From 4c3676b9aca5bf48ff8188b981084773164540fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joseph Carter <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 10:06:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Forgot to commit this removal.  Mr. Menu, get the hell outta
 my tree!

 nq/source/menu.c | 3330 ----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3330 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 nq/source/menu.c

diff --git a/nq/source/menu.c b/nq/source/menu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index db4799c08..000000000
--- a/nq/source/menu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3330 +0,0 @@
-	menu.c
-	Menu system
-	Copyright (C) 1996-1997  Id Software, Inc.
-	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-	See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-	along with this program; if not, write to:
-		Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-		59 Temple Place - Suite 330
-		Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
-	$Id$
-# include "config.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include "winquake.h"
-#include "compat.h"
-#include "view.h"
-#include "va.h"
-#include "cmd.h"
-#include "cvar.h"
-#include "input.h"
-#include "vid.h"
-#include "net.h"
-#include "qtypes.h"
-#include "menu.h"
-#include "draw.h"
-#include "keys.h"
-#include "screen.h"
-#include "host.h"
-#include "server.h"
-#include "console.h"
-void        (*vid_menudrawfn) (void);
-void        (*vid_menukeyfn) (int key);
-enum { m_none, m_main, m_singleplayer, m_load, m_save, m_multiplayer, m_setup,
-	m_net, m_options, m_video, m_keys, m_help, m_quit, m_serialconfig,
-	m_modemconfig, m_lanconfig, m_gameoptions, m_search, m_slist
-} m_state;
-void        M_Menu_Main_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Load_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Save_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Setup_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Net_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Options_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Keys_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Video_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Help_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Quit_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_ModemConfig_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_LanConfig_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_Search_f (void);
-void        M_Menu_ServerList_f (void);
-void        M_Main_Draw (void);
-void        M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void);
-void        M_Load_Draw (void);
-void        M_Save_Draw (void);
-void        M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void);
-void        M_Setup_Draw (void);
-void        M_Net_Draw (void);
-void        M_Options_Draw (void);
-void        M_Keys_Draw (void);
-void        M_Video_Draw (void);
-void        M_Help_Draw (void);
-void        M_Quit_Draw (void);
-void        M_SerialConfig_Draw (void);
-void        M_ModemConfig_Draw (void);
-void        M_LanConfig_Draw (void);
-void        M_GameOptions_Draw (void);
-void        M_Search_Draw (void);
-void        M_ServerList_Draw (void);
-void        M_Main_Key (int key);
-void        M_SinglePlayer_Key (int key);
-void        M_Load_Key (int key);
-void        M_Save_Key (int key);
-void        M_MultiPlayer_Key (int key);
-void        M_Setup_Key (int key);
-void        M_Net_Key (int key);
-void        M_Options_Key (int key);
-void        M_Keys_Key (int key);
-void        M_Video_Key (int key);
-void        M_Help_Key (int key);
-void        M_Quit_Key (int key);
-void        M_SerialConfig_Key (int key);
-void        M_ModemConfig_Key (int key);
-void        M_LanConfig_Key (int key);
-void        M_GameOptions_Key (int key);
-void        M_Search_Key (int key);
-void        M_ServerList_Key (int key);
-qboolean    m_entersound;				// play after drawing a frame, so
-										// caching
-								// won't disrupt the sound
-qboolean    m_recursiveDraw;
-int         m_return_state;
-qboolean    m_return_onerror;
-char        m_return_reason[32];
-#define StartingGame	(m_multiplayer_cursor == 1)
-#define JoiningGame		(m_multiplayer_cursor == 0)
-#define SerialConfig	(m_net_cursor == 0)
-#define DirectConfig	(m_net_cursor == 1)
-#define	IPXConfig		(m_net_cursor == 2)
-#define	TCPIPConfig		(m_net_cursor == 3)
-void        M_ConfigureNetSubsystem (void);
-Draws one solid graphics character
-M_DrawCharacter (int cx, int line, int num)
-	Draw_Character8 (cx + ((vid.width - 320) >> 1), line, num);
-M_Print (int cx, int cy, char *str)
-	while (*str) {
-		M_DrawCharacter (cx, cy, (*str) + 128);
-		str++;
-		cx += 8;
-	}
-M_PrintWhite (int cx, int cy, char *str)
-	while (*str) {
-		M_DrawCharacter (cx, cy, *str);
-		str++;
-		cx += 8;
-	}
-M_DrawTransPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic)
-	Draw_TransPic (x + ((vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic);
-M_DrawPic (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic)
-	Draw_Pic (x + ((vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic);
-byte        identityTable[256];
-byte        translationTable[256];
-M_BuildTranslationTable (int top, int bottom)
-	int         j;
-	byte       *dest, *source;
-	for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
-		identityTable[j] = j;
-	dest = translationTable;
-	source = identityTable;
-	memcpy (dest, source, 256);
-	if (top < 128)						// the artists made some backwards
-		// ranges.  sigh.
-		memcpy (dest + TOP_RANGE, source + top, 16);
-	else
-		for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
-			dest[TOP_RANGE + j] = source[top + 15 - j];
-	if (bottom < 128)
-		memcpy (dest + BOTTOM_RANGE, source + bottom, 16);
-	else
-		for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
-			dest[BOTTOM_RANGE + j] = source[bottom + 15 - j];
-M_DrawTransPicTranslate (int x, int y, qpic_t *pic)
-	Draw_TransPicTranslate (x + ((vid.width - 320) >> 1), y, pic,
-							translationTable);
-M_DrawTextBox (int x, int y, int width, int lines)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	int         cx, cy;
-	int         n;
-	// draw left side
-	cx = x;
-	cy = y;
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_tl.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy, p);
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_ml.lmp");
-	for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) {
-		cy += 8;
-		M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy, p);
-	}
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_bl.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy + 8, p);
-	// draw middle
-	cx += 8;
-	while (width > 0) {
-		cy = y;
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_tm.lmp");
-		M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy, p);
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_mm.lmp");
-		for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) {
-			cy += 8;
-			if (n == 1)
-				p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_mm2.lmp");
-			M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy, p);
-		}
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_bm.lmp");
-		M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy + 8, p);
-		width -= 2;
-		cx += 16;
-	}
-	// draw right side
-	cy = y;
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_tr.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy, p);
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_mr.lmp");
-	for (n = 0; n < lines; n++) {
-		cy += 8;
-		M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy, p);
-	}
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/box_br.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (cx, cy + 8, p);
-int         m_save_demonum;
-M_ToggleMenu_f (void)
-	m_entersound = true;
-	if (key_dest == key_menu) {
-		if (m_state != m_main) {
-			M_Menu_Main_f ();
-			return;
-		}
-		key_dest = key_game;
-		m_state = m_none;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (key_dest == key_console) {
-		Con_ToggleConsole_f ();
-	} else {
-		M_Menu_Main_f ();
-	}
-/* MAIN MENU */
-int         m_main_cursor;
-#define	MAIN_ITEMS	5
-M_Menu_Main_f (void)
-	if (key_dest != key_menu) {
-		m_save_demonum = cls.demonum;
-		cls.demonum = -1;
-	}
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_main;
-	m_entersound = true;
-M_Main_Draw (void)
-	int         f;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_main.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	M_DrawTransPic (72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/mainmenu.lmp"));
-	f = (int) (host_time * 10) % 6;
-	M_DrawTransPic (54, 32 + m_main_cursor * 20,
-					Draw_CachePic (va ("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f + 1)));
-M_Main_Key (int key)
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		key_dest = key_game;
-		m_state = m_none;
-		cls.demonum = m_save_demonum;
-		if (cls.demonum != -1 && !cls.demoplayback && cls.state != ca_connected)
-			CL_NextDemo ();
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (++m_main_cursor >= MAIN_ITEMS)
-			m_main_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (--m_main_cursor < 0)
-			m_main_cursor = MAIN_ITEMS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		switch (m_main_cursor) {
-			case 0:
-			M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f ();
-			break;
-			case 1:
-			M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f ();
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			M_Menu_Options_f ();
-			break;
-			case 3:
-			M_Menu_Help_f ();
-			break;
-			case 4:
-			M_Menu_Quit_f ();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-int         m_singleplayer_cursor;
-M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_singleplayer;
-	m_entersound = true;
-M_SinglePlayer_Draw (void)
-	int         f;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_sgl.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	M_DrawTransPic (72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/sp_menu.lmp"));
-	f = (int) (host_time * 10) % 6;
-	M_DrawTransPic (54, 32 + m_singleplayer_cursor * 20,
-					Draw_CachePic (va ("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f + 1)));
-M_SinglePlayer_Key (int key)
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Main_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (++m_singleplayer_cursor >= SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS)
-			m_singleplayer_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (--m_singleplayer_cursor < 0)
-			m_singleplayer_cursor = SINGLEPLAYER_ITEMS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		switch (m_singleplayer_cursor) {
-			case 0:
-			if (
-				if (!SCR_ModalMessage
-					("Are you sure you want to\nstart a new game?\n"))
-					break;
-			key_dest = key_game;
-			if (
-				Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n");
-			Cbuf_AddText ("maxplayers 1\n");
-			Cbuf_AddText ("map start\n");
-			break;
-			case 1:
-			M_Menu_Load_f ();
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			M_Menu_Save_f ();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-int         load_cursor;				// 0 < load_cursor < MAX_SAVEGAMES
-#define	MAX_SAVEGAMES		12
-char        m_filenames[MAX_SAVEGAMES][SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH + 1];
-int         loadable[MAX_SAVEGAMES];
-M_ScanSaves (void)
-	int         i, j;
-	char        name[MAX_OSPATH];
-	QFile      *f;
-	int         version;
-	char        buf[100];
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++) {
-		strcpy (m_filenames[i], "--- UNUSED SLOT ---");
-		loadable[i] = false;
-		snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "%s/s%i.sav", com_gamedir, i);
-		f = Qopen (name, "rz");
-		if (!f)
-			continue;
-		Qgets (f, buf, sizeof (buf));
-		sscanf (buf, "%i\n", &version);
-		Qgets (f, buf, sizeof (buf));
-		sscanf (buf, "%79s\n", name);
-		strncpy (m_filenames[i], name, sizeof (m_filenames[i]) - 1);
-		// change _ back to space
-		for (j = 0; j < SAVEGAME_COMMENT_LENGTH; j++)
-			if (m_filenames[i][j] == '_')
-				m_filenames[i][j] = ' ';
-		loadable[i] = true;
-		Qclose (f);
-	}
-M_Menu_Load_f (void)
-	m_entersound = true;
-	m_state = m_load;
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	M_ScanSaves ();
-M_Menu_Save_f (void)
-	if (!
