Implement Size and Rect.

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Teunissen 2002-08-17 06:47:03 +00:00
parent 5e1ce57322
commit 51ce063486
3 changed files with 165 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ noinst_LIBRARIES= libr.a libgui.a libcsqc.a
crudefile.r debug.r entities.r infokey.r math.r message.r nq_message.r \
physics.r qw_message.r qw_physics.r qw_sys.r sound.r string.r system.r \
Object.r Entity.r
Object.r Entity.r Point.r Size.r Rect.r
libr_a_AR=$(PAK) -cf
draw.r InputLine.r key.r Point.r
draw.r InputLine.r key.r
libgui_a_AR=$(PAK) -cf
libcsqc_a_SOURCES= \

ruamoko/lib/Rect.r Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#include "Object.h"
#include "Point.h"
#include "Size.h"
#include "Rect.h"
@implementation Rect
- (id) initWithComponents: (integer)x : (integer)y : (integer)w : (integer)h
id (self) = [super init];
id (origin) = [[Size alloc] initWithComponents: x : y];
id (size) = [[Size alloc] initWithComponents: w : h];
return self;
- (id) initWithOrigin: (Point)anOrigin size: (Size)aSize
id (self) = [super init];
if (!self || !anOrigin || !aSize)
return NIL;
id (origin) = [anOrigin copy];
id (size) = [aSize copy];
return self;
- (id) initWithRect: (Rect)aRect
id (self) = [super init];
if (!self || !aRect)
return NIL;
[self setRect: aRect];
return self;
- (id) copy
local id myCopy = [super copy];
if (!myCopy)
myCopy = [[self class] alloc];
return [myCopy initWithOrigin: origin size: size];
- (Point) origin
return origin;
- (Size) size
return size;
- (void) setOrigin: (Point)aPoint
if (!aPoint)
if (origin)
[origin free];
id (origin) = [aPoint copy];
- (void) setSize: (Size)aSize
if (!aSize)
if (size)
[size free];
id (size) = [aSize copy];
- (void) setRect: (Rect)aRect
[self setOrigin: [aRect origin]];
[self setSize: [aRect size]];

ruamoko/lib/Size.r Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include "Size.h"
@implementation Size
- (id) initWithComponents: (integer)w : (integer)h
id (self) = [super init];
width = w;
height = h;
return self;
- (id) initWithSize: (Size)aSize
id (self) = [super init];
if (!self || !aSize)
return NIL;
width = [aSize width];
height = [aSize height];
return self;
- (id) copy
local id myCopy = [super copy];
if (!myCopy)
myCopy = [[self class] alloc];
return [myCopy initWithComponents: width : height];
- (id) width
return width;
- (id) height
return height;
- (void) setSize: (Size)aSize
width = [aSize width];
height = [aSize height];
- (void) setWidth: (integer) w
width = w;
- (void) setHeight: (integer) h
height = h;
- (void) addSize: (Size)aSize
width += [aSize width];
height += [aSize height];
- (void) subtractSize: (Size)aSize
width += [aSize width];
height += [aSize height];