From 59e55834ed447f35b8bfb08faee7077cf66a7d94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bill Currie <>
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2001 06:01:02 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Another massive speadup caused by using hash tables to lookup
 already generated immediate values. frikbot now compiles in just over 1s on
 my machine.

 tools/qfcc/include/qfcc.h     |   1 +
 tools/qfcc/source/ |   2 +-
 tools/qfcc/source/pr_comp.c   |  59 ---------------
 tools/qfcc/source/pr_def.c    |   2 +-
 tools/qfcc/source/pr_imm.c    | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tools/qfcc/source/pr_imm.c

diff --git a/tools/qfcc/include/qfcc.h b/tools/qfcc/include/qfcc.h
index bc76df920..88e871fa5 100644
--- a/tools/qfcc/include/qfcc.h
+++ b/tools/qfcc/include/qfcc.h
@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ void PR_Lex (void);
 type_t *PR_ParseType (void);
 char *PR_ParseName (void);
+def_t *PR_ParseImmediate (void);
 qboolean PR_Check (token_type_t type, char *string);
 void PR_Expect (token_type_t type, char *string);
diff --git a/tools/qfcc/source/ b/tools/qfcc/source/
index 4581588ce..7f4060b42 100644
--- a/tools/qfcc/source/
+++ b/tools/qfcc/source/
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ INCLUDES=	-I$(top_srcdir)/include
 bin_PROGRAMS=	qfcc
-qfcc_SOURCES=		cmdlib.c pr_comp.c pr_def.c pr_lex.c qfcc.c
+qfcc_SOURCES=		cmdlib.c pr_comp.c pr_def.c pr_imm.c pr_lex.c qfcc.c
 qfcc_LDADD=			-lQFutil
diff --git a/tools/qfcc/source/pr_comp.c b/tools/qfcc/source/pr_comp.c
index c0763b687..5d7339b56 100644
--- a/tools/qfcc/source/pr_comp.c
+++ b/tools/qfcc/source/pr_comp.c
@@ -182,65 +182,6 @@ PR_Statement (opcode_t * op, def_t * var_a, def_t * var_b)
 	return var_c;
-	PR_ParseImmediate
-	Looks for a preexisting constant
-def_t *
-PR_ParseImmediate (void)
-	def_t	*cn;
-	// check for a constant with the same value
-	for (cn =; cn; cn = cn->next) {
-		if (!cn->initialized)
-			continue;
-		if (cn->type != pr_immediate_type)
-			continue;
-		if (pr_immediate_type == &type_string) {
-			if (!strcmp (G_STRING (cn->ofs), pr_immediate_string)) {
-				PR_Lex ();
-				return cn;
-			}
-		} else if (pr_immediate_type == &type_float) {
-			if (G_FLOAT (cn->ofs) == pr_immediate._float) {
-				PR_Lex ();
-				return cn;
-			}
-		} else if (pr_immediate_type == &type_vector) {
-			if ((G_FLOAT (cn->ofs) == pr_immediate.vector[0])
-				&& (G_FLOAT (cn->ofs + 1) == pr_immediate.vector[1])
-				&& (G_FLOAT (cn->ofs + 2) == pr_immediate.vector[2])) {
-				PR_Lex ();
-				return cn;
-			}
-		} else {
-			PR_ParseError ("weird immediate type");
-		}
-	}
-	// allocate a new one
-	// always share immediates
-	cn = PR_NewDef (pr_immediate_type, "IMMEDIATE", 0);
-	cn->initialized = 1;
-	cn->scope = NULL;
-	// copy the immediate to the global area
-	cn->ofs = numpr_globals;
-	pr_global_defs[cn->ofs] = cn;
-	numpr_globals += type_size[pr_immediate_type->type];
-	if (pr_immediate_type == &type_string)
-		pr_immediate.string = CopyString (pr_immediate_string);
-	memcpy (pr_globals + cn->ofs, &pr_immediate,
-			4 * type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
-	PR_Lex ();
-	return cn;
 PrecacheSound (def_t *e, int ch)
diff --git a/tools/qfcc/source/pr_def.c b/tools/qfcc/source/pr_def.c
index a0c50eb56..d3366d0f7 100644
--- a/tools/qfcc/source/pr_def.c
+++ b/tools/qfcc/source/pr_def.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 def_t		*pr_global_defs[MAX_REGS];	// to find def for a global variable
 int 		pr_edict_size;
-hashtab_t  *defs_by_name;
+static hashtab_t  *defs_by_name;
 static char *
 defs_get_key (void *_def, void *_tab)
diff --git a/tools/qfcc/source/pr_imm.c b/tools/qfcc/source/pr_imm.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11c066b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/qfcc/source/pr_imm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/*  Copyright (C) 1996-1997  Id Software, Inc.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+    See file, 'COPYING', for details.