-		return;
-	if (cl.intermission)
-		return;
-	if (svs.maxclients != 1)
-		return;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	m_state = m_save;
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	M_ScanSaves ();
-M_Load_Draw (void)
-	int         i;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_load.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++)
-		M_Print (16, 32 + 8 * i, m_filenames[i]);
-// line cursor
-	M_DrawCharacter (8, 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-M_Save_Draw (void)
-	int         i;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_save.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVEGAMES; i++)
-		M_Print (16, 32 + 8 * i, m_filenames[i]);
-// line cursor
-	M_DrawCharacter (8, 32 + load_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-M_Load_Key (int k)
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-		if (!loadable[load_cursor])
-			return;
-		m_state = m_none;
-		key_dest = key_game;
-		// Host_Loadgame_f can't bring up the loading plaque because too much
-		// stack space has been used, so do it now
-		SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque ();
-		// issue the load command
-		Cbuf_AddText (va ("load s%i\n", load_cursor));
-		return;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		load_cursor--;
-		if (load_cursor < 0)
-			load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		load_cursor++;
-		if (load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES)
-			load_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-	}
-M_Save_Key (int k)
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		m_state = m_none;
-		key_dest = key_game;
-		Cbuf_AddText (va ("save s%i\n", load_cursor));
-		return;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		load_cursor--;
-		if (load_cursor < 0)
-			load_cursor = MAX_SAVEGAMES - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		load_cursor++;
-		if (load_cursor >= MAX_SAVEGAMES)
-			load_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-	}
-int         m_multiplayer_cursor;
-M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_multiplayer;
-	m_entersound = true;
-M_MultiPlayer_Draw (void)
-	int         f;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	M_DrawTransPic (72, 32, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/mp_menu.lmp"));
-	f = (int) (host_time * 10) % 6;
-	M_DrawTransPic (54, 32 + m_multiplayer_cursor * 20,
-					Draw_CachePic (va ("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f + 1)));
-	if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable)
-		return;
-	M_PrintWhite ((320 / 2) - ((27 * 8) / 2), 148,
-				  "No Communications Available");
-M_MultiPlayer_Key (int key)
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Main_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (++m_multiplayer_cursor >= MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS)
-			m_multiplayer_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (--m_multiplayer_cursor < 0)
-			m_multiplayer_cursor = MULTIPLAYER_ITEMS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		switch (m_multiplayer_cursor) {
-			case 0:
-			if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable)
-				M_Menu_Net_f ();
-			break;
-			case 1:
-			if (serialAvailable || ipxAvailable || tcpipAvailable)
-				M_Menu_Net_f ();
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			M_Menu_Setup_f ();
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-int         setup_cursor = 4;
-int         setup_cursor_table[] = { 40, 56, 80, 104, 140 };
-char        setup_hostname[16];
-char        setup_myname[16];
-int         setup_oldtop;
-int         setup_oldbottom;
-int         setup_top;
-int         setup_bottom;
-#define	NUM_SETUP_CMDS	5
-M_Menu_Setup_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_setup;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	strcpy (setup_myname, cl_name->string);
-	strcpy (setup_hostname, hostname->string);
-	setup_top = setup_oldtop = (cl_color->int_val) >> 4;
-	setup_bottom = setup_oldbottom = (cl_color->int_val) & 15;
-M_Setup_Draw (void)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	M_Print (64, 40, "Hostname");
-	M_DrawTextBox (160, 32, 16, 1);
-	M_Print (168, 40, setup_hostname);
-	M_Print (64, 56, "Your name");
-	M_DrawTextBox (160, 48, 16, 1);
-	M_Print (168, 56, setup_myname);
-	M_Print (64, 80, "Shirt color");
-	M_Print (64, 104, "Pants color");
-	M_DrawTextBox (64, 140 - 8, 14, 1);
-	M_Print (72, 140, "Accept Changes");
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/bigbox.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (160, 64, p);
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/menuplyr.lmp");
-	M_BuildTranslationTable (setup_top * 16, setup_bottom * 16);
-	M_DrawTransPicTranslate (172, 72, p);
-	M_DrawCharacter (56, setup_cursor_table[setup_cursor],
-					 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (setup_cursor == 0)
-		M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8 * strlen (setup_hostname),
-						 setup_cursor_table[setup_cursor],
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (setup_cursor == 1)
-		M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8 * strlen (setup_myname),
-						 setup_cursor_table[setup_cursor],
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-M_Setup_Key (int k)
-	int         l;
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		setup_cursor--;
-		if (setup_cursor < 0)
-			setup_cursor = NUM_SETUP_CMDS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		setup_cursor++;
-		if (setup_cursor >= NUM_SETUP_CMDS)
-			setup_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		if (setup_cursor < 2)
-			return;
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-		if (setup_cursor == 2)
-			setup_top = setup_top - 1;
-		if (setup_cursor == 3)
-			setup_bottom = setup_bottom - 1;
-		break;
-		if (setup_cursor < 2)
-			return;
-	  forward:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-		if (setup_cursor == 2)
-			setup_top = setup_top + 1;
-		if (setup_cursor == 3)
-			setup_bottom = setup_bottom + 1;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		if (setup_cursor == 0 || setup_cursor == 1)
-			return;
-		if (setup_cursor == 2 || setup_cursor == 3)
-			goto forward;
-		// setup_cursor == 4 (OK)
-		if (strcmp (cl_name->string, setup_myname) != 0)
-			Cbuf_AddText (va ("name \"%s\"\n", setup_myname));
-		if (strcmp (hostname->string, setup_hostname) != 0)
-			Cvar_Set (hostname, setup_hostname);
-		if (setup_top != setup_oldtop || setup_bottom != setup_oldbottom)
-			Cbuf_AddText (va ("color %i %i\n", setup_top, setup_bottom));
-		m_entersound = true;
-		M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_BACKSPACE:
-		if (setup_cursor == 0) {
-			if (strlen (setup_hostname))
-				setup_hostname[strlen (setup_hostname) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		if (setup_cursor == 1) {
-			if (strlen (setup_myname))
-				setup_myname[strlen (setup_myname) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-		if (k < 32 || k > 127)
-			break;
-		if (setup_cursor == 0) {
-			l = strlen (setup_hostname);
-			if (l < 15) {
-				setup_hostname[l + 1] = 0;
-				setup_hostname[l] = k;
-			}
-		}
-		if (setup_cursor == 1) {
-			l = strlen (setup_myname);
-			if (l < 15) {
-				setup_myname[l + 1] = 0;
-				setup_myname[l] = k;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (setup_top > 13)
-		setup_top = 0;
-	if (setup_top < 0)
-		setup_top = 13;
-	if (setup_bottom > 13)
-		setup_bottom = 0;
-	if (setup_bottom < 0)
-		setup_bottom = 13;
-/* NET MENU */
-int         m_net_cursor;
-int         m_net_items;
-int         m_net_saveHeight;
-char       *net_helpMessage[] = {
-/* .........1.........2.... */
-	"                        ",
-	" Two computers connected",
-	"   through two modems.  ",
-	"                        ",
-	"                        ",
-	" Two computers connected",
-	" by a null-modem cable. ",
-	"                        ",
-	" Novell network LANs    ",
-	" or Windows 95 DOS-box. ",
-	"                        ",
-	"(LAN=Local Area Network)",
-	" Commonly used to play  ",
-	" over the Internet, but ",
-	" also used on a Local   ",
-	" Area Network.          "
