[qfcc] Use names for spir-v intrinsic opcodes

Everything is smashed because the names aren't looked up yet, but
removing magic numbers is almost always a good thing.
This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2025-01-13 17:54:44 +09:00
parent e0e3998efc
commit 388a1c6c28

View file

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static const char *glsl_compute_vars =
"// workgroup dimensions" "\n"
"in uvec3 gl_NumWorkGroups;" "\n"
"const uvec3 gl_WorkGroupSize;" "\n"
"readonly uvec3 gl_WorkGroupSize;" "\n"
"// workgroup and invocation IDs" "\n"
"in uvec3 gl_WorkGroupID;" "\n"
"in uvec3 gl_LocalInvocationID;" "\n"
@ -406,12 +406,12 @@ SRC_LINE
//exponential functions
"genFType pow(genFType x, genFType y);" "\n"
"genFType exp(genFType x) = " GLSL(27) ";" "\n"
"genFType exp(genFType x) = " GLSL(Exp) ";" "\n"
"genFType log(genFType x);" "\n"
"genFType exp2(genFType x);" "\n"
"genFType log2(genFType x);" "\n"
"genFType sqrt(genFType x) = " GLSL(31) ";" "\n"
"genDType sqrt(genDType x) = " GLSL(31) ";" "\n"
"genFType sqrt(genFType x) = " GLSL(Sqrt) ";" "\n"
"genDType sqrt(genDType x) = " GLSL(Sqrt) ";" "\n"
"genFType inversesqrt(genFType x);" "\n"
"genDType inversesqrt(genDType x);" "\n"
@ -465,17 +465,17 @@ SRC_LINE
"genIType clamp(genIType x, int minVal, int maxVal);" "\n"
"genUType clamp(genUType x, genUType minVal, genUType maxVal);" "\n"
"genUType clamp(genUType x, uint minVal, uint maxVal);" "\n"
"genFType mix(genFType x, genFType y, genFType a) = " GLSL(46) ";" "\n"
"genFType mix(genFType x, genFType y, genFType a) = " GLSL(FMix) ";""\n"
"genFType mix(genFType x, genFType y, float a)" "\n"
"{ return mix (x, y, @construct (genFType, a)); }" "\n"
"genDType mix(genDType x, genDType y, genDType a) = " GLSL(46) ";" "\n"
"genDType mix(genDType x, genDType y, genDType a) = " GLSL(FMix) ";""\n"
"genDType mix(genDType x, genDType y, double a)" "\n"
"{ return mix (x, y, @construct (genDType, a)); }" "\n"
"genFType mix(genFType x, genFType y, genBType a) = " SPV(169) ";" "\n"
"genDType mix(genDType x, genDType y, genBType a) = " SPV(169) ";" "\n"
"genIType mix(genIType x, genIType y, genBType a) = " SPV(169) ";" "\n"
"genUType mix(genUType x, genUType y, genBType a) = " SPV(169) ";" "\n"
"genBType mix(genBType x, genBType y, genBType a) = " SPV(169) ";" "\n"
"genFType mix(genFType x, genFType y, genBType a) = " SPV(OpSelect) ";" "\n"
"genDType mix(genDType x, genDType y, genBType a) = " SPV(OpSelect) ";" "\n"
"genIType mix(genIType x, genIType y, genBType a) = " SPV(OpSelect) ";" "\n"
"genUType mix(genUType x, genUType y, genBType a) = " SPV(OpSelect) ";" "\n"
"genBType mix(genBType x, genBType y, genBType a) = " SPV(OpSelect) ";" "\n"
"genFType step(genFType edge, genFType x);" "\n"
"genFType step(float edge, genFType x);" "\n"
"genDType step(genDType edge, genDType x);" "\n"
@ -488,10 +488,10 @@ SRC_LINE
"genBType isnan(genDType x);" "\n"
"genBType isinf(genFType x);" "\n"
"genBType isinf(genDType x);" "\n"
"@vector(int,@width(genFType)) floatBitsToInt(highp genFType value) = " SPV(124) ";" "\n"
"@vector(uint,@width(genFType)) floatBitsToUint(highp genFType value) = " SPV(124) ";" "\n"
"@vector(float,@width(genIType)) intBitsToFloat(highp genIType value) = " SPV(124) ";" "\n"
"@vector(float,@width(genUType)) uintBitsToFloat(highp genUType value) = " SPV(124) ";" "\n"
"@vector(int,@width(genFType)) floatBitsToInt(highp genFType value) = " SPV(OpBitcast) ";" "\n"
"@vector(uint,@width(genFType)) floatBitsToUint(highp genFType value) = " SPV(OpBitcast) ";" "\n"
"@vector(float,@width(genIType)) intBitsToFloat(highp genIType value) = " SPV(OpBitcast) ";" "\n"
"@vector(float,@width(genUType)) uintBitsToFloat(highp genUType value) = " SPV(OpBitcast) ";" "\n"