+# include "config.h"
+#include "QF/hash.h"
+#include "qfcc.h"
+static hashtab_t  *string_imm_defs;
+static hashtab_t  *float_imm_defs;
+static hashtab_t  *vector_imm_defs;
+static char *
+string_imm_get_key (void *_def, void *unused)
+	def_t       *def = (def_t*)_def;
+	return G_STRING (def->ofs);
+static char *
+float_imm_get_key (void *_def, void *unused)
+	def_t       *def = (def_t*)_def;
+	static char rep[20];
+	sprintf (rep, "\001float:%08X\001", G_INT(def->ofs));
+	return rep;
+static char *
+vector_imm_get_key (void *_def, void *unused)
+	def_t       *def = (def_t*)_def;
+	static char rep[60];
+	sprintf (rep, "\001vector:%08X\001%08X\001%08X\001",
+			 G_INT(def->ofs), G_INT(def->ofs+1), G_INT(def->ofs+1));
+	return rep;
+	PR_ParseImmediate
+	Looks for a preexisting constant
+def_t *
+PR_ParseImmediate (void)
+	def_t	*cn = 0;
+	char rep[60];
+	hashtab_t *tab = 0;
+	if (!string_imm_defs) {
+		string_imm_defs = Hash_NewTable (1021, string_imm_get_key, 0, 0);
+		float_imm_defs = Hash_NewTable (1021, float_imm_get_key, 0, 0);
+		vector_imm_defs = Hash_NewTable (1021, vector_imm_get_key, 0, 0);
+	}
+	if (pr_immediate_type == &type_string) {
+		cn = (def_t*) Hash_Find (string_imm_defs, pr_immediate_string);
+		tab = string_imm_defs;
+		//printf ("%s\n",pr_immediate_string);
+	} else if (pr_immediate_type == &type_float) {
+		sprintf (rep, "\001float:%08X\001", *(int*)&pr_immediate._float);
+		cn = (def_t*) Hash_Find (float_imm_defs, rep);
+		tab = float_imm_defs;
+		//printf ("%f\n",pr_immediate._float);
+	} else if (pr_immediate_type == &type_vector) {
+		sprintf (rep, "\001vector:%08X\001%08X\001%08X\001",
+				 *(int*)&pr_immediate.vector[0],
+				 *(int*)&pr_immediate.vector[1],
+				 *(int*)&pr_immediate.vector[2]);
+		cn = (def_t*) Hash_Find (vector_imm_defs, rep);
+		tab = vector_imm_defs;
+		//printf ("%f %f %f\n",pr_immediate.vector[0], pr_immediate.vector[1], pr_immediate.vector[2]);
+	} else {
+		PR_ParseError ("weird immediate type");
+	}
+	if (cn) {
+		if (cn->type != pr_immediate_type) printf("urk\n");
+		//printf("found\n");
+		PR_Lex ();
+		return cn;
+	}
+	// allocate a new one
+	// always share immediates
+	cn = PR_NewDef (pr_immediate_type, "IMMEDIATE", 0);
+	cn->initialized = 1;
+	// copy the immediate to the global area
+	cn->ofs = numpr_globals;
+	pr_global_defs[cn->ofs] = cn;
+	numpr_globals += type_size[pr_immediate_type->type];
+	if (pr_immediate_type == &type_string)
+		pr_immediate.string = CopyString (pr_immediate_string);
+	memcpy (pr_globals + cn->ofs, &pr_immediate,
+			4 * type_size[pr_immediate_type->type]);
+	Hash_Add (tab, cn);
+	if (pr_immediate_type == &type_vector) {
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+			def_t *d = PR_NewDef (&type_float, "IMMEDIATE", 0);
+			d->initialized = 1;
+			d->ofs = cn->ofs + i;
+			Hash_Add (float_imm_defs, d);
+		}
+	}
+	PR_Lex ();
+	return cn;