-M_Menu_Net_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_net;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	m_net_items = 4;
-	if (m_net_cursor >= m_net_items)
-		m_net_cursor = 0;
-	m_net_cursor--;
-	M_Net_Key (K_DOWNARROW);
-M_Net_Draw (void)
-	int         f;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	f = 32;
-	if (serialAvailable) {
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen1.lmp");
-	} else {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-		p = NULL;
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_modm.lmp");
-	}
-	if (p)
-		M_DrawTransPic (72, f, p);
-	f += 19;
-	if (serialAvailable) {
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen2.lmp");
-	} else {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-		p = NULL;
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_drct.lmp");
-	}
-	if (p)
-		M_DrawTransPic (72, f, p);
-	f += 19;
-	if (ipxAvailable)
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen3.lmp");
-	else
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_ipx.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (72, f, p);
-	f += 19;
-	if (tcpipAvailable)
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen4.lmp");
-	else
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/dim_tcp.lmp");
-	M_DrawTransPic (72, f, p);
-	if (m_net_items == 5)				// JDC, could just be removed
-	{
-		f += 19;
-		p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/netmen5.lmp");
-		M_DrawTransPic (72, f, p);
-	}
-	f = (320 - 26 * 8) / 2;
-	M_DrawTextBox (f, 134, 24, 4);
-	f += 8;
-	M_Print (f, 142, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 0]);
-	M_Print (f, 150, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 1]);
-	M_Print (f, 158, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 2]);
-	M_Print (f, 166, net_helpMessage[m_net_cursor * 4 + 3]);
-	f = (int) (host_time * 10) % 6;
-	M_DrawTransPic (54, 32 + m_net_cursor * 20,
-					Draw_CachePic (va ("gfx/menudot%i.lmp", f + 1)));
-M_Net_Key (int k)
-  again:
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (++m_net_cursor >= m_net_items)
-			m_net_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (--m_net_cursor < 0)
-			m_net_cursor = m_net_items - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		switch (m_net_cursor) {
-			case 0:
-			M_Menu_SerialConfig_f ();
-			break;
-			case 1:
-			M_Menu_SerialConfig_f ();
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			M_Menu_LanConfig_f ();
-			break;
-			case 3:
-			M_Menu_LanConfig_f ();
-			break;
-			case 4:
-// multiprotocol
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (m_net_cursor == 0 && !serialAvailable)
-		goto again;
-	if (m_net_cursor == 1 && !serialAvailable)
-		goto again;
-	if (m_net_cursor == 2 && !ipxAvailable)
-		goto again;
-	if (m_net_cursor == 3 && !tcpipAvailable)
-		goto again;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define	OPTIONS_ITEMS	15
-#define	OPTIONS_ITEMS	15
-#define	SLIDER_RANGE	10
-int         options_cursor;
-M_Menu_Options_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_options;
-	m_entersound = true;
-//#ifdef _WIN32
-//  if ((options_cursor == 13) && (modestate != MS_WINDOWED))
-//  {
-//      options_cursor = 0;
-//  }
-M_AdjustSliders (int dir)
-	S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-	switch (options_cursor) {
-		case 3:						// screen size
-		Cvar_SetValue (scr_viewsize,
-					   bound (30, scr_viewsize->int_val + (dir * 10), 120));
-		break;
-		case 4:						// Brightness
-		Cvar_SetValue (brightness,
-					   bound (1, brightness->value + (dir * 0.25), 5));
-		break;
-		case 5:						// Contrast
-		Cvar_SetValue (contrast,
-					   bound (0.0, contrast->value + (dir * 0.05), 1));
-		break;
-		case 6:						// mouse speed
-		Cvar_SetValue (sensitivity, bound (1, sensitivity->value + dir, 25));
-		break;
-		case 7:						// music volume
-#ifdef _WIN32
-		Cvar_SetValue (bgmvolume, bound (0, bgmvolume->value + dir, 1));
-		Cvar_SetValue (bgmvolume, bound (0, bgmvolume->value + (dir * 0.1), 1));
-		break;
-		case 8:						// sfx volume
-		Cvar_SetValue (volume, bound (0, volume->value + (dir * 0.1), 1));
-		break;
-		case 9:						// always run
-		if (cl_forwardspeed->value > 200) {
-			Cvar_SetValue (cl_forwardspeed, 200);
-			Cvar_SetValue (cl_backspeed, 200);
-		} else {
-			Cvar_SetValue (cl_forwardspeed, 400);
-			Cvar_SetValue (cl_backspeed, 400);
-		}
-		break;
-		case 10:						// invert mouse
-		Cvar_SetValue (m_pitch, -m_pitch->value);
-		break;
-		case 11:						// lookspring
-		Cvar_SetValue (lookspring, !lookspring->int_val);
-		break;
-		case 12:						// lookstrafe
-		Cvar_SetValue (lookstrafe, !lookstrafe->int_val);
-		break;
-		case 14:						// _windowed_mouse
-		Cvar_SetValue (_windowed_mouse, !_windowed_mouse->int_val);
-		break;
-	}
-M_DrawSlider (int x, int y, float range)
-	int         i;
-	range = bound (0, range, 1);
-	M_DrawCharacter (x - 8, y, 128);
-	for (i = 0; i < SLIDER_RANGE; i++)
-		M_DrawCharacter (x + i * 8, y, 129);
-	M_DrawCharacter (x + i * 8, y, 130);
-	M_DrawCharacter (x + (SLIDER_RANGE - 1) * 8 * range, y, 131);
-M_DrawCheckbox (int x, int y, int on)
-#if 0
-	if (on)
-		M_DrawCharacter (x, y, 131);
-	else
-		M_DrawCharacter (x, y, 129);
-	if (on)
-		M_Print (x, y, "on");
-	else
-		M_Print (x, y, "off");
-M_Options_Draw (void)
-	float       r;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_option.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	M_Print (16, 32, "    Customize controls");
-	M_Print (16, 40, "         Go to console");
-	M_Print (16, 48, "     Reset to defaults");
-	M_Print (16, 56, "           Screen size");
-	r = (scr_viewsize->int_val - 30) / (120.0 - 30.0);
-	M_DrawSlider (220, 56, r);
-	M_Print (16, 64, "            Brightness");
-	r = (brightness->value - 1) / 4;
-	M_DrawSlider (220, 64, r);
-	M_Print (16, 72, "              Contrast");
-	r = contrast->value;
-	M_DrawSlider (220, 72, r);
-	M_Print (16, 80, "           Mouse Speed");
-	r = (sensitivity->value - 1) / 24;
-	M_DrawSlider (220, 80, r);
-	M_Print (16, 88, "       CD Music Volume");
-	r = bgmvolume->value;
-	M_DrawSlider (220, 88, r);
-	M_Print (16, 96, "          Sound Volume");
-	r = volume->value;
-	M_DrawSlider (220, 96, r);
-	M_Print (16, 104, "            Always Run");
-	M_DrawCheckbox (220, 104, cl_forwardspeed->value > 200);
-	M_Print (16, 112, "          Invert Mouse");
-	M_DrawCheckbox (220, 112, m_pitch->value < 0);
-	M_Print (16, 120, "            Lookspring");
-	M_DrawCheckbox (220, 120, lookspring->value);
-	M_Print (16, 128, "            Lookstrafe");
-	M_DrawCheckbox (220, 128, lookstrafe->value);
-	if (vid_menudrawfn)
-		M_Print (16, 136, "         Video Options");
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	if (modestate == MS_WINDOWED) {
-		if (_windowed_mouse) {
-			M_Print (16, 144, "             Use Mouse");
-			M_DrawCheckbox (220, 144, _windowed_mouse->int_val);
-		}
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	}
-	// cursor
-	M_DrawCharacter (200, 32 + options_cursor * 8,
-					 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-M_Options_Key (int k)
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Main_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		switch (options_cursor) {
-			case 0:
-			M_Menu_Keys_f ();
-			break;
-			case 1:
-			m_state = m_none;
-			Con_ToggleConsole_f ();
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			Cbuf_AddText ("exec default.cfg\n");
-			break;
-			case 12:
-			if (vid_menudrawfn)
-				M_Menu_Video_f ();
-			break;
-			default:
-			M_AdjustSliders (1);
-			break;
-		}
-		return;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		options_cursor--;
-		if (options_cursor < 0)
-			options_cursor = OPTIONS_ITEMS - 1;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-		if (options_cursor == 14 && (!(_windowed_mouse)
-									 || (modestate != MS_WINDOWED)))
-			options_cursor--;
-		if (options_cursor == 13 && !(vid_menudrawfn))
-			options_cursor--;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		options_cursor++;
-		if (options_cursor == 13 && !(vid_menudrawfn))
-			options_cursor++;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-		if (options_cursor == 14 && (!(_windowed_mouse) || (modestate != MS_WINDOWED)))	// ARGH!!!!!