"genFType fma(genFType a, genFType b, genFType c);" "\n"
"genDType fma(genDType a, genDType b, genDType c);" "\n"
"genFType frexp(highp genFType x, out highp genIType exp);" "\n"
@ -520,12 +520,12 @@ SRC_LINE
"double length(genDType x);" "\n"
"float distance(genFType p0, genFType p1);" "\n"
"double distance(genDType p0, genDType p1);" "\n"
"float dot(genFType x, genFType y) = " SPV(148) ";" "\n"
"double dot(genDType x, genDType y) = " SPV(148) ";" "\n"
"@overload vec3 cross(vec3 x, vec3 y) = " GLSL(68) ";" "\n"
"@overload dvec3 cross(dvec3 x, dvec3 y) = " GLSL(68) ";" "\n"
"genFType normalize(genFType x) = " GLSL(69) ";" "\n"
"genDType normalize(genDType x) = " GLSL(69) ";" "\n"
"float dot(genFType x, genFType y) = " SPV(OpDot) ";" "\n"
"double dot(genDType x, genDType y) = " SPV(OpDot) ";" "\n"
"@overload vec3 cross(vec3 x, vec3 y) = " GLSL(Cross) ";" "\n"
"@overload dvec3 cross(dvec3 x, dvec3 y) = " GLSL(Cross) ";" "\n"
"genFType normalize(genFType x) = " GLSL(Normalize) ";" "\n"
"genDType normalize(genDType x) = " GLSL(Normalize) ";" "\n"
"genFType faceforward(genFType N, genFType I, genFType Nref);" "\n"
"genDType faceforward(genDType N, genDType I, genDType Nref);" "\n"
"genFType reflect(genFType I, genFType N);" "\n"
@ -557,9 +557,9 @@ SRC_LINE
"@overload float determinant(mat2 m);" "\n"
"@overload float determinant(mat3 m);" "\n"
"@overload float determinant(mat4 m);" "\n"
"@overload mat2 inverse(mat2 m);" "\n"
"@overload mat3 inverse(mat3 m);" "\n"
"@overload mat4 inverse(mat4 m);" "\n"
"@overload mat2 inverse(mat2 m) = " GLSL(MatrixInverse) ";" "\n"
"@overload mat3 inverse(mat3 m) = " GLSL(MatrixInverse) ";" "\n"
"@overload mat4 inverse(mat4 m) = " GLSL(MatrixInverse) ";" "\n"
//vector relational functions
@ -614,12 +614,12 @@ SRC_LINE
"genIType findMSB(highp genIType value);" "\n"
"genIType findMSB(highp genUType value);" "\n"
"//FIXME these are wrong (ret type)\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler1D sampler, float P ) = " SPV(87) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P ) = " SPV(87) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P ) = " SPV(87) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P ) = " SPV(87) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsamplerCube sampler, vec3 P ) = " SPV(87) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texelFetch(gtextureBuffer sampler, int P) = " SPV(95) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler1D sampler, float P ) = " SPV(OpImageSampleImplicitLod) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler2D sampler, vec2 P ) = " SPV(OpImageSampleImplicitLod) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler3D sampler, vec3 P ) = " SPV(OpImageSampleImplicitLod) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsampler2DArray sampler, vec3 P ) = "SPV(OpImageSampleImplicitLod) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texture(gsamplerCube sampler, vec3 P ) = " SPV(OpImageSampleImplicitLod) ";" "\n"
"vec4 texelFetch(gtextureBuffer sampler, int P) = " SPV(OpImageFetch) ";" "\n"
"};" "\n"
"#undef out" "\n"
"#undef highp" "\n"
@ -837,59 +837,107 @@ vec4 textureGatherOffsets(sampler2DShadow sampler, vec2 P, float refZ, ivec2 off
vec4 textureGatherOffsets(sampler2DArrayShadow sampler, vec3 P, float refZ, ivec2 offsets[4])
gvec4 textureGatherOffsets(gsampler2DRect sampler, vec2 P, ivec2 offsets[4] [, int comp])
vec4 textureGatherOffsets(sampler2DRectShadow sampler, vec2 P, float refZ, ivec2 offsets[4])
//atomic memory functions
