Clean up flow diagrams.

Now information like dags or live variables are dumped separately, and the
live variable information replaces the flow node in the diagram (like dags
have recently).
This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2012-11-30 16:52:22 +09:00
parent 93f53605ed
commit 71d1804e22
3 changed files with 159 additions and 98 deletions

View file

@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ void flow_del_graph (flowgraph_t *graph);
void flow_data_flow (flowgraph_t *graph);
struct sblock_s *flow_generate (flowgraph_t *graph);
void print_flowgraph (flowgraph_t *graph, const char *filename);
void dump_dot_flow (void *g, const char *filename);
void dump_dot_flow_dags (void *g, const char *filename);
void dump_dot_flow_live (void *g, const char *filename);

View file

@ -51,11 +51,131 @@
#include "statements.h"
#include "strpool.h"
typedef struct {
const char *type;
void (*print_node) (dstring_t *, flowgraph_t *, flownode_t *, int);
void (*print_edge) (dstring_t *, flowgraph_t *, flowedge_t *, int);
} flow_dot_t;
static void
print_flow_node (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flownode_t *node,
int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s\"fn_%p\" [label=\"%d (%d)\"];\n", indent, "",
node, node->id, node->dfn);
static void
print_flow_edge (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flowedge_t *edge,
int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
int edge_num = edge - graph->edges;
flownode_t *t, *h;
const char *style;
const char *dir;
int weight;
t = graph->nodes[edge->tail];
h = graph->nodes[edge->head];
if (t->dfn >= h->dfn) {
flownode_t *temp;
temp = h;
h = t;
t = temp;
dir = "dir=back,";
style = "dashed";
weight = 0;
} else if (set_is_member (graph->dfst, edge_num)) {
dir = "";
style = "bold";
weight = 10;
} else {
dir = "";
style = "solid";
weight = 0;
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s", indent, "");
dasprintf (dstr, "fn_%p -> ", t);
dasprintf (dstr, "fn_%p [%sstyle=%s,weight=%d", h, dir, style, weight);
dasprintf (dstr, "];\n");
static void
print_flow_node_dag (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flownode_t *node,
int level)
if (node->dag)
print_dag (dstr, node->dag, va ("%d (%d)", node->id, node->dfn));
print_flow_node (dstr, graph, node, level);
static void
print_flow_edge_dag (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flowedge_t *edge,
int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
int edge_num = edge - graph->edges;
flownode_t *t, *h;
const char *tpref;
const char *hpref;
const char *style;
const char *dir;
int weight;
t = graph->nodes[edge->tail];
h = graph->nodes[edge->head];
if (t->dfn >= h->dfn) {
flownode_t *temp;
temp = h;
h = t;
t = temp;
tpref = "enter";
hpref = "leave";
dir = "dir=back,";
style = "dashed";
weight = 0;
} else if (set_is_member (graph->dfst, edge_num)) {
tpref = "leave";
hpref = "enter";
dir = "";
style = "bold";
weight = 10;
} else {
tpref = "leave";
hpref = "enter";
dir = "";
style = "solid";
weight = 0;
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s", indent, "");
if (t->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, "dag_%s_%p -> ", tpref, t->dag);
dasprintf (dstr, "fn_%p -> ", t);
if (h->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, "dag_%s_%p [%sstyle=%s,weight=%d",
hpref, h->dag, dir, style, weight);
dasprintf (dstr, "fn_%p [%sstyle=%s,weight=%d",
h, dir, style, weight);
if (t->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, ",ltail=cluster_dag_%p", t->dag);
if (h->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, ",lhead=cluster_dag_%p", h->dag);
dasprintf (dstr, "];\n");
static void
print_flow_node_live (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flownode_t *node,
int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
set_iter_t *var_iter;
flowvar_t *var;
int live;
@ -63,21 +183,11 @@ print_flow_node (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flownode_t *node,
live = node->live_vars.out && !set_is_empty (node->live_vars.out);
if (live) {
dasprintf (dstr, "%*ssubgraph sub_%p {\n", indent, "", node);
//dasprintf (dstr, "%*s rank=same;\n", indent, "");
indent += 2;
if (node->dag) {
print_dag (dstr, node->dag, va ("%d (%d)", node->id, node->dfn));
} else {
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s\"fn_%p\" [label=\"%d (%d)\"];\n", indent, "",
node, node->id, node->dfn);