-			options_cursor++;
-		if (options_cursor >= OPTIONS_ITEMS)
-			options_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		M_AdjustSliders (-1);
-		break;
-		M_AdjustSliders (1);
-		break;
-	}
-/* KEYS MENU */
-char       *bindnames[][2] = {
-	{"+attack", "attack"},
-	{"impulse 10", "change weapon"},
-	{"+jump", "jump / swim up"},
-	{"+forward", "walk forward"},
-	{"+back", "backpedal"},
-	{"+left", "turn left"},
-	{"+right", "turn right"},
-	{"+speed", "run"},
-	{"+moveleft", "step left"},
-	{"+moveright", "step right"},
-	{"+strafe", "sidestep"},
-	{"+lookup", "look up"},
-	{"+lookdown", "look down"},
-	{"centerview", "center view"},
-	{"+mlook", "mouse look"},
-	{"+klook", "keyboard look"},
-	{"+moveup", "swim up"},
-	{"+movedown", "swim down"}
-#define	NUMCOMMANDS	(sizeof(bindnames)/sizeof(bindnames[0]))
-int         keys_cursor;
-int         bind_grab;
-M_Menu_Keys_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_keys;
-	m_entersound = true;
-M_FindKeysForCommand (char *command, int *twokeys)
-	int         count;
-	int         j;
-	int         l;
-	char       *b;
-	twokeys[0] = twokeys[1] = -1;
-	l = strlen (command);
-	count = 0;
-	for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
-		b = keybindings[j];
-		if (!b)
-			continue;
-		if (!strncmp (b, command, l)) {
-			twokeys[count] = j;
-			count++;
-			if (count == 2)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-M_UnbindCommand (char *command)
-	int         j;
-	int         l;
-	char       *b;
-	l = strlen (command);
-	for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
-		b = keybindings[j];
-		if (!b)
-			continue;
-		if (!strncmp (b, command, l))
-			Key_SetBinding (j, "");
-	}
-M_Keys_Draw (void)
-	int         i, l;
-	int         keys[2];
-	char       *name;
-	int         x, y;
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	if (bind_grab)
-		M_Print (12, 32, "Press a key or button for this action");
-	else
-		M_Print (18, 32, "Enter to change, backspace to clear");
-// search for known bindings
-	for (i = 0; i < NUMCOMMANDS; i++) {
-		y = 48 + 8 * i;
-		M_Print (16, y, bindnames[i][1]);
-		l = strlen (bindnames[i][0]);
-		M_FindKeysForCommand (bindnames[i][0], keys);
-		if (keys[0] == -1) {
-			M_Print (140, y, "???");
-		} else {
-			name = Key_KeynumToString (keys[0]);
-			M_Print (140, y, name);
-			x = strlen (name) * 8;
-			if (keys[1] != -1) {
-				M_Print (140 + x + 8, y, "or");
-				M_Print (140 + x + 32, y, Key_KeynumToString (keys[1]));
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (bind_grab)
-		M_DrawCharacter (130, 48 + keys_cursor * 8, '=');
-	else
-		M_DrawCharacter (130, 48 + keys_cursor * 8,
-						 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-M_Keys_Key (int k)
-	char        cmd[80];
-	int         keys[2];
-	if (bind_grab) {					// defining a key
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		if (k == K_ESCAPE) {
-			bind_grab = false;
-		} else if (k != '`') {
-			snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
-					  Key_KeynumToString (k), bindnames[keys_cursor][0]);
-			Cbuf_InsertText (cmd);
-		}
-		bind_grab = false;
-		return;
-	}
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Options_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		keys_cursor--;
-		if (keys_cursor < 0)
-			keys_cursor = NUMCOMMANDS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		keys_cursor++;
-		if (keys_cursor >= NUMCOMMANDS)
-			keys_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:					// go into bind mode
-		M_FindKeysForCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0], keys);
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-		if (keys[1] != -1)
-			M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0]);
-		bind_grab = true;
-		break;
-		case K_BACKSPACE:				// delete bindings
-		case K_DEL:					// delete bindings
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-		M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[keys_cursor][0]);
-		break;
-	}
-M_Menu_Video_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_video;
-	m_entersound = true;
-M_Video_Draw (void)
-	(*vid_menudrawfn) ();
-M_Video_Key (int key)
-	(*vid_menukeyfn) (key);
-/* HELP MENU */
-int         help_page;
-#define	NUM_HELP_PAGES	6
-M_Menu_Help_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_help;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	help_page = 0;
-M_Help_Draw (void)
-	M_DrawPic (0, 0, Draw_CachePic (va ("gfx/help%i.lmp", help_page)));
-M_Help_Key (int key)
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Main_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		if (++help_page >= NUM_HELP_PAGES)
-			help_page = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		m_entersound = true;
-		if (--help_page < 0)
-			help_page = NUM_HELP_PAGES - 1;
-		break;
-	}
-/* QUIT MENU */
-int         msgNumber;
-int         m_quit_prevstate;
-qboolean    wasInMenus;
-#ifndef	_WIN32
-char       *quitMessage[] = {
-/* .........1.........2.... */
-	"  Are you gonna quit    ",
-	"  this game just like   ",
-	"   everything else?     ",
-	"                        ",
-	" Milord, methinks that  ",
-	"   thou art a lowly     ",
-	" quitter. Is this true? ",
-	"                        ",
-	" Do I need to bust your ",
-	"  face open for trying  ",
-	"        to quit?        ",
-	"                        ",
-	" Man, I oughta smack you",
-	"   for trying to quit!  ",
-	"     Press Y to get     ",
-	"      smacked out.      ",
-	" Press Y to quit like a ",
-	"   big loser in life.   ",
-	"  Press N to stay proud ",
-	"    and successful!     ",
-	"   If you press Y to    ",
-	"  quit, I will summon   ",
-	"  Satan all over your   ",
-	"      hard drive!       ",
-	"  Um, Asmodeus dislikes ",
-	" his children trying to ",
-	" quit. Press Y to return",
-	"   to your Tinkertoys.  ",
-	"  If you quit now, I'll ",
-	"  throw a blanket-party ",
-	"   for you next time!   ",
-	"                        "
-M_Menu_Quit_f (void)
-	if (m_state == m_quit)
-		return;
-	wasInMenus = (key_dest == key_menu);
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_quit_prevstate = m_state;
-	m_state = m_quit;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	msgNumber = rand () & 7;
-M_Quit_Key (int key)
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		case 'n':
-		case 'N':
-		if (wasInMenus) {
-			m_state = m_quit_prevstate;
-			m_entersound = true;
-		} else {
-			key_dest = key_game;
-			m_state = m_none;
-		}
-		break;
-		case 'Y':
-		case 'y':
-		key_dest = key_console;
-		Host_Quit_f ();
-		break;
-		default:
-		break;
-	}
-M_Quit_Draw (void)
-	if (wasInMenus) {
-		m_state = m_quit_prevstate;
-		m_recursiveDraw = true;
-		M_Draw ();
-		m_state = m_quit;
-	}
-#ifdef _WIN32
-	M_DrawTextBox (0, 0, 38, 23);
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 12, "  Quake version 1.09 by id Software\n\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 28, "Programming        Art \n");
-	M_Print (16, 36, " John Carmack       Adrian Carmack\n");
-	M_Print (16, 44, " Michael Abrash     Kevin Cloud\n");
-	M_Print (16, 52, " John Cash          Paul Steed\n");
-	M_Print (16, 60, " Dave 'Zoid' Kirsch\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 68, "Design             Biz\n");
-	M_Print (16, 76, " John Romero        Jay Wilbur\n");
-	M_Print (16, 84, " Sandy Petersen     Mike Wilson\n");
-	M_Print (16, 92, " American McGee     Donna Jackson\n");
-	M_Print (16, 100, " Tim Willits        Todd Hollenshead\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 108, "Support            Projects\n");
-	M_Print (16, 116, " Barrett Alexander  Shawn Green\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 124, "Sound Effects\n");
-	M_Print (16, 132, " Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails\n\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 140, "Quake is a trademark of Id Software,\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 148, "inc., (c)1996 Id Software, inc. All\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 156, "rights reserved. NIN logo is a\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 164, "registered trademark licensed to\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 172, "Nothing Interactive, Inc. All rights\n");
-	M_PrintWhite (16, 180, "reserved. Press y to exit\n");
-	M_DrawTextBox (56, 76, 24, 4);
-	M_Print (64, 84, quitMessage[msgNumber * 4 + 0]);
-	M_Print (64, 92, quitMessage[msgNumber * 4 + 1]);
-	M_Print (64, 100, quitMessage[msgNumber * 4 + 2]);
-	M_Print (64, 108, quitMessage[msgNumber * 4 + 3]);
-int         serialConfig_cursor;
-int         serialConfig_cursor_table[] = { 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 132 };
-static int  ISA_uarts[] = { 0x3f8, 0x2f8, 0x3e8, 0x2e8 };
-static int  ISA_IRQs[] = { 4, 3, 4, 3 };
-int         serialConfig_baudrate[] =
-	{ 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600 };
-int         serialConfig_comport;
-int         serialConfig_irq;
-int         serialConfig_baud;
-char        serialConfig_phone[16];
-M_Menu_SerialConfig_f (void)
-	int         n;
-	int         port;
-	int         baudrate;
