloc] initWithBounds:rect :[[CvarColor alloc] initWithCvar:"bottomcolor"]];
[player_options addView:bottomcolor_view];
[rect dealloc];
[rect release];
Menu_Begin (54, 80, "Player");
Menu_FadeScreen (1);
@ -6,6 +6,14 @@
@class Text;
@class Slider;
@interface MenuGroup : Group
integer base;
integer current;
@interface CvarObject : Object
string name;
@ -85,6 +93,13 @@
-(void) next;
@interface ProxyView : View
View view;
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(string)_title view:(View)aView;
@extern void (integer x, integer y) opt_cursor;
@extern void (integer x, integer y, integer spacing, string spacechar, string label, string valstr) draw_item;
@ -28,12 +28,72 @@
#include "draw.h"
#include "system.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "gui/Text.h"
#include "gui/Rect.h"
#include "gui/Slider.h"
#include "options_util.h"
@implementation MenuGroup
-(id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
current = base = 0;
if (b >= [views count])
b = [views count] - 1;
if (b < 0)
b = 0;
current = base = b;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
[self next];
return 1;
case QFK_UP:
[self prev];
return 1;
return [[views getItemAt:current]
-(void) next
if (++current >= [views count])
current = base;
-(void) prev
if (--current < base)
current = [views count] - 1;
- (void) draw
local View cur;
[super draw];
cur = (View) [views getItemAt:current];
opt_cursor (cur.xabs - 8, cur.yabs);
@implementation CvarObject
@ -137,6 +197,18 @@
[self update];
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self toggle];
return 1;
return 0;
@implementation CvarColor
@ -187,6 +259,20 @@
Draw_Fill (xabs + 8, yabs + 8, xl * 8, ylen - 16,
[color value] * 16 + 8);
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
case QFK_DOWN:
[self next];
return 1;
case QFK_UP:
[self prev];
return 1;
@implementation CvarRange
@ -280,6 +366,18 @@
[self update];
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self inc];
return 1;
case QFK_LEFT:
[self dec];
return 1;
@implementation CrosshairCvar
@ -317,6 +415,37 @@
Draw_Fill (xabs, yabs, xlen, ylen, 0);
Draw_Crosshair ([crosshair crosshair], xabs + xlen / 2, yabs + ylen / 2);
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
switch (key) {
[self next];
return 1;
return 0;
@implementation ProxyView
-(id)initWithBounds:(Rect)aRect title:(string)_title view:(View)aView
self = [super initWidthBounds:aRect text:_title];
if (!self)
return self;
view = aView;
return self;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
return [view keyEvent:key unicode:unicode down:down];
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- (void) dealloc
[views dealloc];
[views release];
[super dealloc];
@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
return aView;
- (id) addViews: (Array)viewlist
while ([viewlist count])
[self addView:[viewlist removeItemAt:0]];
return self;
- (void) moveTo: (integer)x y:(integer)y
[self setBasePos: x y:y];
@ -33,7 +40,7 @@
[super setBasePos:pos];
local Point point = [[Point alloc] initWithComponents:xabs :yabs];
[views makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector (setBasePos:) withObject:point];
[point dealloc];
[point release];
- (void) draw
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ string (inputline_t il) InputLine_GetText = #0;
yl = aRect.size.height;
r = [[Rect alloc] initWithComponents:xp :yp :xl :yl];
input_line = [[InputLine alloc] initWithBounds:r promptCharacter:char];
[r dealloc];
[r release];
return self;
@ -27,11 +27,22 @@
return [self initWithOrigin:aRect.origin size:aRect.size];
- (id) canFocus: (integer) cf
flags |= 1;
return self;
- (integer) canFocus
return flags & 1;
- (void) setBasePos: (integer) x y: (integer) y
local Point point = [[Point alloc] initWithComponents:x :y];
[self setBasePos:point];
[point dealloc];
[point release];
- (void) setBasePos: (Point)pos
@ -44,4 +55,9 @@
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down
return 0;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- (void) dealloc;
- (View) addView: (View)aView;
- (id) addViews: (Array)viewlist;
- (void) moveTo: (integer)x y:(integer)y;
- (void) setBasePos: (Point)pos;
- (void) draw;
@ -14,14 +14,19 @@
integer xlen, ylen;
integer xabs, yabs;
View parent;
integer flags;
- (id) initWithComponents: (integer)x : (integer)y : (integer)w : (integer)h;
- (id) initWithOrigin: (Point)anOrigin size: (Size)aSize;
- (id) initWithBounds: (Rect)aRect;
- (id) canFocus: (integer)cf;
- (integer) canFocus;
- (void) setBasePos: (integer)x y: (integer)y;
- (void) setBasePos: (Point)pos;
- (void) draw;
- (integer) keyEvent:(integer)key unicode:(integer)unicode down:(integer)down;
#endif //__ruamoko_gui_View_h
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
local integer i;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[array[i] dealloc];
[array[i] release];
obj_free (array);
[super dealloc];
Reference in a new issue