uint atomicAdd(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicAdd(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicMin(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicMin(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicMax(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicMax(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicAnd(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicAnd(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicOr(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicOr(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicXor(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicXor(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicExchange(inout uint mem, uint data)
int atomicExchange(inout int mem, int data)
uint atomicCompSwap(inout uint mem, uint compare, uint data)
int atomicCompSwap(inout int mem, int compare, int data)
//image functions
int imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage1D image)
ivec2 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage2D image)
ivec3 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage3D image)
ivec2 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimageCube image)
ivec3 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimageCubeArray image)
ivec3 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage2DArray image)
ivec2 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimageRect image)
ivec2 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage1DArray image)
ivec2 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage2DMS image)
ivec3 imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage2DMSArray image)
int imageSize(readonly writeonly gimageBuffer image)
int imageSamples(readonly writeonly gimage2DMS image)
int imageSamples(readonly writeonly gimage2DMSArray image)
gvec4 imageLoad(readonly IMAGE_PARAMS)
void imageStore(writeonly IMAGE_PARAMS, gvec4 data)
uint imageAtomicAdd(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicAdd(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
uint imageAtomicMin(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicMin(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
uint imageAtomicMax(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicMax(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
uint imageAtomicAnd(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicAnd(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
uint imageAtomicOr(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicOr(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
uint imageAtomicXor(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicXor(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
uint imageAtomicExchange(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint data)
int imageAtomicExchange(IMAGE_PARAMS, int data)
float imageAtomicExchange(IMAGE_PARAMS, float data)
uint imageAtomicCompSwap(IMAGE_PARAMS, uint compare, uint data)
int imageAtomicCompSwap(IMAGE_PARAMS, int compare, int data)
static const char *glsl_atomic_functions =
"#define uint unsigned" "\n"
"#define inout @inout" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicAdd(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicIAdd) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicAdd(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicIAdd) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicMin(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicUMin) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicMin(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicSMin) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicMax(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicUMax) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicMax(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicUMax) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicAnd(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicAnd) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicAnd(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicAnd) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicOr(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicOr) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicOr(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicOr) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicXor(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicXor) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicXor(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicXor) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicExchange(inout uint mem, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicExchange) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicExchange(inout int mem, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicExchange) ";" "\n"
"@overload uint atomicCompSwap(inout uint mem, uint compare, uint data) = " SPV(OpAtomicCompareExchange) ";" "\n"
"@overload int atomicCompSwap(inout int mem, int compare, int data) = " SPV(OpAtomicCompareExchange) ";" "\n"
"#undef uint" "\n"
"#undef inout" "\n";
static const char *glsl_image_functions =
"#define uint unsigned" "\n"
"#define readonly" "\n"
"#define writeonly" "\n"
"#define __image(t,d,m,a,s) @handle t##image##d##m##a##s" "\n"
"#define _image(d,m,a,s) __image(,d,m,a,s),__image(i,d,m,a,s),__image(u,d,m,a,s)\n"
"#define gvec4 @vector(gimage.base_type, 4)" "\n"
"#define gvec4MS @vector(gimageMS.base_type, 4)" "\n"
"#define IMAGE_PARAMS gimage image, gimage.coord_type P" "\n"
"#define IMAGE_PARAMS_MS gimageMS image, gimageMS.coord_type P, int sample" "\n"
"@generic(gimage=[_image(1D,,,)," "\n"
" _image(1D,,Array,)," "\n"
" _image(2D,,,)," "\n"
" _image(2D,,Array,)," "\n"
" _image(2DRect,,,)," "\n"
" _image(3D,,,)," "\n"
" _image(Cube,,,)," "\n"
" _image(Cube,,Array,)," "\n"
" _image(Buffer,,,)]," "\n"
" gimageMS=[_image(2D,MS,,)," "\n"
" _image(2D,MS,Array,)]) {" "\n"
"gimage.size_type imageSize(readonly writeonly gimage image) = " SPV(OpImageQuerySize) ";" "\n"
"gimageMS.size_type imageSize(readonly writeonly gimageMS image) = " SPV(OpImageQuerySize) ";" "\n"
"int imageSamples(readonly writeonly gimageMS image) = " SPV(OpImageQuerySamples) ";" "\n"
"gvec4 imageLoad(readonly IMAGE_PARAMS) = " SPV(OpImageRead) ";" "\n"
"gvec4MS imageLoad(readonly IMAGE_PARAMS_MS) = " SPV(OpImageRead) ";" "\n"
"void imageStore(writeonly IMAGE_PARAMS, gvec4 data) = " SPV(OpImageWrite) ";" "\n"
"void imageStore(writeonly IMAGE_PARAMS_MS, gvec4MS data) = " SPV(OpImageWrite) ";" "\n"
"@pointer(gimage.base_type) __imageTexel(IMAGE_PARAMS, int sample) = " SPV(OpImageTexelPointer) ";" "\n"
"@pointer(gimageMS.base_type) __imageTexel(IMAGE_PARAMS_MS) = " SPV(OpImageTexelPointer) ";" "\n"
"#define __imageAtomic(op,type) \\" "\n"
"type imageAtomic##op(IMAGE_PARAMS, type data) \\" "\n"
"{ \\" "\n"
" auto ptr = __imageTexel(image, P, 0); \\" "\n"
" return atomic##op(ptr, data); \\" "\n"
"} \\" "\n"
"type imageAtomic##op(IMAGE_PARAMS_MS, type data) \\" "\n"
"{ \\" "\n"
" auto ptr = __imageTexel(image, P, sample); \\" "\n"
" return atomic##op(ptr, data); \\" "\n"
"}" "\n"
"#define imageAtomic(op) \\" "\n"
"__imageAtomic(op,uint) \\" "\n"
"__imageAtomic(op,int)" "\n"
"imageAtomic(Add)" "\n"
"imageAtomic(Min)" "\n"
"imageAtomic(Max)" "\n"
"imageAtomic(And)" "\n"
"imageAtomic(Or)" "\n"
"imageAtomic(Xor)" "\n"
"__imageAtomic(Exchange, float)" "\n"
"__imageAtomic(Exchange, uint)" "\n"
"__imageAtomic(Exchange, int)" "\n"
"#define __imageAtomicCompSwap(type) \\" "\n"