-	qboolean    useModem;
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_serialconfig;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	if (JoiningGame && SerialConfig)
-		serialConfig_cursor = 4;
-	else
-		serialConfig_cursor = 5;
-	(*GetComPortConfig) (0, &port, &serialConfig_irq, &baudrate, &useModem);
-	// map uart's port to COMx
-	for (n = 0; n < 4; n++)
-		if (ISA_uarts[n] == port)
-			break;
-	if (n == 4) {
-		n = 0;
-		serialConfig_irq = 4;
-	}
-	serialConfig_comport = n + 1;
-	// map baudrate to index
-	for (n = 0; n < 6; n++)
-		if (serialConfig_baudrate[n] == baudrate)
-			break;
-	if (n == 6)
-		n = 5;
-	serialConfig_baud = n;
-	m_return_onerror = false;
-	m_return_reason[0] = 0;
-M_SerialConfig_Draw (void)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	int         basex;
-	char       *startJoin;
-	char       *directModem;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	basex = (320 - p->width) / 2;
-	M_DrawPic (basex, 4, p);
-	if (StartingGame)
-		startJoin = "New Game";
-	else
-		startJoin = "Join Game";
-	if (SerialConfig)
-		directModem = "Modem";
-	else
-		directModem = "Direct Connect";
-	M_Print (basex, 32, va ("%s - %s", startJoin, directModem));
-	basex += 8;
-	M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port");
-	M_DrawTextBox (160, 40, 4, 1);
-	M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[0],
-			 va ("COM%u", serialConfig_comport));
-	M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[1], "IRQ");
-	M_DrawTextBox (160, serialConfig_cursor_table[1] - 8, 1, 1);
-	M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[1], va ("%u", serialConfig_irq));
-	M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[2], "Baud");
-	M_DrawTextBox (160, serialConfig_cursor_table[2] - 8, 5, 1);
-	M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[2],
-			 va ("%u", serialConfig_baudrate[serialConfig_baud]));
-	if (SerialConfig) {
-		M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[3], "Modem Setup...");
-		if (JoiningGame) {
-			M_Print (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[4], "Phone number");
-			M_DrawTextBox (160, serialConfig_cursor_table[4] - 8, 16, 1);
-			M_Print (168, serialConfig_cursor_table[4], serialConfig_phone);
-		}
-	}
-	if (JoiningGame) {
-		M_DrawTextBox (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[5] - 8, 7, 1);
-		M_Print (basex + 8, serialConfig_cursor_table[5], "Connect");
-	} else {
-		M_DrawTextBox (basex, serialConfig_cursor_table[5] - 8, 2, 1);
-		M_Print (basex + 8, serialConfig_cursor_table[5], "OK");
-	}
-	M_DrawCharacter (basex - 8, serialConfig_cursor_table[serialConfig_cursor],
-					 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (serialConfig_cursor == 4)
-		M_DrawCharacter (168 + 8 * strlen (serialConfig_phone),
-						 serialConfig_cursor_table[serialConfig_cursor],
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (*m_return_reason)
-		M_PrintWhite (basex, 148, m_return_reason);
-M_SerialConfig_Key (int key)
-	int         l;
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Net_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		serialConfig_cursor--;
-		if (serialConfig_cursor < 0)
-			serialConfig_cursor = NUM_SERIALCONFIG_CMDS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		serialConfig_cursor++;
-		if (serialConfig_cursor >= NUM_SERIALCONFIG_CMDS)
-			serialConfig_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		if (serialConfig_cursor > 2)
-			break;
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 0) {
-			serialConfig_comport--;
-			if (serialConfig_comport == 0)
-				serialConfig_comport = 4;
-			serialConfig_irq = ISA_IRQs[serialConfig_comport - 1];
-		}
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 1) {
-			serialConfig_irq--;
-			if (serialConfig_irq == 6)
-				serialConfig_irq = 5;
-			if (serialConfig_irq == 1)
-				serialConfig_irq = 7;
-		}
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			serialConfig_baud--;
-			if (serialConfig_baud < 0)
-				serialConfig_baud = 5;
-		}
-		break;
-		if (serialConfig_cursor > 2)
-			break;
-	  forward:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 0) {
-			serialConfig_comport++;
-			if (serialConfig_comport > 4)
-				serialConfig_comport = 1;
-			serialConfig_irq = ISA_IRQs[serialConfig_comport - 1];
-		}
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 1) {
-			serialConfig_irq++;
-			if (serialConfig_irq == 6)
-				serialConfig_irq = 7;
-			if (serialConfig_irq == 8)
-				serialConfig_irq = 2;
-		}
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			serialConfig_baud++;
-			if (serialConfig_baud > 5)
-				serialConfig_baud = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		if (serialConfig_cursor < 3)
-			goto forward;
-		m_entersound = true;
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 3) {
-			(*SetComPortConfig) (0, ISA_uarts[serialConfig_comport - 1],
-								 serialConfig_irq,
-								 serialConfig_baudrate[serialConfig_baud],
-								 SerialConfig);
-			M_Menu_ModemConfig_f ();
-			break;
-		}
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) {
-			serialConfig_cursor = 5;
-			break;
-		}
-		// serialConfig_cursor == 5 (OK/CONNECT)
-		(*SetComPortConfig) (0, ISA_uarts[serialConfig_comport - 1],
-							 serialConfig_irq,
-							 serialConfig_baudrate[serialConfig_baud],
-							 SerialConfig);
-		M_ConfigureNetSubsystem ();
-		if (StartingGame) {
-			M_Menu_GameOptions_f ();
-			break;
-		}
-		m_return_state = m_state;
-		m_return_onerror = true;
-		key_dest = key_game;
-		m_state = m_none;
-		if (SerialConfig)
-			Cbuf_AddText (va ("connect \"%s\"\n", serialConfig_phone));
-		else
-			Cbuf_AddText ("connect\n");
-		break;
-		case K_BACKSPACE:
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) {
-			if (strlen (serialConfig_phone))
-				serialConfig_phone[strlen (serialConfig_phone) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-		if (key < 32 || key > 127)
-			break;
-		if (serialConfig_cursor == 4) {
-			l = strlen (serialConfig_phone);
-			if (l < 15) {
-				serialConfig_phone[l + 1] = 0;
-				serialConfig_phone[l] = key;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (DirectConfig && (serialConfig_cursor == 3 || serialConfig_cursor == 4)) {
-		if (key == K_UPARROW)
-			serialConfig_cursor = 2;
-		else
-			serialConfig_cursor = 5;
-	}
-	if (SerialConfig && StartingGame && serialConfig_cursor == 4) {
-		if (key == K_UPARROW)
-			serialConfig_cursor = 3;
-		else
-			serialConfig_cursor = 5;
-	}
-int         modemConfig_cursor;
-int         modemConfig_cursor_table[] = { 40, 56, 88, 120, 156 };
-char        modemConfig_dialing;
-char        modemConfig_clear[16];
-char        modemConfig_init[32];
-char        modemConfig_hangup[16];
-M_Menu_ModemConfig_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_modemconfig;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	(*GetModemConfig) (0, &modemConfig_dialing, modemConfig_clear,
-					   modemConfig_init, modemConfig_hangup);
-M_ModemConfig_Draw (void)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	int         basex;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	basex = (320 - p->width) / 2;
-	M_DrawPic (basex, 4, p);
-	basex += 8;
-	if (modemConfig_dialing == 'P')
-		M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[0], "Pulse Dialing");
-	else
-		M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[0], "Touch Tone Dialing");
-	M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[1], "Clear");
-	M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[1] + 4, 16, 1);
-	M_Print (basex + 8, modemConfig_cursor_table[1] + 12, modemConfig_clear);
-	if (modemConfig_cursor == 1)
-		M_DrawCharacter (basex + 8 + 8 * strlen (modemConfig_clear),
-						 modemConfig_cursor_table[1] + 12,
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[2], "Init");
-	M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[2] + 4, 30, 1);
-	M_Print (basex + 8, modemConfig_cursor_table[2] + 12, modemConfig_init);
-	if (modemConfig_cursor == 2)
-		M_DrawCharacter (basex + 8 + 8 * strlen (modemConfig_init),
-						 modemConfig_cursor_table[2] + 12,
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	M_Print (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[3], "Hangup");
-	M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[3] + 4, 16, 1);
-	M_Print (basex + 8, modemConfig_cursor_table[3] + 12, modemConfig_hangup);
-	if (modemConfig_cursor == 3)
-		M_DrawCharacter (basex + 8 + 8 * strlen (modemConfig_hangup),
-						 modemConfig_cursor_table[3] + 12,
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	M_DrawTextBox (basex, modemConfig_cursor_table[4] - 8, 2, 1);
-	M_Print (basex + 8, modemConfig_cursor_table[4], "OK");
-	M_DrawCharacter (basex - 8, modemConfig_cursor_table[modemConfig_cursor],
-					 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-M_ModemConfig_Key (int key)
-	int         l;
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_SerialConfig_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		modemConfig_cursor--;
-		if (modemConfig_cursor < 0)
-			modemConfig_cursor = NUM_MODEMCONFIG_CMDS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		modemConfig_cursor++;