if (live) {
dasprintf (dstr, "%*slv_%p [shape=none,label=<\n", indent, "", node);
dasprintf (dstr, "%*sfn_%p [shape=none,label=<\n", indent, "", node);
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s<table border=\"0\" cellborder=\"1\" "
"cellspacing=\"0\">\n", indent + 2, "");
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s<tr><td>Live Vars</td></tr>\n", indent + 4, "");
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s<tr><td>%d (%d)</td></tr>\n", indent + 4, "",
node->id, node->dfn);
for (var_iter = set_first (node->live_vars.out); var_iter;
var_iter = set_next (var_iter)) {
var = graph->func->vars[var_iter->member];
@ -85,97 +195,34 @@ print_flow_node (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, flownode_t *node,
var->number, html_string(operand_string (var->op)));
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s</table>>];\n", indent + 2, "");
if (node->dag) {
dasprintf (dstr, "%*sdag_enter_%p -> lv_%p "
indent, "", node->dag, node, node->dag);
} else {
dasprintf (dstr, "%*sfn_%p -> lv_%p "
indent, "", node, node);
indent -= 2;
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s}\n", indent, "");
} else {
print_flow_node (dstr, graph, node, level);
static flow_dot_t flow_dot_methods[] = {
{"", print_flow_node, print_flow_edge},
{"dag", print_flow_node_dag, print_flow_edge_dag},
{"live", print_flow_node_live, print_flow_edge},
static void
print_flow_edges (dstring_t *dstr, flowgraph_t *graph, int level)
int indent = level * 2 + 2;
int i;
flowedge_t *edge;
flownode_t *t, *h;
const char *tpref;
const char *hpref;
const char *style;
const char *dir;
int weight;
for (i = 0; i < graph->num_edges; i++) {
edge = &graph->edges[i];
t = graph->nodes[edge->tail];
h = graph->nodes[edge->head];
if (t->dfn >= h->dfn) {
flownode_t *temp;
temp = h;
h = t;
t = temp;
tpref = "enter";
hpref = "leave";
dir = "dir=back,";
style = "dashed";
weight = 0;
} else if (set_is_member (graph->dfst, i)) {
tpref = "leave";
hpref = "enter";
dir = "";
style = "bold";
weight = 10;
} else {
tpref = "leave";
hpref = "enter";
dir = "";
style = "solid";
weight = 0;
dasprintf (dstr, "%*s", indent, "");
if (t->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, "dag_%s_%p -> ", tpref, t->dag);
dasprintf (dstr, "fn_%p -> ", t);
if (h->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, "dag_%s_%p [%sstyle=%s,weight=%d",
hpref, h->dag, dir, style, weight);
dasprintf (dstr, "fn_%p [%sstyle=%s,weight=%d",
h, dir, style, weight);
if (t->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, ",ltail=cluster_dag_%p", t->dag);
if (h->dag)
dasprintf (dstr, ",lhead=cluster_dag_%p", h->dag);
dasprintf (dstr, "];\n");
print_flowgraph (flowgraph_t *graph, const char *filename)
print_flowgraph (flow_dot_t *method, flowgraph_t *graph, const char *filename)
int i;
dstring_t *dstr = dstring_newstr();
dasprintf (dstr, "digraph flowgraph_%p {\n", graph);
dasprintf (dstr, "digraph flowgraph_%s_%p {\n", method->type, graph);
dasprintf (dstr, " layout=dot;\n");
dasprintf (dstr, " clusterrank=local;\n");
dasprintf (dstr, " rankdir=TB;\n");
dasprintf (dstr, " compound=true;\n");
for (i = 0; i < graph->num_nodes; i++) {
print_flow_node (dstr, graph, graph->nodes[i], 0);
method->print_node (dstr, graph, graph->nodes[i], 0);
for (i = 0; i < graph->num_edges; i++) {
method->print_edge (dstr, graph, &graph->edges[i], 0);
print_flow_edges (dstr, graph, 0);
dasprintf (dstr, "}\n");
if (filename) {
@ -189,3 +236,21 @@ print_flowgraph (flowgraph_t *graph, const char *filename)
dstring_delete (dstr);
dump_dot_flow (void *g, const char *filename)
print_flowgraph (&flow_dot_methods[0], (flowgraph_t *) g, filename);
dump_dot_flow_dags (void *g, const char *filename)
print_flowgraph (&flow_dot_methods[1], (flowgraph_t *) g, filename);
dump_dot_flow_live (void *g, const char *filename)
print_flowgraph (&flow_dot_methods[2], (flowgraph_t *) g, filename);

View file

@ -76,12 +76,6 @@ static struct {
static const int num_flow_params = sizeof(flow_params)/sizeof(flow_params[0]);
static void
dump_dot_flow (void *data, const char *fname)
print_flowgraph ((flowgraph_t *) data, fname);
static flowvar_t *
new_flowvar (void)
@ -575,7 +569,7 @@ flow_build_dags (flowgraph_t *graph)
node->dag = dag_create (node);
//if (options.block_dot.dags)
// dump_dot ("dags", graph, dump_dot_flow);
// dump_dot ("dags", graph, dump_dot_flow_dags);