"type imageAtomicCompSwap(IMAGE_PARAMS, type data) \\" "\n"
"{ \\" "\n"
" auto ptr = __imageTexel(image, P, 0); \\" "\n"
" return atomicCompSwap(ptr, data); \\" "\n"
"} \\" "\n"
"type imageAtomicCompSwap(IMAGE_PARAMS_MS, type data) \\" "\n"
"{ \\" "\n"
" auto ptr = __imageTexel(image, P, sample); \\" "\n"
" return atomicCompSwap(ptr, data); \\" "\n"
"}" "\n"
"__imageAtomicCompSwap(uint)" "\n"
"__imageAtomicCompSwap(int)" "\n"
"};" "\n"
"#undef IMAGE_PARAMS" "\n"
"#undef IMAGE_PARAMS_MS""\n"
"#undef _image" "\n"
"#undef __image" "\n"
"#undef uint" "\n"
"#undef readonly" "\n"
"#undef writeonly" "\n";
//geometry shader functions
static const char *glsl_geometry_functions =
@ -897,18 +945,23 @@ SRC_LINE
"void EndStreamPrimitive(int stream);" "\n"
"void EmitVertex();" "\n"
"void EndPrimitive();" "\n";
#if 0
//fragment processing functions
genFType dFdx(genFType p)
genFType dFdy(genFType p)
genFType dFdxFine(genFType p)
genFType dFdyFine(genFType p)
genFType dFdxCoarse(genFType p)
genFType dFdyCoarse(genFType p)
genFType fwidth(genFType p)
genFType fwidthFine(genFType p)
genFType fwidthCoarse(genFType p)
static const char *glsl_fragment_functions =
"@generic(genFType=@vector(float)) {" "\n"
"genFType dFdx(genFType p) = " SPV(OpDPdx) ";" "\n"
"genFType dFdy(genFType p) = " SPV(OpDPdy) ";" "\n"
"genFType dFdxFine(genFType p) = " SPV(OpDPdxFine) ";" "\n"
"genFType dFdyFine(genFType p) = " SPV(OpDPdyFine) ";" "\n"
"genFType dFdxCoarse(genFType p) = " SPV(OpDPdxCoarse) ";" "\n"
"genFType dFdyCoarse(genFType p) = " SPV(OpDPdyCoarse) ";" "\n"
"genFType fwidth(genFType p) = " SPV(OpFwidth) ";" "\n"
"genFType fwidthFine(genFType p) = " SPV(OpFwidthFine) ";" "\n"
"genFType fwidthCoarse(genFType p) = " SPV(OpFwidthCoarse) ";" "\n"
"};" "\n"
#if 0
float interpolateAtCentroid(float interpolant)
vec2 interpolateAtCentroid(vec2 interpolant)
@ -933,11 +986,33 @@ void memoryBarrierBuffer()
void memoryBarrierShared()
void memoryBarrierImage()
void groupMemoryBarrier()
//subpass-input functions
gvec4 subpassLoad(gsubpassInput subpass)
gvec4 subpassLoad(gsubpassInputMS subpass, int sample)
"#define uint unsigned" "\n"
"#define readonly" "\n"
"#define writeonly" "\n"
"#define __spI(t,m) @handle t##subpassInput##m" "\n"
"#define _subpassInput(x,m) __spI(,m),__spI(i,m),__spI(u,m)" "\n"
"#define gvec4 @vector(gimage.base_type, 4)" "\n"
"#define gvec4MS @vector(gimageMS.base_type, 4)" "\n"
"#define gvec4 @vector(gimage.base_type, 4)" "\n"
"#define gvec4MS @vector(gimageMS.base_type, 4)" "\n"
"@generic(gsubpassInput=[_subpassInput(,)]," "\n"
" gsubpassInputMS=[_subpassInput(,MS)]) {" "\n"
"gvec4 subpassLoad(gsubpassInput subpass)" "\n"
"{" "\n"
" return imageLoad(subpass, gsubpassInput.coord_type(0));" "\n"
"}" "\n"
"gvec4MS subpassLoad(gsubpassInputMS subpass, int sample)" "\n"
"{" "\n"
" return imageLoad(subpass, gsubpassInputMS.coord_type(0), sample);" "\n"
"}" "\n"
"};" "\n"
"#undef _subpassInput" "\n"
"#undef __spI" "\n"
#if 0
//shader invocation group functions
bool anyInvocation(bool value)
bool allInvocations(bool value)
@ -1005,6 +1080,8 @@ glsl_init_common (rua_ctx_t *ctx)
glsl_block_clear ();
rua_ctx_t rua_ctx = { .language = &lang_ruamoko };
qc_parse_string (glsl_general_functions, &rua_ctx);
qc_parse_string (glsl_atomic_functions, &rua_ctx);
qc_parse_string (glsl_image_functions, &rua_ctx);
glsl_parse_vars (glsl_system_constants, ctx);
@ -1064,6 +1141,8 @@ glsl_init_frag (rua_ctx_t *ctx)
glsl_init_common (ctx);
glsl_parse_vars (glsl_fragment_vars, ctx);
rua_ctx_t rua_ctx = { .language = &lang_ruamoko };
qc_parse_string (glsl_fragment_functions, &rua_ctx);
spirv_add_capability (pr.module, SpvCapabilityShader);
pr.module->default_model = SpvExecutionModelFragment;