-		if (modemConfig_cursor >= NUM_MODEMCONFIG_CMDS)
-			modemConfig_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 0) {
-			if (modemConfig_dialing == 'P')
-				modemConfig_dialing = 'T';
-			else
-				modemConfig_dialing = 'P';
-			S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		}
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 0) {
-			if (modemConfig_dialing == 'P')
-				modemConfig_dialing = 'T';
-			else
-				modemConfig_dialing = 'P';
-			m_entersound = true;
-		}
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 4) {
-			(*SetModemConfig) (0, va ("%c", modemConfig_dialing),
-							   modemConfig_clear, modemConfig_init,
-							   modemConfig_hangup);
-			m_entersound = true;
-			M_Menu_SerialConfig_f ();
-		}
-		break;
-		case K_BACKSPACE:
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 1) {
-			if (strlen (modemConfig_clear))
-				modemConfig_clear[strlen (modemConfig_clear) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			if (strlen (modemConfig_init))
-				modemConfig_init[strlen (modemConfig_init) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 3) {
-			if (strlen (modemConfig_hangup))
-				modemConfig_hangup[strlen (modemConfig_hangup) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-		if (key < 32 || key > 127)
-			break;
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 1) {
-			l = strlen (modemConfig_clear);
-			if (l < 15) {
-				modemConfig_clear[l + 1] = 0;
-				modemConfig_clear[l] = key;
-			}
-		}
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			l = strlen (modemConfig_init);
-			if (l < 29) {
-				modemConfig_init[l + 1] = 0;
-				modemConfig_init[l] = key;
-			}
-		}
-		if (modemConfig_cursor == 3) {
-			l = strlen (modemConfig_hangup);
-			if (l < 15) {
-				modemConfig_hangup[l + 1] = 0;
-				modemConfig_hangup[l] = key;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-int         lanConfig_cursor = -1;
-int         lanConfig_cursor_table[] = { 72, 92, 124 };
-int         lanConfig_port;
-char        lanConfig_portname[6];
-char        lanConfig_joinname[22];
-M_Menu_LanConfig_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_lanconfig;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	if (lanConfig_cursor == -1) {
-		if (JoiningGame && TCPIPConfig)
-			lanConfig_cursor = 2;
-		else
-			lanConfig_cursor = 1;
-	}
-	if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2)
-		lanConfig_cursor = 1;
-	lanConfig_port = DEFAULTnet_hostport;
-	snprintf (lanConfig_portname, sizeof (lanConfig_portname), "%u",
-			  lanConfig_port);
-	m_return_onerror = false;
-	m_return_reason[0] = 0;
-M_LanConfig_Draw (void)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	int         basex;
-	char       *startJoin;
-	char       *protocol;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	basex = (320 - p->width) / 2;
-	M_DrawPic (basex, 4, p);
-	if (StartingGame)
-		startJoin = "New Game";
-	else
-		startJoin = "Join Game";
-	if (IPXConfig)
-		protocol = "IPX";
-	else
-		protocol = "TCP/IP";
-	M_Print (basex, 32, va ("%s - %s", startJoin, protocol));
-	basex += 8;
-	M_Print (basex, 52, "Address:");
-	if (IPXConfig)
-		M_Print (basex + 9 * 8, 52, my_ipx_address);
-	else
-		M_Print (basex + 9 * 8, 52, my_tcpip_address);
-	M_Print (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], "Port");
-	M_DrawTextBox (basex + 8 * 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0] - 8, 6, 1);
-	M_Print (basex + 9 * 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[0], lanConfig_portname);
-	if (JoiningGame) {
-		M_Print (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "Search for local games...");
-		M_Print (basex, 108, "Join game at:");
-		M_DrawTextBox (basex + 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[2] - 8, 22, 1);
-		M_Print (basex + 16, lanConfig_cursor_table[2], lanConfig_joinname);
-	} else {
-		M_DrawTextBox (basex, lanConfig_cursor_table[1] - 8, 2, 1);
-		M_Print (basex + 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[1], "OK");
-	}
-	M_DrawCharacter (basex - 8, lanConfig_cursor_table[lanConfig_cursor],
-					 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (lanConfig_cursor == 0)
-		M_DrawCharacter (basex + 9 * 8 + 8 * strlen (lanConfig_portname),
-						 lanConfig_cursor_table[0],
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (lanConfig_cursor == 2)
-		M_DrawCharacter (basex + 16 + 8 * strlen (lanConfig_joinname),
-						 lanConfig_cursor_table[2],
-						 10 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (*m_return_reason)
-		M_PrintWhite (basex, 148, m_return_reason);
-M_LanConfig_Key (int key)
-	int         l;
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Net_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		lanConfig_cursor--;
-		if (lanConfig_cursor < 0)
-			lanConfig_cursor = NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		lanConfig_cursor++;
-		if (lanConfig_cursor >= NUM_LANCONFIG_CMDS)
-			lanConfig_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 0)
-			break;
-		m_entersound = true;
-		M_ConfigureNetSubsystem ();
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 1) {
-			if (StartingGame) {
-				M_Menu_GameOptions_f ();
-				break;
-			}
-			M_Menu_Search_f ();
-			break;
-		}
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			m_return_state = m_state;
-			m_return_onerror = true;
-			key_dest = key_game;
-			m_state = m_none;
-			Cbuf_AddText (va ("connect \"%s\"\n", lanConfig_joinname));
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-		case K_BACKSPACE:
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) {
-			if (strlen (lanConfig_portname))
-				lanConfig_portname[strlen (lanConfig_portname) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			if (strlen (lanConfig_joinname))
-				lanConfig_joinname[strlen (lanConfig_joinname) - 1] = 0;
-		}
-		break;
-		default:
-		if (key < 32 || key > 127)
-			break;
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 2) {
-			l = strlen (lanConfig_joinname);
-			if (l < 21) {
-				lanConfig_joinname[l + 1] = 0;
-				lanConfig_joinname[l] = key;
-			}
-		}
-		if (key < '0' || key > '9')
-			break;
-		if (lanConfig_cursor == 0) {
-			l = strlen (lanConfig_portname);
-			if (l < 5) {
-				lanConfig_portname[l + 1] = 0;
-				lanConfig_portname[l] = key;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (StartingGame && lanConfig_cursor == 2) {
-		if (key == K_UPARROW)
-			lanConfig_cursor = 1;
-		else
-			lanConfig_cursor = 0;
-	}
-	l = atoi (lanConfig_portname);
-	if (l > 65535)
-		l = lanConfig_port;
-	else
-		lanConfig_port = l;
-	snprintf (lanConfig_portname, sizeof (lanConfig_portname), "%u",
-			  lanConfig_port);
-typedef struct {
-	char       *name;
-	char       *description;
-} level_t;
-level_t     levels[] = {
-	{"start", "Entrance"},				// 0
-	{"e1m1", "Slipgate Complex"},		// 1
-	{"e1m2", "Castle of the Damned"},
-	{"e1m3", "The Necropolis"},
-	{"e1m4", "The Grisly Grotto"},
-	{"e1m5", "Gloom Keep"},
-	{"e1m6", "The Door To Chthon"},
-	{"e1m7", "The House of Chthon"},
-	{"e1m8", "Ziggurat Vertigo"},
-	{"e2m1", "The Installation"},		// 9
-	{"e2m2", "Ogre Citadel"},
-	{"e2m3", "Crypt of Decay"},
-	{"e2m4", "The Ebon Fortress"},
-	{"e2m5", "The Wizard's Manse"},
-	{"e2m6", "The Dismal Oubliette"},
-	{"e2m7", "Underearth"},
-	{"e3m1", "Termination Central"},	// 16
-	{"e3m2", "The Vaults of Zin"},
-	{"e3m3", "The Tomb of Terror"},
-	{"e3m4", "Satan's Dark Delight"},
-	{"e3m5", "Wind Tunnels"},
-	{"e3m6", "Chambers of Torment"},
-	{"e3m7", "The Haunted Halls"},
-	{"e4m1", "The Sewage System"},		// 23
-	{"e4m2", "The Tower of Despair"},
-	{"e4m3", "The Elder God Shrine"},
-	{"e4m4", "The Palace of Hate"},
-	{"e4m5", "Hell's Atrium"},
-	{"e4m6", "The Pain Maze"},
-	{"e4m7", "Azure Agony"},
-	{"e4m8", "The Nameless City"},
-	{"end", "Shub-Niggurath's Pit"},	// 31
-	{"dm1", "Place of Two Deaths"},		// 32
-	{"dm2", "Claustrophobopolis"},
-	{"dm3", "The Abandoned Base"},
-	{"dm4", "The Bad Place"},
-	{"dm5", "The Cistern"},
-	{"dm6", "The Dark Zone"}
-//MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic levels
-level_t     hipnoticlevels[] = {
-	{"start", "Command HQ"},			// 0
-	{"hip1m1", "The Pumping Station"},	// 1
-	{"hip1m2", "Storage Facility"},
-	{"hip1m3", "The Lost Mine"},
-	{"hip1m4", "Research Facility"},
-	{"hip1m5", "Military Complex"},
-	{"hip2m1", "Ancient Realms"},		// 6
-	{"hip2m2", "The Black Cathedral"},
-	{"hip2m3", "The Catacombs"},
-	{"hip2m4", "The Crypt"},
-	{"hip2m5", "Mortum's Keep"},
-	{"hip2m6", "The Gremlin's Domain"},
-	{"hip3m1", "Tur Torment"},			// 12
-	{"hip3m2", "Pandemonium"},
-	{"hip3m3", "Limbo"},
-	{"hip3m4", "The Gauntlet"},
-	{"hipend", "Armagon's Lair"},		// 16
-	{"hipdm1", "The Edge of Oblivion"}	// 17
-//PGM 01/07/97 added rogue levels
-//PGM 03/02/97 added dmatch level
-level_t     roguelevels[] = {
-	{"start", "Split Decision"},
-	{"r1m1", "Deviant's Domain"},
-	{"r1m2", "Dread Portal"},
-	{"r1m3", "Judgement Call"},
-	{"r1m4", "Cave of Death"},
-	{"r1m5", "Towers of Wrath"},
-	{"r1m6", "Temple of Pain"},
-	{"r1m7", "Tomb of the Overlord"},
-	{"r2m1", "Tempus Fugit"},
-	{"r2m2", "Elemental Fury I"},
-	{"r2m3", "Elemental Fury II"},
-	{"r2m4", "Curse of Osiris"},
-	{"r2m5", "Wizard's Keep"},
-	{"r2m6", "Blood Sacrifice"},
-	{"r2m7", "Last Bastion"},
-	{"r2m8", "Source of Evil"},
-	{"ctf1", "Division of Change"}
-level_t     abysslevels[] = {
-	{"start", "Enter the Abyss"},
-	{"aop1m1", "Gates of Abyss"},
-	{"aop1m2", "Core Reactor"},
-	{"aop1m3", "The Power Station"},
-	{"aop1m4", "Temple of Moon"},
-	{"aop1m5", "The Dark Palace"},
-	{"aop1m6", "The Forgotten One"},
-	{"aop2m1", "Heresy"},
-	{"aop2m2", "Carnage Castle"},
-	{"aop2m3", "Central Complex"},
-	{"aopend", "Legonds of Quake"},
-	{"aopdm1", "The Absolution"},
-	{"aopdm2", "Runic Raging"},
-	{"aopdm3", "Mental Overlord"},
-	{"aopdm4", "Mental Overlord II"},
-	{"aopdm5", "Midnight Darkness"},
-	{"aopdm6", "???"}
-typedef struct {
-	char       *description;
-	int         firstLevel;
-	int         levels;
-} episode_t;
-episode_t   episodes[] = {
-	{"Welcome to Quake", 0, 1},
-	{"Doomed Dimension", 1, 8},
-	{"Realm of Black Magic", 9, 7},
-	{"Netherworld", 16, 7},
-	{"The Elder World", 23, 8},
-	{"Final Level", 31, 1},
-	{"Deathmatch Arena", 32, 6}
-//MED 01/06/97  added hipnotic episodes
-episode_t   hipnoticepisodes[] = {
-	{"Scourge of Armagon", 0, 1},
-	{"Fortress of the Dead", 1, 5},
-	{"Dominion of Darkness", 6, 6},
-	{"The Rift", 12, 4},
-	{"Final Level", 16, 1},
-	{"Deathmatch Arena", 17, 1}
-//PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes
-//PGM 03/02/97 added dmatch episode
-episode_t   rogueepisodes[] = {
-	{"Introduction", 0, 1},
-	{"Hell's Fortress", 1, 7},
-	{"Corridors of Time", 8, 8},
-	{"Deathmatch Arena", 16, 1}
-episode_t   abyssepisodes[] = {
-	{"Introduction", 0, 1},
-	{"Episode 1", 1, 6},
-	{"Episode 2", 7, 3},
-	{"Finale", 10, 1},
-	{"Deathmatch Arena", 11, 6}
-int         startepisode;
-int         startlevel;
-int         maxplayers;
-qboolean    m_serverInfoMessage = false;
-double      m_serverInfoMessageTime;
-M_Menu_GameOptions_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_gameoptions;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	if (maxplayers == 0)
-		maxplayers = svs.maxclients;
-	if (maxplayers < 2)
-		maxplayers = svs.maxclientslimit;
-int         gameoptions_cursor_table[] =
-	{ 40, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 112, 120 };
-int         gameoptions_cursor;
-M_GameOptions_Draw (void)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	int         x;
-	M_DrawTransPic (16, 4, Draw_CachePic ("gfx/qplaque.lmp"));
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	M_DrawTextBox (152, 32, 10, 1);
-	M_Print (160, 40, "begin game");
-	M_Print (0, 56, "      Max players");
-	M_Print (160, 56, va ("%i", maxplayers));
-	M_Print (0, 64, "        Game Type");
-	if (coop->int_val)
-		M_Print (160, 64, "Cooperative");
-	else
-		M_Print (160, 64, "Deathmatch");
-	M_Print (0, 72, "        Teamplay");
-	if (rogue) {
-		char       *msg;
-		switch (teamplay->int_val) {
-			case 1:
-			msg = "No Friendly Fire";
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			msg = "Friendly Fire";
-			break;
-			case 3:
-			msg = "Tag";
-			break;
-			case 4:
-			msg = "Capture the Flag";
-			break;
-			case 5:
-			msg = "One Flag CTF";
-			break;
-			case 6:
-			msg = "Three Team CTF";
-			break;
-			default:
-			msg = "Off";
-			break;
-		}
-		M_Print (160, 72, msg);
-	} else {
-		char       *msg;
-		switch (teamplay->int_val) {
-			case 1:
-			msg = "No Friendly Fire";
-			break;
-			case 2:
-			msg = "Friendly Fire";
-			break;
-			default:
-			msg = "Off";
-			break;
-		}
-		M_Print (160, 72, msg);
-	}
-	M_Print (0, 80, "            Skill");
-	if (skill->int_val == 0)
-		M_Print (160, 80, "Easy difficulty");
-	else if (skill->int_val == 1)
-		M_Print (160, 80, "Normal difficulty");
-	else if (skill->int_val == 2)
-		M_Print (160, 80, "Hard difficulty");
-	else
-		M_Print (160, 80, "Nightmare difficulty");
-	M_Print (0, 88, "       Frag Limit");
-	if (fraglimit->int_val == 0)
-		M_Print (160, 88, "none");
-	else
-		M_Print (160, 88, va ("%i frags", fraglimit->int_val));
-	M_Print (0, 96, "       Time Limit");
-	if (timelimit->int_val == 0)
-		M_Print (160, 96, "none");
-	else
-		M_Print (160, 96, va ("%i minutes", timelimit->int_val));
-	M_Print (0, 112, "         Episode");
-	// MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes
-	if (hipnotic)
-		M_Print (160, 112, hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].description);
-	// PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes
-	else if (rogue)
-		M_Print (160, 112, rogueepisodes[startepisode].description);
-	else if (abyss)
-		M_Print (160, 112, abyssepisodes[startepisode].description);
-	else
-		M_Print (160, 112, episodes[startepisode].description);
-	M_Print (0, 120, "           Level");
-	if (hipnotic) {
-		// MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes
-		M_Print (160, 120,
-				 hipnoticlevels[hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-								startlevel].description);
-		M_Print (160, 128,
-				 hipnoticlevels[hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-								startlevel].name);
-	} else if (rogue) {
-		// PGM 01/07/97 added rogue episodes
-		M_Print (160, 120,
-				 roguelevels[rogueepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-							 startlevel].description);
-		M_Print (160, 128,
-				 roguelevels[rogueepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-							 startlevel].name);
-	} else if (abyss) {
-		M_Print (160, 120,
-				 abysslevels[abyssepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-							 startlevel].description);
-		M_Print (160, 128,
-				 abysslevels[abyssepisodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-							 startlevel].name);
-	} else {
-		M_Print (160, 120,
-				 levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-						startlevel].description);
-		M_Print (160, 128,
-				 levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel + startlevel].name);
-	}
-// line cursor
-	M_DrawCharacter (144, gameoptions_cursor_table[gameoptions_cursor],
-					 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (m_serverInfoMessage) {
-		if ((realtime - m_serverInfoMessageTime) < 5.0) {
-			x = (320 - 26 * 8) / 2;
-			M_DrawTextBox (x, 138, 24, 4);
-			x += 8;
-			M_Print (x, 146, "  More than 4 players   ");
-			M_Print (x, 154, " requires using command ");
-			M_Print (x, 162, "line parameters; please ");
-			M_Print (x, 170, "   see techinfo.txt.    ");
-		} else {
-			m_serverInfoMessage = false;
-		}
-	}
-M_NetStart_Change (int dir)
-	int         count;
-	switch (gameoptions_cursor) {
-		case 1:
-		maxplayers += dir;
-		if (maxplayers > svs.maxclientslimit) {
-			maxplayers = svs.maxclientslimit;
-			m_serverInfoMessage = true;
-			m_serverInfoMessageTime = realtime;
-		}
-		if (maxplayers < 2)
-			maxplayers = 2;
-		break;
-		case 2:
-		Cvar_SetValue (coop, coop->int_val ? 0 : 1);
-		break;
-		case 3:
-		if (rogue)
-			count = 6;
-		else
-			count = 2;
-		Cvar_SetValue (teamplay, teamplay->int_val + dir);
-		if (teamplay->int_val > count)
-			Cvar_SetValue (teamplay, 0);
-		else if (teamplay->int_val < 0)
-			Cvar_SetValue (teamplay, count);
-		break;
-		case 4:
-		Cvar_SetValue (skill, skill->int_val + dir);
-		if (skill->int_val > 3)
-			Cvar_SetValue (skill, 0);
-		if (skill->int_val < 0)
-			Cvar_SetValue (skill, 3);
-		break;
-		case 5:
-		Cvar_SetValue (fraglimit, fraglimit->int_val + dir * 10);
-		if (fraglimit->int_val > 100)
-			Cvar_SetValue (fraglimit, 0);
-		if (fraglimit->int_val < 0)
-			Cvar_SetValue (fraglimit, 100);
-		break;
-		case 6:
-		Cvar_SetValue (timelimit, timelimit->int_val + dir * 5);
-		if (timelimit->int_val > 60)
-			Cvar_SetValue (timelimit, 0);
-		if (timelimit->int_val < 0)
-			Cvar_SetValue (timelimit, 60);
-		break;
-		case 7:
-		startepisode += dir;
-		// MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic count
-		if (hipnotic)
-			count = 6;
-		// PGM 01/07/97 added rogue count
-		// PGM 03/02/97 added 1 for dmatch episode
-		else if (rogue)
-			count = 4;
-		else if (abyss)
-			count = 5;
-		else if (registered->int_val)
-			count = 7;
-		else
-			count = 2;
-		if (startepisode < 0)
-			startepisode = count - 1;
-		if (startepisode >= count)
-			startepisode = 0;
-		startlevel = 0;
-		break;
-		case 8:
-		startlevel += dir;
-		// MED 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes
-		if (hipnotic)
-			count = hipnoticepisodes[startepisode].levels;
-		// PGM 01/06/97 added hipnotic episodes
-		else if (rogue)
-			count = rogueepisodes[startepisode].levels;
-		else if (abyss)
-			count = abyssepisodes[startepisode].levels;
-		else
-			count = episodes[startepisode].levels;
-		if (startlevel < 0)
-			startlevel = count - 1;
-		if (startlevel >= count)
-			startlevel = 0;
-		break;
-	}
-M_GameOptions_Key (int key)
-	switch (key) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_Net_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		gameoptions_cursor--;
-		if (gameoptions_cursor < 0)
-			gameoptions_cursor = NUM_GAMEOPTIONS - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		gameoptions_cursor++;
-		if (gameoptions_cursor >= NUM_GAMEOPTIONS)
-			gameoptions_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		if (gameoptions_cursor == 0)
-			break;
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-		M_NetStart_Change (-1);
-		break;
-		if (gameoptions_cursor == 0)
-			break;
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu3.wav");
-		M_NetStart_Change (1);
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-		if (gameoptions_cursor == 0) {
-			if (
-				Cbuf_AddText ("disconnect\n");
-			Cbuf_AddText ("listen 0\n");	// so host_netport will be
-			// re-examined
-			Cbuf_AddText (va ("maxplayers %u\n", maxplayers));
-			SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque ();
-			if (hipnotic)
-				Cbuf_AddText (va
-							  ("map %s\n",
-							   hipnoticlevels[hipnoticepisodes
-											  [startepisode].firstLevel +
-											  startlevel].name));
-			else if (rogue)
-				Cbuf_AddText (va
-							  ("map %s\n",
-							   roguelevels[rogueepisodes
-										   [startepisode].firstLevel +
-										   startlevel].name));
-			else if (abyss)
-				Cbuf_AddText (va
-							  ("map %s\n",
-							   abysslevels[abyssepisodes
-										   [startepisode].firstLevel +
-										   startlevel].name));
-			else
-				Cbuf_AddText (va
-							  ("map %s\n",
-							   levels[episodes[startepisode].firstLevel +
-									  startlevel].name));
-			return;
-		}
-		M_NetStart_Change (1);
-		break;
-	}
-qboolean    searchComplete = false;
-double      searchCompleteTime;
-M_Menu_Search_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_search;
-	m_entersound = false;
-	slistSilent = true;
-	slistLocal = false;
-	searchComplete = false;
-	NET_Slist_f ();
-M_Search_Draw (void)
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	int         x;
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	x = (320 / 2) - ((12 * 8) / 2) + 4;
-	M_DrawTextBox (x - 8, 32, 12, 1);
-	M_Print (x, 40, "Searching...");
-	if (slistInProgress) {
-		NET_Poll ();
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!searchComplete) {
-		searchComplete = true;
-		searchCompleteTime = realtime;
-	}
-	if (hostCacheCount) {
-		M_Menu_ServerList_f ();
-		return;
-	}
-	M_PrintWhite ((320 / 2) - ((22 * 8) / 2), 64, "No Quake servers found");
-	if ((realtime - searchCompleteTime) < 3.0)
-		return;
-	M_Menu_LanConfig_f ();
-M_Search_Key (int key)
-int         slist_cursor;
-qboolean    slist_sorted;
-M_Menu_ServerList_f (void)
-	key_dest = key_menu;
-	m_state = m_slist;
-	m_entersound = true;
-	slist_cursor = 0;
-	m_return_onerror = false;
-	m_return_reason[0] = 0;
-	slist_sorted = false;
-M_ServerList_Draw (void)
-	int         n;
-	char        string[64];
-	qpic_t     *p;
-	if (!slist_sorted) {
-		if (hostCacheCount > 1) {
-			int         i, j;
-			hostcache_t temp;
-			for (i = 0; i < hostCacheCount; i++)
-				for (j = i + 1; j < hostCacheCount; j++)
-					if (strcmp (hostcache[j].name, hostcache[i].name) < 0) {
-						memcpy (&temp, &hostcache[j], sizeof (hostcache_t));
-						memcpy (&hostcache[j], &hostcache[i],
-								sizeof (hostcache_t));
-						memcpy (&hostcache[i], &temp, sizeof (hostcache_t));
-					}
-		}
-		slist_sorted = true;
-	}
-	p = Draw_CachePic ("gfx/p_multi.lmp");
-	M_DrawPic ((320 - p->width) / 2, 4, p);
-	for (n = 0; n < hostCacheCount; n++) {
-		if (hostcache[n].maxusers)
-			snprintf (string, sizeof (string), "%-15.15s %-15.15s %2u/%2u\n",
-					  hostcache[n].name, hostcache[n].map, hostcache[n].users,
-					  hostcache[n].maxusers);
-		else
-			snprintf (string, sizeof (string), "%-15.15s %-15.15s\n",
-					  hostcache[n].name, hostcache[n].map);
-		M_Print (16, 32 + 8 * n, string);
-	}
-	M_DrawCharacter (0, 32 + slist_cursor * 8, 12 + ((int) (realtime * 4) & 1));
-	if (*m_return_reason)
-		M_PrintWhite (16, 148, m_return_reason);
-M_ServerList_Key (int k)
-	switch (k) {
-		case K_ESCAPE:
-		M_Menu_LanConfig_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_SPACE:
-		M_Menu_Search_f ();
-		break;
-		case K_UPARROW:
-		case K_LEFTARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		slist_cursor--;
-		if (slist_cursor < 0)
-			slist_cursor = hostCacheCount - 1;
-		break;
-		case K_DOWNARROW:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu1.wav");
-		slist_cursor++;
-		if (slist_cursor >= hostCacheCount)
-			slist_cursor = 0;
-		break;
-		case K_ENTER:
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-		m_return_state = m_state;
-		m_return_onerror = true;
-		slist_sorted = false;
-		key_dest = key_game;
-		m_state = m_none;
-		Cbuf_AddText (va ("connect \"%s\"\n", hostcache[slist_cursor].cname));
-		break;
-		default:
-		break;
-	}
-/* Menu Subsystem */
-M_Init (void)
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("togglemenu", M_ToggleMenu_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_main", M_Menu_Main_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_singleplayer", M_Menu_SinglePlayer_f,
-					"No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_load", M_Menu_Load_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_save", M_Menu_Save_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_multiplayer", M_Menu_MultiPlayer_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_setup", M_Menu_Setup_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_options", M_Menu_Options_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_keys", M_Menu_Keys_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_video", M_Menu_Video_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_help", M_Menu_Help_f, "No Description");
-	Cmd_AddCommand ("menu_quit", M_Menu_Quit_f, "No Description");
-M_Draw (void)
-	if (m_state == m_none || key_dest != key_menu)
-		return;
-	if (!m_recursiveDraw) {
-		scr_copyeverything = 1;
-		if (scr_con_current) {
-			Draw_ConsoleBackground (vid.height);
-			VID_UnlockBuffer ();
-			S_ExtraUpdate ();
-			VID_LockBuffer ();
-		} else
-			Draw_FadeScreen ();
-		scr_fullupdate = 0;
-	} else {
-		m_recursiveDraw = false;
-	}
-	switch (m_state) {
-		case m_none:
-		break;
-		case m_main:
-		M_Main_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_singleplayer:
-		M_SinglePlayer_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_load:
-		M_Load_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_save:
-		M_Save_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_multiplayer:
-		M_MultiPlayer_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_setup:
-		M_Setup_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_net:
-		M_Net_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_options:
-		M_Options_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_keys:
-		M_Keys_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_video:
-		M_Video_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_help:
-		M_Help_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_quit:
-		M_Quit_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_serialconfig:
-		M_SerialConfig_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_modemconfig:
-		M_ModemConfig_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_lanconfig:
-		M_LanConfig_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_gameoptions:
-		M_GameOptions_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_search:
-		M_Search_Draw ();
-		break;
-		case m_slist:
-		M_ServerList_Draw ();
-		break;
-	}
-	if (m_entersound) {
-		S_LocalSound ("misc/menu2.wav");
-		m_entersound = false;
-	}
-	VID_UnlockBuffer ();
-	S_ExtraUpdate ();
-	VID_LockBuffer ();
-M_Keydown (int key)
-	switch (m_state) {
-		case m_none:
-		return;
-		case m_main:
-		M_Main_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_singleplayer:
-		M_SinglePlayer_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_load:
-		M_Load_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_save:
-		M_Save_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_multiplayer:
-		M_MultiPlayer_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_setup:
-		M_Setup_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_net:
-		M_Net_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_options:
-		M_Options_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_keys:
-		M_Keys_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_video:
-		M_Video_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_help:
-		M_Help_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_quit:
-		M_Quit_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_serialconfig:
-		M_SerialConfig_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_modemconfig:
-		M_ModemConfig_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_lanconfig:
-		M_LanConfig_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_gameoptions:
-		M_GameOptions_Key (key);
-		return;
-		case m_search:
-		M_Search_Key (key);
-		break;
-		case m_slist:
-		M_ServerList_Key (key);
-		return;
-	}
-M_ConfigureNetSubsystem (void)
-// enable/disable net systems to match desired config
-	Cbuf_AddText ("stopdemo\n");
-	if (SerialConfig || DirectConfig) {
-		Cbuf_AddText ("com1 enable\n");
-	}
-	if (IPXConfig || TCPIPConfig)
-		net_hostport = lanConfig_port;